コード例 #1
ファイル: s2_localft.py プロジェクト: zyjiang0571/s2cnn
def setup_s2_local_ft(b, grid, cuda_device=None):
    from lie_learn.representations.SO3.wigner_d import wigner_D_matrix

    # TODO: optionally get quadrature weights for the chosen grid and use them to weigh the D matrices below.
    # This is optional because we can also view the filter coefficients as having absorbed the weights already.

    # Sample the Wigner-D functions on the local grid
    n_spatial = len(grid)
    n_spectral = np.sum([(2 * l + 1) for l in range(b)])
    F = np.zeros((n_spatial, n_spectral), dtype=complex)
    for i in range(n_spatial):
        Dmats = [(2 * b) * wigner_D_matrix(l, grid[i][0], grid[i][1], 0,
                                 field='complex', normalization='quantum', order='centered', condon_shortley='cs')
                 for l in range(b)]
        F[i] = np.hstack([Dmats[l][:, l] for l in range(b)])

    # F is a complex matrix of shape (n_spatial, n_spectral)
    # If we view it as float, we get a real matrix of shape (n_spatial, 2 * n_spectral)
    # In the so3_local_ft, we will multiply a batch of real (..., n_spatial) vectors x with this matrix F as xF.
    # The result is a (..., 2 * n_spectral) array that can be interpreted as a batch of complex vectors.
    F = F.view('float')

    # convert to torch Tensor
    F = torch.from_numpy(F.astype(np.float32))

    if cuda_device is not None:
        F = F.cuda(cuda_device)

    return F
コード例 #2
def __setup_so3_ft(b, grid):
    from lie_learn.representations.SO3.wigner_d import wigner_D_matrix

    # Note: optionally get quadrature weights for the chosen grid and use them to weigh the D matrices below.
    # This is optional because we can also view the filter coefficients as having absorbed the weights already.
    # The weights depend on the spacing between the point of the grid
    # Only the coefficient sin(beta) can be added without requireing to know the spacings

    # Sample the Wigner-D functions on the local grid
    n_spatial = len(grid)
    n_spectral = np.sum([(2 * l + 1)**2 for l in range(b)])
    F = np.zeros((n_spatial, n_spectral), dtype=complex)
    for i, (beta, alpha, gamma) in enumerate(grid):
        Dmats = [
                            condon_shortley='cs').conj() for l in range(b)
        F[i] = np.hstack([Dl.flatten() for Dl in Dmats])

    # F is a complex matrix of shape (n_spatial, n_spectral)
    # If we view it as float, we get a real matrix of shape (n_spatial, 2 * n_spectral)
    # In the so3_local_ft, we will multiply a batch of real (..., n_spatial) vectors x with this matrix F as xF.
    # The result is a (..., 2 * n_spectral) array that can be interpreted as a batch of complex vectors.
    F = F.view('float').reshape((-1, n_spectral, 2))
    return F
コード例 #3
def _setup_s2_ft(b, grid, device_type, device_index):
    from lie_learn.representations.SO3.wigner_d import wigner_D_matrix

    # Note: optionally get quadrature weights for the chosen grid and use them to weigh the D matrices below.
    # This is optional because we can also view the filter coefficients as having absorbed the weights already.

    # Sample the Wigner-D functions on the local grid
    n_spatial = len(grid)
    n_spectral = np.sum([(2 * l + 1) for l in range(b)])
    F = np.zeros((n_spatial, n_spectral), dtype=complex)
    for i, (beta, alpha) in enumerate(grid):
        Dmats = [(2 * b) * wigner_D_matrix(l, alpha, beta, 0,
                                           field='complex', normalization='quantum', order='centered', condon_shortley='cs')
                 for l in range(b)]
        F[i] = np.hstack([Dmats[l][:, l] for l in range(b)])

    # F is a complex matrix of shape (n_spatial, n_spectral)
    # If we view it as float, we get a real matrix of shape (n_spatial, 2 * n_spectral)
    # In the so3_local_ft, we will multiply a batch of real (..., n_spatial) vectors x with this matrix F as xF.
    # The result is a (..., 2 * n_spectral) array that can be interpreted as a batch of complex vectors.
    F = F.view('float').reshape((-1, n_spectral, 2))

    # convert to torch Tensor
    F = torch.tensor(F.astype(np.float32), dtype=torch.float32, device=torch.device(device_type, device_index))  # pylint: disable=E1102

    return F
コード例 #4
ファイル: so3_rotation.py プロジェクト: xiangliu886/s2cnn
def _setup_so3_rotation(b, alpha, beta, gamma, device_type, device_index):
    from lie_learn.representations.SO3.wigner_d import wigner_D_matrix

    Us = [
                        condon_shortley='cs') for l in range(b)
    # Us[l][m, n] = exp(i m alpha) d^l_mn(beta) exp(i n gamma)

    Us = [
            (2 * l + 1, 2 * l + 1, 2)) for l in range(b)

    # convert to torch Tensor
    Us = [
                     device=torch.device(device_type, device_index))
        for U in Us
    ]  # pylint: disable=E1102

    return Us
コード例 #5
def __setup_so3_rotation(b, alpha, beta, gamma):
    from lie_learn.representations.SO3.wigner_d import wigner_D_matrix

    Us = [wigner_D_matrix(l, alpha, beta, gamma,
                          field='complex', normalization='quantum', order='centered', condon_shortley='cs')
          for l in range(b)]
    # Us[l][m, n] = exp(i m alpha) d^l_mn(beta) exp(i n gamma)

    Us = [Us[l].astype(np.complex64).view(np.float32).reshape((2 * l + 1, 2 * l + 1, 2)) for l in range(b)]

    return Us
コード例 #6
ファイル: SO3.py プロジェクト: sharibox/se3cnn
def irr_repr(order, alpha, beta, gamma, dtype=None):
    irreducible representation of SO3
    - compatible with compose and spherical_harmonics
    from lie_learn.representations.SO3.wigner_d import wigner_D_matrix
    # if order == 1:
    #     # change of basis to have vector_field[x, y, z] = [vx, vy, vz]
    #     A = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]])
    #     return A @ wigner_D_matrix(1, alpha, beta, gamma) @ A.T
    return torch.tensor(wigner_D_matrix(order, alpha, beta, gamma), dtype=torch.get_default_dtype() if dtype is None else dtype)
コード例 #7
ファイル: SO3.py プロジェクト: jatentaki/se3cnn
def _test_change_basis_wigner_to_rot():
    from lie_learn.representations.SO3.wigner_d import wigner_D_matrix

    with torch_default_dtype(torch.float64):
        A = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]],

        a, b, c = torch.rand(3)

        r1 = A.t() @ torch.tensor(wigner_D_matrix(1, a, b, c),
                                  dtype=torch.float64) @ A
        r2 = rot(a, b, c)

        d = (r1 - r2).abs().max()
        assert d < 1e-10
コード例 #8
def irr_repr(order, alpha, beta, gamma, dtype=None, device=None):
    irreducible representation of SO3
    - compatible with compose and spherical_harmonics
    abc = [alpha, beta, gamma]
    for i, x in enumerate(abc):
        if torch.is_tensor(x):
            abc[i] = x.item()
            if dtype is None:
                dtype = x.dtype
            if device is None:
                device = x.device
    if dtype is None:
        dtype = torch.get_default_dtype()
    return torch.tensor(wigner_D_matrix(order, *abc), dtype=dtype, device=device)
コード例 #9
def setup_so3_rotation(b, alpha, beta, gamma, cuda_device=None):
    from lie_learn.representations.SO3.wigner_d import wigner_D_matrix

    Us = [wigner_D_matrix(l, alpha, beta, gamma,
                    field='complex', normalization='quantum', order='centered', condon_shortley='cs')
                    for l in range(b)]
    # Us[l][m, n] = exp(i m alpha) d^l_mn(beta) exp(i n gamma)

    Us = [Us[l].astype(np.complex64).view(np.float32).reshape((2 * l + 1, 2 * l + 1, 2)) for l in range(b)]

    # convert to torch Tensor
    Us = [torch.from_numpy(U) for U in Us]

    if cuda_device is not None:
        Us = [U.cuda(cuda_device) for U in Us]

    return Us
コード例 #10
ファイル: SO3FFT_Naive.py プロジェクト: yaoshunya/darkflow
    def __init__(self, L_max, field='complex', normalization='quantum', order='centered', condon_shortley='cs'):

        # TODO allow user to specify the grid (now using SOFT implicitly)

        # Explicitly construct the Wigner-D matrices evaluated at each point in a grid in SO(3)
        self.D = []
        b = L_max + 1
        for l in range(b):
            self.D.append(np.zeros((2 * b, 2 * b, 2 * b, 2 * l + 1, 2 * l + 1),
                                   dtype=complex if field == 'complex' else float))

            for j1 in range(2 * b):
                alpha = 2 * np.pi * j1 / (2. * b)
                for k in range(2 * b):
                    beta = np.pi * (2 * k + 1) / (4. * b)
                    for j2 in range(2 * b):
                        gamma = 2 * np.pi * j2 / (2. * b)
                        self.D[-1][j1, k, j2, :, :] = wigner_D_matrix(l, alpha, beta, gamma,
                                                                      field, normalization, order, condon_shortley)

        # Compute quadrature weights
        self.w = S3.quadrature_weights(b=b, grid_type='SOFT')

        # Stack D into a single Fourier matrix
        # The first axis corresponds to the spatial samples.
        # The spatial grid has shape (2b, 2b, 2b), so this axis has length (2b)^3.
        # The second axis of this matrix has length sum_{l=0}^L_max (2l+1)^2,
        # which corresponds to all the spectral coefficients flattened into a vector.
        # (normally these are stored as matrices D^l of shape (2l+1)x(2l+1))
        self.F = np.hstack([self.D[l].reshape((2 * b) ** 3, (2 * l + 1) ** 2) for l in range(b)])

        # For the IFFT / synthesis transform, we need to weight the order-l Fourier coefficients by (2l + 1)
        # Here we precompute these coefficients.
        ls = [[ls] * (2 * ls + 1) ** 2 for ls in range(b)]
        ls = np.array([ll for sublist in ls for ll in sublist])  # (0,) + 9 * (1,) + 25 * (2,), ...
        self.l_weights = 2 * ls + 1