コード例 #1
# I keep forgetting to branch at the start

import textwrap
from room import Room
from item import Item
from lightsource import LightSource
from player import Player

wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=50)
play = True

# Declare all the rooms
amulet = Item("Amulet", "Revives the wearer's beloved")
trident = Item("Trident", "King Triton's prized posession")
torch = LightSource("Torch", "a wooden torch", True)

room = {
    Room("Outside Cave Entrance", "North of you, the cave mount beckons"),
        "Foyer", """Dim light filters in from the south. Dusty
passages run north and east.""", [torch]),
        "Grand Overlook", """A steep cliff appears before you, falling
into the darkness. Ahead to the north, a light flickers in
the distance, but there is no way across the chasm."""),
        "Narrow Passage", """The narrow passage bends here from west
コード例 #2
room["foyer"].n_to = room["overlook"]
room["foyer"].e_to = room["narrow"]
room["overlook"].s_to = room["foyer"]
room["narrow"].w_to = room["foyer"]
room["narrow"].n_to = room["treasure"]
room["treasure"].s_to = room["narrow"]
room["streets"].s_to = room["city"]
room["streets"].n_to = room["outside"]
room["city"].n_to = room["streets"]

room["outside"].items.append(Item("sword", "Long Sword"))
room["outside"].items.append(Item("coins", "Gold Coins"))

# Gets random room and puts the torch there
key, random_room = random.choice(list(room.items()))
random_room.items.append(LightSource("torch", "Torch"))

# Main

# Make a new player object that is currently in the 'outside' room.

player = Player("Rodrigo", room["outside"])

# Write a loop that:
# * Prints the current room name
# * Prints the current description (the textwrap module might be useful here).
# * Waits for user input and decides what to do.
コード例 #3
ファイル: adv.py プロジェクト: jcuffe/Intro-Python
import printing
import commandparser as parser

# Declare the items
items = {
    Treasure(100, "jewel", ["glittering"],
             "It is a deep red hue and seems to pulse to an unheard rhythm."),
    Item("locket", ["battered", "silver"],
         "Opening it reveals a faded photograph of two lovers."),
    Weapon(10, "dagger", ["thin"],
           "It looks like it could be used to stab somebody."),
    LightSource("lantern", ["spooky"],
                "It flickers gently as if spurred by an unfelt breeze.")

monsters = {
        "Its festering skin appears to be falling off with every movement", 10,
        "It fills the room with its presence, and the air with the choking fumes of its breath",
        100, 20)