コード例 #1
def main(args=None):


    if args is None:
        args = sys.argv[1:]

    if "-h" in args or "--help" in args:

    if "-id" in args:
        run_id = get_arg(args, "-id")
        run_id = str(int(time.time())) # use timestamp as unique run identifier

    if "-bm" in args:
        blast_mode = get_arg(args, "-bm")
        blast_mode = 'n' # nucleotide blast by default

    if "-resume" in args:
        step = int(get_arg(args, "-resume"))
        resume = True
        step = 0
        resume = False

    if "-short" in args:
        limit = 6
        limit = 100 # unnecessarily high cap

    if "-ctg" in args:
        ctg_subset = get_arg(args, "-ctg")
        ctg_subset = 'exclude'

    if "-g" in args:
        g_select = get_arg(args, "-g")
        g_select = None

    start_timestamp = str(datetime.now())

    # ensure existence of all directories
    run_dirs_go = ["".join([r_root_dir, run_id, "/", rdir])
                   for rdir in run_dirs.values()]

    # define pickle paths
    pickle_root = r_root_dir+run_id+"/"+run_dirs['pickles']+run_id
    ref_pickles = pickle_root+"_refs.p"
    genome_pickles = pickle_root+"_genomes.p"
    blast_pickles = pickle_root+"_blast.p"
    match_pickles = pickle_root+"_matches.p"

    # check for pickles
    run_refs = []
    run_gs = []
    run_blast = False
    run_matches = []

    if resume:
        # matches
        if step > 4:
            try: run_matches = pickle.load(open(match_pickles, 'rb'))
            except IOError:
                print "WARNING: Could not load matches pickle"
                run_matches = []
                step = 4
        # blast
        if step > 3:
            try: run_blast = pickle.load(open(blast_pickles, 'rb'))
            except IOError:
                print "WARNING: Could not load blast pickle"
                run_blast = False
                step = 3
        # genomes
        if step > 2:
            try: run_gs = pickle.load(open(genome_pickles, 'rb'))
            except IOError:
                print "WARNING: Could not load genomes pickle"
                run_gs = []
                step = 2
        # references
        if step > 1:
            try: run_refs = pickle.load(open(ref_pickles, 'rb'))
            except IOError:
                print "WARNING: Could not load refs pickle"
                run_refs = []
                step = 1
        step = 0     

    ## pipeline

    print "starting pipeline"

    print step, limit

    if resume:
        log_resume_run(run_id, base_root, project_id, start_timestamp, step)

        print "\n###", step, ". Set up logging & reporting ###\n"
        log_start_run(run_id, base_root, project_id, run_dirs, start_timestamp)
        save_datasumm(run_id, blast_mode, r_root_dir, run_dirs, genomes,
                      references, project_id, project_date, start_timestamp)
        init_reports(run_id, fixed_dirs, ctg_thresholds, start_timestamp)
        step +=1

    while step < limit:

        if step is 1:
            print "\n###", step, ". Prepare references ###\n"
            for ref in references:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                ref_obj = process_ref(ref, ref_annot_flag, r_root_dir,
                                      fixed_dirs, run_dirs, run_id,
                                      timestamp, prot_db_name, project_id)
            if os.path.exists(ref_pickles):
            pickle.dump(run_refs, open(ref_pickles, 'wb'))
            step +=1

        elif step is 2:
            print "\n###", step, ". Prepare genomes ###\n"
            for genome in genomes:
                unpack_genomes(genome, separator, fixed_dirs, ctg_thresholds)
                make_genome_DB(genome, fixed_dirs)
            run_gs = add_refs_2g(genomes, references)
            if os.path.exists(genome_pickles):
            pickle.dump(run_gs, open(genome_pickles, 'wb'))
            step +=1

        elif step is 3:
            print "\n###", step, ". Blast reference segments against genomes ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                run_blast = basic_batch_blast(run_gs, ref, blast_mode,
                                              r_root_dir, run_dirs,
                                              fixed_dirs, blast_prefs,
                                              run_id, timestamp)  
                if os.path.exists(blast_pickles):
            pickle.dump(run_blast, open(blast_pickles, 'wb'))
            step +=1

        elif step is 4:
            print "\n###", step, ". Collect Blast results ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                ref_hits, ctl_scores = glompX_blast_out(run_gs, ref,
                                                        r_root_dir, run_dirs,
                                                        run_id, fixed_dirs,
                ref_matches = {'ref': ref, 'run': run_id, 'hits': ref_hits,
                               'ctl': ctl_scores}
            if os.path.exists(match_pickles):
            pickle.dump(run_matches, open(match_pickles, 'wb'))
            step +=1

        elif step is 5:
            print "\n###", step, ". Make match results table & graphs ###\n"
            for match_dict in run_matches:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                matches_table(match_dict, r_root_dir, run_dirs, timestamp)
            step +=1

        ### model evaluation and filtering goes here

        elif step is 6:
            print "\n###", step, ". Annotate matching contigs ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                annot_genome_contigs(ref, prot_db_name, fixed_dirs, r_root_dir,
                                 run_id, run_dirs, genomes, project_id,
                                 timestamp, blast_prefs)
            step +=1

        elif step is 7:
            print "\n###", step, ". Align contigs pairwise to reference ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                align_ctg2ref(ref, run_id, timestamp, r_root_dir, run_dirs, 
                              genomes, mauve_exec, max_size, chop_mode, mtype)
            step +=1

        elif step is 8:
            print "\n###", step, ". Construct backbone-based scaffolds ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                build_scaffolds(ref, r_root_dir, run_dirs, prox_D,
                                separator, genomes, run_id, timestamp,
                                mtype, ctg_subset)
            step +=1

        elif step is 9:
            print "\n###", step, ". Align constructs pairwise to reference ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                align_cstrct2ref(ref, run_id, timestamp, r_root_dir, run_dirs,
                     genomes, max_size, chop_mode, mtype, mauve_exec)
            step +=1

        elif step is 10:
            print "\n###", step, ". Generate maps ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                prep_maps(ref, run_id, timestamp, g_select, r_root_dir,
                          run_dirs, genomes, fixed_dirs, segtype, min_size,
                          fct_flags, fct_colors, idpt)
            step +=1

        elif step > 10:

    stop_timestamp = str(datetime.now())
    log_end_run(run_id, base_root, project_id, stop_timestamp)
    print "\n### Nothing more to do! ###\n"
コード例 #2
ファイル: main_script.py プロジェクト: gglobster/ribomatic
    step +=1

if step is 5:
    print "\n###", step, ". Assign taxonomy to representative OTUs ###"
    for dataset in datasets:
        assign_taxonomy(dataset, run_id)
    step +=1

if step is 6:
    print "\n###", step, ". Make OTU table ###"
    for dataset in datasets:
        make_otu_table(dataset, run_id)
    step +=1

if step is 7:
    print "\n###", step, ". Generate community analysis reports ###"
    for dataset in datasets:
        make_qiime_reports(dataset, run_id)
    step +=1

end_timestamp = str(datetime.now())

if step is 8:
    print "\n###", step, ". Compile final report and log run completion ###"
    for dataset in datasets:
        make_final_report(dataset, run_id, start_timestamp, end_timestamp)
        log_end_run(dataset, run_id, end_timestamp)
    step +=1

if step > 7:
    print "\n### Nothing more to do! ###\n"
コード例 #3
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: gglobster/trappist
def main(args=None):


    if args is None:
        args = sys.argv[1:]

    if "-h" in args or "--help" in args:

    if "-id" in args:
        run_id = get_arg(args, "-id")
        run_id = str(int(
            time.time()))  # use timestamp as unique run identifier

    if "-bm" in args:
        blast_mode = get_arg(args, "-bm")
        blast_mode = 'n'  # nucleotide blast by default

    if "-resume" in args:
        step = int(get_arg(args, "-resume"))
        resume = True
        step = 0
        resume = False

    if "-short" in args:
        limit = 6
        limit = 100  # unnecessarily high cap

    if "-filter" in args:
        threshold = int(get_arg(args, "-filter"))
        resume = True
        step = 6
        limit = 7
        threshold = 5  # reduce for small references
        limit = 100  # unnecessarily high cap

    if "-ctg" in args:
        ctg_subset = get_arg(args, "-ctg")
        ctg_subset = 'exclude'

    if "-g" in args:
        g_select = get_arg(args, "-g")
        g_select = None

    start_timestamp = str(datetime.now())

    # ensure existence of all directories
    run_dirs_go = [
        "".join([r_root_dir, run_id, "/", rdir]) for rdir in run_dirs.values()

    # define pickle paths
    pickle_root = r_root_dir + run_id + "/" + run_dirs['pickles'] + run_id
    ref_pickles = pickle_root + "_refs.p"
    genome_pickles = pickle_root + "_genomes.p"
    blast_pickles = pickle_root + "_blast.p"
    match_pickles = pickle_root + "_matches.p"
    norm_pickles = pickle_root + "_norm.p"

    # check for pickles
    run_refs = []
    run_gs = []
    run_blast = False
    run_matches = []
    run_norm_matches = {}

    if resume:
        # normalized matches
        if step > 5:
                run_norm_matches = pickle.load(open(norm_pickles, 'rb'))
            except IOError:
                print "WARNING: Could not load norm pickle"
                run_norm_matches = {}
                step = 5
        # matches
        if step > 4:
                run_matches = pickle.load(open(match_pickles, 'rb'))
            except IOError:
                print "WARNING: Could not load matches pickle"
                run_matches = []
                step = 4
        # blast
        if step > 3:
                run_blast = pickle.load(open(blast_pickles, 'rb'))
            except IOError:
                print "WARNING: Could not load blast pickle"
                run_blast = False
                step = 3
        # genomes
        if step > 2:
                run_gs = pickle.load(open(genome_pickles, 'rb'))
            except IOError:
                print "WARNING: Could not load genomes pickle"
                run_gs = []
                step = 2
        # references
        if step > 1:
                run_refs = pickle.load(open(ref_pickles, 'rb'))
            except IOError:
                print "WARNING: Could not load refs pickle"
                run_refs = []
                step = 1
        step = 0

    ## pipeline

    print "starting pipeline"

    print step, limit

    if resume:
        log_resume_run(run_id, base_root, project_id, start_timestamp, step)

        print "\n###", step, ". Set up logging & reporting ###\n"
        log_start_run(run_id, base_root, project_id, run_dirs, start_timestamp)
        save_datasumm(run_id, blast_mode, r_root_dir, run_dirs, genomes,
                      references, project_id, project_date, start_timestamp)
        init_reports(run_id, fixed_dirs, ctg_thresholds, start_timestamp)
        step += 1

    while step < limit:

        if step is 1:
            print "\n###", step, ". Prepare references ###\n"
            for ref in references:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                ref_obj = process_ref(ref, ref_annot_flag, r_root_dir,
                                      fixed_dirs, run_dirs, run_id, timestamp,
                                      prot_db_name, project_id)
            if os.path.exists(ref_pickles):
            pickle.dump(run_refs, open(ref_pickles, 'wb'))
            step += 1

        elif step is 2:
            print "\n###", step, ". Prepare genomes ###\n"
            for genome in genomes:
                unpack_genomes(genome, separator, fixed_dirs, ctg_thresholds)
                make_genome_DB(genome, fixed_dirs)
            run_gs = add_refs_2g(genomes, references)
            if os.path.exists(genome_pickles):
            pickle.dump(run_gs, open(genome_pickles, 'wb'))
            step += 1

        elif step is 3:
            print "\n###", step, ". Blast reference segments against genomes ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                run_blast = basic_batch_blast(run_gs, ref, blast_mode,
                                              r_root_dir, run_dirs, fixed_dirs,
                                              blast_prefs, run_id, timestamp)
                if os.path.exists(blast_pickles):
            pickle.dump(run_blast, open(blast_pickles, 'wb'))
            step += 1

        elif step is 4:
            print "\n###", step, ". Collect Blast results ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                ref_hits, ctl_scores = glompX_blast_out(
                    run_gs, ref, blast_mode, r_root_dir, run_dirs, run_id,
                    fixed_dirs, blast_dtypes, references, min_nt_match,
                    min_nt_score, min_nt_idp, min_aa_match, min_aa_score,
                    min_aa_idp, capture_span, timestamp)
                ref_matches = {
                    'ref': ref,
                    'run': run_id,
                    'hits': ref_hits,
                    'ctl': ctl_scores
            if os.path.exists(match_pickles):
            pickle.dump(run_matches, open(match_pickles, 'wb'))
            step += 1

        elif step is 5:
            print "\n###", step, ". Make match results table & graphs ###\n"
            for ref_matches in run_matches:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                ref_norm_matches = matches_table(ref_matches, r_root_dir,
                                                 run_dirs, timestamp)
                run_norm_matches[ref_matches['ref'].name] = ref_norm_matches
            if os.path.exists(norm_pickles):
            pickle.dump(run_norm_matches, open(norm_pickles, 'wb'))
            step += 1

        elif step is 6:
            print "\n###", step, ". Filter matching contigs ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                filter_contigs(ref, run_id, genomes,
                               run_norm_matches[ref.name], chop_size,
                               threshold, r_root_dir, run_dirs, fixed_dirs,
            step += 1

        elif step is 7:
            print "\n###", step, ". Annotate matching contigs ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                annot_genome_contigs(ref, prot_db_name, fixed_dirs, r_root_dir,
                                     run_id, run_dirs, genomes, project_id,
                                     timestamp, blast_prefs)
            step += 1

        elif step is 8:
            print "\n###", step, ". Align contigs pairwise to reference ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                align_ctg2ref(ref, run_id, timestamp, r_root_dir, run_dirs,
                              genomes, mauve_exec, max_size, chop_mode, mtype)
            step += 1

        elif step is 9:
            print "\n###", step, ". Construct backbone-based scaffolds ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                build_scaffolds(ref, r_root_dir, run_dirs, prox_D, separator,
                                genomes, run_id, timestamp, mtype, ctg_subset)
            step += 1

        elif step is 10:
            print "\n###", step, ". Align constructs pairwise to reference ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                align_cstrct2ref(ref, run_id, timestamp, r_root_dir, run_dirs,
                                 genomes, max_size, chop_mode, mtype,
            step += 1

        elif step is 11:
            print "\n###", step, ". Generate maps ###\n"
            for ref in run_refs:
                timestamp = str(datetime.now())
                prep_maps(ref, run_id, timestamp, g_select, r_root_dir,
                          run_dirs, genomes, fixed_dirs, segtype, min_size,
                          fct_flags, fct_colors, idpt)
            step += 1

        elif step > 12:

    stop_timestamp = str(datetime.now())
    log_end_run(run_id, base_root, project_id, stop_timestamp)
    print "\n### Nothing more to do! ###\n"