コード例 #1
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: pysoft-net/SmartElect
    def clean(self):
        ensure_unique(self._meta.model, self, 'center_id')

        if self.is_copy and (self.center_type != self.Types.COPY):
            raise ValidationError(_('Copy centre type must be "copy".'))

        if self.id:
            # For existing centers, copy status can't be changed. Once a copy center, always a
            # copy center, and ditto for non-copy centers. Ne'er the twain shall meet.
            # Note that we have to search through all centers (including deleted ones) to allow
            # undeleting.
            # In addition, copy centers are not editable.
            center = RegistrationCenter.objects.unfiltered().get(pk=self.id)
            if center.is_copy:
                raise ValidationError(_('Copy centres are read-only.'))

            # The check above ensures the user can't change the type *from* copy. We also need
            # to check that the type is not being changed *to* copy.
            if self.center_type == RegistrationCenter.Types.COPY:
                raise ValidationError(_('A centre may not be changed to a copy centre.'))
            # New centers can become copy centers
            if self.is_copy:
                if self.copy_of.copy_of:
                    raise ValidationError(_("A copy centre cannot copy another copy centre."))

                # Ensure that the original doesn't already have the max # of copies.
                if len(self.copy_of.copied_by.all()) == settings.N_MAX_COPY_CENTERS:
                    msg = _('Copy centre already has the maximum number of copies ({n_max}).')
                    raise ValidationError(msg.format(n_max=settings.N_MAX_COPY_CENTERS))
                if self.center_type == self.Types.COPY:
                    msg = _('Centre type "copy" requires copy centre information.')
                    raise ValidationError(msg)

        if ((self.center_lat is None and self.center_lon is not None)
                or (self.center_lon is None and self.center_lat is not None)):
            raise ValidationError(_("Either set both latitude and longitude or neither."))

        if self.center_type == self.Types.SPLIT:
            if self.subconstituency.id != SPLIT_CENTER_SUBCONSTITUENCY_ID:
                msg = _("Split centers must be associated with subconstituency {}.")
                msg = msg.format(SPLIT_CENTER_SUBCONSTITUENCY_ID)
                raise ValidationError(msg)
            if self.subconstituency.id == SPLIT_CENTER_SUBCONSTITUENCY_ID:
                msg = _("Only split centers may be associated with subconstituency {}.")
                msg = msg.format(SPLIT_CENTER_SUBCONSTITUENCY_ID)
                raise ValidationError(msg)
コード例 #2
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: pysoft-net/SmartElect
 def clean(self):
     ensure_unique(self._meta.model, self, 'phone_number')
コード例 #3
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: pysoft-net/SmartElect
 def clean(self):
     ensure_unique(self._meta.model, self, 'citizen_id')
コード例 #4
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: pysoft-net/SmartElect
 def clean(self):
     """Give nicer error than a database integrity error on an attempt to create
     a duplicate confirmed registration"""
     if not self.archive_time:
         ensure_unique(self._meta.model, self, 'citizen', archive_time=None)