コード例 #1
    def weight_matrix(self, x, z, eps):
        x : ndarray
            Model regressors (exog and endog), (nobs by nvar)
        z : ndarray
            Model instruments (exog and instruments), (nobs by ninstr)
        eps : ndarray
            Model errors (nobs by 1)

        weight : ndarray
            Covariance of GMM moment conditions.
        nobs, nvar = x.shape
        ze = z * eps
        mu = ze.mean(axis=0) if self._center else 0
        ze -= mu

        # TODO: Consider using optimal bandwidth here
        bw = self._bandwidth if self._bandwidth is not None else nobs - 2
        self._bandwidth = bw
        w = self._kernels[self._kernel](bw, nobs - 1)
        s = _cov_kernel(ze, w)
        s *= 1 if not self._debiased else nobs / (nobs - nvar)

        return s
コード例 #2
    def weight_matrix(self, x, z, eps):
        x : ndarray
            Model regressors (exog and endog), (nobs by nvar)
        z : ndarray
            Model instruments (exog and instruments), (nobs by ninstr)
        eps : ndarray
            Model errors (nobs by 1)

        weight : ndarray
            Covariance of GMM moment conditions.
        nobs, nvar = x.shape
        ze = z * eps
        mu = ze.mean(axis=0) if self._center else 0
        ze -= mu

        if self._orig_bandwidth is None and self._optimal_bw:
            g = ze / ze.std(0)[None, :]
            g = g.sum(1)
            self._bandwidth = kernel_optimal_bandwidth(g, self._kernel)
        elif self._orig_bandwidth is None:
            self._bandwidth = nobs - 2
        bw = self._bandwidth
        w = self._kernels[self._kernel](bw, nobs - 1)

        s = _cov_kernel(ze, w)
        s *= 1 if not self._debiased else nobs / (nobs - nvar)

        return s
コード例 #3
ファイル: covariance.py プロジェクト: paulkahura/linearmodels
 def _kernel_cov(self, z):
     nobs = z.shape[0]
     bw = self.bandwidth
     kernel = self._kernel
     kernel = KERNEL_LOOKUP[kernel]
     weights = kernel(bw, nobs - 1)
     out = _cov_kernel(z, weights)
     return (out + out.T) / 2
コード例 #4
 def _kernel_cov(self, z: NDArray) -> NDArray:
     nobs = z.shape[0]
     bw = self.bandwidth
     kernel = self._kernel
     assert kernel is not None
     kernel_estimator = KERNEL_LOOKUP[kernel]
     weights = kernel_estimator(bw, nobs - 1)
     out = _cov_kernel(z, weights)
     return (out + out.T) / 2
コード例 #5
    def cov(self):
        """Estimated covariance"""
        e = self._all_params - self._params.T
        e = e[np.all(np.isfinite(e), 1)]
        nobs = e.shape[0]

        bw = self.bandwidth
        w = KERNEL_LOOKUP[self._kernel](bw, nobs - 1)
        cov = _cov_kernel(e, w)
        return cov / (nobs - int(bool(self._debiased)))
コード例 #6
    def cov(self) -> NDArray:
        """Estimated covariance"""
        e = np.asarray(self._all_params) - self._params.T
        e = e[np.all(np.isfinite(e), 1)]
        nobs = e.shape[0]

        bw = self.bandwidth
        assert self._kernel is not None
        w = KERNEL_LOOKUP[self._kernel](bw, nobs - 1)
        cov = _cov_kernel(e, w)
        return cov / (nobs - int(bool(self._debiased)))
コード例 #7
    def s(self):
        Score/moment condition covariance

        s : ndarray
            Covariance of the scores or moment conditions
        xe = self._xe
        nobs = xe.shape[0]
        bw = self.bandwidth
        kernel = self._kernel
        kernel = KERNEL_LOOKUP[kernel]
        weights = kernel(bw, nobs - 1)
        out = _cov_kernel(xe, weights)

        return (out + out.T) / 2
コード例 #8
    def cov(self):
        x = self._x
        nobs = x.shape[0]
        xpxi = inv(x.T @ x / nobs)
        eps = self.eps

        xe = x * eps
        xe = DataFrame(xe, index=self._time_ids.squeeze())
        xe = xe.groupby(level=0).sum()
        xe_nobs = xe.shape[0]
        bw = self._bandwidth
        if self._bandwidth is None:
            bw = int(np.floor(4 * (xe_nobs / 100)**(2 / 9)))
        w = KERNEL_LOOKUP[self._kernel](bw, xe_nobs - 1)
        xeex = _cov_kernel(xe.values, w) * (xe_nobs / nobs)
        xeex *= self._scale

        out = (xpxi @ xeex @ xpxi) / nobs
        return (out + out.T) / 2
コード例 #9
    def w(self, moments):
        Score/moment condition weighting matrix

        moments : ndarray
            Moment conditions (nobs by nmoments)

        w : ndarray
            Weighting matrix computed from moment conditions
        if self._center:
            moments = moments - moments.mean(0)[None, :]
        nobs = moments.shape[0]
        bw = self.bandwidth
        kernel = self._kernel
        kernel = KERNEL_LOOKUP[kernel]
        weights = kernel(bw, nobs - 1)
        out = _cov_kernel(moments, weights)

        return inv((out + out.T) / 2.0)
コード例 #10
def test_linear_model_parameters(data):
    mod = LinearFactorModel(data.portfolios, data.factors)
    res = mod.fit()
    f = mod.factors.ndarray
    p = mod.portfolios.ndarray
    n = f.shape[0]
    moments = np.zeros(
        (n, p.shape[1] * (f.shape[1] + 1) + f.shape[1] + p.shape[1]))
    fc = np.c_[np.ones((n, 1)), f]
    betas = lstsq(fc, p)[0]
    eps = p - fc @ betas
    loc = 0
    for i in range(eps.shape[1]):
        for j in range(fc.shape[1]):
            moments[:, loc] = eps[:, i] * fc[:, j]
            loc += 1
    b = betas[1:, :].T
    lam = lstsq(b, p.mean(0)[:, None])[0]
    pricing_errors = p - (b @ lam).T
    for i in range(lam.shape[0]):
        lam_error = (p - (b @ lam).T) @ b[:, [i]]
        moments[:, loc] = lam_error.squeeze()
        loc += 1
    alphas = pricing_errors.mean(0)[:, None]
    moments[:, loc:] = pricing_errors - alphas.T
    mod_moments = mod._moments(eps, b, lam, alphas, pricing_errors)

    assert_allclose(res.betas, b)
    assert_allclose(res.risk_premia, lam.squeeze())
    assert_allclose(res.alphas, alphas.squeeze())
    assert_allclose(moments, mod_moments)

    m = moments.shape[1]
    jac = np.eye(m)
    block1 = p.shape[1] * (f.shape[1] + 1)
    # 1,1

    jac[:block1, :block1] = np.kron(np.eye(p.shape[1]), fc.T @ fc / n)
    # 2, 1
    loc = 0
    nport, nf = p.shape[1], f.shape[1]
    block2 = block1 + nf
    for i in range(nport):
        block = np.zeros((nf, nf + 1))
        for j in range(nf):  # rows
            for k in range(1, nf + 1):  # cols
                block[j, k] = b[i][j] * lam[k - 1]
                if j + 1 == k:
                    block[j, k] -= alphas[i]
        jac[block1:block2, loc:loc + nf + 1] = block
        loc += nf + 1
    # 2, 2
    jac[block1:block2, block1:block2] = b.T @ b
    # 3,1
    block = np.zeros((nport, nport * (nf + 1)))
    row = col = 0
    for i in range(nport):
        for j in range(nf + 1):
            if j != 0:
                block[row, col] = lam[j - 1]
            col += 1
        row += 1
    jac[-nport:, :(nport * (nf + 1))] = block
    # 3, 2
    jac[-nport:, (nport * (nf + 1)):(nport * (nf + 1)) + nf] = b
    # 3, 3: already done since eye
    mod_jac = mod._jacobian(b, lam, alphas)
    assert_allclose(mod_jac[:block1], jac[:block1])
    assert_allclose(mod_jac[block1:block2, :block1],
                    jac[block1:block2, :block1])
    assert_allclose(mod_jac[block1:block2, block1:block2], jac[block1:block2,
    assert_allclose(mod_jac[block1:block2, block2:], jac[block1:block2,
    assert_allclose(mod_jac[block2:], jac[block2:])

    s = moments.T @ moments / (n - (nf + 1))
    ginv = np.linalg.inv(jac)
    cov = ginv @ s @ ginv.T / n
    order = np.zeros((nport, nf + 1), dtype=np.int64)
    order[:, 0] = np.arange(block2, block2 + nport)
    for i in range(nf):
        order[:, i + 1] = (nf + 1) * np.arange(nport) + (i + 1)
    order = np.r_[order.ravel(), block1:block2]
    cov = cov[order][:, order]
    cov = (cov + cov.T) / 2
    assert_allclose(cov, res.cov)

    acov = cov[:block1:(nf + 1), :block1:(nf + 1)]
    jstat = float(alphas.T @ np.linalg.pinv(acov) @ alphas)
    assert_allclose(res.j_statistic.stat, jstat)
                    1 - stats.chi2(nport - nf).cdf(jstat))


    res = LinearFactorModel(data.portfolios,
    std_mom = moments / moments.std(0)[None, :]
    mom = std_mom.sum(1)
    bw = kernel_optimal_bandwidth(mom)
    w = kernel_weight_bartlett(bw, n - 1)
    s = _cov_kernel(moments, w)
    cov = ginv @ s @ ginv.T / n
    cov = cov[order][:, order]
    cov = (cov + cov.T) / 2
    assert_allclose(cov, res.cov)
コード例 #11
 def _single_cov(self, xe, bw):
     nobs = xe.shape[0]
     w = KERNEL_LOOKUP[self._kernel](bw, nobs - 1)
     return _cov_kernel(xe, w)
コード例 #12
def test_cov_kernel():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        _cov_kernel(np.arange(100), 1 - np.arange(101) / 101)
コード例 #13
 def _single_cov(self, xe: NDArray, bw: float) -> NDArray:
     nobs = xe.shape[0]
     w = KERNEL_LOOKUP[self._kernel](bw, nobs - 1)
     return _cov_kernel(xe, w)