def get_cart(request): """First see if current user already got a cart. If got cart, load it. else create a new one with default settings. """ if 'id_cart' in request.session: cart = Cart.objects.get(pk=request.session['id_cart']) else: # Get the current currency of the user, or default currency. currency = Currency.get_current_currency(request) cart = Cart(currency=currency) # If a Default Carrier exist, then add it to the cart # when the user creates his first cart. try: carrier = Carrier.objects.get(default=True) cart.carrier = carrier except Carrier.DoesNotExist: pass request.session['id_cart'] = return cart
def test_updateAmount(self): cart = Cart(currency=self.currency) self.factory.session = {'id_cart':} # Just make sure the factory got a session object. addProduct(self.factory, # Add a product to the cart. self.assertEqual(cart.cartitem_set.get(product=self.product1).amount, 1) # Default amount after added should be 1. updateAmount(self.factory, cart.cartitem_set.get(product=self.product1).pk, 5) # Update amount to 5. self.assertEqual(cart.cartitem_set.get(product=self.product1).amount, 5) # Amount should be 5 after change.
def test_removeProduct(self): from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist cart = Cart(currency=self.currency) self.factory.session = {'id_cart':} # Just make sure the factory got a session object. addProduct(self.factory, # Add a product to the cart. self.assertEqual(cart.cartitem_set.get(product=self.product1).amount, 1) # Default amount after added should be 1. removeProduct(self.factory, cart.cartitem_set.get(product=self.product1).pk) # Remove the product that as just added. self.assertEqual(len(cart.cartitem_set.filter(product=self.product1)), 0) # After removing he product, it should not be found.
def test_AddProductToCart(self): cart = Cart(currency=self.currency) self.factory.session = {'id_cart':} # Just make sure the factory got a session object. # Add a product to the cart, with correct data. # Should return True. addProduct(self.factory, self.assertEqual(len(cart.cartitem_set.all()), 1) # It should now exist 1 item in the cart. try: addProduct(self.factory, 53) # Add product with wrong ID. except: pass # After adding a product with wrong id (above), it should still only be 1 # item in the cart. self.assertEqual(len(cart.cartitem_set.all()), 1)
def add_subscription(request, attributes=None): if request.method == "POST": plan = request.POST.get('plan', None) pet_size = request.POST.get('pet_size', None) upgrade = request.POST.get('upgrade', None) email = request.POST.get('email', None) # If user already have a cart when we try to add a product. # Remove the session (remove connection between user and cart) # to start on new cart. if 'id_cart' in request.session: request.session['id_cart'] = None request.session.pop('id_cart', None) # Get amount of months for the plan try: amount = int(plan.split('-')[0]) except Exception as ex: pass # Return 404 if upgrade == 'upgrade': try: plan_object = Plan.objects.get(slug=plan, premium=True) except Plan.DoesNotExist: pass # Return error else: try: plan_object = Plan.objects.get(slug=plan, premium=False) except Plan.DoesNotExist: pass # Return error # Create a new customer try: customer = Customer.objects.get(email=email) address = customer.user_address.all()[0] except Customer.DoesNotExist: customer = Customer(email=email) # Create a new address address = Address(customer=customer) # Create a new cart cart = Cart(customer=customer) # Add default shipping to cart # If a Default Carrier exist, then add it to the cart # when the user creates his first cart. try: carrier = Carrier.objects.get(default=True) cart.carrier = carrier except Carrier.DoesNotExist: pass request.session['id_cart'] = # Add item to Cart ci = CartItem(cart=cart, plan=plan_object) ci.amount = amount # If attributes are set, then also add the attributes # to this cartitem. if attributes: for k, v in attributes.iteritems(): attribute = Attribute.objects.get(slug=k) choice = attribute.attributechoice_set.get(slug=v) ci.attribute.add(choice) # Return True on success return True else: pass # Return 404