コード例 #1
    def __init__(self):
        # velocity publisher
        self.pub = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1)
        # lidar listener
        self.scan_listener = LidarListener()

        # angular and linear velocity in rescue mode
        self.angular_vel = 0.2  #rad/s
        self.linear_vel = 1.0  #m/s

        # threshold showing there exists obstacles
        self.stop_threshold = 1.5  # if any thing within this range emerge in the laser scan, stop robot
        self.move_threshold = 4.0  # if all points in the front are farther then this value, go straight forward

        # parameter storing the width of the robot
        self.robot_width = 1.5
        self.open_area_pts = 40  # at least 40 points exist in an "open area"
        #self.out_of_boundary_threshold = 5 # threshold for tolerating small number of points within move_threshold

        # paramter storing the current mode of the robot
        self.mode = "turning"  # valid values: "turning", "forward"

        # define the variable to have velocity
        self.twist = Twist()

        # store the previous turning state
        self.previous_turn = None
        self.cumulative_turn_angle = 0.0  # store the cumulative turning angle
        self.view_coef = 0.5  # coefficient to determine the view for navigation detection
        self.view_coef_reset = 0.5  # backup copy of the coefficient to determine the view for navigation detection
        self.view_decay_rate = 0.5  # gradually narrow the view
        self.straight_count = 0
        self.restore_view_threshold = 10  # move straight 5 steps and then recover the view