コード例 #1
ファイル: utilities.py プロジェクト: ELSA-Project/ELSA-ABM
def select_interesting_navpoints(G, OD=None, N_per_sector=1, metric="centrality"):
    Select N_per_sector "interesting" navpoints per sector, according to
    the metric given as input. The function selects the N_per_sector nodes 
    which have the higher metric within each sector.

    G : hybrid network
    OD : list of 2-tuples, optional
        list of origin-destination nodes to use to compute the betweenness
        centrality. If None is given, the betweenness is computed on all
        possible pairs.
    N_per_sector : int, optional
        Number of interesting points to select per sector.
    metric : string, optional
        For now, only centrality is implemented.

        If an unknown metric is given as input.

    n_best : dictionary
        Keys are labels of sec-node and values are lists of labels of nav-nodes.

    Shall we compute the metric on the subnetwork of the sector?

    if metric=="centrality":
        print "Computing betweenness centrality (between", len(OD), "pairs) ..."
        bet = bet_OD(G.G_nav, OD=OD)
        raise Exception("Metric", metric, "is not implemented.")

    # For each sector, sort the navpoints in increasing centrality and select the N_per_sector last
    n_best = {sec:[G.node[sec]['navs'][idx] for idx in np.argsort([bet[nav] for nav in G.node[sec]['navs']])[-N_per_sector:]] for sec in G.nodes()}
    return n_best
コード例 #2
ファイル: utilities.py プロジェクト: ELSA-Project/ELSA-ABM
def select_interesting_navpoints_per_trajectory(trajs, G, OD=None, N_per_sec_per_traj=1, metric="centrality"):
    Equivalent of select_interesting_navpoints for trajectories.
    Select N_per_sec_per_traj interesting napvoint per trajectory and per sector.

    G : hybrid network
    OD : list of 2-tuples, optional
        list of origin-destination nodes to use to compute the betweenness
        centrality. If None is given, the betweenness is computed on all
        possible pairs.
    N_per_sector : int, optional
        Number of interesting points to select per sector.
    metric : string, optional
        For now, only centrality is implemented.

        If an unknown metric is given as input.

    n_best : dictionary
        Keys are labels of sec-node and values are lists of labels of nav-nodes.


        assert hasattr(G, "G_nav")
    except AssertionError:
        raise Exception("Need an hybrid network (sectors+navpoints) in input.")

    if metric=="centrality":
        print "Computing betweenness centrality (between", len(OD), "pairs) ..."
        bet = bet_OD(G.G_nav, OD=OD)
        raise Exception("Metric", metric, "is not implemented.")

    n_best = {}
    all_secs = set() # Only for information
    for traj in trajs:
        # Compute the sectors in trajectory
        secs = set([G.G_nav.node[n]['sec'] for n in traj])
        #print "secs", secs
        # For each sector, select the N_per_sec_per_traj best navpoints.
        for sec in secs:
            navs = [nav for nav in traj if G.G_nav.node[nav]['sec']==sec]
            # print "navs:", navs
            # print "bets:", [bet[nav] for nav in navs]
            # print "idx:", np.argsort([bet[nav] for nav in navs])
            # print "best:", [navs[idx] for idx in np.argsort([bet[nav] for nav in navs])[-N_per_sec_per_traj:]]
            #for n in np.argsort([bet[nav] for nav in traj if G.G_nav.node[nav]['sec']==sec])[-N_per_sec_per_traj:]
            n_best[sec] = n_best.get(sec, []) + [navs[idx] for idx in np.argsort([bet[nav] for nav in navs])[-N_per_sec_per_traj:]]
        #print "n_best:", n_best
    # Remove redundant navpoints
    n_best = {sec:list(set(navs)) for sec, navs in n_best.items()}
    print "In average, I selected", np.mean([len(navs) for navs in n_best.values()]), "navpoint per sector."
    return n_best