def set_pin_value(args): value = args['value'] pin_no = args['id'] command="sudo " + gpio + " write " + str(pin_no) + " " + value r, c = execute(command.replace("\n", "")) #protect command from newlines status, code = execute(gpio + ' readalljson'); return json.loads(status)
def getValues(): leftValues = [] for pin in leftPins: pinNo = name2PinNo(pin) if pinNo >= 0: msgInitialize, errorcode = execute( "sudo gpio-query value \"GPIO " + str(pinNo) + "\"") if msgInitialize[0] == "H": value = GPIO.HIGH else: value = GPIO.LOW leftValues.append(value) else: leftValues.append(pin) rightValues = [] for pin in rightPins: pinNo = name2PinNo(pin) if pinNo >= 0: msgInitialize, errorcode = execute( "sudo gpio-query value \"GPIO " + str(pinNo) + "\"") if msgInitialize[0] == "H": value = GPIO.HIGH else: value = GPIO.LOW rightValues.append(value) else: rightValues.append(pin) return leftValues, rightValues
def __init__(self): self.chains={} list_chains, exit_code = execute("sudo iptables -n -L | grep 'Chain' | cut -d ' ' -f 2") lines = list_chains.split('\n') for line in lines[0:len(lines)-1]: chain_body, exit_code = execute("sudo iptables -S " + line) self.chains[line]=Chain(chain_body)
def set_pin_direction(args): direction = args['direction'] pin_no = args['id'] command = "sudo " + gpio + " mode " + str(pin_no) + " " + direction r, c = execute(command.replace("\n", "")) status, code = execute(gpio + ' readalljson'); return json.loads(status)
def getValues(): leftValues = [] for pin in leftPins: pinNo = name2PinNo(pin) if pinNo >= 0 : msgInitialize, errorcode=execute("sudo gpio-query value \"GPIO " + str(pinNo) + "\"") if msgInitialize == "High": value=GPIO.HIGH else: value=GPIO.LOW leftValues.append(value) else: leftValues.append(pin) rightValues = [] for pin in rightPins: pinNo = name2PinNo(pin) if pinNo >= 0: msgInitialize, errorcode=execute("sudo gpio-query value \"GPIO " + str(pinNo) + "\"" ) if msgInitialize[0] == "H": value=GPIO.HIGH else: value=GPIO.LOW rightValues.append(value) else: rightValues.append(pin) return leftValues, rightValues
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() msg="" if 'cmd' in form: command=form['cmd'].value if (command=='cleanup'): msg, errorcode=execute("sudo " + gpio + " reset") else: errorcode="140" else: pinID = form['id'].value pinTypeOfChange = pinID.split('GPIO')[0] pinName = form['pinNumber'].value pinNo = pinName.split('GPIO')[1] wiringPiIndex, err = execute("sudo gpio-query wiringpi \"GPIO " + str(pinNo) + "\"") pinNo = wiringPiIndex errorcode = None if pinTypeOfChange == 'V' : pinValue = form['value'].value msg, errorcode = set_pin_value(pinNo, pinValue) elif pinTypeOfChange == 'D' : pinDirection = form['direction'].value msg, errorcode = set_pin_direction(pinNo, pinDirection) else: msg="Uknown command" errorcode="130" response = Response(errorcode) response.buildResponse(errorcode, message=msg) composeXMLDocument(response.xml)
def set_pin_direction(args): direction = args['direction'] pin_no = args['id'] command = "sudo " + gpio + " mode " + str(pin_no) + " " + direction r, c = execute(command.replace("\n", "")) status, code = execute(gpio + ' readalljson') return json.loads(status)
def set_pin_value(args): value = args['value'] pin_no = args['id'] command = "sudo " + gpio + " write " + str(pin_no) + " " + value r, c = execute(command.replace("\n", "")) #protect command from newlines status, code = execute(gpio + ' readalljson') return json.loads(status)
def startStream(self): ''' try to use mplayer for the given parameters ''' command=(os.environ['MY_HOME'] + "/scripts/ "+self.output+" "+str(self.volume)+" \""+self.uri + "\" "+os.environ['ssl_cert']+" "+os.environ['ssl_key']); fireAndForget(command) execute("echo '"+str(self.volume)+"\n0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' > /tmp/mplayer_status") return 0;
def checkBusy(view) : a, errorcode_apt_get = execute('pgrep apt-get') a, errorcode_aptitude = execute('pgrep aptitude') if errorcode_apt_get == 0 or errorcode_aptitude == 0 : view.setContent('Package Management',\ 'The package manager is busy right now. . . Try again later!' ) view.output() return True
def takeSnapshot(): image_path = MY_PICS + str(int(time.time() * 1000)) + '.jpg' a, b = execute("sudo raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -t 2000 -o " + image_path) execute("sudo chown -R pi-web-agent:pi-web-agent " + MY_PICS) thumbnail(image_path) file_name = os.path.basename(image_path) response_js = {"name": file_name} composeJS(json.dumps(response_js)) sys.exit(0)
def takeSnapshot( ): image_path = MY_PICS + str(int(time.time()*1000)) + '.jpg' a,b = execute( "sudo raspistill -w 640 -h 480 -t 2000 -o " + image_path ) execute("sudo chown -R pi-web-agent:pi-web-agent " + MY_PICS) thumbnail(image_path) file_name = os.path.basename(image_path) response_js = {"name":file_name} composeJS(json.dumps(response_js)) sys.exit(0)
def __init__(self): self.chains={} list_chains, exit_code = execute("sudo iptables -L | grep 'Chain' | cut -d ' ' -f 2") lines = list_chains.split('\n') for line in lines[0:len(lines)-1]: #print "WHAAAT: ", line chain_body, exit_code = execute("sudo iptables -L " + line) #print chain_body self.chains[line]=Chain(chain_body)
def executeCommand( command ) : errorMessage = '' output, errorcode = execute( command ) if errorcode != 0 : #TODO We need something here to display the stack trace... maybe a terminal css # use terminal css to display error in an overlay errorMessage += DivManager.getStackTrace( output + "<br>ErrorCode: " + str( errorcode ) ) #date, command, errorcode todayDate = (time.strftime( "%d/%m/%Y" )) output, errorcode = execute( "sudo echo '" + todayDate + ", \"" + command + "\", " + str( errorcode ) + "' >> dateCommandErrorLog.csv" ) return errorMessage
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() pictures, returncode = execute( "ls /usr/share/pi-web-agent/camera-media/*.jpg") linearray = pictures.split('\n') html = '''<div id="camera_toolbar"> <div class="btn-group btn-group-justified"> <a href='javascript:navigate("/cgi-bin/toolkit/")' class="btn btn-default">Live stream</a> <a href='javascript:camera_utils("snapshot")' class="btn btn-default">Snapshot</a> <a href='javascript:alert("Coming soon")' class="btn btn-default">Record</a> <a href='javascript:camera_utils("stoprecord")' class="btn btn-default">Stop</a> </div></div><br> ''' html += '''<div id="gallery_thumbnails">''' for thisline in linearray: justname = thisline.split('/')[-1] if len(justname) <= 0: continue html += '<a href="/cgi-bin/toolkit/' + justname + '" rel="thumbnail"><img style="padding:4px; border:2px solid #021a40;" src="/cgi-bin/toolkit/' + justname.split( '.')[0] + '.png" style="width: 64px; height: 64px" /></a>' html += '</div><br>' view.setContent('Pi Camera Controller', html) output(view, cgi.FieldStorage())
def set_volume(args): # Sets volume of mixer specified in args command = "sudo amixer sset {mixer} {vol}\%" out, exit_code = execute( command.format(mixer=args['mixer'], vol=args['val'])) return get_volume(args)
def main(): """ The mplayer port for py web agent If you read this code, it is better acompanied with the following documentation for improved understanding: You can also have a look at: for /css/sliders.js And for mplayer slave cmmands: rfc3875: If you have any questons about this feature send me an email at: -At- with @) or for more generic pi-web agent questions ask any member of the kupepia team. """ form = cgi.FieldStorage() if execute('pidof mplayer')[1]==0: settingsReader=SettingsReader("/tmp/mplayer_status") view.setContent('Mplayer', getRunningView("",settingsReader.getVolume(), settingsReader.getEQ().split(':'))) elif "uri" not in form and "volume" not in form: view.setContent('Mplayer', getView(None)) elif "uri" not in form : view.setContent('Mplayer', getView("Please provide a uri")) else: player = MPlayer(form) player.startStream(); view.setContent('Mplayer', getRunningView(form.getvalue("uri"),form.getvalue("volume"),"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0".split(':'))) output(view, form)
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() pictures, returncode = execute("ls /usr/share/pi-web-agent/camera-media/*.jpg") linearray = pictures.split('\n') html = '''<div id="camera_toolbar"> <div class="btn-group btn-group-justified"> <a href='javascript:navigate("/cgi-bin/toolkit/")' class="btn btn-default">Live stream</a> <a href='javascript:camera_utils("snapshot")' class="btn btn-default">Snapshot</a> <a href='javascript:alert("Coming soon")' class="btn btn-default">Record</a> <a href='javascript:camera_utils("stoprecord")' class="btn btn-default">Stop</a> </div></div><br> ''' html += '''<div id="gallery_thumbnails">''' for thisline in linearray: justname = thisline.split('/')[-1] if len(justname) <= 0: continue html += '<a href="/cgi-bin/toolkit/'+justname +'" rel="thumbnail"><img style="padding:4px; border:2px solid #021a40;" src="/cgi-bin/toolkit/'+justname.split('.')[0]+'.png" style="width: 64px; height: 64px" /></a>' html += '</div><br>' view.setContent('Pi Camera Controller', html) output(view, cgi.FieldStorage())
def set_volume(args): # Sets volume of mixer specified in args command = "sudo amixer sset {mixer} {vol}\%" out, exit_code = execute(command.format(mixer=args['mixer'], vol=args['val'])) return get_volume(args)
def main(): """ The mplayer port for py web agent If you read this code, it is better acompanied with the following documentation for improved understanding: You can also have a look at: for /css/sliders.js And for mplayer slave cmmands: rfc3875: If you have any questons about this feature send me an email at: -At- with @) or for more generic pi-web agent questions ask any member of the kupepia team. """ form = cgi.FieldStorage() config=Configuration() view = View(config.system.actions) if execute('pidof mplayer')[1]==0: settingsReader=SettingsReader("/tmp/mplayer_status") view.setContent('Mplayer', getRunningView(settingsReader.getVolume(), settingsReader.getEQ().split(':'))) elif "uri" not in form and "volume" not in form: view.setContent('Radio', getView()) else: player = MPlayer(form) player.startStream(); view.setContent('Radio', getRunningView(form.getvalue("volume"),"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0".split(':'))) output(view, form)
def startStream(self): ''' try to use mplayer for the given parameters ''' self.uri=self.form.getvalue("uri") self.volume=self.form.getvalue("volume") self.cache=self.form.getvalue("cache") command=("sh -c '[ -f /tmp/mplayer-control ]" "|| mkfifo /tmp/mplayer-control;" " sudo mplayer -slave -input " "file=/tmp/mplayer-control -ao alsa:device=hw " "-af equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 ") command+=" -volume "+self.volume+" " command+=self.uri+" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &'" fireAndForget(command) execute("echo '"+self.volume+"\n0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' > /tmp/mplayer_status")
def find_answer(question): script = os.environ['MY_HOME'] + "/scripts/" output, err_code = execute(script + " " + question) json_dictionary = {'question':question, 'answer':output,\ 'exit_code':err_code} composeJSONDocument(json_dictionary)
def get_volume(args): # Returns current volume of args['mixer'] command = "sudo amixer sget {mixer}" out, exit_code = execute(command.format(mixer=args['mixer'])) m ="[0-9]+%", out) vol =[:-1] data_line = out.split('\n')[-2] m ="(\[on\]|\[off\])+", data_line) st = return json.dumps({'volume': int(vol), 'status': status[st[1:-1]]})
def startStream(self): ''' try to use mplayer for the given parameters ''' self.uri=urllib.unquote(self.form.getvalue("uri")).decode('utf8') self.volume=self.form.getvalue("volume") self.cache=self.form.getvalue("cache") #wow I ll be a bit pythonic here xD self.outout="2" if self.form.getvalue("output")=="HDMI" else "1" if self.form.getvalue("output")=="HEADPHONES" else "0" command=("sh -c '[ -f /tmp/mplayer-control ]" "|| mkfifo /tmp/mplayer-control;" "sudo amixer cset numid=3 "+self.outout+";" "sudo mplayer -slave -input " "file=/tmp/mplayer-control -ao alsa:device=hw " "-af equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 ") command+=" -volume "+self.volume command+=" \""+self.uri + "\" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &'" fireAndForget(command) execute("echo '"+self.volume+"\n0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' > /tmp/mplayer_status")
def startStream(self): ''' try to use mplayer for the given parameters ''' self.uri=self.form.getvalue("uri") self.volume=self.form.getvalue("volume") self.cache=self.form.getvalue("cache") #wow I ll be a bit pythonic here xD self.outout="2" if self.form.getvalue("output")=="HDMI" else "1" if self.form.getvalue("output")=="HEADPHONES" else "0" command=("sh -c '[ -f /tmp/mplayer-control ]" "|| mkfifo /tmp/mplayer-control;" "sudo amixer cset numid=3 "+self.outout+";" "sudo mplayer -slave -input " "file=/tmp/mplayer-control -ao alsa:device=hw " "-af equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 ") command+=" -volume "+self.volume+" " command+=self.uri+" </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &'" fireAndForget(command) execute("echo '"+self.volume+"\n0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' > /tmp/mplayer_status")
def get_volume(args): # Returns current volume of args['mixer'] command = "sudo amixer sget {mixer}" out, exit_code = execute(command.format(mixer=args['mixer'])) m ="[0-9]+%", out) vol =[:-1] data_line = out.split('\n')[-2] m ="(\[on\]|\[off\])+", data_line) st = return json.dumps({'volume':int(vol), 'status':status[st[1:-1]]})
def getContents(path): path = checkPathValidity(path) contents, exitcode = execute("sudo ls -l " + path) contents = contents.split("\n")[1:len(contents)] files = [] for content in contents: entry = parseFile(content) if entry != None: files.append(entry) return files
def getImages(self): pictures, returncode = execute("ls /usr/share/pi-web-agent/camera-media/*.png") if (returncode != 0): linearray = [returncode] else: linearray = pictures.split('\n') for i, value in enumerate(linearray): linearray[i] = os.path.basename(value) del linearray[-1] return linearray
def getDirections(): leftDirections = [] for pin in leftPins: pinNo = name2PinNo(pin) if pinNo >= 0: msgInitialize, errorcode=execute("sudo gpio-query direction \"GPIO " + str(pinNo) + "\"") leftDirections.append(msgInitialize.strip()) else: leftDirections.append(pin) rightDirections = [] for pin in rightPins: pinNo = name2PinNo(pin) if pinNo >= 0 : msgInitialize, errorcode=execute("sudo gpio-query direction \"GPIO " + str(pinNo) + "\"") rightDirections.append(msgInitialize.strip()) else: rightDirections.append(pin) return leftDirections, rightDirections
def _store(self): pFile = os.environ['MY_HOME'] + '/.htpasswd' if "'" in self.username or "'" in self.password1: e=Exception() e.strerror="Invalid character `'` in password" raise e command = 'htpasswd -bd ' + pFile + ' \'' + self.username + '\' ' + ' \'' + self.password1 +'\'' output, error_code = execute(command) if error_code != 0: e=Exception() e.strerror="Failed to store password: " + str(error_code) raise e
def getImages(self): pictures, returncode = execute( "ls /usr/share/pi-web-agent/camera-media/*.png") if (returncode != 0): linearray = [returncode] else: linearray = pictures.split('\n') for i, value in enumerate(linearray): linearray[i] = os.path.basename(value) del linearray[-1] return linearray
def _store(self): pFile = os.environ['MY_HOME'] + '/.htpasswd' if "'" in self.username or "'" in self.password1: e = Exception() e.strerror = "Invalid character `'` in password" raise e command = 'htpasswd -bd ' + pFile + ' \'' + self.username + '\' ' + ' \'' + self.password1 + '\'' output, error_code = execute(command) if error_code != 0: e = Exception() e.strerror = "Failed to store password: " + str(error_code) raise e
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() if 'cmd' in form: command = form['cmd'].value if command == 'start': response("0") p = subprocess.Popen(['/bin/bash', '/usr/bin/'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) elif command == 'stop': try: execute('sudo kill $(pidof raspivid)') except: pass response("0") return content=getView() view.setContent('Live camera', content) output(view, form)
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() if 'cmd' in form: command = form['cmd'].value if command == 'start': response("0") p = subprocess.Popen(['/bin/bash', '/usr/bin/'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) elif command == 'stop': try: execute('sudo kill $(pidof raspivid)') except: pass response("0") return content = getView() view.setContent('Live camera', content) output(view, form)
def getDirections(): leftDirections = [] for pin in leftPins: pinNo = name2PinNo(pin) if pinNo >= 0: msgInitialize, errorcode = execute( "sudo gpio-query direction \"GPIO " + str(pinNo) + "\"") leftDirections.append(msgInitialize.strip()) else: leftDirections.append(pin) rightDirections = [] for pin in rightPins: pinNo = name2PinNo(pin) if pinNo >= 0: msgInitialize, errorcode = execute( "sudo gpio-query direction \"GPIO " + str(pinNo) + "\"") rightDirections.append(msgInitialize.strip()) else: rightDirections.append(pin) return leftDirections, rightDirections
def checkFlags(pName): bashCommand = "dpkg-query -l " + pName text, errorcode = execute(bashCommand) if errorcode != 0: return False lines = text.split('\n') del lines[-1] package_line = lines[-1] flags = package_line.split()[0] if flags.find('r') >= 0: return False if flags.find('un') >= 0: return False return True
def checkFlags(pName): bashCommand = "dpkg-query -l " + pName text, errorcode = execute( bashCommand ) if errorcode != 0: return False lines = text.split('\n') del lines[-1] package_line = lines[-1] flags = package_line.split()[0] if flags.find('r') >= 0: return False if flags.find('un') >= 0: return False return True
def search_package(args): package_name = args['key'] out, code = execute('apt-cache search --names-only ' + package_name) package_list = out.split('\n') packages={} if (len(package_list) > 0): package_list = package_list[:-1] else: return {} for entry in package_list: name=entry.split(' ')[0] description=entry[len(name)+3:] packages[name] = description return packages
def search_package(args): package_name = args['key'] out, code = execute('apt-cache search --names-only ' + package_name) package_list = out.split('\n') packages = {} if (len(package_list) > 0): package_list = package_list[:-1] else: return {} for entry in package_list: name = entry.split(' ')[0] description = entry[len(name) + 3:] packages[name] = description return packages
def createOnOffSwitch( pName ) : checkedText = "" bashCommand = "dpkg-query -l " + pName output, errorcode = execute( bashCommand ) text = '<div class="on_off_switch">\n' text +='<input type="checkbox" name="'+pName+'" onclick="submit_package(this)" class="on_off_switch-checkbox" id="'+pName if errorcode != 0: checkedText = text + '" checked>' elif errorcode == 0 and checkFlags(output): checkedText = text + '">' else: checkedText = text + '" checked>' checkedText += '<label class="on_off_switch-label" for="'+pName+'">\n' checkedText += '<div class="on_off_switch-inner"></div>\n' checkedText += '<div class="on_off_switch-switch"></div>\n' checkedText += '</label>\n' checkedText += '</div>\n' return checkedText
def createOnOffSwitch(pName): checkedText = "" bashCommand = "dpkg-query -l " + pName output, errorcode = execute(bashCommand) text = '<div class="on_off_switch">\n' text += '<input type="checkbox" name="' + pName + '" onclick="submit_package(this)" class="on_off_switch-checkbox" id="' + pName if errorcode != 0: installed = False checkedText = text + '" checked>' elif errorcode == 0 and checkFlags(output): installed = True checkedText = text + '">' else: installed = False checkedText = text + '" checked>' checkedText += '<label class="on_off_switch-label" for="' + pName + '">\n' checkedText += '<div class="on_off_switch-inner"></div>\n' checkedText += '<div class="on_off_switch-switch"></div>\n' checkedText += '</label>\n' checkedText += '</div>\n' return checkedText, installed
def main(): form = cgi.FieldStorage() pictures, returncode = execute("ls /usr/share/pi-web-agent/camera-media/*.jpg") linearray = pictures.split('\n') html = '<div id="camera_toolbar">\n' html += '<a id="makePreview" class="btn btn-primary" onclick=\'camera_utils("play")\'>Play</a>' html += '<a id="takeSnapshot" class="btn btn-primary" onclick=\'camera_utils("snapshot")\'>Snapshot</a>' html += '<a id="startRecord" class="btn btn-primary" onclick=\'camera_utils("startrecord")\'>Record</a>' html += '<a id="stopRecord" class="btn btn-primary" onclick=\'camera_utils("stoprecord")\'>Stop</a>' html += '</div><br>' html += '''<div id="gallery_thumbnails"<p>''' for thisline in linearray: justname = thisline.split('/')[-1] if len(justname) <= 0: continue html += '<a href="/cgi-bin/toolkit/'+justname +'" rel="thumbnail"><img style="padding:4px; border:2px solid #021a40;" src="/cgi-bin/toolkit/'+justname.split('.')[0]+'.png" style="width: 64px; height: 64px" /></a>' html += '</p></div><br>' view.setContent('Live camera', html) output(view, cgi.FieldStorage())
def getDpkgInfo(pName, fieldName): bashCommand = "apt-query " + pName + " " + fieldName output, errorcode = execute(bashCommand) if output == "": return fieldName + " not available" return output
def test_speakers(): command="sudo mplayer -ao alsa \"'This is a sound test'\"" execute(command) return json.dumps({'code':0})
def get_mixers(args): out, exit_code = execute("sudo amixer scontrols") mixers = re.findall(r"'.+'", out) mixers = list(m[1:-1] for m in mixers) return json.dumps(mixers)
self.output = ('2' if output == 'HDMI' else ('1' if output == 'HEADPHONES' else '0')) def startStream(self): ''' try to use mplayer for the given parameters ''' command=(os.environ['MY_HOME'] + "/scripts/ "+self.output+" "+str(self.volume)+" \""+self.uri + "\" "+os.environ['ssl_cert']+" "+os.environ['ssl_key']); fireAndForget(command) execute("echo '"+str(self.volume)+"\n0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' > /tmp/mplayer_status") return 0; if __name__ == '__main__': if os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET': if execute('pidof mplayer')[1] == 0: fireAndForget('echo "get_property volume" > /tmp/mplayer-control;'); composeJS('{ "status" : "playing" }') else: composeJS('{ "status" : "stoped" }') elif os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'DELETE': if execute('echo "quit" > /tmp/mplayer-control')[1] == 0: composeJS('{ "status" : "success" }') else: composeJS('{ "status" : "failure" }', httplib.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) elif os.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST': data=json.loads( try: if 'volume' in data:
def addIPwithProtocolRule(chain, action, protocol, ip_address): if (validate_address(ip_address) == None): return return execute('sudo iptables -A ' + chain + ' -p ' + protocol + ' -s ' + ip_address + ' -j ' + action)
def addIPRule(chain, action, ip_address): if (validate_address(ip_address) == None): return return execute('sudo iptables -A ' + chain + ' -s ' + ip_address + ' -j ' + action)
def enableCamera(): return execute(os.environ['MY_HOME'] + "/scripts/")
def test_speakers(): command = "sudo mplayer -ao alsa \"'This is a sound test'\"" execute(command) return json.dumps({'code': 0})
def stopRecord(): try: execute('sudo kill $(pidof raspivid) $(pifof raspistill)') except: pass
def toggle_mute(args): command = "sudo amixer sset {mixer} toggle" mixer = args['mixer'] cmd = command.format(mixer=args['mixer']) out, exit_code = execute(cmd) return get_volume(args)
def addIPwithProtocolRule(chain, action, protocol, ip_address): if validate_address(ip_address) == None: return return execute("sudo iptables -A " + chain + " -p " + protocol + " -s " + ip_address + " -j " + action)
def addProtocolRule(chain, action, protocol): return execute('sudo iptables -A ' + chain + ' -p ' + protocol + ' -j ' + action)
def getCameraStatus(): return execute("sudo vcgencmd get_camera")