def show_big_header(self, text): make_big_header(text, out=self.out)
def exercise(): from libtbx.test_utils import show_diff, Exception_expected from six.moves import cPickle as pickle # from libtbx.str_utils import split_keeping_spaces assert split_keeping_spaces(s="") == [] assert split_keeping_spaces(s=" ") == [" "] assert split_keeping_spaces(s="a") == ["a"] assert split_keeping_spaces(s="abc") == ["abc"] assert split_keeping_spaces(s=" a") == [" ", "a"] assert split_keeping_spaces(s=" a") == [" ", "a"] assert split_keeping_spaces(s=" abc") == [" ", "abc"] assert split_keeping_spaces(s=" abc ") == [" ", "abc", " "] assert split_keeping_spaces(s=" abc ") == [" ", "abc", " "] assert split_keeping_spaces(s="a ") == ["a", " "] assert split_keeping_spaces(s="a ") == ["a", " "] assert split_keeping_spaces(s="abc ") == ["abc", " "] assert split_keeping_spaces(s="a b") == ["a", " ", "b"] assert split_keeping_spaces(s="a b") == ["a", " ", "b"] assert split_keeping_spaces(s=" a b c d ") == [ " ", "a", " ", "b", " ", "c", " ", "d", " " ] # from libtbx.str_utils import size_as_string_with_commas assert size_as_string_with_commas(0) == "0" assert size_as_string_with_commas(1) == "1" assert size_as_string_with_commas(-1) == "-1" assert size_as_string_with_commas(10) == "10" assert size_as_string_with_commas(100) == "100" assert size_as_string_with_commas(1000) == "1,000" assert size_as_string_with_commas(12345) == "12,345" assert size_as_string_with_commas(12345678) == "12,345,678" assert size_as_string_with_commas(-12345678) == "-12,345,678" # from libtbx.str_utils import show_string assert show_string("abc") == '"abc"' assert show_string("a'c") == '"a\'c"' assert show_string('a"c') == "'a\"c'" assert show_string('\'"c') == '"\'\\"c"' # from libtbx.str_utils import prefix_each_line assert prefix_each_line(prefix="^", lines_as_one_string="""\ hello world""") == """\ ^hello ^world""" # from libtbx.str_utils import prefix_each_line_suffix assert prefix_each_line_suffix(prefix="^", lines_as_one_string="""\ hello world""", suffix=" ") == """\ ^hello ^world""" assert prefix_each_line_suffix(prefix="^", lines_as_one_string="""\ hello world""", suffix=" ", rstrip=False) == """\ ^hello%s ^world """ % " " # from libtbx.str_utils import show_sorted_by_counts from six.moves import cStringIO out = cStringIO() assert show_sorted_by_counts(label_count_pairs=[("b", 3), ("a", 3), ("c", -2)], out=out, prefix="%") assert not show_diff(out.getvalue(), """\ %"a" 3 %"b" 3 %"c" -2 """) out = cStringIO() assert show_sorted_by_counts(label_count_pairs=[("b", -3), ("a", -3), ("c", 2)], reverse=False, out=out, prefix="%", annotations=[None, "", "x"]) assert not show_diff(out.getvalue(), """\ %"a" -3 %"b" -3 %"c" 2 x """) # from libtbx.str_utils import line_breaker for string, expected_result in [ ("", [""]), ("this is", ["this is"]), ("this is a", ["this is", "a"]), ("this is a sentence", ["this is", "a", "sentence"]), ("this is a longer sentence", ["this is", "a", "longer", "sentence"]), ("this is a very long sentence indeed", ["this is", "a very", "long", "sentence", "indeed"]) ]: assert [block for block in line_breaker(string, width=7)] == expected_result # from libtbx.str_utils import StringIO out1 = cStringIO() out2 = StringIO() out3 = StringIO("Hello world!\n") print("Hello world!", file=out1) print("Hello world!", file=out2) try: print("Hello world!", file=out3) except AttributeError: pass else: raise Exception_expected out4 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(out2)) out5 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(out3)) assert out4.getvalue() == out1.getvalue() == out2.getvalue( ) == out5.getvalue() # from libtbx.str_utils import reformat_terminal_text txt1 = """ This is some terminal-formatted text which needs to be reset. """ assert (reformat_terminal_text(txt1) == "This is some terminal-formatted text which needs to be reset.") txt2 = """ This is more terminal-formatted text which needs to be reset. """ # from libtbx.str_utils import strip_lines, rstrip_lines lines = [" This is more ", " terminal-formatted ", " text "] assert ( strip_lines(txt2) == "\nThis is more\nterminal-formatted\ntext which needs\nto be reset.") assert ( rstrip_lines(txt2) == "\n This is more\n terminal-formatted\n text which needs\n to be reset." ) # from libtbx.str_utils import expandtabs_track_columns def check(s): es, js = expandtabs_track_columns(s=s) assert len(js) == len(s) assert es == s.expandtabs() sr = "".join([es[j] for j in js]) assert sr == s.replace("\t", " ") check("") check("\t") check("\t\t") check("\ty") check("x\ty") check("x\ty\tz") check("\txy\t\tz") check("abcdefg\txy\t\tz") check("ab defgh\txyz\t\tu") # from libtbx.str_utils import format_value assert format_value("%.4f", 1.2345678) == "1.2346" assert format_value("%.4f", None) == " None" assert format_value("%.4f", None, replace_none_with="---") == " ---" # from libtbx.str_utils import make_header out = StringIO() make_header("Header 1", out=out) assert (out.getvalue() == """ =================================== Header 1 ================================== """) out = StringIO() make_header("Header 2", out=out) assert (out.getvalue() == """ =================================== Header 2 ================================== """) # import sys from libtbx.str_utils import string_representation iset = list(range(130)) + list(range(250, 256)) for i in iset: s = chr(i) for j in iset: ss = s + chr(j) sr = string_representation(string=ss, preferred_quote="'", alternative_quote='"') if sys.hexversion < 0x03000000: assert sr == repr(ss) else: assert eval(sr) == ss from libtbx.str_utils import framed_output out = StringIO() box = framed_output(out, frame='#') print("Hello, world!", file=box) box.close() assert (out.getvalue() == """ ################# # Hello, world! # ################# """) out = StringIO() box = framed_output(out, frame='-', width=80, center=True, title="Refinement stats") box.write("r_free = 0.1234") box.write(" ") box.write("r_work = 0.1567") box.close() assert (out.getvalue() == """ |--------------------------------Refinement stats------------------------------| | r_free = 0.1234 r_work = 0.1567 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| """) out = StringIO() box = framed_output(out, frame='-', width=72, prefix=" ", title="Validation summary") print("Overall MolProbity score: 2.56", file=box) box.add_separator() print("""\ Ramachandran favored: 97.5 % outliers: 2.5 % Rotamer outliers: 5.9 % Clashscore: 10.9""", file=box) assert (out.getvalue() == "") del box assert (out.getvalue() == """ |-Validation summary---------------------------------------------------| | Overall MolProbity score: 2.56 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ramachandran favored: 97.5 % | | outliers: 2.5 % | | Rotamer outliers: 5.9 % | | Clashscore: 10.9 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| """) from libtbx.str_utils import print_message_in_box out = StringIO() print_message_in_box( message="This is some terminal-formatted text which needs to be reset.", out=out, width=32, center=True, prefix=" ", frame='*') assert (out.getvalue() == """ ******************************** * This is some * * terminal-formatted text * * which needs to be reset. * ******************************** """) from libtbx.str_utils import make_big_header out = StringIO() make_big_header("Section title", out=out) assert (out.getvalue() == """ ################################################################################ # Section title # ################################################################################ """)
def exercise(): from libtbx.test_utils import show_diff, Exception_expected import cPickle # from libtbx.str_utils import split_keeping_spaces assert split_keeping_spaces(s="") == [] assert split_keeping_spaces(s=" ") == [" "] assert split_keeping_spaces(s="a") == ["a"] assert split_keeping_spaces(s="abc") == ["abc"] assert split_keeping_spaces(s=" a") == [" ", "a"] assert split_keeping_spaces(s=" a") == [" ", "a"] assert split_keeping_spaces(s=" abc") == [" ", "abc"] assert split_keeping_spaces(s=" abc ") == [" ", "abc", " "] assert split_keeping_spaces(s=" abc ") == [" ", "abc", " "] assert split_keeping_spaces(s="a ") == ["a", " "] assert split_keeping_spaces(s="a ") == ["a", " "] assert split_keeping_spaces(s="abc ") == ["abc", " "] assert split_keeping_spaces(s="a b") == ["a", " ", "b"] assert split_keeping_spaces(s="a b") == ["a", " ", "b"] assert split_keeping_spaces(s=" a b c d ") == [ " ", "a", " ", "b", " ", "c", " ", "d", " "] # from libtbx.str_utils import size_as_string_with_commas assert size_as_string_with_commas(0) == "0" assert size_as_string_with_commas(1) == "1" assert size_as_string_with_commas(-1) == "-1" assert size_as_string_with_commas(10) == "10" assert size_as_string_with_commas(100) == "100" assert size_as_string_with_commas(1000) == "1,000" assert size_as_string_with_commas(12345) == "12,345" assert size_as_string_with_commas(12345678) == "12,345,678" assert size_as_string_with_commas(-12345678) == "-12,345,678" # from libtbx.str_utils import show_string assert show_string("abc") == '"abc"' assert show_string("a'c") == '"a\'c"' assert show_string('a"c') == "'a\"c'" assert show_string('\'"c') == '"\'\\"c"' # from libtbx.str_utils import prefix_each_line assert prefix_each_line(prefix="^", lines_as_one_string="""\ hello world""") == """\ ^hello ^world""" # from libtbx.str_utils import prefix_each_line_suffix assert prefix_each_line_suffix(prefix="^", lines_as_one_string="""\ hello world""", suffix=" ") == """\ ^hello ^world""" assert prefix_each_line_suffix(prefix="^", lines_as_one_string="""\ hello world""", suffix=" ", rstrip=False) == """\ ^hello%s ^world """ % " " # from libtbx.str_utils import show_sorted_by_counts import cStringIO out = cStringIO.StringIO() assert show_sorted_by_counts( label_count_pairs=[("b", 3), ("a", 3), ("c", -2)], out=out, prefix="%") assert not show_diff(out.getvalue(), """\ %"a" 3 %"b" 3 %"c" -2 """) out = cStringIO.StringIO() assert show_sorted_by_counts( label_count_pairs=[("b", -3), ("a", -3), ("c", 2)], reverse=False, out=out, prefix="%", annotations=[None, "", "x"]) assert not show_diff(out.getvalue(), """\ %"c" 2 x %"a" -3 %"b" -3 """) # from libtbx.str_utils import line_breaker for string, expected_result in [ ("", [""]), ("this is", ["this is"]), ("this is a", ["this is", "a"]), ("this is a sentence", ["this is", "a", "sentence"]), ("this is a longer sentence", ["this is", "a", "longer", "sentence"]), ("this is a very long sentence indeed", ["this is", "a very", "long", "sentence", "indeed"])]: assert [block for block in line_breaker(string, width=7)]==expected_result # from libtbx.str_utils import StringIO out1 = cStringIO.StringIO() out2 = StringIO() out3 = StringIO("Hello world!\n") print >> out1, "Hello world!" print >> out2, "Hello world!" try : print >> out3, "Hello world!" except AttributeError : pass else : raise Exception_expected out4 = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(out2)) out5 = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(out3)) assert out4.getvalue()==out1.getvalue()==out2.getvalue()==out5.getvalue() # from libtbx.str_utils import reformat_terminal_text txt1 = """ This is some terminal-formatted text which needs to be reset. """ assert (reformat_terminal_text(txt1) == "This is some terminal-formatted text which needs to be reset.") txt2 = """ This is more terminal-formatted text which needs to be reset. """ # from libtbx.str_utils import strip_lines, rstrip_lines lines = [" This is more ", " terminal-formatted ", " text "] assert (strip_lines(txt2) == "\nThis is more\nterminal-formatted\ntext which needs\nto be reset.") assert (rstrip_lines(txt2) == "\n This is more\n terminal-formatted\n text which needs\n to be reset." ) # from libtbx.str_utils import expandtabs_track_columns def check(s): es,js = expandtabs_track_columns(s=s) assert len(js) == len(s) assert es == s.expandtabs() sr = "".join([es[j] for j in js]) assert sr == s.replace("\t", " ") check("") check("\t") check("\t\t") check("\ty") check("x\ty") check("x\ty\tz") check("\txy\t\tz") check("abcdefg\txy\t\tz") check("ab defgh\txyz\t\tu") # from libtbx.str_utils import format_value assert format_value("%.4f", 1.2345678) == "1.2346" assert format_value("%.4f", None) == " None" assert format_value("%.4f", None, replace_none_with="---") == " ---" # from libtbx.str_utils import make_header out = StringIO() make_header("Header 1", out=out) assert (out.getvalue() == """ =================================== Header 1 ================================== """) out = StringIO() make_header("Header 2", out=out) assert (out.getvalue() == """ =================================== Header 2 ================================== """) # from libtbx.str_utils import string_representation iset = range(130) + range(250,256) for i in iset: s = chr(i) for j in iset: ss = s + chr(j) assert string_representation( string=ss, preferred_quote="'", alternative_quote='"') == repr(ss) from libtbx.str_utils import framed_output out = StringIO() box = framed_output(out, frame='#') print >> box, "Hello, world!" box.close() assert (out.getvalue() == """ ################# # Hello, world! # ################# """) out = StringIO() box = framed_output(out, frame='-', width=80, center=True, title="Refinement stats") box.write("r_free = 0.1234") box.write(" ") box.write("r_work = 0.1567") box.close() assert (out.getvalue() == """ |--------------------------------Refinement stats------------------------------| | r_free = 0.1234 r_work = 0.1567 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| """) out = StringIO() box = framed_output(out, frame='-', width=72, prefix=" ", title="Validation summary") print >> box, "Overall MolProbity score: 2.56" box.add_separator() print >> box, """\ Ramachandran favored: 97.5 % outliers: 2.5 % Rotamer outliers: 5.9 % Clashscore: 10.9""" assert (out.getvalue() == "") del box assert (out.getvalue() == """ |-Validation summary---------------------------------------------------| | Overall MolProbity score: 2.56 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ramachandran favored: 97.5 % | | outliers: 2.5 % | | Rotamer outliers: 5.9 % | | Clashscore: 10.9 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| """) from libtbx.str_utils import print_message_in_box out = StringIO() print_message_in_box( message="This is some terminal-formatted text which needs to be reset.", out=out, width=32, center=True, prefix=" ", frame='*') assert (out.getvalue() == """ ******************************** * This is some * * terminal-formatted text * * which needs to be reset. * ******************************** """) from libtbx.str_utils import make_big_header out = StringIO() make_big_header("Section title", out=out) assert (out.getvalue() == """ ################################################################################ # Section title # ################################################################################ """)