コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, iface):

        :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class
            which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS
            application at run time.
        :type iface: QgsInterface
        # Save reference to the QGIS interface
        self.iface = iface
        # a reference to our map canvas
        self.canvas = self.iface.mapCanvas()  #CHANGE
        # this QGIS tool emits as QgsPoint after each click on the map canvas
        self.clickTool = QgsMapToolEmitPoint(self.canvas)

        # initialize plugin directory
        self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        # initialize locale
        locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2]
        locale_path = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, 'i18n',

        if os.path.exists(locale_path):
            self.translator = QTranslator()

            if qVersion() > '4.3.3':

        # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference
        self.dlg = LiteratureMapperDialog()
        self.dlgTable = TableInterface()

        # Declare instance attributes
        self.actions = []
        self.menu = self.tr(u'&Literature Mapper')

        self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'LiteratureMapper')
コード例 #2
 def setUp(self):
     """Runs before each test."""
     self.dialog = LiteratureMapperDialog(None)