コード例 #1
def _BresTriBase(p0,p1,p2,dss_rerun=False, iscan_iline=None):
    '''Do grunt work common to both Bresenham Triangle functions'''
    borderPts = GetTriangleBorderPoints(p0,p1,p2)
    if iscan_iline is not None:
        iscan, iline = iscan_iline
        return iscan, iline, borderPts
    # Get the steepest dimension relative to every other dimension:
    dSS = GetDirectionsOfSteepestSlope(p0,p1,p2)
    dSS_notNone = [i for i in dSS if i!=None]
    if len(dSS_notNone) == 0:
        # Degenerate slope matrix (all 0's); points are collinear
        return borderPts
    iscan = getMostCommonVal(dSS_notNone)
    if dss_rerun:
        all_but = [i for i in range(len(p0)) if i != iscan]
        p0a,p1a,p2a = fL([p0,p1,p2])[:, all_but]
        dSS2 = GetDirectionsOfSteepestSlope(p0a,p1a,p2a)
        dSS2_notNone = [i for i in dSS2 if i!=None]
        iline = getMostCommonVal(dSS2_notNone)
        if iline >= iscan:
            iline += 1
        iline = dSS[iscan]
    assert iline!=None, "iline is <flat>, that can't be right!"
    return iscan, iline, borderPts
コード例 #2
def _BresenhamTriangle_PlaneFormulaVersion(p0, p1, p2, iscan_iline=None): # Generalization for triangle
    '''Bresenham N-D triangle rasterization
       Uses a Bresenham-like algorithm, but uses floating-point
       math and rounding for greater accuracy.
       Holes are prevented by proper selection of dimensions:
           the 'scan' dimension is fixed for each line (x')
           the 'line' dimension has the maximum slope perpendicular to iscan (y')
       All other dimensions are interpolated using the formula for a plane:
       for three points (x0,y0,z0,...), (x1,y1,z1,...), (x2,y2,z2,...):
       x = x0 + (x1-x0)*s + (x2-x0)*t
       y = y0 + (y1-y0)*s + (y2-y0)*t
       z = z0 + (z1-z0)*s + (z2-z0)*t
       When 2 of these (x' and y') are fixed,
       we can solve for s and t:
       (here using A and B instead of x' and y'):
       A = A0 + (A1-A0)*s + (A2-A0)*t
       B = B0 + (B1-B0)*s + (B2-B0)*t
       Using matrix form and with
       dX01 = X1-X0  and  dX02 = X2-X0:
       [A - A0] = [dA01  dA02] * [s]
       [B - B0] = [dB01  dB02] * [t]
       We can solve by inverting tbe delta's matrix:
       [s] = [dA01  dA02]^-1 * [A - A0]
       [t] = [dB01  dB02]    * [B - B0]
       Lastly, we find values for all remaining coordinates (x,y,z,...) by plugging s and t back into the original equations and rounding the result.
    if p2==None:
        return BresenhamFunction(p0,p1) # In case the last argument is None just use a plane...
    p = np.array([p0,p1,p2])
    iscan, iline, borderPts = _BresTriBase(p0,p1,p2,dss_rerun=False, iscan_iline=iscan_iline)
    # Draw Bresenham lines to rasterize the triangle (draw along y' direction for each x' value)
    minMaxList = _getMinMaxList(borderPts,iscan,iline)
    # Get the points in the iscan/iline projection of the output:
    minMaxProjected = fL(minMaxList)[:, :, (iscan, iline)]
    projectedTriPts = _map_BresLines(minMaxProjected)
    new_points = sample_points_from_plane(p, projectedTriPts, iscan, iline)
    return new_points