コード例 #1
def main():
    # Switch to file-based logging since docker logs -f is mysteriously failing
    lfile = './outputs/logs/camLooper.log'
    cfile = './config/webcams.conf'
    pfile = './config/passwords.conf'
    confclass = classes.Webcam

    # Need to pass getList = False otherwise it'll try to generate a list
    #   of files found in that directory and return it to you.
    files.checkOutDir('./outputs/logs/', getList=False)

    # If abort was True, this'll probably blow up...?
    logs.setup_logging(logName=lfile, nLogs=5)

    # Read the webcam config file and parse it accordingly.
    #   Will return an OrderedDict of enabled webcams IF enableCheck is True
    oncams, _ = confparsers.parseConfig(cfile,

    # Before we start, check the ALL the image output directories.
    #   Only checking the enabled ones, but could check allcams if desired.
    for cam in oncams:
        curcam = oncams[cam]

        # Test the output location to make sure it exists
        location = curcam.odir
        files.checkOutDir(location, getList=False)

    # Just run it for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever
    while True:
        # failimg = None just uses the default one:
        #   resources/images/percy_txt.jpg
        # Note: Archive locations will be created automatically in here
        cams.grabSet(oncams, failimg=None, archive=True, makeMini=True)
        print("Done Grabbing Images!")

        print("Sleeping for 60 seconds...")
コード例 #2
            # Since they're good filenames we can just sort and take the last
            #   if there are actually any current ones left of course
            nstaticfiles = 48

            # Move our files to the set of static filenames. This will
            #   check (cpng) to see if there are actually any files that
            #   are new, and if so it'll shuffle the files into the correct
            #   order of static filenames.
            com.copyStaticFilenames(nstaticfiles, lout, staticname, cpng)
            print("No new files downloaded so skipping all actions.")

        print("Sleeping for %03d seconds..." % (sleep))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    outdir = "./outputs/"
    awsconf = "./awsCreds.conf"
    forceDownloads = False
    forceRegenPlot = False
    logname = './logs/radarlove.log'

    # Set up logging (using ligmos' quick 'n easy wrapper)
    logs.setup_logging(logName=logname, nLogs=30)

    creds = com.parseConfFile(awsconf)

    main(outdir, creds, forceDown=forceDownloads, forceRegen=forceRegenPlot)