コード例 #1
ファイル: checkSNR.py プロジェクト: phyytang/lisatools
    def product(self, other):
        assert self.dt == other.dt
        assert self.len == other.len

        lowi = max(1, self.fLow / self.df)
        highi = min(self.len / 2, self.fHigh / self.df)

        sn, st = lisanoise(self.f[lowi:highi])

        intA = 4.0 / (self.len**2 * self.df) * numpy.conj(
            self.At[lowi:highi]) * other.At[lowi:highi] / sn
        intE = 4.0 / (self.len**2 * self.df) * numpy.conj(
            self.Et[lowi:highi]) * other.Et[lowi:highi] / sn
        intT = 4.0 / (self.len**2 * self.df) * numpy.conj(
            self.Tt[lowi:highi]) * other.Tt[lowi:highi] / st

        if options.outputIntegrand:
            # ints = numpy.concatenate((self.f[lowi:highi],sn,st))

            tdistr = 'f,Are,Aim,Ere,Eim,Tre,Tim'
            tdiobs = lisaxml.Observable(tdistr)
            tdiobs.FrequencySeries = lisaxml.FrequencySeries([
                self.f[lowi:highi], intA.real, intA.imag, intE.real, intE.imag,
                intT.real, intT.imag
            ], tdistr)

            tdiobs.DataType = 'FractionalFrequency'
            tdiobs.FrequencySeries.Cadence = self.df
            tdiobs.FrequencySeries.Cadence_Unit = 'Hertz'
            tdiobs.FrequencySeries.FrequencyOffset = self.f[lowi]
            tdiobs.FrequencySeries.FrequencyOffset_Unit = 'Hertz'

            outputXML = lisaxml.lisaXML(options.outputIntegrand)

        innerA = numpy.sum(intA)
        innerE = numpy.sum(intE)
        innerT = numpy.sum(intT)

        res = resprod()
        res.A = innerA.real
        res.E = innerE.real
        res.T = innerT.real

        return res
コード例 #2
ファイル: addXML.py プロジェクト: LiberTang0/lisatools
    parser.error("I need at least one file to work with.")

if options.nokey and options.keyonly:
    parser.error("Conflicting options --keyOnly and --noKey.")

outputfile = options.outputfile and options.outputfile or args[0]
inputfiles = args[0:]

observables = {}; obslist = []
sources     = []
uniquesecs  = {}; seclist = []

comments = ''

for i,filename in enumerate(inputfiles):
    xml = lisaxml2.lisaXML(filename,'r')
    if xml.Comment:                                 # TODO: better provenance tracking
        comments += (comments and '\n' or '')       # add a newline if we have something already
        comments += '(From %s.)' % f
        comments += xml.Comment                     # accumulate comments
    for sec in xml:
        if len(sec) > 0:
            if sec.Type == 'TDIData' and not (options.keyonly and i > 0):
                for obs in sec:
                    obsname = obs.TimeSeries.name
                    if obsname not in obslist:      # collect the first instance of every observable set
                        observables[obsname] = obs
コード例 #3
if options.nokey and options.keyonly:
    parser.error("Conflicting options --keyOnly and --noKey.")

outputfile = options.outputfile and options.outputfile or args[0]
inputfiles = args[0:]

observables = {}
obslist = []
sources = []
uniquesecs = {}
seclist = []

comments = ''

for i, filename in enumerate(inputfiles):
    xml = lisaxml2.lisaXML(filename, 'r')

    if xml.Comment:  # TODO: better provenance tracking
        comments += (comments and '\n'
                     or '')  # add a newline if we have something already
        comments += '(From %s.)' % f
        comments += xml.Comment  # accumulate comments

    for sec in xml:
        if len(sec) > 0:
            if sec.Type == 'TDIData' and not (options.keyonly and i > 0):
                for obs in sec:
                    obsname = obs.TimeSeries.name
                    if obsname not in obslist:  # collect the first instance of every observable set
                        observables[obsname] = obs
コード例 #4
                  help="display progress [off by default]")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if len(args) < 1:
    parser.error("You must specify an output file!")

if options.duration < 10:
    options.duration = options.duration * 31457280

if options.seed == None:
    parser.error("You must specify the seed!")

# open the output file
outputfile = args[0]
outputXML = lisaxml.lisaXML(outputfile,'w')

# set the noise seed

# make LISA, add caching?
if options.armlength == 'Standard':
    if options.LISAmodel == 'Eccentric':
        lisa = synthlisa.EccentricInclined(0.0,1.5*pi,-1)
    elif options.LISAmodel == 'Static':
        lisa = synthlisa.OriginalLISA()
    elif options.LISAmodel == 'Rigid':
        lisa = synthlisa.CircularRotating(0.0,1.5*pi,-1)
            lisa = synthlisa.makeSampledLISA(options.LISAmodel)
コード例 #5
ファイル: mergeXML.py プロジェクト: phyytang/lisatools
author = getattr(mergedtdifile, 'Author', None)

if not author and 'USER' in os.environ:
    author = os.environ['USER']
    author = 'mergeXML.py'

# it would be nice also to collect comments from the additional files...
# but lisaxml2.py does not currently support this!
comments = mergedtdifile.Comment


if options.outputfile:
    newmergedtdifile = lisaxml2.lisaXML(options.outputfile,
    newmergedtdifile = lisaxml2.lisaXML(mergedfile,

if not options.nokey:
    for source in sources:

for inputfile in inputfiles:
    if options.debug: print "---> Processing", inputfile
    inputtdifile = lisaxml2.readXML(inputfile)

    # will use the first LISA that it finds anywhere...
コード例 #6
ファイル: mergeXML.py プロジェクト: LiberTang0/lisatools
author = getattr(mergedtdifile,'Author',None)

if not author and 'USER' in os.environ:
    author = os.environ['USER']
    author = 'mergeXML.py'

# it would be nice also to collect comments from the additional files...
# but lisaxml2.py does not currently support this!
comments = mergedtdifile.Comment


if options.outputfile:
    newmergedtdifile = lisaxml2.lisaXML(options.outputfile,author=author,comments=comments)
    newmergedtdifile = lisaxml2.lisaXML(mergedfile,author=author,comments=comments)

if not options.nokey:
    for source in sources:

for inputfile in inputfiles:
    if options.debug: print "---> Processing", inputfile
    inputtdifile = lisaxml2.readXML(inputfile)

    # will use the first LISA that it finds anywhere...

    if not lisa:
        lisa = inputtdifile.getLISAgeometry()
コード例 #7
                  help="limit total number of lines printed")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if len(args) != 2:
        "You must specify the input lisaXML file and the output text file!")

lisaxml.Table.DisableRemoteTableLoad = True

srcfile = lisaxml.lisaXML(args[0], 'r')
table = srcfile.SourceData[0]

outfile = open(args[1], 'w')

count = 0
for s in table.makeTableSources():
    #    if not (f0 < s.Frequency < f1) and not (f2 < s.Frequency < f3) and not (f4 < s.Frequency < f5):
    #        continue

    if options.addCount:
        print >> outfile, count,
    print >> outfile, s.Frequency, s.FrequencyDerivative, s.EclipticLatitude, s.EclipticLongitude,
    print >> outfile, (
        options.logAmplitude and 10**s.Amplitude
        or s.Amplitude), s.Inclination, s.Polarization, s.InitialPhase
コード例 #8
parser.add_option("-l", "--logAmplitude",
                  action="store_true", dest="logAmplitude", default=False,
                  help="assume the Amplitude column is given as log10 (off by default)")

parser.add_option("-N", "--firstN",
                  type="int", dest="firstN", default=None,
                  help="limit total number of lines printed")

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if len(args) != 2:
    parser.error("You must specify the input lisaXML file and the output text file!")

lisaxml.Table.DisableRemoteTableLoad = True
srcfile = lisaxml.lisaXML(args[0],'r')
table   = srcfile.SourceData[0]

outfile = open(args[1],'w')

count = 0
for s in table.makeTableSources():
#    if not (f0 < s.Frequency < f1) and not (f2 < s.Frequency < f3) and not (f4 < s.Frequency < f5):
#        continue
    if options.addCount:    
        print >> outfile, count,
    print >> outfile, s.Frequency, s.FrequencyDerivative, s.EclipticLatitude, s.EclipticLongitude,
    print >> outfile, (options.logAmplitude and 10**s.Amplitude or s.Amplitude), s.Inclination, s.Polarization, s.InitialPhase 

    # print >> outfile, s.Frequency, s.EclipticLatitude, s.EclipticLongitude, s.Amplitude,
コード例 #9
# prepare a lisaXML table structure with the binary parameters we've just generated

table = lisaxml2.Table(numpy.array(binaries,'d'),len(binaries),len(binaries[0]),

# set up the Column names

table.Frequency = None; table.Frequency_Unit = 'Hz'

if options.centerdotf != None:
    table.FrequencyDerivative = None; table.FrequencyDerivative_Unit = 'Hz/Second'

table.EclipticLatitude  = None; table.EclipticLatitude_Unit  = 'Radian'
table.EclipticLongitude = None; table.EclipticLongitude_Unit = 'Radian'
table.Amplitude         = None; table.Amplitude              = '1'
table.Inclination       = None; table.Inclination            = 'Radian'
table.Polarization      = None; table.Polarization           = 'Radian'
table.InitialPhase      = None; table.InitialPhase           = 'Radian'

# make a lisaXML SourceTable object

mygalaxy = lisaxml2.SourceTable('GalacticBinary',name=options.galaxyName)

mygalaxy.__dict__['Table'] = table

# write out the XML file

outputXML = lisaxml2.lisaXML(outXMLfile,author='M. Vallisneri')