コード例 #1
ファイル: test_light_orm.py プロジェクト: tbnorth/light_orm
def test_get_or_make_pk(dbpath):
    con, cur = light_orm.get_con_cur(dbpath, DB_SQL)
    assert light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010}) == (1, True)
    # should not insert a second copy
    assert light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010}) == (1, False)
    cur.execute("select count(*) from est")
    assert cur.fetchone()[0] == 1
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_light_orm.py プロジェクト: tbnorth/light_orm
def test_get_rec(dbpath):
    con, cur = light_orm.get_con_cur(dbpath, DB_SQL)
    light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010, 'site': 1})
    light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010, 'site': 2})
    res = light_orm.get_rec(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010, 'site': 1})
    assert res == {'est': 1, 'date': 2010, 'flow': None, 'site': 1}
    cur.execute("select count(*) from est")
    assert cur.fetchone()[0] == 2
コード例 #3
ファイル: demo.py プロジェクト: tbnorth/light_orm
def main():

    pizzas = {
        "margarita": ["cheese", "tomato", "basil"],
        "hawaiian": ["cheese", "pineapple", "ham"],
        "vegetarian": ["cheese", "tomato", "pepper", "mushroom"],

    con, cur = lo.get_con_cur("pizza.db", DB_SQL)

    for pizza_name, toppings in pizzas.items():
        pizza, new = lo.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'pizza', {'name': pizza_name})
        for topping_name in toppings:
            topping, new = lo.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'topping',
                                             {'name': topping_name})
            lo.get_or_make_rec(cur, 'ingredient',
                               dict(pizza=pizza, topping=topping))

    print("%d pizzas" % lo.do_one(cur, 'select count(*) as n from pizza').n)
    for pizza in lo.do_query(
            "select name, count(*) as n from pizza "
            "join ingredient using (pizza) group by name",
        print("%s %d ingredients" % (pizza.name, pizza.n))

    # we get this far without needing the ingredient pk in the ingredient table
    # but if we want to edit the ingredient records, the pk is needed:

    # set topping grams to length of pizza name, naturally
    for pizza in lo.get_recs(cur, 'pizza'):
        for ingredient in lo.get_recs(cur, 'ingredient',
                                      {'pizza': pizza.pizza}):
            ingredient.grams = len(pizza.name)
            lo.save_rec(cur, ingredient)

    # re-open DB just because
    con, cur = lo.get_con_cur("pizza.db", DB_SQL)

    for pizza in lo.get_recs(cur, 'pizza'):
        print("\n%s\n%s" % (pizza.name, '=' * len(pizza.name)))
        for ingredient in lo.get_recs(cur, 'ingredient',
                                      {'pizza': pizza.pizza}):
            topping = lo.get_rec(cur, 'topping',
                                 {'topping': ingredient.topping})
            print("  %s, %dg" % (topping.name, ingredient.grams))
        # OR
        for ingredient in lo.do_query(
                "select topping.name, grams from pizza "
                "join ingredient using (pizza) join topping using (topping) "
                "where pizza=?",
            # print("  %s, %dg" % (ingredient.name, ingredient.grams))
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_light_orm.py プロジェクト: tbnorth/light_orm
def test_multi_fail(dbpath):
    con, cur = light_orm.get_con_cur(dbpath, DB_SQL)
    light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010, 'site': 1})
    light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010, 'site': 2})
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        res = light_orm.get_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010})
        return res  # for pylint
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        res = light_orm.do_one(cur, "select * from est")
        return res  # for pylint
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_light_orm.py プロジェクト: tbnorth/light_orm
def test_save_rec(dbpath):
    con, cur = light_orm.get_con_cur(dbpath, DB_SQL)
    light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010})
    res = light_orm.get_rec(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010})
    assert res['site'] is None
    res['site'] = 123
    light_orm.save_rec(cur, res)
    con, cur = light_orm.get_con_cur(dbpath, read_only=True)
    res = light_orm.get_rec(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010})
    assert res['site'] == 123
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_light_orm.py プロジェクト: tbnorth/light_orm
def test_get_all_recs(dbpath):
    con, cur = light_orm.get_con_cur(dbpath, DB_SQL)
    light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010, 'site': 1})
    light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010, 'site': 2})
    light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2020, 'site': 2})
    res = light_orm.get_recs(cur, 'est')
    res.sort(key=lambda x: x['est'])
    assert res == [
            'est': 1,
            'date': 2010,
            'flow': None,
            'site': 1
            'est': 2,
            'date': 2010,
            'flow': None,
            'site': 2
            'est': 3,
            'date': 2020,
            'flow': None,
            'site': 2
    cur.execute("select count(*) from est")
    assert cur.fetchone()[0] == 3
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_light_orm.py プロジェクト: tbnorth/light_orm
def test_get_pks(dbpath):
    con, cur = light_orm.get_con_cur(dbpath, DB_SQL)
    light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010, 'site': 1})
    light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010, 'site': 2})
    light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2020, 'site': 2})
    assert sorted(light_orm.get_pks(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010})) == [1, 2]
    cur.execute("select count(*) from est") == 3
    assert cur.fetchone()[0] == 3
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_light_orm.py プロジェクト: tbnorth/light_orm
def check_db(cur, insert=True):
    if insert:
        light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010, 'flow': 11.2})
    res = light_orm.get_rec(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010})
    assert res == {'est': 1, 'date': 2010, 'flow': 11.2, 'site': None}
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_light_orm.py プロジェクト: tbnorth/light_orm
def test_do_one(dbpath):
    con, cur = light_orm.get_con_cur(dbpath, DB_SQL)
    light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010, 'site': 1})
    light_orm.get_or_make_pk(cur, 'est', {'date': 2010, 'site': 2})
    res = light_orm.do_one(cur, "select count(*) as count from est")
    assert res == {'count': 2}