def write_metrics(metrics, config): from lidbox.models.keras_utils import experiment_cache_from_config metrics_file = os.path.join(experiment_cache_from_config(config), "predictions", "metrics.json") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(metrics_file), exist_ok=True)"Writing evaluated metrics to '%s'", metrics_file) with open(metrics_file, "w") as f: json.dump(metrics, f)
def _metrics_file_from_config(config, dataset_name): from lidbox.models.keras_utils import experiment_cache_from_config return os.path.join(experiment_cache_from_config(config), "predictions", dataset_name, "metrics.json")
def create_dataset(split, labels, init_data, config): """ split: Split key. labels: All labels from all datasets. init_data: All metadata by split from all datasets. config: Contents of the lidbox config file, unmodified. """ # Configure steps to create dataset iterator steps = [ # Create a that contains all metadata, e.g. paths from utt2path and labels from utt2label etc. Step("initialize", { "labels": labels, "init_data": init_data }), ] if "post_initialize" in config: # "Pre-pre-process" all metadata before any signals are read if "file_limit" in config["post_initialize"]: steps.append( Step( "lambda", { "fn": lambda ds: ds.take(config["post_initialize"][ "file_limit"]) })) if "shuffle_buffer_size" in config["post_initialize"]: # Shuffle all files steps.append( Step( "shuffle", { "buffer_size": config["post_initialize"]["shuffle_buffer_size"] })) if "binary_classification" in config["post_initialize"]: # Convert all labels to binary classification steps.append( Step( "convert_to_binary_classification", { "positive_class": config["post_initialize"]["binary_classification"] })) if config["post_initialize"].get("check_wav_headers", False): steps.append(Step("drop_invalid_wavs", {})) if "features" in config and config["features"]["type"] == "kaldi": # Features will be imported from Kaldi files, assume no signals should be loaded pass else: # Assume all features will be extracted from signals steps.extend([ # Load signals from all paths Step( "load_audio", { "num_prefetch": config.get("post_initialize", {"num_prefetched_signals": None })["num_prefetched_signals"] }), # Drop empty signals Step("drop_empty", {}) ]) if "pre_process" in config: # Pre-processing before feature extraction has been defined in the config file if "filters" in config["pre_process"]: # Drop unwanted signals steps.append( Step("apply_filters", {"config": config["pre_process"]["filters"]})) if "webrtcvad" in config["pre_process"] or "rms_vad" in config[ "pre_process"]: # Voice activity detection if "webrtcvad" in config["pre_process"]: # Compute WebRTC VAD decisions steps.append( Step("compute_webrtc_vad", config["pre_process"]["webrtcvad"])) elif "rms_vad" in config["pre_process"]: # Compute VAD decisions by comparing the RMS value of each VAD frame to the mean RMS value over each signal steps.append( Step("compute_rms_vad", config["pre_process"]["rms_vad"])) steps.extend([ # Drop non-speech frames using computed decisions Step("apply_vad", {}), # Some signals might contain only non-speech frames Step("drop_empty", {}), ]) if "repeat_too_short_signals" in config["pre_process"]: # Repeat all signals until they are of given length steps.append( Step("repeat_too_short_signals", config["pre_process"]["repeat_too_short_signals"])) if "augment" in config["pre_process"]: augment_configs = [ conf for conf in config["pre_process"]["augment"] if conf["split"] == split ] # Apply augmentation only if this dataset split was specified to be augmented if augment_configs: steps.append( Step("augment_signals", {"augment_configs": augment_configs})) if "chunks" in config["pre_process"]: # Dividing signals into fixed length chunks steps.append( Step("create_signal_chunks", config["pre_process"]["chunks"])) # TODO not yet supported # if "random_chunks" in config["pre_process"]: if "cache" in config["pre_process"]: steps.extend( _get_cache_steps(config["pre_process"]["cache"], split)) if "features" in config: # Load features if config["features"]["type"] == "kaldi": # Pre-extracted Kaldi features will be used as input steps.append( # Use the 'kaldi_ark_key' to load contents from an external Kaldi archive file and drop Kaldi metadata Step("load_kaldi_data", {"shape": config["features"]["kaldi"]["shape"]})) else: # Features will be extracted from 'signal' and stored under 'input' # Uses GPU by default, can be changed with the 'device' key steps.append( Step("extract_features", {"config": config["features"]})) if "post_process" in config: if "filters" in config["post_process"]: # Drop unwanted features steps.append( Step("apply_filters", {"config": config["post_process"]["filters"]})) if "chunks" in config["post_process"]: # Dividing inputs into fixed length chunks steps.append( Step("create_input_chunks", config["post_process"]["chunks"])) if "normalize" in config["post_process"]: steps.append( Step("normalize", {"config": config["post_process"]["normalize"]})) if "shuffle_buffer_size" in config["post_process"]: steps.append( Step("shuffle", { "buffer_size": config["post_process"]["shuffle_buffer_size"] })) if "tensorboard" in config["post_process"]: tensorboard_config = { "summary_dir": os.path.join(experiment_cache_from_config(config), "tensorboard", "dataset", split), "config": config["post_process"]["tensorboard"] } # Add some samples to TensorBoard for inspection steps.append(Step("consume_to_tensorboard", tensorboard_config)) if "remap_keys" in config["post_process"]: steps.append( Step("remap_keys", {"new_keys": config["post_process"]["remap_keys"]})) if "cache" in config["post_process"]: steps.extend( _get_cache_steps(config["post_process"]["cache"], split)) # TODO convert to binary classification here # TODO pre_training config key if "experiment" in config: # Check this split should be shuffled before training for experiment_conf in config["experiment"]["data"].values(): if experiment_conf[ "split"] == split and "shuffle_buffer_size" in experiment_conf: steps.append( Step("shuffle", { "buffer_size": experiment_conf["shuffle_buffer_size"] })) break if "embeddings" in config: steps.append( Step("extract_embeddings", {"config": config["embeddings"]})) if "remap_keys" in config["embeddings"]: steps.append( Step("remap_keys", {"new_keys": config["embeddings"]["remap_keys"]})) if "cache" in config["embeddings"]: steps.extend(_get_cache_steps(config["embeddings"]["cache"], split)) return steps
def evaluate_test_set(split2ds, split2meta, labels, config): from lidbox.dataset.steps import as_supervised, initialize from lidbox.models.keras_utils import best_model_checkpoint_from_config, experiment_cache_from_config test_conf = config["experiment"]["data"]["test"] test_ds = (split2ds[test_conf["split"]].batch( test_conf["batch_size"]).apply(as_supervised)) predictions = None if "user_script" in config: user_script = load_user_script_as_module(config["user_script"]) if hasattr(user_script, "predict"): "User script has defined a 'predict' function, will use it") predictions = user_script.predict(test_ds, config) if predictions is None: logger.error( "Function 'predict' in the user script '%s' did not return predictions", config["user_script"]) return if predictions is None: "User script has not defined a 'predict' function, will use default approach" ) keras_wrapper = KerasWrapper.from_config(config)"Model initialized:\n%s", str(keras_wrapper)) best_checkpoint = best_model_checkpoint_from_config(config)"Loading weights from checkpoint file '%s'", best_checkpoint) keras_wrapper.load_weights(best_checkpoint)"Starting prediction with model '%s'", keras_wrapper.model_key) predictions = keras_wrapper.keras_model.predict(test_ds) "Model returned predictions of shape %s, now gathering all test set ids", repr(predictions.shape)) test_ids = [ x["id"].decode("utf-8") for x in split2ds[test_conf["split"]].as_numpy_iterator() ] utt2prediction = sorted(zip(test_ids, predictions), key=lambda t: t[0]) del test_ids has_chunks = False if "chunks" in config.get("pre_process", {}): "Original signals were divided into chunks, merging chunk scores by averaging" ) has_chunks = True if "chunks" in config.get("post_process", {}): "Extracted features were divided into chunks, merging chunk scores by averaging" ) has_chunks = True if has_chunks: utt2prediction = group_chunk_predictions_by_parent_id(utt2prediction) predictions = np.array([p for _, p in utt2prediction]) # Collect targets from the test set iterator test_meta_ds = initialize(None, labels, split2meta[test_conf["split"]]) utt2target = { x["id"].decode("utf-8"): x["target"] for x in test_meta_ds.as_numpy_iterator() } missed_utterances = set(utt2target.keys()) - set( u for u, _ in utt2prediction) min_score = np.amin(predictions) max_score = np.amax(predictions) if missed_utterances: "%d test samples had no predictions and worst-case scores %.3f will be generated for them for every label", len(missed_utterances), min_score) utt2prediction.extend([(utt, np.array([min_score for _ in labels])) for utt in sorted(missed_utterances)]) scores_file = os.path.join(experiment_cache_from_config(config), "predictions", "scores") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(scores_file), exist_ok=True)"Writing predicted scores to '%s'", scores_file) if os.path.exists(scores_file): logger.warning("Overwriting existing '%s'", scores_file) with open(scores_file, "w") as scores_f: print_predictions(utt2prediction, labels, file=scores_f) metric_results = [] # Ensure true labels are always in the same order as in predictions predictions = np.array([p for _, p in utt2prediction]) true_labels_sparse = np.array([utt2target[u] for u, _ in utt2prediction]) pred_labels_sparse = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1) "Evaluating metrics on true labels of shape %s and predicted labels of shape %s", true_labels_sparse.shape, pred_labels_sparse.shape) for metric in test_conf["evaluate_metrics"]: result = None if metric["name"].endswith("average_detection_cost"):"Evaluating minimum average detection cost") thresholds = np.linspace(min_score, max_score, metric.get("num_thresholds", 200)) if metric["name"].startswith("sparse_"): cavg = lidbox.metrics.SparseAverageDetectionCost( len(labels), thresholds) cavg.update_state(np.expand_dims(true_labels_sparse, -1), predictions) else: cavg = lidbox.metrics.AverageDetectionCost( len(labels), thresholds) cavg.update_state(true_labels, predictions) result = float(cavg.result().numpy())"%s: %.6f", metric["name"], result) elif metric["name"].endswith("average_equal_error_rate"): #TODO sparse EER, generate one-hot true_labels"Evaluating average equal error rate") eer = np.zeros(len(labels)) for l, label in enumerate(labels): if label not in all_testset_labels: eer[l] = 0 continue # fpr, tpr, _ = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve( true_labels[:, l], predictions[:, l]) fnr = 1 - tpr eer[l] = fpr[np.nanargmin(np.absolute(fnr - fpr))] result = { "avg": float(eer.mean()), "by_label": {label: float(eer[l]) for l, label in enumerate(labels)} }"%s: %s", metric["name"], lidbox.yaml_pprint(result, to_string=True)) elif metric["name"] == "average_f1_score":"Evaluating average F1 score") f1 = sklearn.metrics.f1_score(true_labels_sparse, pred_labels_sparse, labels=list(range(len(labels))), average="weighted") result = {"avg": float(f1)}"%s: %.6f", metric["name"], f1) elif metric["name"] == "sklearn_classification_report":"Generating full sklearn classification report") result = sklearn.metrics.classification_report( true_labels_sparse, pred_labels_sparse, labels=list(range(len(labels))), target_names=labels, output_dict=True, zero_division=0)"%s:\n%s", metric["name"], lidbox.yaml_pprint(result, left_pad=2, to_string=True)) elif metric["name"] == "confusion_matrix":"Generating confusion matrix") result = sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(true_labels_sparse, pred_labels_sparse)"%s:\n%s", metric["name"], format_confusion_matrix(result, labels)) result = result.tolist() else: logger.error("Cannot evaluate unknown metric '%s'", metric["name"]) metric_results.append({"name": metric["name"], "result": result}) return metric_results