コード例 #1
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: limpyd/redis-limpyd-jobs
class MyQueue(Queue):
    A queue that will store the dates of it's first and last successful job
    first_job_date = fields.InstanceHashField()
    last_job_date = fields.InstanceHashField()
    jobs_counter = fields.InstanceHashField()
コード例 #2
class Group(TestRedisModel):
    namespace = 'contrib-collection'
    collection_manager = ExtendedCollectionManager

    id = fields.AutoPKField()
    name = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)
    active = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True, default=1)
    public = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True, default=1)
コード例 #3
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: limpyd/redis-limpyd-jobs
class Person(model.RedisModel):
    A simple model for which we want to compute fullname based on firstname and
    database = BaseJobsModel.database

    firstname = fields.InstanceHashField()
    lastname = fields.InstanceHashField()
    fullname = fields.InstanceHashField()
コード例 #4
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: kristoff-it/redis-limpyd
    class MyModel(TestRedisModel):
        name = fields.InstanceHashField()
        last_modification_date = fields.InstanceHashField()

        def post_command(self, sender, name, result, args, kwargs):
            if isinstance(sender, fields.RedisField) and sender.name == "name":
                if name in sender.available_modifiers:
                elif name == "hget":
                    result = "modifed_result"
            return result
コード例 #5
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: kristoff-it/redis-limpyd
class Boat(TestRedisModel):
    Use also InstanceHashField.

    name = fields.StringField(unique=True)
    power = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True, default="sail")
    launched = fields.StringField(indexable=True)
    length = fields.StringField()
コード例 #6
class DateTimeModelTest(TestRedisModel):
    date = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True, indexes=[DateIndex])
    unique_date = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True,
    time = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True, indexes=[TimeIndex])
    unique_time = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True,
    datetime = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True,
    simple_datetime = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True,
    unique_datetime = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True,
    unique_simple_datetime = fields.InstanceHashField(
        indexable=True, indexes=[SimpleDateTimeIndex], unique=True)
コード例 #7
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: limpyd/redis-limpyd-jobs
class MyJob(Job):
    A job that will use Person's PK as identifier, and will store results of
    callback in a new field
    result = fields.StringField()  # to store the result of the task
    queue_model = MyQueue
    queue_name = QUEUE_NAME

    start = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)

    def get_object(self):
        Return the object concerned by the current job's identifier
        return Person.get(self.identifier.hget())

    def run(self, queue):
        Create the fullname, and store a a message serving as result in the job
        # add some random time to simulate a long job

        # compute the fullname
        obj = self.get_object()
        obj.fullname.hset('%s %s' % tuple(obj.hmget('firstname', 'lastname')))

        # this will the "result" of the job
        result = 'Created fullname for Person %s: %s' % (obj.pk.get(),

        # save the result of the callback in the job itself

        # return the result for future use in the worker
        return result
コード例 #8
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: kristoff-it/redis-limpyd
 class Train(TestRedisModel):
     namespace = "test_pkfield_cannot_be_deleted"
     name = fields.InstanceHashField(unique=True)
コード例 #9
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: kristoff-it/redis-limpyd
 class Train(TestRedisModel):
     namespace = "test_instancehashfield_keys_are_deleted"
     name = fields.InstanceHashField(unique=True)
     kind = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)
     wagons = fields.InstanceHashField(default=10)
コード例 #10
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: limpyd/redis-limpyd-jobs
class Queue(BaseJobsModel):
    name = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)
    priority = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True, default=0)  # the higher, the better
    waiting = fields.ListField()
    success = fields.ListField()
    errors = fields.ListField()
    delayed = fields.SortedSetField()

    def get_queue(cls, name, priority=0, **fields_if_new):
        Get, or create, and return the wanted queue.
        If the queue is created, fields in fields_if_new will be set for the new
        queue_kwargs = {'name': name, 'priority': priority}
        retries = 0
        while retries < 10:
            retries += 1
                queue, created = cls.get_or_connect(**queue_kwargs)
            except IndexError:
                # Failure during the retrieval https://friendpaste.com/5U63a8aFuV44SEgQckgMP
                # => retry
            except ValueError:
                # more than one (race condition https://github.com/yohanboniface/redis-limpyd/issues/82 ?)
                    queue = cls.collection(**queue_kwargs).instances()[0]
                except IndexError:
                    # but no more now ?!
                    # => retry
                    created = False

            # ok we have our queue, stop now

        if created and fields_if_new:

        return queue

    def delay_job(self, job, delayed_until):
        Add the job to the delayed list (zset) of the queue.
        timestamp = datetime_to_score(delayed_until)
        self.delayed.zadd({job.ident: timestamp})

    def enqueue_job(self, job, prepend=False):
        Add the job to the waiting list, at the end (it's a fifo list). If
        `prepend` is True, add it at the beginning of the list.
        push_method = getattr(self.waiting, 'lpush' if prepend else 'rpush')

    def _get_iterable_for_names(names):
        Ensure that we have an iterable list of names, even if we have a single
        if isinstance(names, basestring):
            names = (names, )
        return names

    def get_all(cls, names):
        Return all queues for the given names (for all available priorities)
        names = cls._get_iterable_for_names(names)

        queues = []
        for queue_name in names:

        return queues

    def get_all_by_priority(cls, names):
        Return all the queues with the given names, sorted by priorities (higher
        priority first), then by name
        names = cls._get_iterable_for_names(names)

        queues = cls.get_all(names)

        # sort all queues by priority
        queues.sort(key=lambda q: int(q.priority.hget() or 0), reverse=True)

        return queues

    def get_waiting_keys(cls, names):
        Return a list of all queue waiting keys, to use with blpop
        return [queue.waiting.key for queue in cls.get_all_by_priority(names)]

    def count_waiting_jobs(cls, names):
        Return the number of all jobs waiting in queues with the given names
        return sum([queue.waiting.llen() for queue in cls.get_all(names)])

    def count_delayed_jobs(cls, names):
        Return the number of all delayed jobs in queues with the given names
        return sum([queue.delayed.zcard() for queue in cls.get_all(names)])

    def first_delayed(self):
        Return the first entry in the delayed zset (a tuple with the job's pk
        and the score of the zset, which it's delayed time as a timestamp)
        Returns None if no delayed jobs
        entries = self.delayed.zrange(0, 0, withscores=True)
        return entries[0] if entries else None

    def first_delayed_time(self):
        Get the timestamp representation of the first delayed job to be ready.
        # get the first job which will be ready
        first_entry = self.first_delayed

        return first_entry[1] if first_entry else None

    def requeue_delayed_jobs(self):
        Put all delayed jobs that are now ready, back in the queue waiting list
        Return a list of failures
        lock_key = self.make_key(
        connection = self.get_connection()

        if connection.exists(lock_key):
            # if locked, a worker is already on it, don't wait and exit
            return []

        with Lock(connection, lock_key, timeout=60):

            # stop here if we know we have nothing
            first_delayed_time = self.first_delayed_time
            if not first_delayed_time:
                return []

            # get when we are :)
            now_timestamp = datetime_to_score(datetime.utcnow())

            # the first job will be ready later, and so the other ones too, then
            # abort
            if float(first_delayed_time) > now_timestamp:
                return []

            failures = []
            while True:
                # get the first entry
                first_entry = self.first_delayed

                # no first entry, another worker took all from us !
                if not first_entry:

                # split into vars for readability
                job_ident, delayed_until = first_entry

                # if the date of the job is in the future, another work took the
                # job we wanted, so we let this job here and stop the loop as we
                # know (its a zset sorted by date) that no other jobs are ready
                if delayed_until > now_timestamp:

                # remove the entry we just got from the delayed ones

                # and add it to the waiting queue
                    job = Job.get_from_ident(job_ident)
                    if job.status.hget() == STATUSES.DELAYED:
                except Exception as e:
                    failures.append((job_ident, '%s' % e))

            return failures
コード例 #11
 class Plane(TestRedisModel):
     my_pk = fields.PKField()
     name = fields.InstanceHashField()
     is_first = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)
コード例 #12
 class Event(TestRedisModel):
     year = fields.InstanceHashField()
コード例 #13
        class Plane2(TestRedisModel):
            my_pk = fields.PKField()
            name = fields.InstanceHashField()
            is_first = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)

            collection_manager = ExtendedCollectionManager
コード例 #14
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: limpyd/redis-limpyd-jobs
class Error(BaseJobsModel):
    job_model_repr = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)
    job_pk = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)
    identifier = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)
    queue_name = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)
    date_time = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True, indexes=[SimpleDateTimeIndex])
    date = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)  # kept for now for compatibility
    time = fields.InstanceHashField()  # kept for now for compatibility
    type = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)
    code = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)
    message = fields.InstanceHashField()
    traceback = fields.InstanceHashField()

    def add_error(cls, queue_name, job, error, when=None, trace=None,
        Add a new error in redis.
        `job` is a job which generated the error
        `queue_name` is the name of the queue where the error arrived
        `error` is an exception, which can has a code (better if it is)
        `when` is the datetime of the error, utcnow will be used if not defined
        `trace` is the traceback generated by the exception, may be null
        The new created instance is returned, with additional_fields set for
        if when is None:
            when = datetime.utcnow()
        when = str(when)

        fields = dict(
            identifier=getattr(job, '_cached_identifier', job.identifier.hget()),

            # exception can be a class (should not, but just in case...)
            fields['type'] = error.__name__
        except AttributeError:
            # or excetion is an instance
            fields['type'] = error.__class__.__name__

        error_code = getattr(error, 'code', None)
        if error_code is not None:
            fields['code'] = error_code

        if trace:
            fields['traceback'] = trace

        error = cls(**fields)

        if additional_fields:

        return error

    def collection_for_job(cls, job):
        Helper to return a collection of errors for the given job
        return cls.collection(job_model_repr=job.get_model_repr(), identifier=getattr(job, '_cached_identifier', job.identifier.hget()))

    def datetime(self):
        Property which return a real datetime object based on the date and time
        return parse(self.date_time.hget())
コード例 #15
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: kristoff-it/redis-limpyd
 class Train(TestRedisModel):
     namespace = "test_model_delete"
     name = fields.InstanceHashField(unique=True)
     kind = fields.StringField(indexable=True)
     wagons = fields.InstanceHashField(default=10)
コード例 #16
 class Group(TestRedisModel):
     namespace = 'collection'
     collection_manager = ActiveGroups
     name = fields.InstanceHashField()
     active = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True, default=1)
コード例 #17
ファイル: instancehash.py プロジェクト: dabbler0/redis-limpyd
 class HMTestModel(TestRedisModel):
     foo = fields.InstanceHashField()
     bar = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)
     baz = fields.InstanceHashField(unique=True)
コード例 #18
 class Singer(TestRedisModel):
     name = fields.InstanceHashField()
コード例 #19
 class Query(TestRedisModel):
     namespace = 'FieldOrModelAsValueForSortAndFilterTest'
     collection_manager = ExtendedCollectionManager
     name = fields.InstanceHashField()
     active = fields.InstanceHashField()
     public = fields.InstanceHashField()
コード例 #20
 class Band(TestRedisModel):
     name = fields.InstanceHashField(unique=True)
     started_in = fields.InstanceHashField()
     genre = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)
コード例 #21
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: limpyd/redis-limpyd-jobs
class Job(BaseJobsModel):
    identifier = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)  # ex: "myobj:123:update"
    status = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)  # see STATUSES constants
    priority = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True, default=0)
    added = fields.InstanceHashField()
    start = fields.InstanceHashField()
    end = fields.InstanceHashField()
    tries = fields.InstanceHashField()
    delayed_until = fields.InstanceHashField()
    queued = fields.InstanceHashField(indexable=True)  # '1' if queued
    cancel_on_error = fields.InstanceHashField()

    always_cancel_on_error = False

    queue_model = Queue
    queue_name = None

    def get_model_repr(cls):
        Return a string representation of the current class
        return '%s.%s' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)

    def ident(self):
        Return the string to use in  queues, include the job's class and its pk
        return '%s:%s' % (self.get_model_repr(), self.pk.get())

    def get_from_ident(self, ident):
        Take a string as returned by get_ident and return a job,
        based on the class representation and the job's pk from the ident
        model_repr, job_pk = ident.split(':', 1)
        klass = import_class(model_repr)
        return klass.get(job_pk)

    def _get_queue_name(cls, queue_name=None):
        Return the given queue_name if defined, else the class's one.
        If both are None, raise an Exception
        if queue_name is None and cls.queue_name is None:
            raise LimpydJobsException("Queue's name not defined")
        if queue_name is None:
            return cls.queue_name
        return queue_name

    def add_job(cls, identifier, queue_name=None, priority=0, queue_model=None,
                prepend=False, delayed_for=None, delayed_until=None,
        Add a job to a queue.
        If this job already exists, check it's current priority. If its higher
        than the new one, don't touch it, else move the job to the wanted queue.
        Before setting/moving the job to the queue, check for a `delayed_for`
        (int/foat/timedelta) or `delayed_until` (datetime) argument to see if
        it must be delayed instead of queued.
        If the job is created, fields in fields_if_new will be set for the new
        Finally return the job.

        # check for delayed_for/delayed_until arguments
        delayed_until = compute_delayed_until(delayed_for, delayed_until)

        # create the job or get an existing one
        job_kwargs = {'identifier': identifier, 'queued': '1'}
        retries = 0
        while retries < 10:
            retries += 1
                job, created = cls.get_or_connect(**job_kwargs)
            except IndexError:
                # Failure during the retrieval https://friendpaste.com/5U63a8aFuV44SEgQckgMP
                # => retry
            except ValueError:
                # more than one already in the queue !
                    job = cls.collection(**job_kwargs).instances()[0]
                except IndexError:
                    # but no more now ?!
                    # => retry
                    created = False

            # ok we have our job, stop now

            # check queue_name
            queue_name = cls._get_queue_name(queue_name)

            # if the job already exists, and we want a higher priority or move it,
            # start by updating it
            if not created:
                current_priority = int(job.priority.hget() or 0)
                # if the job has a higher priority, or don't need to be moved,
                # don't move it
                if not prepend and current_priority >= priority:
                    return job

                # cancel it temporarily, we'll set it as waiting later

                # remove it from the current queue, we'll add it to the new one later
                if queue_model is None:
                    queue_model = cls.queue_model
                current_queue = queue_model.get_queue(queue_name, current_priority)
                current_queue.waiting.lrem(0, job.ident)

                job.set_fields(added=str(datetime.utcnow()), **(fields_if_new or {}))

            # add the job to the queue
            job.enqueue_or_delay(queue_name, priority, delayed_until, prepend, queue_model)

            return job
        except Exception:

    def run(self, queue):
        The method called by the work to do some stuff. Must be overriden to
        your needs.
        The optional return value of this function will be passed to the
        job_success method of the worker.
        raise NotImplementedError('You must implement your own action')

    def must_be_cancelled_on_error(self):
        Return True if either the "always_cancel_on_error" attribute is True,
        of if the "cancel_on_error" field holds a True value
        return self.always_cancel_on_error or self.cancel_on_error.hget()

    def duration(self):
        If the start and end times of the job are defined, return a timedelta,
        else return None
            start, end = self.hmget('start', 'end')
            return parse(end) - parse(start)
            return None

    def requeue(self, queue_name=None, priority=None, delayed_for=None,
                                        delayed_until=None, queue_model=None):
        Requeue the job in the given queue if it has previously failed
        queue_name = self._get_queue_name(queue_name)

        # we can only requeue a job that raised an error
        if self.status.hget() != STATUSES.ERROR:
            raise LimpydJobsException('Job cannot be requeued if not in ERROR status')

        self.hdel('start', 'end')

        if priority is None:
            priority = self.priority.hget()

        delayed_until = compute_delayed_until(delayed_for, delayed_until)

        self.enqueue_or_delay(queue_name, priority, delayed_until, queue_model=queue_model)

    def enqueue_or_delay(self, queue_name=None, priority=None,
                         delayed_until=None, prepend=False, queue_model=None):
        Will enqueue or delay the job depending of the delayed_until.
        queue_name = self._get_queue_name(queue_name)

        fields = {'queued': '1'}

        if priority is not None:
            fields['priority'] = priority
            priority = self.priority.hget()

        in_the_future = delayed_until and delayed_until > datetime.utcnow()

        if in_the_future:
            fields['delayed_until'] = str(delayed_until)
            fields['status'] = STATUSES.DELAYED
            fields['status'] = STATUSES.WAITING


        if queue_model is None:
            queue_model = self.queue_model
        queue = queue_model.get_queue(queue_name, priority)

        if in_the_future:
            queue.delay_job(self, delayed_until)
            queue.enqueue_job(self, prepend)