コード例 #1
class telescope():
	"""A telescope entry
	threshold = float(ld.trigger())
	def __init__(self, telclass, x, y):
		self.telclass = telclass
		self.telradius = tr.run(telclass)
		self.area = ca.telarea(self.telradius)
		self.x = x
		self.y = y
		self.dclikelihood = None
		self.fulllikelihood = None
	def fillcounts(self, simulatedevent):
		self.scaledrmax, dangle = ce.run(simulatedevent, self.x, self.y)
		self.findrecorded(simulatedevent, dangle)
	def findrecorded(self, simulatedevent, dangle):
		sigcount, bkgcount, sigerror, bkgerror , reconcount, reconerror = cs.run(self, simulatedevent)
		if simulatedevent.smear:
			DCphotons = int(random.gauss(sigcount, sigerror*sigcount))
			reconphotons = random.gauss(reconcount, reconerror*reconcount)
			fullphotons = int(random.gauss(bkgcount, bkgerror*bkgcount))
			dangle = random.gauss(dangle, 0.01)
			DCphotons = sigcount				
			fullphotons = bkgcount
			reconphotons = reconcount
			dangle = dangle
		self.reconphotons = reconphotons
		self.fullphotons = fullphotons
		self.dangle = dangle
		self.DCfracerror = sigerror
		self.fullfracerror = bkgerror
		self.reconfracerror = reconerror
		self.DCtrigger = self.checktrigger(self.DCphotons)
		if simulatedevent.smear and not self.DCtrigger:
			self.DCphotons = 0
		altDC = ld.altcount(self.coredistance, simulatedevent.Z)
		self.altDCphotons = altDC
		self.fulltrigger = self.checktrigger(self.fullphotons)
		if simulatedevent.smear and not self.fulltrigger:
			self.fullphotons = 0
	def checktrigger(self, count):
		if float(count) > self.threshold:
			return True
			return False
	def finddistancetocore(self, simulatedevent):
		corex = simulatedevent.rayxpos
		corey = simulatedevent.rayypos
		distance = math.sqrt(((corex - self.x)**2) + ((corey - self.y)**2))
		self.coredistance = distance
	def finddistancetopoint(self, x, y):
		distance = math.sqrt(((x - self.x)**2) + ((y - self.y)**2))
		return distance
コード例 #2
def run(numberofhours):
	ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
	category = "lst"
	tradius = tr.run(category)
	raweff = 0.06
	selectionefficiency = 0.50
	flux = 2.0 * (10**-4)
	solidangle = math.radians(5)
	ranges = []
	lowerlim = 15
	midlim = 50
	upperlim = 200
	lowerbincount = 20
	upperbincount = 10
	lowerrange = [lowerlim, midlim, lowerbincount]
	upperrange = [midlim, upperlim, upperbincount]
	fullcount = []
	edges = []
	for i in range (0, 10):
	for i in range(0, 2):
		entry = ranges[i]
		lower = entry[0]
		upper = entry[1]
		bins = entry[2]
		edge = np.linspace(lower, upper, bins)
		telescopegap = (edge[1:] + edge[:-1])*0.5
		print edge
		print telescopegap
		simlim = (upper + 150)
		area = 4*(simlim**2)
		detectedflux = flux*area*solidangle*selectionefficiency
		rateperhour = detectedflux * 60 * 60
		n = int(rateperhour*float(numberofhours))
		print time.asctime(time.localtime()),"Cosmic Ray Iron Flux is", flux, "Simulated Area is", area, "Field of View is", solidangle, "Detected Flux is", detectedflux
		print time.asctime(time.localtime()),"Rate per hour", rateperhour, "Simulated Hours", numberofhours, "Simulated Events", n 
		for gap in telescopegap:
			specificcount = []
			coordinates = []
			points = np.linspace(-gap, gap, 3)
			for x in points:
				for y in points:
			for i in range (0, n):
				#Randomly generates a target centre of -150<x<150m and -150<y<150m
				rayxpos = (random.random()*2 * simlim)-simlim
				rayypos = (random.random()*2 * simlim)-simlim
				#Generates a random probability, and converts this to an Epn value following an E^-1.7 power series
				R = random.random()*0.0178
				Epn = ((1.7*R/321)+(3571**-1.7))**(-1/1.7)
				#Generates a fixed charge number of Z=26
				Z= 26
				#Randomly generates a height probability, and converts this probability to a set height
				hprob = random.random()
				height = atm.runheight(hprob, text=False)
				#Chooses a zenith angle +- 22 degrees
				zenith = random.random()*44
				phi = math.radians(68+zenith)
				#Randomly choose an angle NESW
				epsilon = math.pi*random.random()*2
				#Calculate resultant surface radius and angular width of beam
				radius, theta = cr.run(Epn, height, math.sin(phi), text=False)
				frac = atm.runabsorption(height)
				eff = raweff*frac/math.sin(phi)
				if radius > 0:
					for [xpos, ypos] in coordinates:
						r, dangle = ce.run(radius, theta, phi, epsilon, xpos, ypos, rayxpos, rayypos)
						sigcount, bkgcount= cs.run(tradius, r, rayxpos, rayypos, xpos, ypos, Epn, Z, eff)
						count = sigcount + bkgcount
						recorded = random.gauss(count, math.sqrt(count))
						thresholdfrac = ld.trigger()
						threshold = float(bkgcount)*thresholdfrac
						if float(sigcount) > float(threshold):
					if j > 0:
	plotcount = []
	labels = []
	print edges
	for i in range (0, 10):
		if len(fullcount[i]) > int(0):
			label = str(i)
	n, bins, _ = ax1.hist(plotcount, label=labels, bins=edges, stacked=True)
	print n
	print bins

	plt.xlabel('Grid width (m)', fontsize=20, labelpad=0)
	plt.ylabel('Count', fontsize=20, labelpad=0)
	ax2 = plt.subplot(212)
	f = 0
	for label in labels:
		if float(label) < float(4):
			fourlim = f
		if float(label) < float(5):
			fivelim = f
		if float(label) <  float(6):
			sixlim = f
		f += 1
	lines =[]
	for i in range (0,len(n)):
		if i == fourlim:
			subfourline = n[i]
		if i == fivelim:
			subfiveline = n[i]
		if i == sixlim:
			subsixline = n[i]
		if i == (len(n)-1):
			if i > fourlim:
				fourline = n[i] - subfourline
			if i > fivelim:
				fiveline = n[i] - subfiveline
			if i > sixlim:
				sixline = n[i] - subsixline

	linelabels = ["Detections > 3", "Detections > 4", "Detections > 5"]
	mid = (bins[1:] + bins[:-1])*0.5
	#~ print mid
	for k in range (0, len(lines)):
		line = lines[k]
		label = linelabels[k]
		plt.plot(mid, line, label=label)
	plt.xlabel('Grid width (m)', fontsize=20, labelpad=0)
	plt.ylabel('Count', fontsize=20, labelpad=0)
	title = "Telescope Observations for " +str(numberofhours) + " hours"
	plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=20)

	figure = plt.gcf() # get current figure
	figure.set_size_inches(20, 15)	
コード例 #3
import array, math

import time
import numpy as np
import lightdensity as ld
import countsimulation as cs
import cherenkovradius as cr
import calculateellipse as ce
import telescoperadius as tr
import atmosphere as atm
from classes import *

threshold = ld.trigger()

#~ def expected(simulated):
#~ rayradius, theta = cr.run(Epn, height, math.sin(phi))
#~ tradius = tr.run(category)
#~ frac = atm.runabsorption(height)
#~ eff = raweff*frac/math.sin(phi)
#~ if rayradius > 0:
#~ r=0
#~ r, dangle = ce.run(rayradius, theta, phi, epsilon, x0, y0, x, y)
#~ expectedcount, expectedbkgcount, dcerror, bkgerror= cs.run(tradius, r, x, y, x0, y0, Epn, Z, eff)
#~ return expectedcount, expectedbkgcount, dcerror, bkgerror
コード例 #4
def run(layout, rayxpos, rayypos, epsilon, rayradius, Epn, Z, height, phi,
        theta, mincount, eff):

    j = 1

    entry = []
    entrytype = ""

    if rayradius > 0:
        with open(
                + layout + ".csv", 'rb') as csvfile:
            reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')

            for row in reader:
                Trigger = False
                category = row[0]
                xpos = float(row[1])
                ypos = float(row[2])

                tradius = tr.run(category)
                r, dangle = ce.run(rayradius, theta, phi, epsilon, xpos, ypos,
                                   rayxpos, rayypos)
                sigcount, bkgcount, sigerror, bkgerror = cs.run(
                    tradius, r, rayxpos, rayypos, xpos, ypos, Epn, Z, eff)

                recorded = int(random.gauss(sigcount, sigerror * sigcount))

                bkgrecorded = int(random.gauss(bkgcount, bkgerror * bkgcount))

                recordeddangle = random.gauss(dangle, 0.01)

                if sigcount > 0:
                    distance = math.sqrt(((rayxpos - xpos)**2) +
                                         ((rayypos - ypos)**2))
                    frac = distance / r
                    altitude = frac * ((math.pi / 2) - theta)
                    recordedaltitude = random.gauss(altitude, 0.01)

                    recordedaltitude = "None"

                threshold = ld.trigger()

                if float(recorded) > float(threshold):
                    j += 1
                    Trigger = True
                    recorded = 0

                if float(bkgrecorded) < float(threshold):
                    bkgrecorded = 0

                #~ print  "Signal", sigcount,"Recorded Signal", recorded, "Background", bkgcount,"Recorded Background", bkgrecorded, "multiplicity", j-1

                    int(metThreshold + 1), category, xpos, ypos, recorded,
                    bkgrecorded, rayxpos, rayypos, Epn, Z, height, phi,
                    epsilon, Trigger, recordeddangle, recordedaltitude

                if float(j) > float(mincount):
                    entrytype = "metThreshold"
                    entrytype = "belowThreshold"

        entrytype = "nonDC"

    return entry, entrytype