コード例 #1
# Load and process each in turn, to create a big database of feature/class...
train = []

for fn_num, fn in enumerate(lg_fn):
    print 'Processing %s: (%i of %i)' % (fn, fn_num + 1, len(lg_fn))

    # Load line graph...
    print '    Loading...'
    f = open(fn, 'r')
    data = ply2.read(f)

    lg = LineGraph()

    # Extract features...
    print '    Extracting features...'
    fv = lg.features(**feat_param)

    # Extract labels, to match the features...
    segs = lg.get_segs()

    def seg_to_label(seg):
        tags = lg.get_tags(seg)
        if len(tags) == 0: return 0  # Its a ligament

        for tag in tags:
            if tag[0] == '_':
                return -1  # Ignored - to be removed from training.
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: eosbamsi/helit
# Load and process each in turn, to create a big database of feature/class...
train = []

for fn_num, fn in enumerate(lg_fn):
  print 'Processing %s: (%i of %i)' % (fn, fn_num+1, len(lg_fn))
  # Load line graph...
  print '    Loading...'
  f = open(fn, 'r')
  data = ply2.read(f)
  lg = LineGraph()
  # Extract features...
  print '    Extracting features...'
  fv = lg.features(**feat_param)
  # Extract labels, to match the features...
  segs = lg.get_segs()

  def seg_to_label(seg):
    tags = lg.get_tags(seg)
    if len(tags)==0: return 0 # Its a ligament
    for tag in tags:
      if tag[0]=='_': return -1 # Ignored - to be removed from training.
      code = filter(lambda c: c!='_', tag[0])
コード例 #3
ファイル: glyph_db.py プロジェクト: zhencang/helit
    def add(self, fn):
        """Given the filename for a LineGraph file this loads it in and splits it into Glyphs, which it dumps into the db. Does nothing if the file is already loaded. returns the number of glyphs added."""

        if fn in self.fnl: return 0

        # Load the LineGraph from the given filename, and get the homography...
        f = open(fn, 'r')
        data = ply2.read(f)

        lg = LineGraph()

        hg = data['element']['homography']['v'].reshape((3, 3))

        texture = os.path.normpath(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fn), data['meta']['image']))

        # Create a line bias object to be used in the next step...
        bias = gen_bias(lg, hg)

        # First pass - create each glyph object...
        glyphs = []
        for s in xrange(lg.segments):
            g = Glyph(lg, s, hg, bias=bias)
            glyphs.append(g if '_' not in
                          map(lambda t: t[0], g.lg.get_tags()) else None)

        # Second pass - fill in the connectivity information supported by adjacency...
        link_glyphs = []
        for seg, glyph in enumerate(glyphs):
            if glyph == None: continue
            if glyph.key == None: continue

            # Brute force search to find a left partner...
            if glyph.left == None:
                best = None
                for g in glyphs:
                    # Check it satisfies the conditions...
                    if g == None: continue
                    if g.key == None: continue
                    if id(g) == id(glyph): continue
                    if g.offset_y != glyph.offset_y: continue
                    if (g.right_x - g.offset_x) > (glyph.right_x -

                    # Check its better than the current best...
                    if best == None or (best.right_x - best.offset_x) < (
                            g.right_x - g.offset_x):
                        best = g

                if best != None:
                    glyph.left = (best, [])

            # Brute force search to find a right partner...
            if glyph.right == None:
                best = None
                for g in glyphs:
                    # Check it satisfies the conditions...
                    if g == None: continue
                    if g.key == None: continue
                    if id(g) == id(glyph): continue
                    if g.offset_y != glyph.offset_y: continue
                    if (g.left_x - g.offset_x) < (glyph.left_x -

                    # Check its better than the current best...
                    if best == None or (best.left_x - best.offset_x) > (
                            g.left_x - g.offset_x):
                        best = g

                if best != None:
                    glyph.right = (best, [])

            # Now we have the best matches find common glyphs to link them, and record them...
            for other, out in [
                    g for g in [glyph.left, glyph.right] if g != None
                shared_seg = set([a[1] for a in glyph.adjacent]) & set(
                    [a[1] for a in other.adjacent])

                for seg in shared_seg:
                    g = glyphs[seg]
                    if g == None: continue

                    # We have a linking glyph - extract the information...
                    glyph_vert = [a[0] for a in glyph.adjacent if a[1] == seg]
                    other_vert = [a[0] for a in other.adjacent if a[1] == seg]

                    link_glyph = [
                        a[0] for a in g.adjacent if a[1] == glyph.seg
                    link_other = [
                        a[0] for a in g.adjacent if a[1] == other.seg

                    # Check if we have a multi-link scenario - if so choose links...
                    if len(glyph_vert) > 1 or len(other_vert) > 1:
                        gv_y = map(lambda v: glyph.lg.get_vertex(v)[1],
                        ov_y = map(lambda v: other.lg.get_vertex(v)[1],

                        if (max(gv_y) - min(ov_y)) > (max(ov_y) - min(gv_y)):
                            glyph_vert = glyph_vert[numpy.argmax(gv_y)]
                            other_vert = other_vert[numpy.argmin(ov_y)]
                            glyph_vert = glyph_vert[numpy.argmin(gv_y)]
                            other_vert = other_vert[numpy.argmax(ov_y)]

                        lg_y = map(lambda v: g.lg.get_vertex(v)[1], link_glyph)
                        lo_y = map(lambda v: g.lg.get_vertex(v)[1], link_other)

                        if (max(lg_y) - min(lo_y)) > (max(lo_y) - min(lg_y)):
                            link_glyph = link_glyph[numpy.argmax(lg_y)]
                            link_other = link_other[numpy.argmin(lo_y)]
                            link_glyph = link_glyph[numpy.argmin(lg_y)]
                            link_other = link_other[numpy.argmax(lo_y)]

                        # Simple scenario...
                        glyph_vert = glyph_vert[0]
                        other_vert = other_vert[0]

                        link_glyph = link_glyph[0]
                        link_other = link_other[0]

                    # Recreate the link as a simple path - its the only way to be safe!..
                        g = g.clone()
                        nlg = LineGraph()
                        link_glyph, link_other = nlg.from_path(
                            g.lg, link_glyph, link_other)
                        g.lg = nlg
                        continue  # Line is broken in the centre - don't use it.

                    # Add the tuple to the storage...
                        (g, glyph_vert, other_vert, link_glyph, link_other))

        # Third pass - enforce consistancy...
        for glyph in glyphs:
            if glyph == None: continue

            if glyph.left != None:
                if glyph.left[0].right == None or id(
                        glyph.left[0].right[0]) != id(glyph):
                    # Inconsistancy - break it...
                    glyph.left[0].right = None
                    glyph.left = None

            if glyph.right != None:
                if glyph.right[0].left == None or id(
                        glyph.right[0].left[0]) != id(glyph):
                    # Inconsistancy - break it...
                    glyph.right[0].left = None
                    glyph.right = None

        # Forth pass - add filename tags and add to db (Count and return the glyph count)...
        count = 0

        for glyph in (glyphs + link_glyphs):
            if glyph == None: continue

            glyph.lg.add_tag(0, 0.1, 'file:%s' % fn)
            glyph.lg.add_tag(0, 0.2, 'texture:%s' % texture)

                0, 0.3,
                'link:left:%s' % ('n' if glyph.left == None else
                                  ('g' if len(glyph.left[1]) == 0 else 'l')))
                0, 0.4,
                'link:right:%s' % ('n' if glyph.right == None else
                                   ('g' if len(glyph.right[1]) == 0 else 'l')))

            glyph.lg.add_tag(0, 0.5, 'source:x:%f' % glyph.source[0])
            glyph.lg.add_tag(0, 0.6, 'source:y:%f' % glyph.source[1])

            if glyph.key != None:
                count += 1
                if glyph.key in self.db: self.db[glyph.key].append(glyph)
                else: self.db[glyph.key] = [glyph]

            glyph.code = len(self.by_code)
            glyph.lg.add_tag(0, 0.5, 'code:%i' % glyph.code)

        return count
コード例 #4
ファイル: glyph_db.py プロジェクト: eosbamsi/helit
  def add(self, fn):
    """Given the filename for a LineGraph file this loads it in and splits it into Glyphs, which it dumps into the db. Does nothing if the file is already loaded. returns the number of glyphs added."""
    if fn in self.fnl: return 0
    # Load the LineGraph from the given filename, and get the homography...
    f = open(fn, 'r')
    data = ply2.read(f)
    lg = LineGraph()
    hg = data['element']['homography']['v'].reshape((3,3))
    texture = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fn), data['meta']['image']))
    # Create a line bias object to be used in the next step...
    bias = gen_bias(lg, hg)
    # First pass - create each glyph object...
    glyphs = []
    for s in xrange(lg.segments):
      g = Glyph(lg, s, hg, bias = bias)
      glyphs.append(g if '_' not in map(lambda t: t[0], g.lg.get_tags()) else None)

    # Second pass - fill in the connectivity information supported by adjacency...
    link_glyphs = []
    for seg, glyph in enumerate(glyphs):
      if glyph==None: continue
      if glyph.key==None: continue
      # Brute force search to find a left partner...
      if glyph.left==None:
        best = None
        for g in glyphs:
          # Check it satisfies the conditions...
          if g==None: continue
          if g.key==None: continue;
          if id(g)==id(glyph): continue
          if g.offset_y!=glyph.offset_y: continue
          if (g.right_x - g.offset_x) > (glyph.right_x - glyph.offset_x): continue
          # Check its better than the current best...
          if best==None or (best.right_x - best.offset_x) < (g.right_x - g.offset_x):
            best = g
        if best!=None:
          glyph.left = (best, [])
      # Brute force search to find a right partner...
      if glyph.right==None:
        best = None
        for g in glyphs:
          # Check it satisfies the conditions...
          if g==None: continue
          if g.key==None: continue;
          if id(g)==id(glyph): continue
          if g.offset_y!=glyph.offset_y: continue
          if (g.left_x - g.offset_x) < (glyph.left_x - glyph.offset_x): continue
          # Check its better than the current best...
          if best==None or (best.left_x - best.offset_x) > (g.left_x - g.offset_x):
            best = g
        if best!=None:
          glyph.right = (best, [])

      # Now we have the best matches find common glyphs to link them, and record them...
      for other, out in [g for g in [glyph.left, glyph.right] if g!=None]:
        shared_seg = set([a[1] for a in glyph.adjacent]) & set([a[1] for a in other.adjacent])
        for seg in shared_seg:
          g = glyphs[seg]
          if g==None: continue
          # We have a linking glyph - extract the information...
          glyph_vert = [a[0] for a in glyph.adjacent if a[1]==seg]
          other_vert = [a[0] for a in other.adjacent if a[1]==seg]
          link_glyph = [a[0] for a in g.adjacent if a[1]==glyph.seg]
          link_other = [a[0] for a in g.adjacent if a[1]==other.seg]
          # Check if we have a multi-link scenario - if so choose links...
          if len(glyph_vert)>1 or len(other_vert)>1:
            gv_y = map(lambda v: glyph.lg.get_vertex(v)[1], glyph_vert)
            ov_y = map(lambda v: other.lg.get_vertex(v)[1], other_vert)
            if (max(gv_y) - min(ov_y)) > (max(ov_y) - min(gv_y)):
              glyph_vert = glyph_vert[numpy.argmax(gv_y)]
              other_vert = other_vert[numpy.argmin(ov_y)]
              glyph_vert = glyph_vert[numpy.argmin(gv_y)]
              other_vert = other_vert[numpy.argmax(ov_y)]
            lg_y = map(lambda v: g.lg.get_vertex(v)[1], link_glyph)
            lo_y = map(lambda v: g.lg.get_vertex(v)[1], link_other)

            if (max(lg_y) - min(lo_y)) > (max(lo_y) - min(lg_y)):
              link_glyph = link_glyph[numpy.argmax(lg_y)]
              link_other = link_other[numpy.argmin(lo_y)]
              link_glyph = link_glyph[numpy.argmin(lg_y)]
              link_other = link_other[numpy.argmax(lo_y)]

            # Simple scenario...
            glyph_vert = glyph_vert[0]
            other_vert = other_vert[0]
            link_glyph = link_glyph[0]
            link_other = link_other[0]
          # Recreate the link as a simple path - its the only way to be safe!..
            g = g.clone()
            nlg = LineGraph()
            link_glyph, link_other = nlg.from_path(g.lg, link_glyph, link_other)
            g.lg = nlg
            continue # Line is broken in the centre - don't use it.
          # Add the tuple to the storage...
          out.append((g, glyph_vert, other_vert, link_glyph, link_other))

    # Third pass - enforce consistancy...
    for glyph in glyphs:
      if glyph==None: continue
      if glyph.left!=None:
        if glyph.left[0].right==None or id(glyph.left[0].right[0])!=id(glyph):
          # Inconsistancy - break it...
          glyph.left[0].right = None
          glyph.left = None
      if glyph.right!=None:
        if glyph.right[0].left==None or id(glyph.right[0].left[0])!=id(glyph):
          # Inconsistancy - break it...
          glyph.right[0].left = None
          glyph.right = None
    # Forth pass - add filename tags and add to db (Count and return the glyph count)...
    count = 0
    for glyph in (glyphs+link_glyphs):
      if glyph==None: continue
      glyph.lg.add_tag(0, 0.1, 'file:%s'%fn)
      glyph.lg.add_tag(0, 0.2, 'texture:%s'%texture)
      glyph.lg.add_tag(0, 0.3, 'link:left:%s'%('n' if glyph.left==None else ('g' if len(glyph.left[1])==0 else 'l')))
      glyph.lg.add_tag(0, 0.4, 'link:right:%s'%('n' if glyph.right==None else ('g' if len(glyph.right[1])==0 else 'l')))
      glyph.lg.add_tag(0, 0.5, 'source:x:%f' % glyph.source[0])
      glyph.lg.add_tag(0, 0.6, 'source:y:%f' % glyph.source[1])
      if glyph.key!=None:
        count += 1
        if glyph.key in self.db: self.db[glyph.key].append(glyph)
        else: self.db[glyph.key] = [glyph]
      glyph.code = len(self.by_code)
      glyph.lg.add_tag(0, 0.5, 'code:%i'%glyph.code)
    return count