コード例 #1
class CoverageDirector(object):
    The CoverageDirector manages loaded coverage, and coverage composition.

    This class is the 'brain' of Lighthouse. Its primary role is to centralize
    loaded coverage and switch between which set is 'active'. It also houses
    the logic to perform set operations between loaded coverage.

    This provides a platform for researchers to explore the relationship
    between any number of coverage files.


    def __init__(self, palette):

        # the plugin color palette
        self._palette = palette

        # the central database metadata cache
        self.metadata = DatabaseMetadata()

        # Coverage

        # the name of the active coverage
        self.coverage_name = NEW_COMPOSITION

        # a map of loaded or composed database coverages
        self._database_coverage = collections.OrderedDict()

        # the director automatically maintains / generates a few coverage sets
        # of its own. these are not directly modifiable by the user, but may
        # be influenced by user actions (say, loading new coverage data)
        # Note that the ordering of the dict below is the order that its items
        # will be shown in lists such as the CoverageComboBox dropwdown, etc.

        self._special_coverage = collections.OrderedDict(
            (HOT_SHELL,       DatabaseCoverage(palette, HOT_SHELL)),
            (NEW_COMPOSITION, DatabaseCoverage(palette, NEW_COMPOSITION)),
            (AGGREGATE,       DatabaseCoverage(palette, AGGREGATE)),

        # a flag to suspend/resume the automatic coverage aggregation
        self._aggregation_suspended = False

        # Aliases

        # Within the director, one is allowed to alias the names of the loaded
        # coverage data that it maintains. right now this is only used to
        # assign shorthand names to coverage data.
        # mapping of {alias: coverage_name}
        #   eg: 'A' --> 'my_loaded_coverage.log'

        self._alias2name = {}

        # mapping of {coverage_name: set(aliases)}
        #   eg: 'my_loaded_coverage.log' --> set(['A', 'log1', 'foo'])

        self._name2alias = collections.defaultdict(set)

        # shorthand 'symbols' are aliases that the director automatically
        # assigns to loaded database coverage mappings. these special aliases
        # consist of a single capital letter, eg 'A'
        # these auto-aliased shorthand symbols were intended to be a less
        # cumbersome way to reference specific coverage sets while composing.
        # Example -
        #  given these shorthand aliases:
        #   'A' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.04936.0000.proc.log'
        #   'B' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.03297.0000.proc.log'
        #   'C' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.08438.0000.proc.log'
        #   'D' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.02349.0000.proc.log'
        #   ...
        #   'Z' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.50946.0000.proc.log'
        #   <eof>
        #  one can more naturally compose interesting coverage equations
        #   ((A & B) | (D & (E - F))) | Z
        # the existing limitation of shorthand symbols is that there is
        # only 26 (A-Z) aliases that can be assigned to coverage sets. There
        # is no immediate plans to further expand this range.
        # the primary justification for this limitation is that I don't
        # expect users to be building complex compositions with 26+ coverage
        # sets loaded at once. At that point, shorthand aliases really
        # aren't going to make things any less cumbersome.

        self._shorthand = collections.deque(ASCII_SHORTHAND)

        # assign default aliases

        # alias the aggregate set to '*'
        self._alias_coverage(AGGREGATE, AGGREGATE_ALIAS)

        # Async Composition Computation

        # the director is responsible for computing the logical/arithmetic
        # results of coverage set operations (composing). thanks to our lifted
        # metadata, we can do these set computations completely asynchronously.
        # we use locks, queues, and a background 'composition worker' thread
        # to handle these computation requests.

        self._ast_queue = Queue.Queue()
        self._composition_lock = threading.Lock()
        self._composition_cache = CompositionCache()

        self._composition_worker = threading.Thread(

        # Callbacks

        # as the director is the data source for much of Lighthouse, it is
        # important that anything built on top of it can act on key events or
        # changes to the underlying data they consume.
        # callbacks provide a way for us to notify any interested parties of
        # these key events. Below are lists of registered notification
        # callbacks. see 'Callbacks' section below for more info.

        # coverage callbacks
        self._coverage_switched_callbacks = []
        self._coverage_modified_callbacks = []
        self._coverage_created_callbacks  = []
        self._coverage_deleted_callbacks  = []

        # metadata callbacks
        self._metadata_modified_callbacks = []

    def terminate(self):
        Cleanup & terminate the director.

        # stop the composition worker

        # spin down the live metadata object

    # Properties

    def coverage(self):
        Return the active database coverage.
        return self.get_coverage(self.coverage_name)

    def aggregate(self):
        Return the database coverage aggregate.
        return self._special_coverage[AGGREGATE]

    def coverage_names(self):
        Return the list or loaded / composed database coverage names.
        return self._database_coverage.keys()

    def special_names(self):
        Return the list of special (director maintained) coverage names.
        return self._special_coverage.keys()

    def all_names(self):
        Return the names of both special & loaded/composed coverage data.
        return self.coverage_names + self.special_names

    # Callbacks

    def coverage_switched(self, callback):
        Subscribe a callback for coverage switch events.
        register_callback(self._coverage_switched_callbacks, callback)

    def _notify_coverage_switched(self):
        Notify listeners of a coverage switch event.

    def coverage_modified(self, callback):
        Subscribe a callback for coverage modification events.
        register_callback(self._coverage_modified_callbacks, callback)

    def _notify_coverage_modified(self):
        Notify listeners of a coverage modification event.

    def coverage_created(self, callback):
        Subscribe a callback for coverage creation events.
        register_callback(self._coverage_created_callbacks, callback)

    def _notify_coverage_created(self):
        Notify listeners of a coverage creation event.

        TODO/FUTURE: send list of names created?

    def coverage_deleted(self, callback):
        Subscribe a callback for coverage deletion events.
        register_callback(self._coverage_deleted_callbacks, callback)

    def _notify_coverage_deleted(self):
        Notify listeners of a coverage deletion event.

        TODO/FUTURE: send list of names deleted?

    def metadata_modified(self, callback):
        Subscribe a callback for metadata modification events.
        register_callback(self._metadata_modified_callbacks, callback)

    def _notify_metadata_modified(self):
        Notify listeners of a metadata modification event.

    # Batch Loading

    def resume_aggregation(self):
        Resume automatic updating of the coverage aggregate.
        assert self._aggregation_suspended
        self._aggregation_suspended = False

    def suspend_aggregation(self):
        Suspend the coverage aggregate from being automatically updated.

        It is performant to suspend/resume aggregation if loading a number
        of individual coverage files. This will prevent the aggregate
        coverage set from being re-computed multiple times.
        self._aggregation_suspended = True

    # Coverage Creation

    def create_coverage(self, coverage_name, coverage_data, coverage_filepath=None):
        Create a new database coverage mapping from the given data.
        return self.update_coverage(coverage_name, coverage_data, coverage_filepath)

    def create_coverage_from_drcov_list(self, drcov_list):
        Create a number of database coverage mappings from a list of DrcovData.

        Returns a tuple of (created_coverage, errors)
        created_coverage = []
        errors = []

        # stop the director's aggregate from updating. this will prevent the
        # aggregate from recomputing after each individual mapping is created.
        # instead, we will wait till *all* have been created, computing the
        # new aggregate at the very end. this is far more performant.


        # loop through the coverage data we been given (drcov_list), and begin
        # the normalization process to translate / filter / flatten its blocks
        # into a generic format the director can consume (a list of addresses)

        for i, drcov_data in enumerate(drcov_list, 1):

            # keep the user informed about our progress while loading coverage
                "Normalizing and mapping coverage %u/%u" % (i, len(drcov_list))

            # translate the coverage data's basic block addresses to the
            # imagebase of the open database, and flatten the blocks to a
            # list of instruction addresses

                coverage_data = self._normalize_drcov_data(drcov_data)
            except ValueError as e:
                errors.append((self.ERROR_COVERAGE_ABSENT, drcov_data.filepath))
                lmsg("Failed to normalize coverage %s" % drcov_data.filepath)
                lmsg("- %s" % e)

            # before injecting the new coverage data (now a list of instruction
            # addresses), we check to see if there is an existing coverage
            # object under the same name.
            # if there is an existing coverage mapping, odds are that the user
            # is probably re-loading the same coverage file in which case we
            # simply overwrite the old DatabaseCoverage object.
            # but we have to be careful for the case where the user loads a
            # coverage file from a different directory, but under the same name
            # e.g:
            #  - C:\coverage\foo.log
            #  - C:\coverage\testing\foo.log
            # in these cases, we will append a suffix to the new coverage file

            coverage_name = os.path.basename(drcov_data.filepath)
            coverage = self.get_coverage(coverage_name)

            # assign a suffix to the coverage name in the event of a collision
            if coverage and coverage.filepath != drcov_data.filepath:
                for i in xrange(2,0x100000):
                    new_name = "%s_%u" % (coverage_name, i)
                    if not self.get_coverage(new_name):
                coverage_name = new_name

            # finally, we can ask the director to create a coverage mapping
            # from the data we have pre-processed for it

            coverage = self.create_coverage(

            # warn when loaded coverage appears to be poorly mapped (suspicious)
            if coverage.suspicious:
                errors.append((self.ERROR_COVERAGE_SUSPICIOUS, drcov_data.filepath))
                lmsg("Badly mapped coverage %s" % drcov_data.filepath)

            # warn when loaded coverage (for this module) appears to be empty
            if not len(coverage.nodes):
                errors.append((self.ERROR_COVERAGE_ABSENT, drcov_data.filepath))
                lmsg("No relevant coverage data in %s" % drcov_data.filepath)

        # resume the director's aggregation service, triggering an update to
        # recompute the aggregate with the newly loaded coverage

        disassembler.replace_wait_box("Recomputing coverage aggregate...")

        # done
        return (created_coverage, errors)

    def _normalize_drcov_data(self, drcov_data):
        Extract and normalize relevant coverage data from a DrcovData object.

        Returns a list of executed instruction addresses for this database.

        # extract the coverage relevant to this database (well, the root binary)
        root_filename = self.metadata.filename
        coverage_blocks = drcov_data.get_blocks_by_module(root_filename)

        # rebase the coverage log's basic blocks to the database imagebase
        imagebase = self.metadata.imagebase
        rebased_blocks = rebase_blocks(imagebase, coverage_blocks)

        # coalesce the blocks into larger contiguous blobs
        condensed_blocks = coalesce_blocks(rebased_blocks)

        # flatten the blobs into individual instruction addresses
        return self.metadata.flatten_blocks(condensed_blocks)

    def aggregate_drcov_batch(self, drcov_list):
        Aggregate a given list of DrcovData into a single coverage mapping.

        See create_coverage_from_drcov_list(...) for more verbose comments.
        errors = []

        # create a new coverage set to manually aggregate data into
        coverage = DatabaseCoverage(self._palette)

        for i, drcov_data in enumerate(drcov_list, 1):

            # keep the user informed about our progress while aggregating
                "Aggregating batch data %u/%u" % (i, len(drcov_list))

            # normalize coverage data to the open database
                addresses = self._normalize_drcov_data(drcov_data)
            except Exception as e:
                errors.append((self.ERROR_COVERAGE_ABSENT, drcov_data.filepath))
                lmsg("Failed to normalize coverage %s" % drcov_data.filepath)
                lmsg("- %s" % e)

            # aggregate the addresses into the output coverage mapping
            coverage.add_addresses(addresses, False)

        # return the created coverage name
        return (coverage, errors)

    # Coverage Management

    def select_coverage(self, coverage_name):
        Activate a loaded coverage mapping by name.
        logger.debug("Selecting coverage %s" % coverage_name)

        # ensure a coverage mapping actually exists for the given coverage_name
        if not (coverage_name in self.all_names):
            raise ValueError("No coverage matching '%s' was found" % coverage_name)

        # if the given name is already active, there's nothing to do
        if self.coverage_name == coverage_name:

        # save the given coverage_name as the active name. this effectively
        # changes which coverage mapping the director considers active.

        self.coverage_name = coverage_name

        # notify any listeners that we have switched our active coverage

    def update_coverage(self, coverage_name, coverage_data, coverage_filepath=None):
        Create or update a databases coverage mapping.
        assert not (coverage_name in RESERVED_NAMES)
        updating_coverage = coverage_name in self.coverage_names

        if updating_coverage:
            logger.debug("Updating coverage %s" % coverage_name)
            logger.debug("Adding coverage %s" % coverage_name)

        # create a new database coverage mapping from the given coverage data
        new_coverage = DatabaseCoverage(

        # coverage mapping complete, looks like we're good. commit the new
        # coverage to the director's coverage table and surface it for use.
        # note that this will overwrite an existing coverage mapping present
        # under the same name

        self._commit_coverage(coverage_name, new_coverage)

        # assign a shorthand alias (if available) to new coverage additions
        if not updating_coverage:

        # notify any listeners that we have added or updated coverage
        if updating_coverage:

        # return the created/updated coverage
        return new_coverage

    def _commit_coverage(self, coverage_name, new_coverage):
        Internal add/update of coverage.

        This will automatically update the director's aggregate.

        # if there exists a coverage mapping under the given coverage_name we
        # are trying to add/update, we first must remove anything it has
        # contributed to the aggregate before we dispose of its data

        if coverage_name in self.coverage_names:
            old_coverage = self._database_coverage[coverage_name]
            if not self._aggregation_suspended:

        # this is the critical point where we actually integrate the newly
        # built coverage into the director or replacing an existing entry

        self._database_coverage[coverage_name] = new_coverage

        # (re)-add the newly loaded/updated coverage data to the aggregate
        if not self._aggregation_suspended:

    def delete_coverage(self, coverage_name):
        Delete a database coverage mapping by name.

        # if the delete request targets the currently active coverage, we want
        # to switch into a safer coverage set to try and avoid any ill effects.

        if coverage_name in [self.coverage_name, AGGREGATE]:

        # attempt to delete the requested coverage_name
        if coverage_name in self.coverage_names:
        elif coverage_name == AGGREGATE:
            raise ValueError("Cannot delete %s, does not exist" % coverage_name)

        # notify any listeners that we have deleted coverage

    def _delete_user_coverage(self, coverage_name):
        Delete a user created database coverage mapping by name.

        # release the shorthand alias held by this coverage

        # remove the database coverage mapping from the director's coverage map
        coverage = self._database_coverage.pop(coverage_name)
        # TODO/FUTURE: check if there's any references to the coverage object?

        # remove the coverage data this mapping contributed to the aggregate
        if not self._aggregation_suspended:

    def _delete_aggregate_coverage(self):
        Delete the aggregate set, effectively clearing all loaded coverage.

        # loop through all the loaded coverage sets and release them
        for coverage_name in self.coverage_names:
        # TODO/FUTURE: check if there's any references to the coverage aggregate?

        # assign a new, blank aggregate set
        self._special_coverage[AGGREGATE] = DatabaseCoverage(self._palette, AGGREGATE)
        self._refresh_aggregate() # probably not needed

    def get_coverage(self, name):
        Retrieve coverage data for the requested coverage_name.

        # if the given name was an alias, this will dereference it
        coverage_name = self._alias2name.get(name, name)

        # attempt to retrieve the requested coverage
        if coverage_name in self.coverage_names:
            return self._database_coverage[coverage_name]
        if coverage_name in self.special_names:
            return self._special_coverage[coverage_name]

        # could not locate coverage
        return None

    def get_coverage_string(self, coverage_name, color=False):
        Retrieve a detailed coverage string for the given coverage_name.

        # special cases that should be static
        if coverage_name == HOT_SHELL or coverage_name == NEW_COMPOSITION:
            return coverage_name

        symbol = self.get_shorthand(coverage_name)
        coverage = self.get_coverage(coverage_name)

        # compute coverage percent & render it in string form
        percent = coverage.instruction_percent*100
        percent_str = "%5.2f" % percent

        # build and return a generic detailed coverage string
        #   eg: 'A - 73.45% - drcov.boombox.exe.03820.0000.proc.log'

        if color:

            # color the symbol token like the shell
            symbol = color_text(symbol, self._palette.coverage_token)

            # low coverage color
            if percent < 30.0:
                percent_str = color_text(percent_str, self._palette.coverage_bad)

            # okay coverage color
            elif percent < 60.0:
                percent_str = color_text(percent_str, self._palette.coverage_okay)

            # good coverage color
                percent_str = color_text(percent_str, self._palette.coverage_good)

        return "%s - %s%% - %s" % (symbol, percent_str, coverage_name)

    # Aliases

    def alias_coverage(self, coverage_name, alias):
        Assign an alias to a loaded database coverage mapping.
        assert not (alias in self.all_names)
        assert not (alias in RESERVED_NAMES)
        self._alias_coverage(coverage_name, alias)

    def _alias_coverage(self, coverage_name, alias):
        Assign alias with no restrictions. Internal use only.

        # if we are overwriting a known alias, we should remove its
        # inverse mapping reference in the name --> [aliases] map first

        if alias in self._alias2name:

        # save the new alias
        self._alias2name[alias] = coverage_name

    def get_aliases(self, coverage_name):
        Retrieve alias set for the requested coverage_name.
        return self._name2alias[coverage_name]

    def get_shorthand(self, coverage_name):
        Retrieve shorthand symbol for the requested coverage.

        # reduce the coverage's aliases to only shorthand candidates
            shorthand = self._name2alias[coverage_name] & SHORTHAND_ALIASES
        except KeyError:
            return None

        # there should only ever be one shorthand symbol for a given coverage
        assert len(shorthand) < 2

         # pop the single shorthand symbol (if one is even aliased)
            return shorthand.pop()
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def peek_shorthand(self):
        Peek at the next available shorthand symbol.
            return self._shorthand[0]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def _request_shorthand_alias(self, coverage_name):
        Assign the next shorthand A-Z alias to the given coverage.
        logger.debug("Requesting shorthand alias for %s" % coverage_name)
        assert coverage_name in self.coverage_names

        # get the next available symbol (A-Z) from the shorthand pool
            symbol = self._shorthand.popleft()
        except IndexError:
            return None

        # alias the symbol to the given coverage_name & return it
        self._alias_coverage(coverage_name, symbol)
        return symbol

    def _release_shorthand_alias(self, coverage_name):
        Release the shorthand alias of the given coverage_name.
        logger.debug("Releasing shorthand alias for %s" % coverage_name)
        assert coverage_name in self.coverage_names

        # get the shorthand symbol for the given coverage
        symbol = self.get_shorthand(coverage_name)

        # if there was no symbol assigned, there's nothing to do
        if not symbol:

        # delete the shorthand symbol from the alias maps

        # add the symbol back to the end of the shorthand pool

        # in the event that all shorthand aliases have been released back to
        # us, we rest the shorthand list so that new symbols will begin from
        # the start of the alphabet (A, B, C ...)

        if len(self._shorthand) == len(ASCII_SHORTHAND):
            self._shorthand = collections.deque(ASCII_SHORTHAND)

    # Composing

    def add_composition(self, composite_name, ast):
        Evaluate and add a new composition to the director.
        assert not (composite_name in RESERVED_NAMES)
        updating_coverage = composite_name in self.coverage_names
        logger.debug("Adding composition %s" % composite_name)

        # evaluate the last AST into a coverage set
        composite_coverage = self._evaluate_composition(ast)

        # save the evaluated coverage under the given name
        self._commit_coverage(composite_name, composite_coverage)

        # assign a shorthand alias (if available) to new coverage additions
        if not updating_coverage:

        # notify any listeners that we have added or updated coverage
        if updating_coverage:

    def cache_composition(self, ast, force=False):
        Evaluate & cache the given composition (asynchronously).
        assert ast

        # normally, we only pro-actively evaluate/cache if the hotshell is
        # active, but we can also allow the caller to force a cache to occur

        if self.coverage_name == HOT_SHELL or force:

    def _async_evaluate_ast(self):
        Asynchronous composition evaluation worker loop.
        logger.debug("Starting EvaluateAST thread...")

        while True:

            # get the next coverage expression (an AST) to evaluate
            ast = self._ast_queue.get()
            if ast == None:

            # produce a single composite coverage mapping as described by the AST
            composite_coverage = self._evaluate_composition(ast)

            # we always save the most recent composite to the hotshell entry
            self._special_coverage[HOT_SHELL] = composite_coverage

            # if the hotshell entry is the active coverage selection, notify
            # listeners of its update

            if self.coverage_name == HOT_SHELL:

            # loop and wait for the next AST to evaluate

        # thread exit
        logger.debug("Exiting EvaluateAST thread...")

    def _evaluate_composition(self, ast):
        Evaluate the coverage composition described by the AST.

        # if the AST is effectively 'null', return a blank coverage set
        if isinstance(ast, TokenNull):
            return DatabaseCoverage(self._palette)

        # the director's composition evaluation code (this function) is most
        # generally called via the background caching evaluation thread known
        # as self._composition_worker. But this function can also be called
        # inline via the 'add_composition' function from a different thread
        # (namely, the main thread)
        # because of this, we must gate the resources that AST evaluation code
        # operates on behind a lock, restricting the code to one thread.
        # should we call _evaluate_composition from the context of the main
        # thread, it is important that we do so in a pseudo non-blocking way
        # such that we don't hang the UI. await_lock(...) will allow the Qt
        # main thread to yield to other threads while waiting for the lock.


        # recursively evaluate the AST
        composite_coverage = self._evaluate_composition_recursive(ast)

        # map the composited coverage data to the database metadata
        composite_coverage.refresh() # TODO/FUTURE: hash refresh?

        # done operating on shared data (coverage), release the lock

        # return the evaluated composition
        return composite_coverage

    def _evaluate_composition_recursive(self, node):
        The internal (recursive) AST evaluation routine.

        # if the current AST node is a logic operator, we need to evaluate the
        # expressions that make up its input. only once each operand has been
        # concretized is it appropriate for us to operate on them

        if isinstance(node, TokenLogicOperator):

            # collect the left and right components of the logical operation
            #   eg:
            #       op1 = DatabaseCoverage for 'A'
            #       op2 = DatabaseCoverage for 'B'

            op1 = self._evaluate_composition_recursive(node.op1)
            op2 = self._evaluate_composition_recursive(node.op2)

            # before computing a new composition, we first compute a low-cost
            # 'hash' of the desired operation. this hash can be used to
            # identify an existing (eg, previously computed) result, retrieving
            # it from an LRU based cache that holds compositions created by the
            # AST evaluation process.
            # the 'hash' is actually computed as a product of the operator
            # that would normally combine the two coverage sets.
            # for example, when evaluating a coverage composition, the logical
            # operators (eg |, &, ^), it does not matter which side of the
            # equation the coverage components fall on.
            #  eg:
            #      (A | B) == (B | A)
            # while arithmetic operations (-) will produce different results
            #      (A - B) != (B - A)
            # so if we are being asked to compute a composition of (A | B),
            # we first compute:
            #      composition_hash = hash(A) | hash(B)
            # using the composition_hash, we can check the LRU cache for a
            # previous computation of the composition (A | B).
            # the possibility of collisions are generally higher with this
            # form of 'hash', but I still expect them to be extremely rare...

            composition_hash = node.operator(op1.coverage_hash, op2.coverage_hash)

            # evaluating an AST produces lots of 'transient' compositions. To
            # mitigate unnecessary re-computation, we maintain a small LRU cache
            # of these compositions to draw from during subsequent evaluations.
            #   eg:
            #       evaluating the input
            #         (A | B) - (C | D)
            #       produces
            #         COMP_1 = (A | B)
            #         COMP_2 = (C | D)
            #         COMP_3 = COMP_1 - COMP_2
            # in the example above, COMP_3 is the final evaluated result that
            # will be returned to the user, while COMP_1/COMP_2 would normally
            # be discarded. Instead, we cache all of these compositions
            # (1, 2, 3) as they may be useful to us in future evaluations.
            # later, if the user then choses to evaluate (A | B) - (Z | D), our
            # cache can retrieve the fully computed (A | B) composition
            # assuming it has not been evicted.
            # this makes Lighthouse far more performant for repeated operations

            # check the cache to see if this composition was recently computed
            cached_coverage = self._composition_cache[composition_hash]

            # if the composition was found in the cache, return that for speed
            if cached_coverage:
                return cached_coverage

            # using the collected components of the logical operation, we
            # compute the coverage mask defined by this TokenLogicOperator

            coverage_mask = node.operator(op1.coverage, op2.coverage)

            # now that we have computed the requested coverage mask (a bitmap),
            # we use the mask to generate a new DatabaseCoverage mapping.

            new_composition = DatabaseCoverage(self._palette, data=coverage_mask)

            # cache & return the newly computed composition
            self._composition_cache[composition_hash] = new_composition
            return new_composition

        # if the current AST node is a coverage range, we need to evaluate the
        # range expression. this will produce an aggregate coverage set
        # described by the start/end of the range (eg, 'A,D')

        elif isinstance(node, TokenCoverageRange):
            return self._evaluate_coverage_range(node)

        # if the current AST node is a coverage token, we need simply need to
        # return its associated DatabaseCoverage.

        elif isinstance(node, TokenCoverageSingle):
            return self._evaluate_coverage(node)

        # unknown token? (this should never happen)

        raise ValueError("Invalid AST Token in Composition Tree")

    def _evaluate_coverage(self, coverage_token):
        Evaluate a TokenCoverageSingle AST token.

        Returns an existing database coverage mapping.
        assert isinstance(coverage_token, TokenCoverageSingle)
        return self.get_coverage(self._alias2name[coverage_token.symbol])

    def _evaluate_coverage_range(self, range_token):
        Evaluate a TokenCoverageRange AST token.

        Returns a new aggregate database coverage mapping.
        assert isinstance(range_token, TokenCoverageRange)

        # initialize output to a null coverage set
        output = DatabaseCoverage(self._palette)

        # expand 'A,Z' to ['A', 'B', 'C', ... , 'Z']
        symbols = [chr(x) for x in range(ord(range_token.symbol_start), ord(range_token.symbol_end) + 1)]

        # build a coverage aggregate described by the range of shorthand symbols
        for symbol in symbols:

        # return the computed coverage
        return output

    # Refresh

    def refresh(self):
        Complete refresh of the director and mapped coverage.
        logger.debug("Refreshing the CoverageDirector")

        # (re)build our metadata cache of the underlying database
        future = self.refresh_metadata(metadata_progress, True)

        # (re)map each set of loaded coverage data to the database

    def refresh_metadata(self, progress_callback=None, force=False):
        Refresh the database metadata cache utilized by the director.

        Returns a future (Queue) that will carry the completion message.

        # if this is the first time the director is going to use / populate
        # the database metadata, register the director for notifications of
        # metadata modification (this should only happen once)
        # TODO/FUTURE: this is a little dirty, but it will suffice.

        if not self.metadata.cached:

        # if the lighthouse has collected metadata previously for this
        # disassembler session (eg, it is cached), ignore a request to refresh
        # it unless explicitly told to refresh via force=True

        if self.metadata.cached and not force:
            fake_queue = Queue.Queue()
            return fake_queue

        # start the asynchronous metadata refresh
        result_queue = self.metadata.refresh(progress_callback=progress_callback)

        # return the queue that can be used to block for the async result
        return result_queue

    def _refresh_database_coverage(self):
        Refresh all the database coverage mappings managed by the director.
        logger.debug("Refreshing database coverage mappings")

        for i, name in enumerate(self.all_names, 1):
            logger.debug(" - %s" % name)
                "Refreshing coverage mapping %u/%u" % (i, len(self.all_names))
            coverage = self.get_coverage(name)

    def _refresh_aggregate(self):
        Refresh the aggregate database coverage mapping.
コード例 #2
class CoverageDirector(object):
    The Coverage Director manages loaded coverage.

    The primary role of the director is to centralize the loaded coverage
    and provide a platform for researchers to explore the relationship
    between multiple coverage sets.
    def __init__(self, palette):

        # color palette
        self._palette = palette

        # database metadata cache
        self.metadata = DatabaseMetadata()

        # flag to suspend/resume the automatic coverage aggregation
        self._aggregation_suspended = False

        # Coverage

        # the name of the active coverage (eg filename)
        self.coverage_name = NEW_COMPOSITION

        # loaded or composed database coverage mappings
        self._database_coverage = collections.OrderedDict()

        # a NULL / empty coverage set
        self._NULL_COVERAGE = DatabaseCoverage(None, palette)

        # the director automatically maintains or generates a few coverage
        # sets of its own. these are not directly modifiable by the user,
        # but may be influenced by user actions, or loaded coverage data.
        # NOTE: The ordering of the dict below is the order that its items
        # will be shown in lists such as UI dropwdowns, etc.

        self._special_coverage = collections.OrderedDict([
            (HOT_SHELL, DatabaseCoverage(None,
                                         palette)),  # hot shell composition
             DatabaseCoverage(None, palette)),  # slow shell composition
            (AGGREGATE, DatabaseCoverage(None,
                                         palette)),  # aggregate composition

        # Aliases
        #   Within the director, one is allowed to alias the names of the
        #   loaded coverage data it maintains. right now this is only used
        #   to assign shorthand names to coverage data.
        #   in the future, this can be used for more fun/interesting user
        #   mappings and aliases :-)

        # mapping of alias --> coverage_name
        #   eg: 'A' --> 'my_loaded_coverage.log'

        self._alias2name = {}

        # mapping of coverage_name --> set(aliases)
        #   eg: 'my_loaded_coverage.log' --> set('A', 'log1', 'foo')

        self._name2alias = collections.defaultdict(set)

        # shorthand 'symbols' are aliases that the director automatically
        # assigns to database coverage objects. these special aliases
        # consist of a single capital letter, eg 'A'
        # these auto-aliased shorthand symbols were intended to be a less
        # cumbersome way to reference specific coverage sets while composing.
        # Example -
        #  given these shorthand aliases:
        #   'A' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.04936.0000.proc.log'
        #   'B' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.03297.0000.proc.log'
        #   'C' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.08438.0000.proc.log'
        #   'D' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.02349.0000.proc.log'
        #   ...
        #   'Z' --> 'drcov.boombox.exe.50946.0000.proc.log'
        #   <eof>
        #  one can more naturally compose interesting equations
        #   ((A & B) | (D & (E - F))) | Z
        # the existing limitation of shorthand symbols is that there is
        # only 26 (A-Z) aliases that can be assigned to coverage sets. There
        # is no immediate plans to further expand this range.
        # the primary justification for this limitation is that I don't
        # expect users to be building complex compositions with 26+ coverage
        # sets loaded at once. At that point, shorthand aliases really
        # aren't going to make things any less cumbersome.

        self._shorthand = collections.deque(ASCII_SHORTHAND)

        # assign default aliases

        # alias the aggregate set to '*'
        self._alias_coverage(AGGREGATE, AGGREGATE_ALIAS)

        # Async

        self._ast_queue = Queue.Queue()
        self._composition_lock = threading.Lock()
        self._composition_cache = CompositionCache()

        self._composition_worker = threading.Thread(
            target=self._async_evaluate_ast, name="EvaluateAST")

        # Callbacks
        #   As the director is the data source for much of Lighthouse, it
        #   is important that anything built ontop of it can act on key
        #   events or changes to the underlying data they consume.
        #   Callbacks provide a way for us to notify any interested parties
        #   of these key events. Below are lists of registered notification
        #   callbacks. see 'Callbacks' section below for more info.

        # coverage callbacks
        self._coverage_switched_callbacks = []
        self._coverage_modified_callbacks = []
        self._coverage_created_callbacks = []
        self._coverage_deleted_callbacks = []

        # metadata callbacks
        self._metadata_modified_callbacks = []

    def terminate(self):
        Cleanup & terminate the director.

        # stop the composition worker

        # stop any ongoing metadata refresh

    # Properties

    def coverage(self):
        The active database coverage.
        return self.get_coverage(self.coverage_name)

    def aggregate(self):
        The aggregate of loaded data.
        return self._special_coverage[AGGREGATE]

    def coverage_names(self):
        The names of loaded / composed coverage data.
        return self._database_coverage.keys()

    def special_names(self):
        The names of special / director coverage.
        return self._special_coverage.keys()

    def all_names(self):
        The names of both special & loaded/composed coverage data.
        return self.coverage_names + self.special_names

    # Callbacks

    def coverage_switched(self, callback):
        Subscribe a callback for coverage switch events.
        register_callback(self._coverage_switched_callbacks, callback)

    def _notify_coverage_switched(self):
        Notify listeners of a coverage switch event.

    def coverage_modified(self, callback):
        Subscribe a callback for coverage modification events.
        register_callback(self._coverage_modified_callbacks, callback)

    def _notify_coverage_modified(self):
        Notify listeners of a coverage modification event.

    def coverage_created(self, callback):
        Subscribe a callback for coverage creation events.
        register_callback(self._coverage_created_callbacks, callback)

    def _notify_coverage_created(self):
        Notify listeners of a coverage creation event.
                        )  # TODO: send list of names created?

    def coverage_deleted(self, callback):
        Subscribe a callback for coverage deletion events.
        register_callback(self._coverage_deleted_callbacks, callback)

    def _notify_coverage_deleted(self):
        Notify listeners of a coverage deletion event.
                        )  # TODO: send list of names deleted?

    def metadata_modified(self, callback):
        Subscribe a callback for metadata modification events.
        register_callback(self._metadata_modified_callbacks, callback)

    def _notify_metadata_modified(self):
        Notify listeners of a metadata modification event.

    # Batch Loading

    def suspend_aggregation(self):
        Suspend the aggregate computation for any newly added coverage.

        It is performant to suspend/resume aggregation if loading a number
        of individual coverage files. This will prevent the aggregate
        coverage set from being re-computed multiple times.
        self._aggregation_suspended = True

    def resume_aggregation(self):
        Resume the aggregate computation.
        assert self._aggregation_suspended
        self._aggregation_suspended = False

    # Coverage

    def select_coverage(self, coverage_name):
        Activate loaded coverage by name.
        logger.debug("Selecting coverage %s" % coverage_name)

        # ensure coverage data actually exists for the given coverage_name
        if not (coverage_name in self.all_names):
            raise ValueError("No coverage matching '%s' was found" %

        # if the requested switch target matches the currently active
        # coverage, then there's nothing for us to do

        if self.coverage_name == coverage_name:

        # switch out the active coverage name with the new coverage name.
        # this pivots the director

        self.coverage_name = coverage_name

        # notify any listeners that we have switched our active coverage

    def create_coverage(self, coverage_name, coverage_data):
        Create a new coverage object maintained by the director.

        This is effectively an alias of self.update_coverage
        return self.update_coverage(coverage_name, coverage_data)

    def update_coverage(self, coverage_name, coverage_data):
        Create or update a coverage object.
        assert not (coverage_name in RESERVED_NAMES)
        updating_coverage = coverage_name in self.coverage_names

        if updating_coverage:
            logger.debug("Updating coverage %s" % coverage_name)
            logger.debug("Adding coverage %s" % coverage_name)

        # create & map a new database coverage object using the given data
        new_coverage = self._new_coverage(coverage_data)

        # coverage mapping complete, looks like we're good. add the new
        # coverage to the director's coverage table and surface it for use.

        self._update_coverage(coverage_name, new_coverage)

        # assign a shorthand alias (if available) to new coverage additions
        if not updating_coverage:

        # notify any listeners that we have added or updated coverage
        if updating_coverage:

        # return the created/updated coverage
        return new_coverage

    def _update_coverage(self, coverage_name, new_coverage):
        Internal add/update of coverage.

        This will automatically update the director's aggregate.

        # if there exists coverage data under the coverage_name we are trying
        # to add/update, we first must remove anything it has contributed to
        # the aggregate before we dispose of its data

        if coverage_name in self.coverage_names:
            old_coverage = self._database_coverage[coverage_name]
            if not self._aggregation_suspended:

        # this is the critical point where we actually integrate the newly
        # built coverage into the director, replacing any existing entries

        self._database_coverage[coverage_name] = new_coverage

        # (re)-add the newly loaded/updated coverage to the aggregate set
        if not self._aggregation_suspended:

    def _new_coverage(self, coverage_data):
        Build a new database coverage object from the given data.
        new_coverage = DatabaseCoverage(coverage_data, self._palette)
        return new_coverage

    def delete_coverage(self, coverage_name):
        Delete a database coverage object by name.

        # if the delete request targets the currently active coverage, we want
        # to switch into a safer coverage set to try and avoid any ill effects.

        if coverage_name in [self.coverage_name, AGGREGATE]:

        # the user is trying to delete one of their own loaded/created coverages

        if coverage_name in self.coverage_names:

        # the user is trying to delete the aggregate coverage set, which simply
        # means clears *all* loaded coverages

        elif coverage_name == AGGREGATE:

        # unsupported / unknown coverage
            raise ValueError("Cannot delete %s, does not exist" %

        # notify any listeners that we have deleted coverage

    def _delete_user_coverage(self, coverage_name):
        Delete a user created database coverage object by name.

        # release the shorthand alias held by this coverage

        # delete the database coverage object
        coverage = self._database_coverage.pop(coverage_name)
        # TODO: check if there's any references to the coverage object here...

        if not self._aggregation_suspended:

    def _delete_aggregate_coverage(self, coverage_name):
        Delete the aggregate set, effectiveely clearing all loaded covearge.

        # loop through all the loaded coverage sets and release them
        for coverage_name in self.coverage_names:

        # TODO: check if there's any references to the coverage aggregate...

        # assign a new, blank aggregate set
        self._special_coverage[AGGREGATE] = DatabaseCoverage(
            None, self._palette)
        self._refresh_aggregate()  # probably not needed

    def get_coverage(self, name):
        Retrieve coverage data for the requested coverage_name.

        # no matching coverage, return a blank coverage set
        if not name:
            return self._NULL_COVERAGE

        # if the given name was an alias, dereference it now
        coverage_name = self._alias2name.get(name, name)

        # attempt to retrieve the coverage from loaded / computed coverages
        if coverage_name in self.coverage_names:
            return self._database_coverage[coverage_name]

        # attempt to retrieve the coverage from the special directory coverages
        if coverage_name in self.special_names:
            return self._special_coverage[coverage_name]

        raise ValueError("No coverage data found for %s" % coverage_name)

    def get_coverage_string(self, coverage_name):
        Retrieve a detailed coverage string for the given coverage_name.

        # special case
        if coverage_name == HOT_SHELL or coverage_name == NEW_COMPOSITION:
            return coverage_name

        symbol = self.get_shorthand(coverage_name)
        coverage = self.get_coverage(coverage_name)

        # build a detailed coverage string
        #   eg: 'A - 73.45% - drcov.boombox.exe.03820.0000.proc.log'

        coverage_string = "%s - %5.2f%% - %s" % \
            (symbol, coverage.instruction_percent*100, coverage_name)

        return coverage_string

    # Aliases

    def alias_coverage(self, coverage_name, alias):
        Assign an alias to loaded coverage.
        assert not (alias in self.all_names)
        assert not (alias in RESERVED_NAMES)
        self._alias_coverage(coverage_name, alias)

    def _alias_coverage(self, coverage_name, alias):
        Internal alias assignment routine. No restrictions.

        # if we are overwriting a known alias, we should remove its
        # inverse mapping reference in the name --> [aliases] map first

        if alias in self._alias2name:

        # save the new alias
        self._alias2name[alias] = coverage_name

    def get_aliases(self, coverage_name):
        Retrieve alias set for the requested coverage_name.
        return self._name2alias[coverage_name]

    def get_shorthand(self, coverage_name):
        Retrieve shorthand symbol for the requested coverage.

            # reduce the coverage's aliases to only shorthand candidates
            shorthand = self._name2alias[coverage_name] & SHORTHAND_ALIASES

            # there can only ever be up to 1 shorthand symbols for a given coverage
            assert len(shorthand) < 2

            # pop the single shorthand symbol (if one is even aliased)
            return shorthand.pop()

        # there doesn't appear to be a shorthand symbol...
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def peek_shorthand(self):
        Peek at the next available shorthand symbol.
            return self._shorthand[0]
        except IndexError:
            return None

    def _request_shorthand_alias(self, coverage_name):
        Assign the next shorthand A-Z alias to the given coverage.
        logger.debug("Requesting shorthand alias for %s" % coverage_name)
        assert coverage_name in self.coverage_names

        # get the next symbol (A-Z) from the shorthand pool
            symbol = self._shorthand.popleft()
        except IndexError:
            return None

        # alias the shorthand to the given coverage_name
        self._alias_coverage(coverage_name, symbol)

        # return the alias symbol assigned
        return symbol

    def _release_shorthand_alias(self, coverage_name):
        Release the shorthand alias of the given coverage_name.
        logger.debug("Releasing shorthand alias for %s" % coverage_name)
        assert coverage_name in self.coverage_names

        # get the shorthand symbol for the given coverage
        symbol = self.get_shorthand(coverage_name)

        # if there was no symbol assigned, there's nothing to do
        if not symbol:

        # delete the shorthand symbol from the alias maps

        # add the symbol back to the end of the shorthand pool

    # Composing

    def add_composition(self, composite_name, ast):
        Evaluate and add a new composition to the director.
        assert not (composite_name in RESERVED_NAMES)
        updating_coverage = composite_name in self.coverage_names
        logger.debug("Adding composition %s" % composite_name)

        # evaluate the last AST into a coverage set
        composite_coverage = self._evaluate_composition(ast)

        # save the evaluated coverage under the given name
        self._update_coverage(composite_name, composite_coverage)

        # assign a shorthand alias (if available) to new coverage additions
        if not updating_coverage:

        # notify any listeners that we have added or updated coverage
        if updating_coverage:

    def cache_composition(self, ast, force=False):
        Cache the given composition.
        assert ast

        # normally, we only pro-actively evaluate/cache if the hotshell is
        # active, but we can also allow the caller to force a cache to occur

        if self.coverage_name == HOT_SHELL or force:

    def _async_evaluate_ast(self):
        Asynchronous composition evaluation worker loop.
        logger.debug("Starting EvaluateAST thread...")

        while True:

            # get the next AST to evaluate
            ast = self._ast_queue.get()

            # signal to stop
            if ast == None:

            # produce a single composite coverage object as described by the AST
            composite_coverage = self._evaluate_composition(ast)

            # we always save the most recent composite to the hotshell entry
            self._special_coverage[HOT_SHELL] = composite_coverage

            # if the hotshell entry is the active coverage selection, notify
            # listeners of its update

            if self.coverage_name == HOT_SHELL:

            # loop and wait for the next AST to evaluate

        # thread exit
        logger.debug("Exiting EvaluateAST thread...")

    def _evaluate_composition(self, ast):
        Evaluate the coverage composition described by the AST.

        # if the AST is effectively 'null', return a blank coverage set
        if isinstance(ast, TokenNull):
            return self._NULL_COVERAGE

        # the director's composition evaluation code (this function) is most
        # generally called via the background caching evaluation thread known
        # as self._composition_worker. But this function can also be called
        # inline via the 'add_composition' function from a different thread
        # (namely, the main thread)
        # because of this, we must control access to the resources the AST
        # evaluation code operates by restricting the code to one thread
        # at a time.
        # should we call _evaluate_composition from the context of the main
        # IDA thread, it is important that we do so in a pseudo non-blocking
        # such that we don't hang IDA. await_lock(...) will allow the Qt/IDA
        # main thread to yield to other threads while waiting for the lock


        # recursively evaluate the AST
        composite_coverage = self._evaluate_composition_recursive(ast)

        # map the composited coverage data to the database metadata
        composite_coverage.refresh()  # TODO: hash refresh?

        # done operating on shared data (coverage), release the lock

        # return the evaluated composition
        return composite_coverage

    def _evaluate_composition_recursive(self, node):
        The internal (recursive) AST evaluation routine.

        # if the current node is a logic operator, we need to evaluate the
        # expressions that make up its input. only once each operand has
        # been reduced is it appropriate for us to manipulate them

        if isinstance(node, TokenLogicOperator):

            # collect the left and right components of the logical operation
            #   eg:
            #       op1 = DatabaseCoverage for 'A'
            #       op2 = DatabaseCoverage for 'B'

            op1 = self._evaluate_composition_recursive(node.op1)
            op2 = self._evaluate_composition_recursive(node.op2)

            # Before computing a new composition, we actually compute a hash
            # actually compute a 'hash' of the operation that would normally
            # generate the composition.
            # This 'hash' can be used to index into an LRU based cache that
            # holds compositions created by the AST evaluation process.
            # The 'hash' is actually computed as a product of the operator
            # that would normally combine the two coverage sets.
            # For example, when computing compositions the logical operators
            # (eg |, &, ^), it does not matter which side of the equation the
            # coverage components fall on.
            #  eg:
            #      (A | B) == (B | A)
            # while arithmetic operations (-) will produce different results
            #      (A - B) != (B - A)
            # So if we are being asked to compute a composition of (A | B),
            # we first compute:
            #      composition_hash = hash(A) | hash(B)
            # And use composition_hash to check an LRU cache for the complete
            # evaluation/composition of (A | B).
            # The possibility of collisions are generally higher with this
            # form of 'hash', but I still expect them to be extremely rare.

            composition_hash = node.operator(op1.coverage_hash,

            # Evaluating an AST produces lots of 'transient' compositions. To
            # mitigate unecessary re-computation, we maintain a small LRU cache
            # of these compositions to draw from during evaluation.
            #   eg:
            #       evaluating the input
            #         (A | B) - (C | D)
            #       produces
            #         COMP_1 = (A | B)
            #         COMP_2 = (C | D)
            #         COMP_3 = COMP_1 - COMP_2
            # In the example above, COMP_3 is the final evaluated result, and
            # COMP_1/COMP_2 would normally be discarded. Instead, we cache all
            # of these compositions (1, 2, 3) as they may be useful to us in
            # the subsequent evaluations.
            # If the user then choses to evaluate (A | B) - (Z | D), our cache
            # can retrieve the fully computed (A | B) composition assuming it
            # has not been evicted.

            # check the cache to see if this composition was recently computed
            cached_coverage = self._composition_cache[composition_hash]

            # if the composition was found in the cache, return that for speed
            if cached_coverage:
                return cached_coverage

            # using the collected components of the logical operation, we
            # compute the coverage mask defined by this TokenLogicOperator

            coverage_mask = node.operator(op1.coverage, op2.coverage)

            # now that we have computed the requested coverage mask (bitmap),
            # apply the mask to the data held by the left operand (op1). we
            # return a masked copy of said DatabaseCoverage

            new_composition = DatabaseCoverage(coverage_mask, self._palette)

            # cache & return the newly computed composition
            self._composition_cache[composition_hash] = new_composition
            return new_composition

        # if the current node is a coverage range, we need to evaluate the
        # range expression. this will produce an aggregate coverage set
        # described by the start/end of the range (Eg, 'A,D')

        elif isinstance(node, TokenCoverageRange):
            return self._evaluate_coverage_range(node)

        # if the current node is a coverage token, we need simply need
        # to return its associated DatabaseCoverage.

        elif isinstance(node, TokenCoverageSingle):
            return self._evaluate_coverage(node)

        # unknown token? (this should never happen)

        raise ValueError("Invalid AST Token in Composition Tree")

    def _evaluate_coverage(self, coverage_token):
        Evaluate a TokenCoverageSingle AST token.

        Returns an existing coverage set.
        assert isinstance(coverage_token, TokenCoverageSingle)
        return self.get_coverage(self._alias2name[coverage_token.symbol])

    def _evaluate_coverage_range(self, range_token):
        Evaluate a TokenCoverageRange AST token.

        Returns a new aggregate coverage set.
        assert isinstance(range_token, TokenCoverageRange)

        # initialize output to a null coverage set
        output = DatabaseCoverage(None, self._palette)

        # exapand 'A,Z' to ['A', 'B', 'C', ... , 'Z']
        symbols = [
            chr(x) for x in range(ord(range_token.symbol_start),
                                  ord(range_token.symbol_end) + 1)

        # build a coverage aggregate described by the range of shorthand symbols
        for symbol in symbols:

        # return the computed coverage
        return output

    # Refresh

    def refresh(self):
        Complete refresh of the director and mapped coverage.
        logger.debug("Refreshing the CoverageDirector")

        # (re)build our metadata cache of the underlying database
        future = self.refresh_metadata(metadata_progress, True)

        # (re)map each set of loaded coverage data to the database

    def refresh_metadata(self, progress_callback=None, force=False):
        Refresh the database metadata cache utilized by the director.

        Returns a future (Queue) that will carry the completion message.

        # if this is the first time the director is going to use / populate
        # the database metadata, register the director for notifications of
        # metadata modification (this should only happen once)
        # TODO: this is a little dirty, but it will suffice.

        if not self.metadata.cached:

        # if the lighthouse has collected metadata previously for this IDB
        # session (eg, it is cached), ignore a request to refresh it unless
        # explicitly told to refresh via force=True

        if self.metadata.cached and not force:
            fake_queue = Queue.Queue()
            return fake_queue

        # start the asynchronous metadata refresh
        result_queue = self.metadata.refresh(

        # return the channel that will carry asynchronous result
        return result_queue

    def _refresh_database_coverage(self):
        Refresh all the database coverage mappings managed by the director.
        logger.debug("Refreshing database coverage mappings")

        for i, name in enumerate(self.all_names, 1):
            logger.debug(" - %s" % name)
            idaapi.replace_wait_box("Refreshing coverage mapping %u/%u" %
                                    (i, len(self.all_names)))
            coverage = self.get_coverage(name)

    def _refresh_aggregate(self):
        Refresh the aggregate coverage set.