コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: Nangal/yeti
def inbox_service(request, inbox_name):
    """Handles TAXII Inbox Service requests."""
    logger = logging.getLogger('yeti.taxii_services.views.inbox_service')
    logger.debug('Entering Inbox service')
    resp = handlers.validate_taxii_request(request)
    if resp: return resp # if validation failed, return the response
        taxii_message = tm.get_message_from_xml(request.body)
    except Exception as ex:
        logger.debug('Unable to parse inbound message: %s', ex.message)
        m = tm.StatusMessage(tm.generate_message_id(), '0', status_type=tm.ST_BAD_MESSAGE, message='Message received could not be parsed')
        return handlers.create_taxii_response(m, use_https=request.is_secure())
    logger.debug('Inbox [%s] received TAXII message with id [%s] and type [%s]', 
                 make_safe(inbox_name), make_safe(taxii_message.message_id), make_safe(taxii_message.message_type))
    if taxii_message.message_type != tm.MSG_INBOX_MESSAGE:
        logger.info('TAXII message with id [%s] was not Inbox type [%s]', make_safe(taxii_message.message_id), make_safe(taxii_message.message_type))
        m = tm.StatusMessage(tm.generate_message_id(), taxii_message.message_id, status_type=tm.ST_FAILURE, message='Message sent to Inbox service did not have an inbox Message type')
        return handlers.create_taxii_response(m, use_https=request.is_secure())
    resp = handlers.inbox_add_content(request, inbox_name, taxii_message)
    return resp
コード例 #2
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: julillosamaral/proy_grado
def subscription_service(request):
    """Handles TAXII Subscription Service requests."""
    logger = logging.getLogger("TAXIIApplication.taxii.views.subscription_service")
    logger.debug('Entering subscription service')

    resp = handlers.validate_taxii_request(request)
    if resp: return resp # if validation failed, return the response

        taxii_message = tm_version.get_message_from_xml(request.body)
    except Exception as ex:
        logger.debug('Unable to parse inbound message: %s', str(ex))
        m = tm.StatusMessage(tm.generate_message_id(), '0', status_type=tm.ST_BAD_MESSAGE, message='Message received could not be parsed')
        return handlers.create_taxii_response(m, use_https=request.is_secure())

    logger.debug('Message received TAXII message with id [%s] and type [%s]', make_safe(taxii_message.message_id), make_safe(taxii_message.message_type))

    if taxii_message.message_type != tm_version.MSG_MANAGE_FEED_SUBSCRIPTION_REQUEST:
        logger.info('TAXII message with id [%s] was not Subscription Managment request [%s]', make_safe(taxii_message.message_id), make_safe(taxii_message.message_type))
        m = tm_version.StatusMessage(tm.generate_message_id(), taxii_message.message_id, status_type=tm.ST_FAILURE, message='Message sent to feed managment service did not have a feed_managmen_request message type')
        return handlers.create_taxii_response(m, use_https=request.is_secure())

    resp = handlers.feed_subscription_get_content(request, taxii_message)

    logger.debug("We send the response to the client")
    return resp
コード例 #3
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: brentonchang/libtaxii
def get_message_from_urllib_addinfourl(http_response, in_response_to):
    """ This function should not be called by libtaxii users directly. """
    taxii_content_type = http_response.info().getheader('X-TAXII-Content-Type')
    response_message = http_response.read()

    if taxii_content_type is None:  # Treat it as a Failure Status Message, per the spec

        message = []
        header_tuples = http_response.getheaders()
        for k, v in header_tuples:
            message.append(k + ': ' + v + '\r\n')

        m = ''.join(message)

        return tm.StatusMessage(message_id='0', in_response_to=in_response_to, status_type=tm.ST_FAILURE, message=m)

    elif taxii_content_type == VID_TAXII_XML_10:  # It's a TAXII XML 1.0 message
        return tm.get_message_from_xml(response_message)
    elif taxii_content_type == VID_CERT_EU_JSON_10:
        return tm.get_message_from_json(response_message)
        raise ValueError('Unsupported X-TAXII-Content-Type: %s' % taxii_content_type)

    return None
コード例 #4
def message_tests(taxii_message):
    if not isinstance(taxii_message, tm.TAXIIMessage):
        raise ValueError('taxii_message was not an instance of TAXIIMessage')

    print '***** Message type = %s; id = %s' % (taxii_message.message_type, taxii_message.message_id)

    xml_string = taxii_message.to_xml()
    valid = tm.validate_xml(xml_string)
    if not valid:
        raise Exception('\tFailure of test #1 - XML not schema valid')
    msg_from_xml = tm.get_message_from_xml(xml_string)
    dictionary = taxii_message.to_dict()
    msg_from_dict = tm.get_message_from_dict(dictionary)
    if taxii_message != msg_from_xml:
        print '\t Failure of test #2 - running equals w/ debug:'
        taxii_message.__eq__(msg_from_xml, True)
        raise Exception('Test #2 failed - taxii_message != msg_from_xml')

    if taxii_message != msg_from_dict:
        print '\t Failure of test #3 - running equals w/ debug:'
        taxii_message.__eq__(msg_from_dict, True)
        raise Exception('Test #3 failed - taxii_message != msg_from_dict')

    if msg_from_xml != msg_from_dict:
        print '\t Failure of test #4 - running equals w/ debug:'
        msg_from_xml.__eq__(msg_from_dict, True)
        raise Exception('Test #4 failed - msg_from_xml != msg_from_dict')

    print '***** All tests completed!'
コード例 #5
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: julillosamaral/proy_grado
def obtener_remote_data_feeds(request):
    #Given the id of a TAXII Service we make a FeedInformation request to that service address.
    #The response is a list of the feed names of the TAXII client and a list of all protocol bindings, content binding and message binding.
    feed_managment = TAXIIServices.objects.get(id = request.DATA.get('id'))
    urlParsed = urlparse(feed_managment.feed_managment)

    logger = logging.getLogger('TAXIIApplication.rest.tasks.obtener_remote_data_feeds')

    logger.debug('We get the server data feeds')
    logger.debug('Host: ' + urlParsed.hostname)
    logger.debug('Path: ' + urlParsed.path)
    logger.debug('Port: ' + str(urlParsed.port))

    host = urlParsed.hostname
    path = urlParsed.path
    port = str(urlParsed.port)

    feed_information = tm.FeedInformationRequest(message_id=tm.generate_message_id())
    feed_info_xml = feed_information.to_xml()
    logger.debug('The following message is sent: ' + feed_info_xml)
    client = tc.HttpClient()
    resp = client.callTaxiiService2(host, path, t.VID_TAXII_XML_10, feed_info_xml, port)

    response_message = t.get_message_from_http_response(resp, '0')
    logger.debug("The response was: " + response_message.to_xml())
        taxii_message = tm.get_message_from_xml(response_message.to_xml())

        logger.debug("The JSON is: " + taxii_message.to_json())

        feed_informations = taxii_message.feed_informations

        feed_names = []
        for feed in feed_informations:
            feed_names.append({"name" : feed.feed_name})

        protocolBindings = ProtocolBindingId.objects.all()
        protocol_bindings = []
        for proto in protocolBindings:
            protocol_bindings.append({"binding_id" : proto.binding_id})

        contentBindings = ContentBindingId.objects.all()
        content_bindings = []
        for content in contentBindings:
            content_bindings.append({"binding_id" : content.binding_id})

        messageBindings = MessageBindingId.objects.all()
        message_bindings = []
        for message in messageBindings:
            message_bindings.append({"binding_id" : message.binding_id})

        json_data = json.dumps({ "items" : feed_names, "protocol_bindings" : protocol_bindings, "content_bindings" : content_bindings, "message_bindings" : message_bindings })

        logger.debug("The response is the following JSON: " + json_data)
        return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type="application/json")
    except Exception as ex:
        logger.debug('The message could not be parsed:s', ex.message)
コード例 #6
def get_message_from_urllib2_httperror(http_response, in_response_to):
    taxii_content_type = http_response.info().getheader('X-TAXII-Content-Type')
    response_message = http_response.read()

    if taxii_content_type is None:
        m = str(http_response.info()) + '\r\n' + response_message
        return tm.StatusMessage(message_id='0', in_response_to=in_response_to, status_type=tm.ST_FAILURE, message=m)
    elif taxii_content_type == VID_TAXII_XML_10:  # It's a TAXII XML 1.0 message
        return tm.get_message_from_xml(response_message)
    elif taxii_content_type == VID_TAXII_JSON_10:
        return tm.get_message_from_json(response_message)
        raise ValueError('Unsupported X-TAXII-Content-Type: %s' % taxii_content_type)

    return None
コード例 #7
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: 2xyo/yeti
def discovery_service(request):
    """Handles TAXII Discovery Service requests"""
    logger = logging.getLogger('yeti.taxii_services.views.discovery_service')
    logger.debug('entering discovery service')
    resp = handlers.validate_taxii_request(request)
    if resp: return resp # if validation fails, return the response
        taxii_message = tm.get_message_from_xml(request.body)
        logger.debug('received taxii message [%s]' % (taxii_message.message_id))
    except Exception as ex:
        logger.debug('unable to parse inbound message: %s' % (ex.message))
        m = tm.StatusMessage(tm.generate_message_id(), '0', status_type=tm.ST_BAD_MESSAGE, message='Message received could not be parsed')
        return handlers.create_taxii_response(m, use_https=request.is_secure())
    if taxii_message.message_type != tm.MSG_DISCOVERY_REQUEST:
        logger.info('Message [%s] was not discovery request [%s]' % (taxii_message.message_id,taxii_message.message_type))
        m = tm.StatusMessage(tm.generate_message_id(), taxii_message.message_id, status_type=tm.ST_FAILURE, message='Message sent to discovery service did not have a discovery request message type')
        return handlers.create_taxii_response(m, use_https=request.is_secure())

    resp = handlers.discovery_get_services(request, taxii_message)
    return resp
コード例 #8
def get_message_from_httplib_http_response(http_response, in_response_to):
    taxii_content_type = http_response.getheader('X-TAXII-Content-Type')
    response_message = http_response.read()

    if taxii_content_type is None:  # Treat it as a Failure Status Message, per the spec

        message = []
        header_tuples = http_response.getheaders()
        for k, v in header_tuples:
            message.append(k + ': ' + v + '\r\n')

        m = ''.join(message)

        return tm.StatusMessage(message_id='0', in_response_to=in_response_to, status_type=tm.ST_FAILURE, message=m)

    elif taxii_content_type == VID_TAXII_XML_10:  # It's a TAXII XML 1.0 message
        return tm.get_message_from_xml(response_message)
        raise ValueError('Unsupported X-TAXII-Content-Type: %s' % taxii_content_type)

    return None
コード例 #9
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: Nangal/yeti
def poll_service(request):
    """Handles TAXII Poll Service requests."""
    logger = logging.getLogger("yeti.taxii_services.views.poll_service")
    logger.debug('Entering poll service')
    resp = handlers.validate_taxii_request(request)
    if resp: return resp # if validation failed, return the response
        taxii_message = tm.get_message_from_xml(request.body)
    except Exception as ex:
        logger.debug('Unable to parse inbound message: %s', ex.message)
        m = tm.StatusMessage(tm.generate_message_id(), '0', status_type=tm.ST_BAD_MESSAGE, message='Message received could not be parsed')
        return handlers.create_taxii_response(m, use_https=request.is_secure())
    logger.debug('Poll service received TAXII message with id [%s] and type [%s]', make_safe(taxii_message.message_id), make_safe(taxii_message.message_type))
    if taxii_message.message_type != tm.MSG_POLL_REQUEST:
        logger.info('TAXII message with id [%s] was not Poll request [%s]', make_safe(taxii_message.message_id), make_safe(taxii_message.message_type))
        m = tm.StatusMessage(tm.generate_message_id(), taxii_message.message_id, status_type=tm.ST_FAILURE, message='Message sent to Poll service did not have a poll request message type')
        return handlers.create_taxii_response(m, use_https=request.is_secure())    
    resp = handlers.poll_get_content(request, taxii_message)
    return resp
コード例 #10
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: julillosamaral/proy_grado
def registrar_remote_data_feeds(request):
    #Given the id of a TAXII service we get the data feeds of the TAXII Client and copy them to the current system.
    feed_managment = TAXIIServices.objects.get(id = request.DATA.get('id'))
    urlParsed = urlparse(feed_managment.feed_managment)

    logger = logging.getLogger('TAXIIApplication.rest.tasks.obtener_remote_data_feeds')

    logger.debug('We get the server data feeds')
    logger.debug('Host: ' + urlParsed.hostname)
    logger.debug('Path: ' + urlParsed.path)
    logger.debug('Port: ' + str(urlParsed.port))

    host = urlParsed.hostname
    path = urlParsed.path
    port = str(urlParsed.port)

    feed_information = tm.FeedInformationRequest(message_id=tm.generate_message_id())
    feed_info_xml = feed_information.to_xml()
    logger.debug('The following message is sent: ' + feed_info_xml)
    client = tc.HttpClient()
    resp = client.callTaxiiService2(host, path, t.VID_TAXII_XML_10, feed_info_xml, port)

    response_message = t.get_message_from_http_response(resp, '0')
    logger.debug("The response was: " + response_message.to_xml())
        taxii_message = tm.get_message_from_xml(response_message.to_xml())

        logger.debug("Feed Information iteration")
        feed_informations = taxii_message.feed_informations
        for feed in feed_informations:
            logger.debug("Create a new Remote Data Feed")
            remote_df = RemoteDataFeed()
            remote_df.name = feed.feed_name
            if feed.feed_description == None:
                remote_df.description = "None"
                remote_df.description = feed.feed_description
            remote_df.producer = host
            i = 0
            logger.debug('We get the subscription methods')
            for sm in feed.subscription_methods:
                protocol_binding = ProtocolBindingId(binding_id = sm.subscription_protocol)

                dfsm = DataFeedSubscriptionMethod()
                dfsm.title = feed.feed_name + "_"+str(i)
                dfsm.address = sm.subscription_address

                for mb in sm.subscription_message_bindings:
                    msgb = MessageBindingId(binding_id = mb)

            logger.debug('We get the Content Bindings')
            for sc in feed.supported_contents:
                cb = ContentBindingId(binding_id = sc )

            logger.debug('Obtengo los push methods')
            for pm in feed.push_methods:
                pb = ProtocolBindingId(binding_id = pm.push_protocol)
                mb = MessageBindingId(binding_id = pm.push_message_bindings)
                dpm = DataFeedPushMethod(protocol_binding = pb, message_binding = mb)


            poll_service_instances = []
            logger.debug('We get the Poll Service Instances')
            for psi in feed.polling_service_instances:

                rdfpi = RemoteDataFeedPollInformation()
                rdfpi.address = psi.poll_address

                pb = ProtocolBindingId(binding_id = psi.poll_protocol)
                rdfpi.protocol_binding = pb

                for msg in psi.poll_message_bindings:
                    msgb = MessageBindingId(binding_id = msg)
            logger.debug("Save the remote data feed")

        return Response(status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
    except Exception as ex:
        logger.debug( ex)
        return Response(status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
コード例 #11
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: julillosamaral/proy_grado
def poll_request(collection_name, subscription_id, host, path, port):
    #Given the collection name, subscription id, host, path and port we make a poll request to 
    #the client TAXII associated with the host, path and port for the subscription and collection given.
    logger = logging.getLogger('TAXIIApplication.rest.tasks.poll_request')
    logger.debug('Poll information starts')
    logger.debug('Parameters are: ')
    logger.debug('Collection Name: ' + collection_name)
    logger.debug('Subscription Id: ' + str(subscription_id))
    logger.debug('Host: ' + str(host))
    logger.debug('Path: ' + path)
    logger.debug('Port: ' + str(port))

    begin_ts = None
    end_ts = None

    poll_req = tm11.PollRequest(message_id = tm11.generate_message_id(),
                                collection_name = collection_name,
                                exclusive_begin_timestamp_label = begin_ts,
                                inclusive_end_timestamp_label = end_ts,
                                subscription_id = subscription_id)

    poll_req_xml = poll_req.to_xml()
    logger.debug('The following Poll Request message was generated')

    client = tc.HttpClient()
    resp = client.callTaxiiService2(host, path, t.VID_TAXII_XML_10, poll_req_xml, port)
    response_message = t.get_message_from_http_response(resp, '0')

    logger.debug('The response got from the sistem was: ')

        taxii_message = tm.get_message_from_xml(response_message.to_xml())
    except Exception as ex:
        logger.debug('The message could not be parsed:s', ex.message)

    if taxii_message.message_type != tm.MSG_POLL_RESPONSE:
        logger.debug('The message is not a TAXII response')
        content_blocks = taxii_message.content_blocks
        logger.debug('We process the Content Blocks')

        for cb in content_blocks:

            tree = etree.parse(StringIO(cb.content))
            import stix.bindings.stix_core as stix_core_binding
            stix_package_obj = stix_core_binding.STIXType().factory()

            from stix.core import STIXPackage # resolve circular dependencies
            stix_package = STIXPackage().from_obj(stix_package_obj)

            logger.debug('El id del stix es ' + str(stix_package._id))
            info = ContentBlock.objects.filter(stix_id = stix_package._id)
            if info.exists():
                p = ContentBlock()

                p.description = stix_package.stix_header.description
                p.title = stix_package.stix_header.title
                p.message_id = taxii_message.message_id
                p.origen = collection_name + ' in ' + host             
                c = ContentBindingId(binding_id=cb.content_binding)
                p.content_binding = c
                p.content = cb.content