def parse_book_tree(bookdir): """Converts filesystem booktree back to a struct""" struct = [] ex = [lambda filepath: '.sha1sum' in] ex.extend([lambda filepath: 'metadata.json' in]) for dirname, subdirs, filenames in os.walk(str(bookdir)): if 'collection.xml' in filenames: path = Path(dirname) sha1s = get_sha1s_dict(path) struct.append((parse_collection(path, excludes=ex), sha1s)) elif 'index.cnxml' in filenames: path = Path(dirname) sha1s = get_sha1s_dict(path) struct.append((parse_module(path, excludes=ex), sha1s)) return struct
def execute_task_actions(content_dir, task): before_action, module_action, collection_action = task before_action() content_dir = Path(content_dir).resolve() ex = [lambda filepath: '.sha1sum' in] for dirname, subdirs, filenames in os.walk(str(content_dir)): path = Path(dirname) if 'collection.xml' in filenames: collection = parse_collection(path, excludes=ex) action_params = to_str_dict(collection) collection_action(**action_params) elif 'index.cnxml' in filenames: module = parse_module(path, excludes=ex) action_params = to_str_dict(module) module_action(**action_params)
def test_parse_colletion_metdata_without_print_style(tmpdir, litezip_valid_litezip): working_dir = tmpdir.mkdir('col') collection_file = working_dir.join('collection.xml') # Copy over and modify the collection.xml file. with (litezip_valid_litezip / 'collection.xml').open() as origin: xml = etree.parse(origin) elm = xml.xpath('//col:param[@name="print-style"]', namespaces=COLLECTION_NSMAP)[0] elm.getparent().remove(elm) collection_file.write(etree.tounicode(xml).encode('utf8')) assert 'print-style' not in # Test the parser doesn't error when a print-style is missing. # given a Collection object, model = parse_collection(Path(working_dir)) # parse the metadata into a CollectionMetadata, md = parse_collection_metadata(model) assert md.print_style is None
def test_parse_collection_metadata(litezip_valid_litezip): # given a Collection object, model = parse_collection(litezip_valid_litezip) # parse the metadata into a CollectionMetadata, md = parse_collection_metadata(model) # which we then test for data point information assert == 'col11405' assert md.version == '1.2' assert md.created == '2011/05/24 10:31:56.888 GMT-5' assert md.revised == '2013/03/11 22:52:33.244 GMT-5' assert md.title == 'Intro to Computational Engineering: Elec 220 Labs' assert md.license_url == '' assert md.language == 'en' assert md.authors == ('mwjhnsn', 'jedifan42') assert md.maintainers == ('mwjhnsn', 'jedifan42', 'cavallar') assert md.licensors == ('mwjhnsn', 'jedifan42', 'cavallar') assert md.keywords == ( 'Calculator', 'Cavallaro', 'Elec 220', 'Gate', 'Interrupt', 'LC-3', 'Loop', 'Microcontroller', 'MSP 430', 'Rice', ) assert md.subjects == ('Science and Technology', ) assert md.abstract == ("This collection houses all the documentation " "for the lab component of Rice Universities Elec " "220 lab component. The labs cover topics such " "as gates, simulation, basic digital I/O, " "interrupt driven embedded programming, C " "language programming, and finally a/d " "interfacing and touch sensors.") # This test case uses ``value=""`` in the xml, so a value is found. assert md.print_style is None