def test_checker_different_max_len(test_lengths, expected_len, expected_fails): # line 0: 42, line 4: 123, line 6: 92, line 10: 88 line_data = [ "# first comment line explaining the script", "import time", "", "", "def main(s: int) -> None: # main function that takes in seconds as" " an int. the seconds will be used in the sleep function", " sleep(s)", " print('Done sleeping and now exiting') # this prints the text." " main returns after print", "", "", "if __name__ == '__main__':", " # this is the entry point into the script and anything after this" " comment line runs.", " main()", "" ] result = line_checker.checker(line_data, test_lengths) assert len(result) == expected_len assert result == expected_fails
def test_checker_no_fail_lines(): line_data = [ "# first comment line", "import time", "", "", "def main() -> None:", " time.sleep(1)", "", "", "if __name__ == '__main__':", " main()", "", ] result = line_checker.checker(line_data, line_checker.DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH) assert len(result) == 0 assert result == []
def test_checker_one_fail_line(): # lest max line length 80 line_data = [ "# first comment line", "import time", "", "", "def main() -> None:", " time.sleep(1) # this is a comment line. A really long comment " "line over the test length of a line", "", "", "if __name__ == '__main__':", " main()", "", ] result = line_checker.checker(line_data, line_checker.DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH) assert len(result) == 1 assert result == [(5, 102)]
def test_checker_three_fail_lines(): # lest max line length 80 line_data = [ "# first comment line", "import time", "", "", "def main() -> None:", " time.sleep(1) # this is a comment line. A really long comment " "line over the test length of a line", " print('this is a print. printing a long line to test this out" " just a bit over 85", "", "", "if __name__ == '__main__':", " main() # this is a call to the main function. the main function" " is where it is all at. just call main()", "", ] result = line_checker.checker(line_data, line_checker.DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH) assert len(result) == 3 assert result == [(5, 102), (6, 85), (10, 110)]
def test_checker_no_lines(): line_data = [] result = line_checker.checker(line_data, line_checker.DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH) assert len(result) == 0 assert result == []