コード例 #1
    def initPaths(self):
        Initialize paths for for saving data and results. 

        # if user did not pass file name for output, use time stamp
        file_name = selectFileName(self.args['fout'])
        dir_path = assemblePath(self.directory['models'], file_name, '')
        if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.mkdir(dir_path)

        # running model on transformed results and recording results
        file_path_key = assembleFullName(dir_path, '', file_name, 'key',
        file_path_input = assembleFullName(dir_path, '', file_name, 'input',

        paths_dict = {}

        paths_dict['filename'] = file_name
        paths_dict['dir'] = dir_path
        paths_dict['key'] = file_path_key
        paths_dict['input'] = file_path_input

        self.paths_dict = paths_dict
コード例 #2
ファイル: analyze.py プロジェクト: Mariacherepkova/amiga
def basicSummaryOnly(data, mapping, directory, args, verbose=False):
    If user only requested plotting, then for  each data file, perform a basic algebraic summary
        and plot data. Once completed, exit system. Otherwise, return None.
        data (dictionary): keys are plate IDs and values are pandas.DataFrames with size t x (n+1)
            where t is the number of time-points and n is number of wells (i.e. samples),
            the additional 1 is due to the explicit 'Time' column, index is uninformative.
        mapping (dictionary): keys are plate IDs and values are pandas.DataFrames with size n x (p)
            where is the number of wells (or samples) in plate, and p are the number of variables or
            parameters described in dataframe.
        directory (dictionary): keys are folder names, values are their paths
        verbose (boolean)

        None: if only_plot_plate argument is False. 

    if not args['obs']:  # if not only_basic_summary
        return None

    print(tidyMessage('AMiGA is summarizing and plotting data files'))

    list_keys = []

    for pid, data_df in data.items():

        # define paths where summary and plot will be saved
        key_file_path = assemblePath(directory['summary'], pid, '.txt')
        key_fig_path = assemblePath(directory['figures'], pid, '.pdf')

        # grab plate-specific samples
        #   index should be well IDs but a      column Well should also exist
        #   in main.py, annotateMappings() is called which ensures the above is the case
        mapping_df = mapping[pid]
        mapping_df = resetNameIndex(mapping_df, 'Well', False)

        # grab plate-specific data
        wells = list(mapping_df.Well.values)
        data_df = data_df.loc[:, ['Time'] + wells]

        # update plate-specific data with unique Sample Identifiers
        sample_ids = list(mapping_df.index.values)
        data_df.columns = ['Time'] + sample_ids

        # create GrowthPlate object, perform basic summary
        plate = GrowthPlate(data=data_df, key=mapping_df)

        # plot and save as PDF, also save key as TXT
        if not args['dp']:

        if args['merges']: list_keys.append(plate.key)
            plate.key.to_csv(key_file_path, sep='\t', header=True, index=False)

        smartPrint(pid, verbose=verbose)

    if args['merges']:
        filename = selectFileName(args['fout'])
        summary_path = assembleFullName(directory['summary'], 'summary',
                                        filename, '_basic', '.txt')
        summary_df = pd.concat(list_keys, sort=False)
        summary_df.to_csv(summary_path, sep='\t', header=True, index=False)

        '\nSee {} for summary text file(s).'.format(directory['summary']),
    smartPrint('See {} for figure PDF(s).\n'.format(directory['figures']),

    msg = 'AMiGA completed your request and '
    msg += 'wishes you good luck with the analysis!'

コード例 #3
ファイル: analyze.py プロジェクト: Mariacherepkova/amiga
def runCombinedGrowthFitting(data, mapping, directory, args, verbose=False):
    Uses Gaussian Processes to fit growth curves and infer paramters of growth kinetics.
        While runGrowthFitting() analyzes data one plate at a time, runCombinedGrowthFitting()
        can pool experimental replicates across different plates. The downside is that data
        summary must be merged and no 96-well plate grid figure can be produced.  

        data (pandas.DataFrame): number of time points (t) x number of variables plus-one (p+1)
            plus-one because Time is not an index but rather a column.
        mapping (pandas.DataFrame): number of wells/samples (n) x number of variables (p)
        directory (dictionary): keys are folder names, values are their paths
        args (dictionary): keys are arguments and value are user/default choices
        verbose (boolean)

        saves summary text file(s) in summary folder in the parent directory.
        saves figures (PDFs) in figures folder in the parent directory.
        saves data text file(s) in derived folder in the parent directory.

    # if user did not pass file name for output, use time stamp, see selectFileName()
    filename = selectFileName(args['fout'])

    # pre-process data
    plate = prepDataForFitting(data, mapping, subtract_baseline=False)

    # which meta-data variables do you use to group replicates?
    combine_keys = args['pb'].split(',')
    missing_keys = [ii for ii in combine_keys if ii not in plate.key.columns]

    if missing_keys:
        msg = 'FATAL USER ERROR: The following keys {} are '.format(
        msg += 'missing from mapping files.'

    # continue processing data
    plate_key = plate.key.copy()
    plate_data = plate.data.copy()
    plate_time = plate.time.copy()
    plate_cond = plate_key.loc[:, combine_keys +
                               ['Group', 'Control']].drop_duplicates(

        'AMiGA detected {} unique conditions.\n'.format(plate_cond.shape[0]),

    data_ls, diauxie_dict = [], {}

    # get user-defined values from config.py
    dx_ratio_varb = getValue('diauxie_ratio_varb')
    dx_ratio_min = getValue('diauxie_ratio_min')
    posterior_n = getValue('n_posterior_samples')
    scale = getValue('params_scale')

    posterior = args['slf']
    fix_noise = args['fn']
    nthin = args['nthin']

    # initialize empty dataframes for storing growth parameters
    params_latent = initParamDf(plate_cond.index, complexity=0)
    params_sample = initParamDf(plate_cond.index, complexity=1)

    # for each unique condition based on user request
    for idx, condition in plate_cond.iterrows():

        # get list of sample IDs
        cond_dict = condition.drop(['Group', 'Control'])
        cond_dict = cond_dict.to_dict(
        )  # e.g. {'Substate':['D-Trehalose'],'PM':[1]}
        cond_idx = subsetDf(
            cond_dict).index.values  # list of index values for N samples
        smartPrint('Fitting\n{}'.format(tidyDictPrint(cond_dict)), verbose)

        # get data and format for GP instance
        cond_data = plate_data.loc[:, list(cond_idx)]  # T x N
        cond_data = plate_time.join(cond_data)  # T x N+1

        cond_data = cond_data.melt(id_vars='Time',
        cond_data = cond_data.drop(
            ['Sample_ID'], axis=1)  # T*R x 2 (where R is number of replicates)
        cond_data = cond_data.dropna()

        gm = GrowthModel(df=cond_data,
                         nthin=nthin)  #,

        curve = gm.run(name=idx)

        # get parameter estimates using latent function
        diauxie_dict[idx] = curve.params.pop('df_dx')
        params_latent.loc[idx, :] = curve.params

        # get parameter estimates using samples fom the posterior distribution
        if posterior: params_sample.loc[idx, :] = curve.sample().posterior

        # passively save data, manipulation occurs below (input OD, GP fit, & GP derivative)
        if args['sgd']:
            time = pd.DataFrame(gm.x_new, columns=['Time'])
            mu0, var0 = np.ravel(gm.y0), np.ravel(np.diag(gm.cov0))
            mu1, var1 = np.ravel(gm.y1), np.ravel(np.diag(gm.cov1))

            if fix_noise: sigma_noise = np.ravel(gm.error_new) + gm.noise
            else: sigma_noise = np.ravel([gm.noise] * time.shape[0])

            mu_var = pd.DataFrame(
                [mu0, var0, mu1, var1, sigma_noise],
                index=['mu', 'Sigma', 'mu1', 'Sigma1', 'Noise']).T
            gp_data = pd.DataFrame([list(condition.values)] * len(mu0),
            gp_data = gp_data.join(time).join(mu_var)

    # summarize diauxie results
    diauxie_df = mergeDiauxieDfs(diauxie_dict)

    if posterior: gp_params = params_sample.join(params_latent['diauxie'])
    else: gp_params = params_latent

    # record results in object's key
    plate_cond = plate_cond.join(gp_params)
    plate_cond.index.name = 'Sample_ID'
    plate_cond = plate_cond.reset_index(drop=False)
    plate_cond = pd.merge(plate_cond, diauxie_df, on='Sample_ID')

    params = initParamList(0) + initParamList(1)
    params = list(set(params).intersection(set(plate_cond.keys())))

    df_params = plate_cond.drop(initDiauxieList(), axis=1).drop_duplicates()
    df_diauxie = plate_cond[plate_cond.diauxie == 1]
    df_diauxie = df_diauxie.drop(params, axis=1)
    df_diauxie = minimizeDiauxieReport(df_diauxie)

    summ_path = assembleFullName(directory['summary'], '', filename, 'summary',
    diux_path = assembleFullName(directory['summary'], '', filename, 'diauxie',

    # normalize parameters, if requested
    df_params = normalizePooledParameters(args, df_params)
    df_params = df_params.drop(['Group', 'Control'], 1)
    df_params = minimizeParameterReport(df_params)

    # save results
    df_params.to_csv(summ_path, sep='\t', header=True, index=False)
    if df_diauxie.shape[0] > 0:
        df_diauxie.to_csv(diux_path, sep='\t', header=True, index=False)

    # save latent functions
    if args['sgd']:
        file_path = assembleFullName(directory['derived'], '', filename,
                                     'gp_data', '.txt')
        gp_data = pd.concat(data_ls, sort=False).reset_index(drop=True)
        gp_data.to_csv(file_path, sep='\t', header=True, index=True)

    return None
コード例 #4
ファイル: analyze.py プロジェクト: Mariacherepkova/amiga
def runGrowthFitting(data, mapping, directory, args, verbose=False):
    Uses Gaussian Processes to fit growth curves and infer paramters of growth kinetics.  

        data (pandas.DataFrame): number of time points (t) x number of variables plus-one (p+1)
            plus-one because Time is not an index but rather a column.
        mapping (pandas.DataFrame): number of wells/samples (n) x number of variables (p)
        directory (dictionary): keys are folder names, values are their paths
        args (dictionary): keys are arguments and value are user/default choices
        verbose (boolean)

        saves summary text file(s) in summary folder in the parent directory.
        saves figures (PDFs) in figures folder in the parent directory.
        saves data text file(s) in derived folder in the parent directory.

    if args['pool']:
        return None

    # only store data if user requested its writing or requested plotting
    if args['sgd'] or args['plot'] or args['pd']: store = True
    else: store = False

    # if user requested merging of summary/data, store each plate's data/summary in temp directory first
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    saved_umask = os.umask(
        0o77)  ## files can only be read/written by creator for security
    print('Temporary directory is {}\n'.format(tmpdir))

    # pre-process data
    plate = prepDataForFitting(data, mapping, subtract_baseline=True)

    dx_ratio_varb = getValue('diauxie_ratio_varb')
    dx_ratio_min = getValue('diauxie_ratio_min')

    ls_temp_files = []
    ls_summ_files = []
    ls_diux_files = []

    # for each plate, get samples and save individual text file for plate-specific summaries
    for pid in plate.key.Plate_ID.unique():

        smartPrint('Fitting {}'.format(pid), verbose)

        # grab plate-specific summary
        sub_plate = plate.extractGrowthData(args_dict={'Plate_ID': pid})

        # the primary motivation of this function: run gp model
        sub_plate.model(nthin=args['nthin'], store=store, verbose=verbose)

        # normalize parameters, if requested
        sub_plate.key = normalizeParameters(args, sub_plate.key)

        # save plots, if requested by user
        savePlots(sub_plate, args, directory, pid)

        # define file paths where data will be written
        if args['merges']:
            temp_path = assembleFullName(tmpdir, '', pid, 'gp_data', '.txt')
            summ_path = assembleFullName(tmpdir, '', pid, 'summary', '.txt')
            diux_path = assembleFullName(tmpdir, '', pid, 'diauxie', '.txt')
            temp_path = assembleFullName(directory['derived'], '', pid,
                                         'gp_data', '.txt')
            summ_path = assembleFullName(directory['summary'], '', pid,
                                         'summary', '.txt')
            diux_path = assembleFullName(directory['summary'], '', pid,
                                         'diauxie', '.txt')

        # save data, if requested by user
        savePlateData(args['sgd'], sub_plate, temp_path, summ_path, diux_path)

        # track all potentially created files

    # if user did not pass file name for output, use time stamp, see selectFileName()
    filename = selectFileName(args['fout'])

    # if user requested merging, merge all files in temporary directory
    mergeSummaryData(args, directory, ls_temp_files, ls_summ_files,
                     ls_diux_files, filename)

    # remove temporary directory

    return None