def cmd_configure(config: Config, args: List[str]) -> None: # Args list_settings = False get_setting: Optional[str] = None set_setting: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None # Parse args if not args: list_settings = True else: arg = args.pop(0) cli.arg_disallow_positional(arg) if arg in {'-l', '--list'}: list_settings = True elif arg in {'-g', '--get'}: try: get_setting = args.pop(0) except IndexError: error('--get needs an argument') elif arg in {'-s', '--set'}: try: set_setting = (args.pop(0), args.pop(0)) except IndexError: error('--set needs two arguments') else: cli.arg_unknown_optional(arg) cli.arg_disallow_trailing(args) # List settings if list_settings: print('Settings:') for key in sorted(Config.editable_settings): print(f' {key} = {config[key] if config else ""}') # Get settings elif get_setting: if get_setting not in Config.editable_settings: error(f'unknown setting: {get_setting}') else: print(f'{get_setting} = {config[get_setting]}') # Set settings elif set_setting: key, value = set_setting if key not in Config.editable_settings: error(f'unknown setting: {key}') try: updated_config: Config config[key] = value updated_config = config except InvalidConfigException as e: print(f'error in config value: {e!r}') else: print(f'{key} -> {value}') print('Config saved')
def cmd_open(config: Config, args: List[str]) -> None: # Args tags: Optional[Set[str]] = None blocked_by: Optional[Set[IssueID]] = None description: str # Parse args description = cli.arg_positional(args, 'description', position=-1) while args: arg = args.pop(0) cli.arg_disallow_positional(arg) if arg in {'-t', '--tags'}: tags = cli.arg_tags(args, '--tags') elif arg in {'-b', '--blocked-by'}: blocked_by = set() while args and not args[0].startswith('-'): blocked_by.add(_arg_issue_id(args, config, specify_id=True)) else: cli.arg_unknown_optional(arg) # Run command issues = load_issues(user=config.user) new_id_num = max(chain((i.id_.num for i in issues), [0])) now = issue = Issue(id_=IssueID(num=new_id_num + 1, user=config.user), created=now, updated=now, description=description, tags=(tags or set()), blocked_by=(blocked_by or set()), comments=[], status=IssueStatus.OPEN, log=[], original_description=description, original_tags=frozenset(tags or set()), original_blocked_by=frozenset(blocked_by or set()), original_status=IssueStatus.OPEN) print(f'Issue #{issue.id_.num} opened')
def cmd_tag(config: Config, args: List[str]) -> None: # Args list_tags = False sort_by_usage = False add_tags: Optional[Set[str]] = None remove_tags: Optional[Set[str]] = None edit_tag: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None # Parse args if not args: list_tags = True else: arg = args.pop(0) cli.arg_disallow_positional(arg) if arg == '-lu': list_tags = True sort_by_usage = True elif arg in {'-l', '--list'}: list_tags = True if args and args[0] in {'-u', '--usage'}: args.pop(0) sort_by_usage = True elif arg in {'-a', '--add'}: add_tags = cli.arg_tags(args, '--add') elif arg in {'-r', '--remove'}: remove_tags = cli.arg_tags(args, '--remove') elif arg in {'-e', '--edit'}: edit_tag = (cli.arg_positional(args, 'old tag'), cli.arg_positional(args, 'new tag')) else: cli.arg_unknown_optional(arg) cli.arg_disallow_trailing(args) # Run command tag_registry: Set[str] if not TAGS_PATH.exists(): TAGS_PATH.write_text('[]') tag_registry = set() else: tag_registry = set(json.loads(TAGS_PATH.read_text())) old_tag_registry = frozenset(tag_registry) issues = load_issues() if list_tags: issue_tags = Counter(t for issue in issues for t in issue.tags) issue_tags.update({t: 0 for t in tag_registry if t not in issue_tags}) tag_list = [(name, str(count)) for name, count in sorted(sorted(issue_tags.most_common()), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)] if not sort_by_usage: tag_list.sort() unregistered_lines: Dict[int, Tuple[Union[str, Color], Union[str, Color]]] = { n: (RED, RESET) for n, (name, _) in enumerate(tag_list) if name not in tag_registry } if tag_list: print('\n'.join(format_table(tag_list, titles=('Tag name', 'Use count'), surround_rows=unregistered_lines))) unregistered_tags = set(issue_tags.keys()) - tag_registry if unregistered_tags: print(f'\n{RED}{len(unregistered_tags)} ' f'unregistered tags!{RESET}') elif add_tags: existing_tags = add_tags.intersection(tag_registry) new_tags = add_tags - tag_registry if existing_tags: print('Existing tags that weren\'t added:', ', '.join(sorted(existing_tags))) if new_tags: print('Added tags:', ', '.join(sorted(new_tags))) tag_registry.update(add_tags) elif remove_tags: matched_tags = remove_tags.intersection(tag_registry) unknown_tags = remove_tags - tag_registry # TODO: remove/add unregistered tags? if unknown_tags: print('Unknown tags that weren\'t removed:', ', '.join(sorted(unknown_tags))) if matched_tags: print('Tags to remove:', ', '.join(sorted(matched_tags))) for tag in matched_tags: matched_issues = [i for i in issues if tag in i.tags] if matched_issues: response = input(f'Tag {tag!r} is used in ' f'{len(matched_issues)} issues. ' f'Remove it from all of them? [y/N] ') if response.lower() not in {'y', 'yes'}: print('Aborted tag removal, nothing was changed.') break else: tag_registry.difference_update(matched_tags) count = 0 for issue in issues: if matched_tags.intersection(issue.tags): issue.tags.difference_update(matched_tags) count += 1 print(f'Tags removed, {count} issues were modified.') elif edit_tag: old_name, new_name = edit_tag if old_name == new_name: error('old name and new name are identical') if old_name not in tag_registry: error(f'unknown tag: {old_name}') if new_name in tag_registry: error(f'new tag already exist: {new_name}') matched_issues = [i for i in issues if old_name in i.tags] if matched_issues: response = input(f'Tag {old_name!r} is used in ' f'{len(matched_issues)} issues. ' f'Rename it to {new_name!r} ' f'in all of them? [y/N] ') if response.lower() not in {'y', 'yes'}: print('Aborted tag edit, nothing was changed.') return else: for issue in matched_issues: issue.tags.remove(old_name) issue.tags.add(new_name) tag_registry.remove(old_name) tag_registry.add(new_name) print(f'Tag {old_name!r} renamed to {new_name!r}.') if matched_issues: print(f'{len(matched_issues)} issues were modified.') # Save changes if needed if tag_registry != old_tag_registry: TAGS_PATH.write_text(json.dumps(sorted(tag_registry), indent=2))
def cmd_alias(config: Config, args: List[str]) -> None: # Args list_aliases = False get_alias: Optional[str] = None set_alias: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None remove_alias: Optional[str] = None # Parse args if not args: list_aliases = True else: arg = args.pop(0) cli.arg_disallow_positional(arg) if arg in {'-l', '--list'}: list_aliases = True elif arg in {'-g', '--get'}: try: get_alias = args.pop(0) except IndexError: error('--get needs an argument') elif arg in {'-r', '--remove'}: try: remove_alias = args.pop(0) except IndexError: error('--remove needs an argument') elif arg in {'-s', '--set'}: try: set_alias = (args.pop(0), args.pop(0)) except IndexError: error('--set needs two arguments') else: cli.arg_unknown_optional(arg) cli.arg_disallow_trailing(args) # List aliases if list_aliases: if config.aliases: print('Aliases:') for key, value in sorted(config.aliases.items()): print(f' {key} = {value}') else: print('No aliases') # Get aliases elif get_alias: if get_alias not in config.aliases: error(f'unknown alias: {get_alias}') else: print(f'{get_alias} = {config.aliases[get_alias]}') # Remove alias elif remove_alias: if remove_alias not in config.aliases: error(f'unknown alias: {remove_alias}') else: del config.aliases[remove_alias] print(f'Alias {remove_alias} removed') # Set alias elif set_alias: key, value = set_alias is_new = key not in config.aliases config.aliases[key] = value print(f'{key} -> {value}') if is_new: print('Alias created') else: print('Alias updated')
def cmd_list(config: Config, args: List[str]) -> None: # Arguments status: Optional[IssueStatus] = None tags: Optional[Set[str]] = None without_tags: Optional[Set[str]] = None blocked = False blocking = False no_blocks = False show_icons = not bool(os.environ.get('ISHU_NO_ICONS')) show_dates = True list_abc = False # Parse the arguments while args: arg = args.pop(0) cli.arg_disallow_positional(arg) if arg in {'-s', '--status'}: try: raw_status = args.pop(0) except IndexError: error('--status needs an argument') else: try: status = IssueStatus(raw_status) except ValueError: error('invalid status: {raw_status}') elif arg in {'-t', '--tags'}: tags = cli.arg_tags(args, '--tags') elif arg in {'-T', '--without-tags'}: without_tags = cli.arg_tags(args, '--without-tags') elif arg in {'-b', '--blocked'}: blocked = True elif arg in {'-B', '--blocking'}: blocking = True elif arg in {'-n', '--no-blocks'}: no_blocks = True elif arg in {'-I', '--no-icons'}: show_icons = False elif arg in {'-D', '--no-dates'}: show_dates = False elif arg in {'-l', '--list-abc'}: list_abc = True else: cli.arg_unknown_optional(arg) if no_blocks and (blocked or blocking): error('--blocked or --blocking can\'t be used with --no-blocks') # Run command all_issues = load_issues() issues: List[Issue] = [] is_blocking = set() for issue in all_issues: # Only see issues as blocking if they are open if issue.status == IssueStatus.OPEN: blocking_issues = [i for i in all_issues if i.id_ != issue.id_ and issue.id_ in i.blocked_by] else: blocking_issues = [] if blocking_issues: is_blocking.add(issue.id_) if tags and not tags.issubset(issue.tags): continue if without_tags and without_tags.intersection(issue.tags): continue if blocking and not any(blocking_issues): continue if blocked and not issue.blocked_by: continue if no_blocks and (issue.blocked_by or any(blocking_issues)): continue if status: if status == IssueStatus.CLOSED \ and issue.status == IssueStatus.OPEN: continue elif status != IssueStatus.CLOSED and status != issue.status: continue issues.append(issue) date_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d' time_fmt = '%H:%M' datetime_fmt = f'{date_fmt} {time_fmt}' one_day_ago = - timedelta(days=1) def _date_or_time_fmt(dt: datetime) -> str: return dt.strftime(time_fmt if dt > one_day_ago else date_fmt) status_icon = { IssueStatus.FIXED: GREEN + ('' if show_icons else 'F'), IssueStatus.OPEN: CYAN + ('' if show_icons else ' '), IssueStatus.CLOSED: GREEN + ('' if show_icons else 'C'), IssueStatus.WONTFIX: RED + ('' if show_icons else 'W'), } def cull_empty(items: Iterable[Optional[str]]) -> Iterable[str]: for item in items: if item is not None: yield item def generate_row(i: Issue, short: bool = False) -> Tuple[str, ...]: status = status_icon[i.status] + RESET blocks = (('b' if i.blocked_by else '') + ('B' if i.id_ in is_blocking else '')) comments = str(len(i.comments)) tags = ', '.join(f'#{tag}' for tag in sorted(i.tags)) row: List[Optional[str]] if short: created = _date_or_time_fmt(i.created.astimezone()) updated = (_date_or_time_fmt(i.updated.astimezone()) if i.updated > i.created else '') row = [ i.id_.shorten(None), status, blocks, created if show_dates else None, updated if show_dates else None, comments, tags, i.description, ] else: created = i.created.astimezone().strftime(datetime_fmt) updated = (i.updated.astimezone().strftime(datetime_fmt) if i.updated > i.created else '') row = [ str(i.id_.num), i.id_.user, status, blocks, created if show_dates else None, updated if show_dates else None, comments, tags, i.description, ] return tuple(cull_empty(row)) titles = tuple(cull_empty([ 'ID', 'User', 'S', (' ' if show_icons else 'Blocks'), ('Created' if show_dates else None), ('Updated' if show_dates else None), (' ' if show_icons else 'Comments'), 'Tags', 'Description' ])) def sorter(issue: Issue) -> Union[str, int]: if list_abc: return issue.description else: return issue.id_.num table = [generate_row(i) for i in sorted(issues, key=sorter)] try: for line in format_table(table, wrap_columns={-1, -2}, titles=titles, require_min_widths=frozenset({(-1, 30)})): print(line) except cli.TooNarrowColumn: shorter_titles = tuple(cull_empty([ 'ID', 'S', (' ' if show_icons else 'Blocks'), ('Created' if show_dates else None), ('Updated' if show_dates else None), (' ' if show_icons else 'Cmnt'), 'Tags', 'Description' ])) shorter_table = [generate_row(i, short=True) for i in sorted(issues, key=sorter)] for line in format_table(shorter_table, wrap_columns={-1, -2}, titles=shorter_titles): print(line)