def main(argv): inputfile = '' outputfile = '' verbose = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hvi:o:f:",["ifile=","ofile="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'usage: -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print 'usage: -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"): verbose = True elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"): inputfile = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"): outputfile = arg # Initialize lists for inputs, outputs, FFs and gates l_statistics = [] l_inputs = [] l_outputs = [] l_dffs = [] l_inverters = [] l_and_gates = [] l_nand_gates = [] l_or_gates = [] l_nor_gates = [] l_connections = [] verbosity_level = '1' # Print some information for the user if verbose made has been activated if verbose == True: print 'This is bench2vhdl; verbose mode activated' print 'Input file is:', inputfile print 'Output file is:', outputfile ############################################################### # PROCESS .BENCH INPUT FILE # ############################################################### entityname = os.path.basename(inputfile) entityname = entityname[0:entityname.find('.')] if verbose == True: print 'Parsing input file for entity %s .....' % entityname with open(inputfile) as f: for line in f: # Skip comment lines if line.startswith('#') == True: l_statistics.append('--% s' % line) #print 'comment detected: %s' % line # Detect inputs if line.startswith('INPUT') == True: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') l_inputs.append(line[open_bracket:close_bracket]) # Detect outputs elif line.startswith('OUTPUT') == True: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') l_outputs.append(line[open_bracket:close_bracket]) #Processing of D flip-flops elif 'DFF' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') D_in = line[open_bracket:close_bracket] if not(D_in.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(D_in.strip()) Q_out = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Q_out.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Q_out.strip()) new_dff = dff(D_in, Q_out, 'clk', 'reset') l_dffs.append(new_dff) elif 'NOT' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') A = line[open_bracket:close_bracket] if not (A.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(A.strip()) Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not (Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) new_inverter = lis_not(A,Z) l_inverters.append(new_inverter) elif 'AND' in line and not 'NAND' in line and not '#' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') gate_size = line.count(',', open_bracket, close_bracket) + 1 Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) if gate_size == 2: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_and2 = and2(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), Z) l_and_gates.append(new_and2) elif gate_size == 3: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_and3 = lis_and3(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), Z) l_and_gates.append(new_and3) elif gate_size == 4: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_and4 = lis_and4(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), l_input_ports[3].strip(), Z) l_and_gates.append(new_and4) for signal in l_input_ports: if not(signal.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(signal.strip()) elif 'OR' in line and not 'NOR' in line and not '#' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') gate_size = line.count(',', open_bracket, close_bracket) + 1 Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) if gate_size == 2: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_or2 = lis_or2(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), Z) l_or_gates.append(new_or2) elif gate_size == 3: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_or3 = lis_or3(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), Z) l_or_gates.append(new_or3) elif gate_size == 4: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_or4 = lis_or4(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), l_input_ports[3].strip(), Z) l_or_gates.append(new_or4) for signal in l_input_ports: if not(signal.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(signal.strip()) elif 'NAND' in line and not '#' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') gate_size = line.count(',', open_bracket, close_bracket) + 1 Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) if gate_size == 2: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nand2 = lis_nand2(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), Z) l_nand_gates.append(new_nand2) elif gate_size == 3: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nand3 = lis_nand3(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), Z) l_nand_gates.append(new_nand3) elif gate_size == 4: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nand4 = lis_nand4(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), l_input_ports[3].strip(), Z) l_nand_gates.append(new_nand4) for signal in l_input_ports: if not(signal.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(signal.strip()) elif 'NOR' in line and not '#' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') gate_size = line.count(',', open_bracket, close_bracket) + 1 Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) if gate_size == 2: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nor2 = lis_nor2(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), Z) l_nor_gates.append(new_nor2) elif gate_size == 3: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nor3 = lis_nor3(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), Z) l_nor_gates.append(new_nor3) elif gate_size == 4: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nor4 = lis_nor4(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), l_input_ports[3].strip(), Z) l_nor_gates.append(new_nor4) for signal in l_input_ports: if not(signal.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(signal.strip()) if verbose == True: print 'Done\n\nThe following elements have been found in the design:' print '%d inputs: %s' % ( len(l_inputs), l_inputs) print '%d outputs: %s' % ( len(l_outputs), l_outputs) print '%d D flip-flops' % len(l_dffs) print '%d inverters' % len(l_inverters) print '%d logic gates: %d ANDs, %d NANDs, %d ORs, %d NORs\n' % ( len(l_and_gates) + len(l_nand_gates) + len(l_or_gates) + len(l_nor_gates), len(l_and_gates), len(l_nand_gates), len(l_or_gates), len(l_nor_gates) ) # Post processing of l_connections for signal in l_connections: if signal in l_inputs or signal in l_outputs: l_connections.remove(signal) f.close ############################################################### # CREATE VHDL DESCRIPTION OF THE CIRCUIT # ############################################################### # Open outputfile in write mode target = open(outputfile, 'w') # Write header with author information and statistics #entityname = inputfile[0:inputfile.find('.')] now = target.write('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') target.write('--#LIS#\n') target.write('--Author: Sebastian Kroesche\n') target.write('--Date: %02d.%02d.%d \n' % (, now.month, now.year) ) target.write('--Description: Implementation of ISCAS89 %s circuit with\n' % entityname) target.write('-- D-type flip-flops\n') target.write('-- generated with bench2vhdl\n') target.write('--Circuit statistics\n') for statline in l_statistics: target.write(statline) target.write('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') # Write library imports to outputfile target.write('library IEEE;\nuse IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; \n \n') target.write('library lis_lib;\nuse lis_lib.ser_bist.all; \n \n') #Write entity declaration to outputfile target.write('entity %s is\n' % entityname) target.write('\tport (\n') target.write('\t\tclk : in std_logic; \n') target.write('\t\treset : in std_logic; \n') for input_port in l_inputs: #target.write(input_port) target.write('\t\t%s: in std_logic; \n' % input_port) for i in range(0, len(l_outputs)-1): target.write('\t\t%s: out std_logic; \n' % l_outputs[i]) target.write('\t\t%s: out std_logic \n' % l_outputs[len(l_outputs)-1]) target.write('\t);\n') target.write('end entity; \n\n') #Write opening line of architecture target.write('architecture rtl of %s is\n\n' % entityname) #Write interconnecting signals for signal in l_connections: target.write('\tsignal %s : std_logic;\n' % signal) #Write begin of architecture target.write('\nbegin\n') #Write flip-flops target.write('\n--Flip-flops (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_dffs)) for i in range(0, len(l_dffs)): target.write('DFF_%d:\t lis_dff port map( clk => clk, Q_out => %s, D_in => % s, reset => reset );\n' % (i, l_dffs[i].Q_out, l_dffs[i].D_in) ) target.write('\n--Inverters (total number: %d)\n'% len(l_inverters)) #Write inverters for i in range(0, len(l_inverters)): target.write('INV_%d:\t lis_not port map( A => %s, Z => %s );\n' % (i, l_inverters[i].A, l_inverters[i].Z) ) #Write AND-gates target.write('\n--AND-gates (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_and_gates)) for i in range(0, len(l_and_gates)): if isinstance(l_and_gates[i], and2): target.write(and2.writePortMap(l_and_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_and_gates[i], lis_and3): target.write(lis_and3.writePortMap(l_and_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_and_gates[i], lis_and4): target.write(lis_and4.writePortMap(l_and_gates[i])) #Write OR-gates target.write('\n--OR-gates (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_or_gates)) for i in range(0, len(l_or_gates)): if isinstance(l_or_gates[i], lis_or2): target.write(lis_or2.writePortMap(l_or_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_or_gates[i], lis_or3): target.write(lis_or3.writePortMap(l_or_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_or_gates[i], lis_or4): target.write(lis_or4.writePortMap(l_or_gates[i])) #Write NAND-gates target.write('\n--NAND-gates (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_nand_gates))# for i in range(0, len(l_nand_gates)): if isinstance(l_nand_gates[i], lis_nand2): target.write(lis_nand2.writePortMap(l_nand_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_nand_gates[i], lis_nand3): target.write(lis_nand3.writePortMap(l_nand_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_nand_gates[i], lis_nand4): target.write(lis_nand4.writePortMap(l_nand_gates[i])) #Write NOR-gates target.write('\n--NOR-gates (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_nor_gates)) for i in range(0, len(l_nor_gates)): if isinstance(l_nor_gates[i], lis_nor2): target.write(lis_nor2.writePnortMap(l_nor_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_nor_gates[i], lis_nor3): target.write(lis_nor3.writePnortMap(l_nor_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_nor_gates[i], lis_nor4): target.write(lis_nor4.writePnortMap(l_nor_gates[i])) target.write('\nend architecture;\n') target.close if verbose == True and verbosity_level == '2': print '\nThe following VHDL design has been created from the inputfile:\n' target = open(outputfile, 'r') for line in target: print line[0:len(line)-1] ############################################################### # CREATE STUCK-AT-FAULT DESCRIPTION FILE # ############################################################### # Open outputfile in write mode faultfile = '%s.fdf' % entityname target = open(faultfile, 'w') # Write header with author information and statistics target.write('# Stuck-at-fault description file for circuit %s\n' % entityname) target.write('# Created by bench2vhdl on %d-%02d-%02d\n' % (now.year, now.month, ) # target.write('signal_name;s-a-1 det;s-a-0 det\n') for signal in l_inputs: target.write('%s\n' % signal) for signal in l_outputs: target.write('%s\n' % signal) # target.write('#;#;#\n') for signal in l_connections: target.write('%s\n' % signal) target.close if verbose == True: print 'stuck-at-fault description file written to %s' % faultfile
def main(argv): inputfile = '' outputfile = '' verbose = False verbosity_level = '1' clk_period = '10 ns' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hv:i:o:f:p:",["ifile=","ofile=","clock_period="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'usage: -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> -p <NN ns> -v <1-2>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print 'usage: -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile> -p <NN ns> -v <1-2>' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"): verbose = True verbosity_level = arg elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"): inputfile = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"): outputfile = arg elif opt in ("-p", "--clock_period"): clk_period = arg # Initialize lists for inputs, outputs, FFs and gates l_statistics = [] l_inputs = [] l_outputs = [] l_ser_ffs = [] l_inverters = [] l_and_gates = [] l_nand_gates = [] l_or_gates = [] l_nor_gates = [] l_connections = [] # Print some information for the user if verbose made has been activated if verbose == True: print 'This is bench2vhdl_ser; verbose mode level %s activated' % verbosity_level print 'Input file is:', inputfile print 'Output file is:', outputfile ############################################################### # PROCESS .BENCH INPUT FILE # ############################################################### entityname = os.path.basename(inputfile) entityname = entityname[0:entityname.find('.')] + '_ser' if verbose == True: print 'Parsing input file for entity %s .....' % entityname with open(inputfile) as f: for line in f: # Skip comment lines if line.startswith('#') == True: l_statistics.append('--% s' % line) #print 'comment detected: %s' % line # Detect inputs if line.startswith('INPUT') == True: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') l_inputs.append(line[open_bracket:close_bracket].strip()) # Detect outputs elif line.startswith('OUTPUT') == True: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') l_outputs.append(line[open_bracket:close_bracket].strip()) #Processing of D flip-flops elif 'DFF' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') D_in = line[open_bracket:close_bracket] if not(D_in.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(D_in.strip()) Q_out = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Q_out.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Q_out.strip()) #new_dff = dff(D_in, Q_out, 'clk', 'reset') new_ERR_out = 'SER_FF_%s_ERR_out' % lis_ser_ff.count new_ser_ff = lis_ser_ff(clk_period, 'clk', 'reset', D_in, 'ctrl_Hold_out', 'ctrl_Rollback_out', Q_out , new_ERR_out) l_ser_ffs.append(new_ser_ff) elif 'NOT' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') A = line[open_bracket:close_bracket] if not (A.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(A.strip()) Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not (Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) new_inverter = lis_not(A,Z) l_inverters.append(new_inverter) elif 'AND' in line and not 'NAND' in line and not '#' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') gate_size = line.count(',', open_bracket, close_bracket) + 1 Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) if gate_size == 2: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_and2 = and2(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), Z) l_and_gates.append(new_and2) elif gate_size == 3: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_and3 = lis_and3(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), Z) l_and_gates.append(new_and3) elif gate_size == 4: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_and4 = lis_and4(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), l_input_ports[3].strip(), Z) l_and_gates.append(new_and4) for signal in l_input_ports: if not(signal.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(signal.strip()) elif 'OR' in line and not 'NOR' in line and not '#' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') gate_size = line.count(',', open_bracket, close_bracket) + 1 Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) if gate_size == 2: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_or2 = lis_or2(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), Z) l_or_gates.append(new_or2) elif gate_size == 3: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_or3 = lis_or3(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), Z) l_or_gates.append(new_or3) elif gate_size == 4: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_or4 = lis_or4(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), l_input_ports[3].strip(), Z) l_or_gates.append(new_or4) for signal in l_input_ports: if not(signal.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(signal.strip()) elif 'NAND' in line and not '#' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') gate_size = line.count(',', open_bracket, close_bracket) + 1 Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) if gate_size == 2: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nand2 = lis_nand2(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), Z) l_nand_gates.append(new_nand2) elif gate_size == 3: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nand3 = lis_nand3(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), Z) l_nand_gates.append(new_nand3) elif gate_size == 4: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nand4 = lis_nand4(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), l_input_ports[3].strip(), Z) l_nand_gates.append(new_nand4) for signal in l_input_ports: if not(signal.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(signal.strip()) elif 'NOR' in line and not '#' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') gate_size = line.count(',', open_bracket, close_bracket) + 1 Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) if gate_size == 2: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nor2 = lis_nor2(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), Z) l_nor_gates.append(new_nor2) elif gate_size == 3: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nor3 = lis_nor3(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), Z) l_nor_gates.append(new_nor3) elif gate_size == 4: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nor4 = lis_nor4(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), l_input_ports[3].strip(), Z) l_nor_gates.append(new_nor4) for signal in l_input_ports: if not(signal.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(signal.strip()) if verbose == True: print 'Done\n\nThe following elements have been found in the design:' print '%d inputs: %s' % ( len(l_inputs), l_inputs) print '%d outputs: %s' % ( len(l_outputs), l_outputs) print '%d D-type flip-flops' % len(l_ser_ffs) print '%d inverters' % len(l_inverters) print '%d logic gates: %d ANDs, %d NANDs, %d ORs, %d NORs\n' % ( len(l_and_gates) + len(l_nand_gates) + len(l_or_gates) + len(l_nor_gates), len(l_and_gates), len(l_nand_gates), len(l_or_gates), len(l_nor_gates) ) # Post processing of l_connections - remove signals that are entity inputs or outputs l_connections = [item for item in l_connections if item not in l_inputs] l_connections = [item for item in l_connections if item not in l_outputs] ############################################################### # CREATE VHDL DESCRIPTION OF THE CIRCUIT # ############################################################### # Open outputfile in write mode target = open(outputfile, 'w') # Write header with author information and statistics #entityname = inputfile[0:inputfile.find('.')] now = target.write('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') target.write('--#LIS#\n') target.write('--Author: Sebastian Kroesche\n') target.write('--Date: %02d.%02d.%d \n' % (, now.month, now.year) ) target.write('--Description: Implementation of ISCAS89 %s circuit with\n' % entityname) target.write('-- soft error resilient flip-flops\n') target.write('-- generated with bench2vhdl_ser\n') target.write('--Circuit statistics\n') for statline in l_statistics: target.write(statline) target.write('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') # Write library imports to outputfile target.write('library IEEE;\nuse IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; \n \n') target.write('library lis_lib;\nuse lis_lib.ser_bist.all; \n \n') #Write entity declaration to outputfile target.write('entity %s is\n' % entityname) target.write('\tport (\n') target.write('\t\tclk : in std_logic; \n') target.write('\t\treset : in std_logic; \n') for input_port in l_inputs: #target.write(input_port) target.write('\t\t%s: in std_logic; \n' % input_port) for i in range(0, len(l_outputs)-1): target.write('\t\t%s: out std_logic; \n' % l_outputs[i]) target.write('\t\t%s: out std_logic \n' % l_outputs[len(l_outputs)-1]) target.write('\t);\n') target.write('end entity; \n\n') #Write opening line of architecture target.write('architecture rtl of %s is\n\n' % entityname) #Write interconnecting signals for signal in l_connections: target.write('\tsignal %s : std_logic;\n' % signal) target.write('\n\tsignal OR_tree_out, ctrl_Hold_out, ctrl_Rollback_out : std_logic;\n\n') target.write('\tsignal ') for i in range(0, len(l_ser_ffs)-1): target.write('%s, ' % l_ser_ffs[i].ERR_out) target.write('%s : std_logic;\n' % l_ser_ffs[-1].ERR_out) #Write begin of architecture target.write('\nbegin\n\n') #Write OR-tree and shadow cell controller OR_tree_string = 'OR_tree_out <= ' + l_ser_ffs[0].ERR_out + ' OR ' for i in range(1, len(l_ser_ffs)-1): OR_tree_string = OR_tree_string + l_ser_ffs[i].ERR_out + ' OR ' OR_tree_string = OR_tree_string + l_ser_ffs[-1].ERR_out OR_tree_string = OR_tree_string + ";\n" target.write(OR_tree_string) target.write('\nSER_CTRL: lis_shadow_cell_controller\n') target.write('\tport map(\n') target.write('\t\tclk\t\t\t\t=>\tclk,\n') target.write('\t\treset\t\t\t=>\treset,\n') target.write('\t\tERR_in\t\t\t=>\tOR_tree_out,\n') target.write('\t\tHold_out\t\t=>\tctrl_Hold_out,\n') target.write('\t\tRollback_out\t=>\tctrl_Rollback_out\n') target.write('\t);') #Write flip-flops target.write('\n--soft error resilient Flip-flops (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_ser_ffs)) for i in range(0, len(l_ser_ffs)): #target.write('SER_FF_%d:\t lis_dff port map( clk => clk, Q_out => %s, D_in => % s, reset => reset );\n' % (i, l_ser_ffs[i].Q_out, l_ser_ffs[i].D_in) ) target.write(lis_ser_ff.writePortMap(l_ser_ffs[i])) target.write('\n--Inverters (total number: %d)\n'% len(l_inverters)) #Write inverters for i in range(0, len(l_inverters)): target.write('INV_%d:\t lis_not port map( A => %s, Z => %s );\n' % (i, l_inverters[i].A, l_inverters[i].Z) ) #Write AND-gates target.write('\n--AND-gates (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_and_gates)) for i in range(0, len(l_and_gates)): if isinstance(l_and_gates[i], and2): target.write(and2.writePortMap(l_and_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_and_gates[i], lis_and3): target.write(lis_and3.writePortMap(l_and_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_and_gates[i], lis_and4): target.write(lis_and4.writePortMap(l_and_gates[i])) #Write OR-gates target.write('\n--OR-gates (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_or_gates)) for i in range(0, len(l_or_gates)): if isinstance(l_or_gates[i], lis_or2): target.write(lis_or2.writePortMap(l_or_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_or_gates[i], lis_or3): target.write(lis_or3.writePortMap(l_or_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_or_gates[i], lis_or4): target.write(lis_or4.writePortMap(l_or_gates[i])) #Write NAND-gates target.write('\n--NAND-gates (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_nand_gates))# for i in range(0, len(l_nand_gates)): if isinstance(l_nand_gates[i], lis_nand2): target.write(lis_nand2.writePortMap(l_nand_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_nand_gates[i], lis_nand3): target.write(lis_nand3.writePortMap(l_nand_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_nand_gates[i], lis_nand4): target.write(lis_nand4.writePortMap(l_nand_gates[i])) #Write NOR-gates target.write('\n--NOR-gates (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_nor_gates)) for i in range(0, len(l_nor_gates)): if isinstance(l_nor_gates[i], lis_nor2): target.write(lis_nor2.writePnortMap(l_nor_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_nor_gates[i], lis_nor3): target.write(lis_nor3.writePnortMap(l_nor_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_nor_gates[i], lis_nor4): target.write(lis_nor4.writePnortMap(l_nor_gates[i])) target.write('\nend architecture;\n') target.close if verbose == True and verbosity_level == '2': print '\nThe following VHDL design has been created from the inputfile:\n' target = open(outputfile, 'r') for line in target: print line[0:len(line)-1]
def main(argv): inputfile = '' outputfile = '' verbose = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hvi:o:f:",["ifile=","ofile="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'usage: -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print 'usage: -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"): verbose = True elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"): inputfile = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"): outputfile = arg # Initialize lists for inputs, outputs, FFs and gates l_statistics = [] l_inputs = [] l_outputs = [] l_dffs = [] l_ser_bist_ffs = [] l_inverters = [] l_and_gates = [] l_nand_gates = [] l_or_gates = [] l_nor_gates = [] l_connections = [] l_ctrl_signals = [] l_ser_bist_err_signals = [] l_ser_bist_scan_signals = [] verbosity_level = '1' # Print some information for the user if verbose made has been activated if verbose == True: print 'This is bench2vhdl; verbose mode activated' print 'Input file is:', inputfile print 'Output file is:', outputfile ############################################################### # PROCESS .BENCH INPUT FILE # ############################################################### entityname = os.path.basename(inputfile) entityname = entityname[0:entityname.find('.')] if verbose == True: print 'Parsing input file for entity %s .....' % entityname with open(inputfile) as f: for line in f: # Skip comment lines if line.startswith('#') == True: l_statistics.append('--% s' % line) #print 'comment detected: %s' % line # Detect inputs if line.startswith('INPUT') == True: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') l_inputs.append(line[open_bracket:close_bracket]) # Detect outputs elif line.startswith('OUTPUT') == True: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') l_outputs.append(line[open_bracket:close_bracket]) #Processing of D flip-flops ----!!! elif 'DFF' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') D_in = line[open_bracket:close_bracket] if not(D_in.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(D_in.strip()) Q_output = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Q_output.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Q_output.strip()) if lis_ser_bist_ff.count == 0: Q_in = '--needs to be inserted manually!' Scan_in = 'ctrl_Scan_out' else: Q_in = l_ser_bist_ffs[lis_ser_bist_ff.count-1].Q_out Scan_in = l_ser_bist_ffs[lis_ser_bist_ff.count-1].Scan_out err_out_signal = 'SER_BIST_FF_%d_ERR_out' % lis_ser_bist_ff.count scan_out_signal = 'SER_BIST_FF_%d_Scan_out' % lis_ser_bist_ff.count l_ser_bist_err_signals.append(err_out_signal) l_ser_bist_scan_signals.append(scan_out_signal) new_lis_ser_bist_ff = lis_ser_bist_ff('clk','reset',D_in,Q_in,'ctrl_B0_out',\ 'ctrl_B1_out',Scan_in,'ctrl_BIST_eval_out','ctrl_Hold_out','ctrl_Rollback_out',\ err_out_signal,scan_out_signal,Q_output) l_ser_bist_ffs.append(new_lis_ser_bist_ff) #l_dffs.append(new_dff) elif 'NOT' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') A = line[open_bracket:close_bracket] if not (A.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(A.strip()) Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not (Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) new_inverter = lis_not(A,Z) l_inverters.append(new_inverter) elif 'AND' in line and not 'NAND' in line and not '#' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') gate_size = line.count(',', open_bracket, close_bracket) + 1 Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) if gate_size == 2: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_and2 = and2(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), Z) l_and_gates.append(new_and2) elif gate_size == 3: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_and3 = lis_and3(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), Z) l_and_gates.append(new_and3) elif gate_size == 4: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_and4 = lis_and4(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), l_input_ports[3].strip(), Z) l_and_gates.append(new_and4) for signal in l_input_ports: if not(signal.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(signal.strip()) elif 'OR' in line and not 'NOR' in line and not '#' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') gate_size = line.count(',', open_bracket, close_bracket) + 1 Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) if gate_size == 2: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_or2 = lis_or2(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), Z) l_or_gates.append(new_or2) elif gate_size == 3: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_or3 = lis_or3(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), Z) l_or_gates.append(new_or3) elif gate_size == 4: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_or4 = lis_or4(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), l_input_ports[3].strip(), Z) l_or_gates.append(new_or4) for signal in l_input_ports: if not(signal.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(signal.strip()) elif 'NAND' in line and not '#' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') gate_size = line.count(',', open_bracket, close_bracket) + 1 Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) if gate_size == 2: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nand2 = lis_nand2(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), Z) l_nand_gates.append(new_nand2) elif gate_size == 3: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nand3 = lis_nand3(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), Z) l_nand_gates.append(new_nand3) elif gate_size == 4: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nand4 = lis_nand4(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), l_input_ports[3].strip(), Z) l_nand_gates.append(new_nand4) for signal in l_input_ports: if not(signal.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(signal.strip()) elif 'NOR' in line and not '#' in line: open_bracket = line.find('(')+1 close_bracket = line.find(')') gate_size = line.count(',', open_bracket, close_bracket) + 1 Z = line[0:line.find('=')-1] if not(Z.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(Z.strip()) if gate_size == 2: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nor2 = lis_nor2(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), Z) l_nor_gates.append(new_nor2) elif gate_size == 3: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nor3 = lis_nor3(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), Z) l_nor_gates.append(new_nor3) elif gate_size == 4: l_input_ports = line[open_bracket:close_bracket].split(',') new_nor4 = lis_nor4(l_input_ports[0].strip(), l_input_ports[1].strip(), l_input_ports[2].strip(), l_input_ports[3].strip(), Z) l_nor_gates.append(new_nor4) for signal in l_input_ports: if not(signal.strip() in l_connections): l_connections.append(signal.strip()) if verbose == True: print 'Done\n\nThe following elements have been found in the design:' print '%d inputs: %s' % ( len(l_inputs), l_inputs) print '%d outputs: %s' % ( len(l_outputs), l_outputs) print '%d D flip-flops' % len(l_dffs) print '%d inverters' % len(l_inverters) print '%d logic gates: %d ANDs, %d NANDs, %d ORs, %d NORs\n' % ( len(l_and_gates) + len(l_nand_gates) + len(l_or_gates) + len(l_nor_gates), len(l_and_gates), len(l_nand_gates), len(l_or_gates), len(l_nor_gates) ) # Post processing of ser_bist_ffs l_ser_bist_ffs[-1].Scan_out = 'open' l_ser_bist_ffs[0].Q_in = l_ser_bist_ffs[-1].Q_out for ff in l_ser_bist_ffs: print lis_ser_bist_ff.writePortMap(ff) # Post processing of l_connections for signal in l_connections: if signal in l_inputs or signal in l_outputs: l_connections.remove(signal) l_ctrl_signals = ['ctrl_B0_out','ctrl_B1_out','ctrl_Scan_out', 'ctrl_BIST_eval_out', \ 'ctrl_Hold_out','ctrl_Rollback_out', 'OR_tree_out'] f.close ############################################################### # CREATE VHDL DESCRIPTION OF THE CIRCUIT # ############################################################### # Open outputfile in write mode target = open(outputfile, 'w') # Write header with author information and statistics #entityname = inputfile[0:inputfile.find('.')] now = target.write('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') target.write('--#LIS#\n') target.write('--Author: Sebastian Kroesche\n') target.write('--Date: %02d.%02d.%d \n' % (, now.month, now.year) ) target.write('--Description: Implementation of ISCAS89 %s circuit with the\n' % entityname) target.write('-- combined SER/BIST flip-flops\n') target.write('-- generated with bench2vhdl2\n') target.write('--Circuit statistics\n') for statline in l_statistics: target.write(statline) target.write('------------------------------------------------------------------------\n') # Write library imports to outputfile target.write('library IEEE;\nuse IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; \n \n') target.write('library lis_lib;\nuse lis_lib.ser_bist.all; \n \n') #Write entity declaration to outputfile target.write('entity %s_ser_bist is\n' % entityname) #**** new for ser_bist ****# target.write('\tgeneric (\n' + '\t\tNUM_FF\t\t\t\t:\tinteger\t:= %s;\n' % lis_ser_bist_ff.count) target.write('\t\tBIST_LENGTH\t\t\t:\tinteger\t:= 20000;\n') exp_resp_string = '\t\tEXPECTED_RESPONSE\t:\tstd_logic_vector(' + str(lis_ser_bist_ff.count) + '-1 downto 0)\t:= "' for i in range(0, len(l_ser_bist_ffs)): exp_resp_string = exp_resp_string + '0' exp_resp_string = exp_resp_string + '"\n\t);\n' target.write(exp_resp_string) #**** new for ser_bist ****# target.write('\tport (\n') target.write('\t\tclk : in std_logic; \n') target.write('\t\treset : in std_logic; \n') target.write('\t\tBIST_start_in : in std_logic; \n') for input_port in l_inputs: #target.write(input_port) target.write('\t\t%s: in std_logic; \n' % input_port) for i in range(0, len(l_outputs)-1): target.write('\t\t%s: out std_logic; \n' % l_outputs[i]) target.write('\t\t%s: out std_logic \n' % l_outputs[len(l_outputs)-1]) target.write('\t\tBIST_done_out : in std_logic; \n') target.write('\t\tBIST_pass_out : in std_logic \n') target.write('\t);\n') target.write('end entity; \n\n') #Write opening line of architecture target.write('architecture rtl of %s is\n\n' % entityname) #Write interconnecting signals for signal in l_connections: target.write('\tsignal %s : std_logic;\n' % signal) #Write SER/BIST ctrl signals target.write('\n--SER/BIST ctrl signals\n') for signal in l_ctrl_signals: target.write('\tsignal %s : std_ulogic;\n' % signal) for signal in l_ser_bist_err_signals: target.write('\tsignal %s : std_ulogic;\n' % signal) for signal in l_ser_bist_scan_signals: target.write('\tsignal %s : std_ulogic;\n' % signal) #Write begin of architecture target.write('\nbegin\n\n') #Write SER/BIST controller controller_string = 'CTRL:\tlis_ser_bist_controller \n\ \t\tgeneric map( \n\ \t\t\tNUM_FF\t\t=> NUM_FF, \n \ \t\t\tBIST_LENGTH\t=> BIST_LENGTH \n \ \t\t)\n\ \t\tport map(\n\ \t\t\tclk\t\t\t\t=> clk, \n \ \t\t\treset\t\t\t=> reset, \n \ \t\t\tERR_in\t\t\t=> OR_tree_out, \n \ \t\t\tBIST_start_in\t=> BIST_start_in, \n \ \t\t\tExp_resp_in\t\t=> EXPECTED_RESPONSE, \n \ \t\t\tHold_out\t\t=> ctrl_Hold_out, \n \ \t\t\tRollback_out\t=> ctrl_Rollback_out, \n \ \t\t\tBIST_eval_out\t=> ctrl_BIST_eval_out, \n \ \t\t\tB0_out\t\t\t=> ctrl_B0_out, \n \ \t\t\tB1_out\t\t\t=> ctrl_B1_out, \n \ \t\t\tBIST_done_out\t=> BIST_done_out, \n \ \t\t\tBIST_pass_out\t=> BIST_pass_out, \n \ \t\t\tScan_out\t\t=> ctrl_Scan_out \n \ \t\t);\n\n' target.write(controller_string) #Write flip-flops target.write('\n--Flip-flops (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_ser_bist_ffs)) for i in range(0, len(l_ser_bist_ffs)): #target.write('DFF_%d:\t lis_dff port map( clk => clk, Q_out => %s, D_in => % s, reset => reset );\n' % (i, l_dffs[i].Q_out, l_dffs[i].D_in) ) target.write(lis_ser_bist_ff.writePortMap(l_ser_bist_ffs[i])) #Write OR-tree OR_tree_string = 'OR_tree_out <= ' + l_ser_bist_ffs[0].ERR_out + ' OR ' for i in range(1, len(l_ser_bist_ffs)-1): OR_tree_string = OR_tree_string + l_ser_bist_ffs[i].ERR_out + ' OR ' OR_tree_string = OR_tree_string + l_ser_bist_ffs[-1].ERR_out OR_tree_string = OR_tree_string + ";\n" target.write(OR_tree_string) #Write inverters target.write('\n--Inverters (total number: %d)\n'% len(l_inverters)) for i in range(0, len(l_inverters)): target.write('INV_%d:\t lis_not port map( A => %s, Z => %s );\n' % (i, l_inverters[i].A, l_inverters[i].Z) ) #Write AND-gates target.write('\n--AND-gates (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_and_gates)) for i in range(0, len(l_and_gates)): if isinstance(l_and_gates[i], and2): target.write(and2.writePortMap(l_and_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_and_gates[i], lis_and3): target.write(lis_and3.writePortMap(l_and_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_and_gates[i], lis_and4): target.write(lis_and4.writePortMap(l_and_gates[i])) #Write OR-gates target.write('\n--OR-gates (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_or_gates)) for i in range(0, len(l_or_gates)): if isinstance(l_or_gates[i], lis_or2): target.write(lis_or2.writePortMap(l_or_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_or_gates[i], lis_or3): target.write(lis_or3.writePortMap(l_or_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_or_gates[i], lis_or4): target.write(lis_or4.writePortMap(l_or_gates[i])) #Write NAND-gates target.write('\n--NAND-gates (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_nand_gates))# for i in range(0, len(l_nand_gates)): if isinstance(l_nand_gates[i], lis_nand2): target.write(lis_nand2.writePortMap(l_nand_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_nand_gates[i], lis_nand3): target.write(lis_nand3.writePortMap(l_nand_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_nand_gates[i], lis_nand4): target.write(lis_nand4.writePortMap(l_nand_gates[i])) #Write NOR-gates target.write('\n--NOR-gates (total number: %d)\n' % len(l_nor_gates)) for i in range(0, len(l_nor_gates)): if isinstance(l_nor_gates[i], lis_nor2): target.write(lis_nor2.writePnortMap(l_nor_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_nor_gates[i], lis_nor3): target.write(lis_nor3.writePnortMap(l_nor_gates[i])) elif isinstance(l_nor_gates[i], lis_nor4): target.write(lis_nor4.writePnortMap(l_nor_gates[i])) target.write('\nend architecture;\n') target.close if verbose == True and verbosity_level == '2': print '\nThe following VHDL design has been created from the inputfile:\n' target = open(outputfile, 'r') for line in target: print line[0:len(line)-1] ############################################################### # CREATE STUCK-AT-FAULT DESCRIPTION FILE # ############################################################### # Open outputfile in write mode faultfile = '%s.fdf' % entityname target = open(faultfile, 'w') # Write header with author information and statistics target.write('# Stuck-at-fault description file for circuit %s\n' % entityname) target.write('# Created by bench2vhdl on %d-%d-%d\n' % (now.year, now.month, ) #target.write('signal_name;s-a-1 det;s-a-0 det\n') for signal in l_inputs: target.write('%s\n' % signal) for signal in l_outputs: target.write('%s\n' % signal) #target.write('#;#;#\n') for signal in l_connections: target.write('%s\n' % signal) target.close if verbose == True: print 'stuck-at-fault description file written to %s' % faultfile