コード例 #1
ファイル: background.py プロジェクト: dlakaplan/mc3pta
def test(challenge,lim=None):
    meta,desi,times_f,resid_f,error_f = load(challenge,limit=int(lim))

    alphaab = alphamat(meta)

    print 'Working with {0} pulsars.'.format(len(meta))

    with timing('GW covariance matrix [recurring]'):
        cgw = Cgw_100ns(alphaab,times_f,-2.0/3.0,fL=1.0/500,approx_ksum=True)

    cgw2 = cgw.copy()
    with timing('Cgw interpolation'):
        cgw3 = 0.2 * cgw + 0.8 * cgw2

    with timing('PN covariance matrix'):
        cpn = Cpn(error_f)

    with timing('Design matrix'):
        gmat = Gdesi2(desi,meta)        # note this takes meta, not len(meta)

    with timing('Reduced data'):
        resid_f = N.dot(gmat.T,resid_f)

    with timing('Reduced Cpn'):
        cpn = blockmul(cpn,gmat,meta,blas=True)

    with timing('Reduced Cgw [recurring]'):
        cgw = blockmul(cgw,gmat,meta,blas=True)

    cgw2 = cgw.copy()
    with timing('Reduced-Cgw interpolation'):
        cgw3 = 0.2 * cgw + 0.8 * cgw2

    with timing('Likelihood [recurring]'):
        logl = logL(resid_f,cgw,cpn)
コード例 #2
ファイル: background.py プロジェクト: dlakaplan/mc3pta
def checklike(challenge,procs,yL=500.0,lim=None,gproj=True,inject=False,A=5e-14,alpha=-2.0/3.0,debug=1,prange=None):
    """Load challenge data and compute the likelihood for a range of background amplitudes.
    Returns a two-column array of (A,logL)."""

    global resid_f,cgw,alphaab,times_f,gmat,meta,cpn,error_f

    meta,desi,times_f,resid_f,error_f = load(challenge,limit=lim)
    alphaab = alphamat(meta)

    with timing("Initial setup",1,debug):
        cgw  = Cgw_100ns(alphaab,times_f,alpha,fL=1.0/float(yL))
        cpn  = Cpn(error_f)

        if inject:
            resid_f = simulate(alphaab,times_f,cgw,cpn,A=A,n=1)

        if gproj:
            with timing("Timing for gmat setup",2,debug):
                if desi is None:
                    gmat = Gproj(times_f,len(meta))
                    print "Using tempo2 design matrix"
                    gmat = Gdesi2(desi,meta)        # gmat = Gdesi(desi,len(meta))

                resid_f = N.dot(gmat.T,resid_f)

                cgw = blockmul(cgw,gmat,meta)       # cgw = N.dot(gmat.T,N.dot(cgw,gmat))
                cpn = blockmul(cpn,gmat,meta)       # cpn = N.dot(gmat.T,N.dot(cpn,gmat))

    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(int(procs))

    if prange is None:
        x = N.linspace(1e-14,9e-14,20)              # range of A
        x = N.linspace(prange[0],prange[1],20)      # assigned range of A

    with timing("Total timing for {0} likelihoods".format(len(x)),1,debug):
        # l = pool.map(lnprob,[[x0] for x0 in x])
        l = pool.map(lnprob2,[[x0,alpha] for x0 in x])


    if debug is True or debug >= 2:
        print "Maximum %s found at par %s" % (N.max(l),x[N.argmax(l)])

    return N.array([x,l]).T
コード例 #3
ファイル: background.py プロジェクト: dlakaplan/mc3pta
def emceehammer(challenge,procs=10,suffix=None,ndim=None,nwalkers=200,iters=100,limit=None,inject=False,resume=False,checkpoint=None):
    """Load challenge data and perform a single-parameter (A) emcee Hammer run on them.
    Save chain and probabilities to numpy arrays."""

    global resid_f,cgw,alphaab,times_f,gmat,meta,cpn,error_f

    meta,desi,times_f,resid_f,error_f = load(challenge,limit=limit)
    alphaab = alphamat(meta)

    if inject == 'raw':
        print "Loading clean data from raw challenge files"
        resid_f = loadraw(challenge,limit=None)

    if ndim is None and challenge in ['closed1','closed2','closed3']:
        ndim = 2*len(meta) + 2

    with timing("Initial setup"):
        cgw  = Cgw_100ns(alphaab,times_f,alpha=-2.0/3.0,fL=1.0/500)
        cpn  = Cpn(error_f)

        if challenge == 'open3':
            cpn = cpn +  Cred_100ns(alphaab,times_f,A=5.77e-22,alpha=1.7,fL=1.0/500)

        if inject == 'inject':
            print "Injecting synthetic signals at dataset times"
            resid_f = simulate(alphaab,times_f,cgw,cpn,A=5e-14,n=1)

        if desi is None:
            gmat = Gproj(times_f,len(meta))
            print "Using tempo2 design matrix"
            gmat = Gdesi2(desi,meta)        # gmat = Gdesi(desi,len(meta))

        resid_f = N.dot(gmat.T,resid_f)

        if ndim == 1:                       # otherwise the multiplication is done in logL
            cgw = blockmul(cgw,gmat,meta)   # cgw = N.dot(gmat.T,N.dot(cgw,gmat))
            cpn = blockmul(cpn,gmat,meta)   # cpn = N.dot(gmat.T,N.dot(cpn,gmat))

    if N.any(N.isnan(cgw.flatten())) or N.any(N.isinf(cgw.flatten())):
        raise ArithmeticError

    # multiprocessing seems to work better if nwalkers >> procs
    # also keep in mind that the ensemble is split in two...

    trueA, truealpha = 5e-14, -2.0/3.0
    trueAred, truealphared = 5.77e-22, 1.7

    if ndim == 1:
        # initial walker positions - a list of numpy arrays
        p0 = [random.uniform(trueA*0.5,trueA*1.5) for i in range(nwalkers)]

        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers,ndim,lnprob,args=[],threads=int(procs))
    elif ndim == 2:
        p0 = [[random.uniform(trueA*0.5,trueA*1.5),
               random.uniform(alpha_min,alpha_max)] for i in range(nwalkers)]

        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers,ndim,lnprob2,args=[],threads=int(procs))
    elif ndim == 4:
        p0 = [[random.uniform(trueA*0.5,trueA*1.5),
               random.uniform(alphared_min,alphared_max)] for i in range(nwalkers)]

        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers,ndim,lnprob4,args=[],threads=int(procs))
    elif ndim == 2*len(meta) + 2:
        p0 = [[random.uniform(trueA*0.5,trueA*1.5),random.uniform(alpha_min,alpha_max)] +
              [value for pulsar in meta
                     for value in [random.uniform(math.log10(trueAred*0.1),math.log10(trueAred*10)),random.uniform(alphared_min,alphared_max)]]
#                    for value in [random.uniform(trueAred*0.1,trueAred*10),random.uniform(alphared_min,alphared_max)]]
              for i in range(nwalkers)]

        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers,ndim,lnprob22Nlog,args=[],threads=int(procs))
        # sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers,ndim,lnprob22N,args=[],threads=int(procs))
    elif ndim == 3*len(meta) + 2:
        p0 = [[random.uniform(trueA*0.5,trueA*1.5),random.uniform(alpha_min,alpha_max)] +
              [value for pulsar in meta
                     for value in [random.uniform(trueAred*0.1,trueAred*10),
              for i in range(nwalkers)]

        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers,ndim,lnprob23N,args=[],threads=int(procs))

    suffix = (suffix + '-' + str(ndim)) if suffix else str(ndim)

    resumefile = '../runs/resume-{0}-{1}.npy'.format(challenge,suffix)
    chainfile  = '../runs/chain-{0}-{1}.npy'.format(challenge,suffix)
    lnprobfile = '../runs/lnprob-{0}-{1}.npy'.format(challenge,suffix)

    if resume:
        p0 = N.load(resumefile)
        print "Resuming run from file", resumefile

    if checkpoint:
        for subrun in range(int(iters/checkpoint)):
            with timing("{0} x {1} samples (subrun {2})".format(checkpoint,nwalkers,subrun)):

            p0 = sampler.chain[:,-1,:]

            N.save(chainfile, sampler.chain)
        with timing("{0} x {1} samples".format(iters,nwalkers)):


        N.save(chainfile, sampler.chain)

    print "Done! Mean acceptance fraction:", N.mean(sampler.acceptance_fraction)