def __unpack_inventory_buffer( self, data ): try: count, length = struct.unpack( '>HB', data[0:3] ) except BaseException as err: logging.error( err ) return '' if (length + 6) != len( data ): return '' pc = struct.unpack( '>H', data[3:5] )[0] size = ( ( pc & 0xF800 ) >> 10 ) & 0x003E epc = ''.join( [ '%02X' % x for x in data[5:size+5] ] ) crc = struct.unpack( '>H', data[size+5:size+5+2] )[0] if crc != ( libscrc.xmodem( data[3:size+5], 0xFFFF ) ^ 0xFFFF ): logging.error( 'TAGS CRC16 is ERROR.') return '' rssi = ( data[-3] - 129 ) ant = ( data[-2] & 0x03 ) + 1 # Bugfix:20200303 invcount = data[-1] logging.debug( '*'*50 ) logging.debug( 'COUNT : {}'.format( count ) ) logging.debug( 'EPC : {}'.format( epc ) ) logging.debug( 'CRC : {:X}'.format( crc ) ) logging.debug( 'RSSI : {}'.format( rssi ) ) logging.debug( 'ANT : {}'.format( ant ) ) logging.debug( 'INVCOUNT : {}'.format( invcount ) ) return ( ant, rssi, epc )
def getCk(self,ck,data): result = libscrc.xmodem(data) print("计算校验值高8位") cka = hex(int(bin(result)[2:10], 2)) print("计算校验值低8位") ckb = hex(int(bin(result)[11:18], 2)) print("校验结果,高8位,低8为分别为:",cka,"",ckb)
def createqr_promptpay(account, one_time=True, country="TH", money="", currency="THB"): Version = "0002" + "01" # เวชั่นของ PromptPay if one_time == True: # one_time คือ ต้องการให้โค้ดนี้ครั้งเดียวหรือไม่ one_time = "010212" # 12 ใช้ครั้งเดียว else: one_time = "010211" # 11 ใช้ได้้หลายครั้ง if len(account) == 10 or len(account) == 13: merchant_account_information = "2937" # ข้อมูลผู้ขาย else: merchant_account_information = "2939" # ข้อมูลผู้ขาย merchant_account_information += "0016" + "A000000677010111" # หมายเลขแอปพลิเคชั่น PromptPay if len(account) == 10: #ถ้าบัญชีนี้เป็นเบอร์โทร account = list(account) merchant_account_information += "011300" # 01 หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ ความยาว 13 ขึ้นต้น 00 if country == "TH": merchant_account_information += "66" # รหัสประเทศ 66 คือประเทศไทย del account[0] # ตัดเลข 0 หน้าเบอร์ออก merchant_account_information += ''.join(account) elif len(account) == 13: #ถ้าบัญชีนี้เป็นบัตรประชาชน merchant_account_information += "0213" + account.replace('-', '') else: #ไม่ใช่เบอร์โทร และ บัตรประชาชน เป็นเลขอ้างอิง merchant_account_information += "0315" + account + "5303764" country = "5802" + country # ประเทศ if currency == "THB": currency = "5303" + "764" # "764" คือเงินบาทไทย ตาม if money != "": # กรณีกำหนดเงิน check_money = money.split('.') # แยกจาก . if len(check_money) == 1 or len( check_money[1] ) == 1: # กรณีที่ไม่มี . หรือ มีทศนิยมแค่หลักเดียว money = "54" + "0" + str(len(str(float(money))) + 1) + str( float(money)) + "0" else: money = "54" + "0" + str(len(str(float(money)))) + str( float(money)) # กรณีที่มีทศนิยมครบ check_sum = Version + one_time + merchant_account_information + country + currency + money + "6304" # เช็คค่า check sum check_sum1 = hex(libscrc.xmodem(check_sum.encode('ascii'), 0xffff)).replace('0x', '') if len(check_sum1) < 4: # # แก้ไขข้อมูล check_sum ไม่ครบ 4 หลัก check_sum1 = ("0" * (4 - len(check_sum1))) + check_sum1 check_sum += check_sum1 img = qrcode.make(check_sum.upper()) buffered = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG") img_byte = buffered.getvalue() return "data:image/png;base64," + base64.b64encode(img_byte).decode()
def program(self, p): self.select_aid() self.verify_adm_keys() # EF.IMSI if p.get('imsi'): sw = self.update_imsi(p['imsi']) if sw != '9000': print("Programming IMSI failed with code %s" % sw) # EF.HPLMNwACT if p.get('mcc') and p.get('mnc'): sw = self.update_hplmn_act(p['mcc'], p['mnc']) if sw != '9000': print("Programming HPLMNwAcT failed with code %s" % sw) # EF.AD if p.get('mcc') and p.get('mnc'): sw = self.update_ad(p['mnc']) if sw != '9000': print("Programming AD failed with code %s" % sw) # Set the Ki using proprietary command r = self._scc.select_file(['3f00', '7fff']) data, sw = self._scc._tp.send_apdu(self._scc.cla_byte + "a4" + "090c" + "02" + self._EF_num['Ki']) data, sw = self._scc._tp.send_apdu( self.APDU_UPDATE_KI_OPC_PREFIX + p['ki'] + self.pad_crc(format(libscrc.xmodem(p['ki'].decode("hex")), 'x'))) # Set the OPc using proprietary command data, sw = self._scc._tp.send_apdu(self._scc.cla_byte + "a4" + "090c" + "02" + self._EF_num['OPc']) data, sw = self._scc._tp.send_apdu( self.APDU_UPDATE_KI_OPC_INFIX + p['opc'] + self.pad_crc(format(libscrc.xmodem(p['opc'].decode("hex")), 'x')) + self.APDU_UPDATE_KI_OPC_SUFFIX) # EF.SPN if p.get('name'): sw = self.update_spn(p['name']) if sw != '9000': print("Programming SPN failed with code %s" % sw)
def write( self, epc:str, data:str, bank='EPC', address=0, password=[ 0 ]*4 ): """ Write Tag to ( EPC, TID, USER ) EPC -> address=2, size=8 TID -> address=0, size=3 USER -> address=0, size=2 """ assert( type( epc ) is str ) and ( type( data ) is str ) result = self.set_access_epc_match( mode=0, epc=epc ) if ( len(result) == 0) or (not result[0] ): return '' try: self.protocol.write_block( list( bytearray.fromhex( data ) ), bank=bank, addr=address, password=password ) except BaseException: logging.error( 'Data must be hex string.' ) return '' value = ImpinjR2KReader.analyze_data( 'DATA' )( lambda x, y : y )( self, None ) try: count, length = struct.unpack( '>HB', value[0:3] ) except BaseException: logging.error( ImpinjR2KGlobalErrors.to_string( value[0] ) ) return '' if (length + 6) != len( value ): return '' pc = struct.unpack( '>H', value[3:5] )[0] size = ( ( pc & 0xF800 ) >> 10 ) & 0x003E epc = ''.join( [ '%02X' % x for x in value[5:size+5] ] ) crc = struct.unpack( '>H', value[size+5:size+5+2] )[0] if crc != ( libscrc.xmodem( value[3:size+5], 0xFFFF ) ^ 0xFFFF ): logging.error( 'TAGS CRC16 is ERROR.') return '' error = ( True if value[-3] == ImpinjR2KGlobalErrors.SUCCESS else False, ImpinjR2KGlobalErrors.to_string( value[-3] ) ) ant = ( value[-2] & 0x03 ) + 1 wcount = value[-1] logging.debug( '*'*50 ) logging.debug( 'COUNT : {}'.format( count ) ) logging.debug( 'EPC : {}'.format( epc ) ) logging.debug( 'CRC : {:X}'.format( crc ) ) logging.debug( 'ERROR : {}'.format( error ) ) logging.debug( 'ANT : {}'.format( ant ) ) logging.debug( 'WriteCount : {}'.format( wcount) ) return epc
def getCk(self, ck, data): data1 = str(data).encode() result = libscrc.xmodem(data1) print("计算校验值高8位") cka = str(hex(int(bin(result)[2:10], 2))) print("计算校验值低8位") ckb = str(hex(int(bin(result)[11:18], 2))) print("校验结果,高8位,低8为分别为:", cka, "", ckb) if (cka[2:] == ck[0] and ckb[2:] == ck[1]): print("校验合格") else: print("数据包出错")
def computeCk(self, data): print("计算校验值,使用有效负载,以及心跳包的额外值进行计算") data1 = '' for i in data: data1 = data1 + i data1 = data1.encode() print(data1) result = libscrc.xmodem(data1) print("计算校验值高8位") cka = int(bin(result)[2:10], 2) print("计算校验值低8位") ckb = int(bin(result)[11:18], 2) return [cka, ckb]
def read( self, epc:str, bank='EPC', address=0, size=2, password=[ 0 ]*4 ): """ EPC -> address=0, size=8 TID -> address=0, size=3 USER -> address=0, size=2 """ result = self.set_access_epc_match( mode=0, epc=epc ) if ( len(result) == 0) or (not result[0] ): return '' bank=bank, addr=address, size=size, password=password ) value = ImpinjR2KReader.analyze_data( 'DATA', timeout=5 )( lambda x, y : y )( self, None ) try: count, length = struct.unpack( '>HB', value[0:3] ) except BaseException: logging.error( ImpinjR2KGlobalErrors.to_string( value[0] ) ) return '' pc = struct.unpack( '>H', value[3:5] )[0] size = ( ( pc & 0xF800 ) >> 10 ) & 0x003E epc = ''.join( [ '%02X' % x for x in value[5:size+5] ] ) crc = struct.unpack( '>H', value[size+5:size+5+2] )[0] if crc != ( libscrc.xmodem( value[3:size+5], 0xFFFF ) ^ 0xFFFF ): logging.error( 'TAGS CRC16 IS ERROR.') return '' datasize = value[-3] antenna = ( value[-2] & 0x03 ) + 1 invcount = value[-1] data_offset_head = size + 5 + 2 data_offset_tail = ( data_offset_head + datasize ) data = ''.join( [ '%02X' % x for x in value[ data_offset_head:data_offset_tail ] ] ) logging.debug( '*'*50 ) logging.debug( 'COUNT : {}'.format( count ) ) logging.debug( 'LENGTH : {}'.format( length ) ) logging.debug( 'SIZE : {}'.format( size ) ) logging.debug( 'EPC : {}'.format( epc ) ) logging.debug( 'CRC : {:X}'.format( crc ) ) logging.debug( 'DATA : {}'.format( data ) ) logging.debug( 'DATASIZE : {}'.format( datasize ) ) logging.debug( 'ANT : {}'.format( antenna ) ) logging.debug( 'INVCOUNT : {}'.format( invcount ) ) return data
def build_packet(command, randomByte): header = bytearray([0x1B]) data = bytearray([ 0x00, 0x02, # byteArrayLenPlusOne # shit, had 1 here for a long time, should be 2 (command + randomByte) # should actually be len(cmd+random+data) but we dont support data :) command, # command (who are you) randomByte, # randombyte ]) # bluelab uses xmodem-style crc16 (0x1021 poly) # header doesn't get crc'd crc = libscrc.xmodem(bytes(data)) crcBytes = crc.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') # build packet return header + data + crcBytes