def addLinkedLists (LinkedList1, LinkedList2):
	# First we need to add the values to a queue in order to sum them
	queue1 = Queue()
	current1 = LinkedList1.head
	while current1:
		current1 =

	queue2 = Queue()
	current2 = LinkedList2.head
	while current2:
		current2 =

	# Now we need to add the numbers in reverse times 10^n
	sumValues = 0
	exp = 0
	while not queue1.isEmpty() or not queue2.isEmpty():
		sumValues += (queue1.dequeue() + queue2.dequeue()) * (10 ** exp)
		exp += 1

	# The answer is actually sumValues reversed 
	finalAnswer = 0
	if sumValues < 0:  # because we are using string slice [::-1] operator to reverse, we need to check if negative
		sumValues = abs(sumValues)
		finalAnswer = int(str(sumValues)[::-1]) * -1
		finalAnswer = int(str(sumValues)[::-1])

	# Finally, we need to create a new linked List with the digits in order and return it
	finalList = LinkedList()

	while finalAnswer / 10 > 0:
		finalList.insertLast(finalAnswer % 10)
		finalAnswer = finalAnswer // 10

	return finalList