def find_headers(notebook_name, highest_level=2, lowest_level=3):
    Find all headers in the specified range in the notebook.

    notebook_name : str
        Name of a Jupyter notebook.

    highest_level : int, optional
        The highest level header to be identified (1 is highest, 6 is lowest).

    lowest_level : int, optional
        The lowest level header to be identified (1 is highest, 6 is lowest).
        Must be less than or equal to ``highest_level``.


        Keys of the dictionary are the headings (including the leading
        hashtags), values are the line number on which the heading
        appears in the json source of the notebook.
    headings = {}

    # No idea at all why any line number offset is needed, but this
    # seems to do the trick.
    line_number_offset = 1

    # Generate the part of the regex pattern that represents the hashtags
    # that are the beginning of a heading.
    hashtags = []
    for level in range(highest_level, lowest_level + 1):
        hashtags.append('#' * level)

    hashtags = '|'.join(hashtags)

    header = re.compile(r'(' + f'({hashtags})' + r' +[a-zA-Z].+?\n)')

    notebook =, as_version=4)
    for cell in markdown_cells(notebook):
        groups = [g for g in re.finditer(header, cell['source'])]
        for g in groups:
            # We have a header, will get line numbers shortly
            headings[] = -1

    with open(notebook_name, 'r') as f:
        nb_lines = f.readlines()

    for head in headings.keys():
        for line_num, line in enumerate(nb_lines):
            if head[:-1] in line:
                if headings[head] > 0:
                    print(f'Oh no! Bad {notebook_name}')
                    print(f'...duplicate heading: {head}')
                    raise RuntimeError('oh no')
                headings[head] = line_num + line_number_offset

    return headings
def wrap_notebook_markdown(nb_name, wrap_at=80):
    with open(nb_name) as f:
        nb =, as_version=4)

    wrapper = TextWrapper(width=wrap_at, break_long_words=False,
                          replace_whitespace=False, drop_whitespace=True)

    for cell in markdown_cells(nb):
        link_groups = find_links(cell['source'])
        protected, restore = protect_from_wrap(cell['source'], link_groups)
        latex_groups = find_latex(protected)
        protected, restore = protect_from_wrap(protected, latex_groups,
        lines = protected.split('\n')

        new_lines = []
        for line in lines:
            if line:

        new_source = '\n'.join(new_lines)
        cell['source'] = restore_protected_content(new_source, restore)

    return nb
def github_magic(nb_file_for_book, original_notebook,
    Add links in nb_file to lines on PR opened just for commenting
    on this specific file.
    # 5. Scan the notebook for sections headers (level 2 or 3).   <---- BOTH
    # 6. Get line numbers IN The ORIGINAL notebook of these headers.    <--- ORIG
    # 7. Add a link after the header with text something like that below.   <--- BOTH
    #    Link is to the magical github place for making comments.
    # Done!
    repo = get_github_repo('astropy', 'ccd-reduction-and-photometry-guide')

    base_url = \
        create_pr_for_commenting(original_notebook, repo,

    heading_in_original = find_headers(original_notebook,

    comment_link_text = ('*Click here to comment on this section on '
                         'GitHub (opens in new tab).*')

    cell_content_to_insert = \
        {k: f'\n[{comment_link_text}]({base_url + str(v)})' +
            for k, v in heading_in_original.items()}

    book_nb =, as_version=4)

    for cell in markdown_cells(book_nb):
        for k, v in cell_content_to_insert.items():
            if k in cell['source']:
                pre, post = cell['source'].split(k)
                new_source = pre + k + v + post
                cell['source'] = new_source
    with open(nb_file_for_book, 'w') as fp:
        nbf.write(book_nb, fp)
def replace_links_in_notebook(nb_file):
    notebook =, as_version=4)
    for cell in markdown_cells(notebook):
        cell['source'] = replace_link_urls(cell['source'])
    with open(nb_file, 'w') as f:
        nbf.write(notebook, f)