def fetch(connection, name, mode="flat"): objectset = set() objectlist = [] def keep(obj): if obj.owner is not None: return False if args.keepjunk: return True if "$" in or"SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_"): return False return True for (i, obj) in enumerate(connection.objects(owner=None, mode=mode)): keepdef = keep(obj) if args.verbose: msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs(connection), connid(name), ": fetching #{:,} ".format(i + 1), df(obj)) if not keepdef: msg = astyle.style_default(msg, " ", s4warning("(skipped)")) stderr.writeln(msg) if keepdef: objectset.add(obj) objectlist.append(obj) return (objectset, objectlist)
def fetch(connection, name): objects = set() for (i, obj) in enumerate(connection.objects(owner=None, mode="flat")): keep = ("$" not in and not"SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_")) or args.keepjunk if args.verbose: msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs(connection), connid(name), f" fetching #{i+1:,} ", df(obj)) if not keep: msg += s4error(" (skipped)") stderr.writeln(msg) if keep: objects.add(obj) return objects
def fetch(connection, name, mode="flat"): objectset = set() objectlist = [] def keep(obj): if obj.owner is not None: return False if args.keepjunk: return True if "$" in or"SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_"): return False return True for (i, obj) in enumerate(connection.objects(owner=None, mode=mode)): keepdef = keep(obj) if args.verbose: msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs(connection), connid(name), f": fetching #{i+1:,} ", df(obj)) if not keepdef: msg = astyle.style_default(msg, " ", s4warning("(skipped)")) stderr.writeln(msg) if keepdef: objectset.add(obj) objectlist.append(obj) return (objectset, objectlist)
def fetch(connection, name): objects = set() for (i, obj) in enumerate(connection.objects(owner=None, mode="flat")): keep = ("$" not in and not"SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_") ) or args.keepjunk if args.verbose: msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs(connection), connid(name), f" fetching #{i+1:,} ", df(obj)) if not keep: msg += s4error(" (skipped)") stderr.writeln(msg) if keep: objects.add(obj) return objects
def inmesg(flag, name): if flag: return astyle.style_default("in ", connid(name)) else: return astyle.style_default("not in ", connid(name))
def conflictmarker(prefix, *text): return astyle.style_default(s4error(prefix), " ", *text)
def main(args=None): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Print (or execute) the SQL of all objects in an Oracle database schema", epilog="For more info see") p.add_argument("connectstring", help="Oracle connect string") p.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", help="Give a progress report? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument("-c", "--color", dest="color", help="Color output (default %(default)s)", default="auto", choices=("yes", "no", "auto")) p.add_argument("-s", "--seqcopy", dest="seqcopy", help="copy sequence values? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument("-x", "--execute", metavar="CONNECTSTRING2", dest="execute", help="Execute in target database") p.add_argument("-k", "--keepjunk", dest="keepjunk", help="Output objects with '$' or 'SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_' in their name? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument("-i", "--ignore", dest="ignore", help="Ignore errors? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument( "--format", dest="format", help="The output format (default %(default)s)", choices=("sql", "pysql"), default="sql") p.add_argument( "--include", dest="include", metavar="REGEXP", help="Include only objects whose name contains PATTERN (default: %(default)s)", type=re.compile) p.add_argument( "--exclude", dest="exclude", metavar="REGEXP", help="Exclude objects whose name contains PATTERN (default: %(default)s)", type=re.compile) args = p.parse_args(args) if args.color == "yes": color = True elif args.color == "no": color = False else: color = None stdout = astyle.Stream(sys.stdout, color) stderr = astyle.Stream(sys.stderr, color) connection = orasql.connect(args.connectstring) if args.execute: connection2 = orasql.connect(args.execute) cursor2 = connection2.cursor() term = False else: term = True cs1 = s4connectstring(connection.connectstring()) if args.execute: cs2 = s4connectstring(connection2.connectstring()) def keep(obj): if obj.owner is not None: return False # output pk, fks etc. only when they belong to a table we do output if isinstance(obj, (orasql.Constraint, orasql.Index)): obj = obj.table() if ("$" in or "/" in or"SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_")) and not args.keepjunk: return False if args.include is not None and is None: return False if args.exclude is not None and is not None: return False return True for (i, obj) in enumerate(connection.objects(owner=None, mode="create")): keepobj = keep(obj) if args.verbose: if args.execute: msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs1, " -> ", cs2, f": fetching/creating #{i+1:,}") else: msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs1, f" fetching #{i+1:,}") msg = astyle.style_default(msg, " ", s4object(str(obj))) if not keepobj: msg = astyle.style_default(msg, " ", s4warning("(skipped)")) stderr.writeln(msg) if keepobj: if isinstance(obj, orasql.Sequence) and args.seqcopy: sql = obj.createsqlcopy(connection, term) else: sql = obj.createsql(connection, term) if sql: if args.execute: try: cursor2.execute(sql) except orasql.DatabaseError as exc: if not args.ignore or "ORA-01013" in str(exc): raise stderr.writeln(" ", s4error(misc.format_exception(exc))) else: stdout.writeln(sql.strip()) stdout.writeln() if args.format == "pysql": stdout.writeln("-- @@@") stdout.writeln()
def main(args=None): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Print (or execute) drop statements for all objects in an Oracle database schema", epilog="For more info see") p.add_argument("connectstring", help="Oracle connect string") p.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", help="Give a progress report? (default %(default)s)", action=misc.FlagAction, default=False) p.add_argument("-c", "--color", dest="color", help="Color output (default %(default)s)", default="auto", choices=("yes", "no", "auto")) p.add_argument("-f", "--fks", dest="fks", help="How should foreign keys from other schemas be treated? (default %(default)s)", default="disable", choices=("keep", "disable", "drop")) p.add_argument("-x", "--execute", dest="execute", help="immediately execute the commands instead of printing them? (default %(default)s)", action=misc.FlagAction, default=False) p.add_argument("-k", "--keepjunk", dest="keepjunk", help="Output objects with '$' in their name? (default %(default)s)", action=misc.FlagAction, default=False) p.add_argument("-i", "--ignore", dest="ignore", help="Ignore errors? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument( "--format", dest="format", help="The output format (default %(default)s)", choices=("sql", "pysql"), default="sql") p.add_argument( "--include", dest="include", metavar="REGEXP", help="Include only objects whose name contains PATTERN (default: %(default)s)", type=re.compile) p.add_argument( "--exclude", dest="exclude", metavar="REGEXP", help="Exclude objects whose name contains PATTERN (default: %(default)s)", type=re.compile) args = p.parse_args(args) if args.color == "yes": color = True elif args.color == "no": color = False else: color = None stdout = astyle.Stream(sys.stdout, color) stderr = astyle.Stream(sys.stderr, color) connection = orasql.connect(args.connectstring) term = not args.execute cs = s4connectstring(connection.connectstring()) def keep(obj): if obj.owner is not None and not isinstance(obj, orasql.ForeignKey): return False if ("$" in or"SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_")) and not args.keepjunk: return False if args.include is not None and is None: return False if args.exclude is not None and is not None: return False return True sqls = [] for (i, obj) in enumerate(connection.objects(owner=None, mode="drop")): keepdef = keep(obj) # Get SQL sql = "" action = "skipped" if obj.owner is not None: if isinstance(obj, orasql.ForeignKey): if args.fks == "disable": sql = obj.disablesql(connection, term) action = "disabled" elif args.fks == "drop": sql = obj.dropsql(connection, term) action = None elif keepdef: sql = obj.dropsql(connection, term) action = None # Progress report if args.verbose: msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs, f": fetching #{i+1:,} ", s4object(str(obj))) if action is not None: msg = astyle.style_default(msg, " ", s4warning(f"({action})")) stderr.writeln(msg) if sql: # Print or execute sql if args.execute: sqls.append((obj, sql)) else: stdout.writeln(sql.strip()) if args.format == "pysql": stdout.writeln() stdout.writeln("-- @@@") stdout.writeln() # Execute SQL if args.execute: cursor = connection.cursor() for (i, (obj, sql)) in enumerate(sqls): if args.verbose: stderr.writeln(" ", cs, f": dropping #{i+1:,}/{len(sqls):,} ", s4object(str(obj))) try: cursor.execute(sql) except orasql.DatabaseError as exc: if not args.ignore or "ORA-01013" in str(exc): raise stderr.writeln(" ", s4error(f"{exc.__class__}: {str(exc).strip()}"))
def main(args=None): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= "Print (or execute) SQL for deleting all records from all tables in an Oracle database schema", epilog= "For more info see" ) p.add_argument("connectstring", help="Oracle connect string") p.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", help="Give a progress report? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument("-c", "--color", dest="color", help="Color output (default %(default)s)", default="auto", choices=("yes", "no", "auto")) p.add_argument("-s", "--sequences", dest="sequences", help="Reset sequences? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument( "-x", "--execute", dest="execute", action=misc.FlagAction, help= "immediately execute the commands instead of printing them? (default %(default)s)" ) p.add_argument( "-k", "--keepjunk", dest="keepjunk", help= "Output objects with '$' or 'SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_' in their name? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action="store_true") p.add_argument("-i", "--ignore", dest="ignore", help="Ignore errors? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument( "-t", "--truncate", dest="truncate", help="Truncate tables (instead of deleting)? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument("--format", dest="format", help="The output format (default %(default)s)", choices=("sql", "pysql"), default="sql") p.add_argument( "--include", dest="include", metavar="REGEXP", help= "Include only objects whose name contains PATTERN (default: %(default)s)", type=re.compile) p.add_argument( "--exclude", dest="exclude", metavar="REGEXP", help= "Exclude objects whose name contains PATTERN (default: %(default)s)", type=re.compile) args = p.parse_args(args) if args.color == "yes": color = True elif args.color == "no": color = False else: color = None stdout = astyle.Stream(sys.stdout, color) stderr = astyle.Stream(sys.stderr, color) connection = orasql.connect(args.connectstring) cursor = connection.cursor() cs = s4connectstring(connection.connectstring()) def keep(obj): if ("$" in or "/" in or"SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_") ) and not args.keepjunk: return False if args.include is not None and is None: return False if args.exclude is not None and is not None: return False return True for (i, obj) in enumerate(connection.tables(owner=None, mode="drop")): keepobj = keep(obj) # Progress report if args.verbose: msg = "truncating" if args.truncate else "deleting from" msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs, ": {} #{:,} ".format(msg, i + 1), s4object(str(obj))) if not keepobj: msg = astyle.style_default(msg, " ", s4warning("(skipped)")) stderr.writeln(msg) if keepobj: # Print or execute SQL if args.execute: try: fmt = "truncate table {}" if args.truncate else "delete from {}" cursor.execute(fmt.format( except orasql.DatabaseError as exc: if not args.ignore or "ORA-01013" in str(exc): raise stderr.writeln( " ", s4error("{}: {}".format(exc.__class__, str(exc).strip()))) else: if args.truncate: sql = "truncate table {};".format( else: sql = "delete from {};".format( stdout.writeln(sql) stdout.writeln() if args.format == "pysql": stdout.writeln("-- @@@") stdout.writeln() if not args.truncate: connection.commit() if args.sequences: for (i, obj) in enumerate(connection.sequences(owner=None)): keepobj = keep(obj) # Progress report if args.verbose: msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs, ": recreating #{:,} ".format(i + 1), s4object(str(obj))) if not keepobj: msg = astyle.style_default(msg, " ", s4warning("(skipped)")) stderr.writeln(msg) if keepobj: # Print or execute SQL if args.execute: try: sql = obj.createsql(term=False) cursor.execute(obj.dropsql(term=False)) cursor.execute(sql) except orasql.DatabaseError as exc: if not args.ignore or "ORA-01013" in str(exc): raise stderr.writeln( " ", s4error("{}: {}".format(exc.__class__, str(exc).strip()))) else: stdout.writeln(obj.dropsql(term=True).strip()) stdout.writeln() if args.format == "pysql": stdout.writeln("-- @@@") stdout.writeln() stdout.writeln(obj.createsql(term=True).strip()) stdout.writeln() if args.format == "pysql": stdout.writeln("-- @@@") stdout.writeln()
def main(args=None): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= "Print (and execute) grants statements from an Oracle database schema", epilog= "For more info see" ) p.add_argument("connectstring", help="Oracle connect string") p.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", help="Give a progress report? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument("-c", "--color", dest="color", help="Color output (default %(default)s)", default="auto", choices=("yes", "no", "auto")) p.add_argument("-x", "--execute", metavar="CONNECTSTRING2", dest="execute", help="Execute in target database") p.add_argument( "-k", "--keepjunk", dest="keepjunk", help= "Output objects with '$' or 'SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_' in their name? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action="store_true") p.add_argument("-i", "--ignore", dest="ignore", help="Ignore errors? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument("-m", "--mapgrantee", dest="mapgrantee", help="Map grantees (Python expression: list or dict)", default="True") p.add_argument("--format", dest="format", help="The output format (default %(default)s)", choices=("sql", "pysql"), default="sql") p.add_argument( "--include", dest="include", metavar="REGEXP", help= "Include only objects whose name contains PATTERN (default: %(default)s)", type=re.compile) p.add_argument( "--exclude", dest="exclude", metavar="REGEXP", help= "Exclude objects whose name contains PATTERN (default: %(default)s)", type=re.compile) args = p.parse_args(args) if args.color == "yes": color = True elif args.color == "no": color = False else: color = None stdout = astyle.Stream(sys.stdout, color) stderr = astyle.Stream(sys.stderr, color) connection = orasql.connect(args.connectstring) if args.execute: connection2 = orasql.connect(args.execute) cursor2 = connection2.cursor() term = False else: term = True cs1 = s4connectstring(connection.connectstring()) if args.execute: cs2 = s4connectstring(connection2.connectstring()) mapgrantee = eval(args.mapgrantee) def keep(obj): if ("$" in or "/" in or"SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_") ) and not args.keepjunk: return False if args.include is not None and is None: return False if args.exclude is not None and is not None: return False return True for (i, obj) in enumerate(connection.privileges(None)): keepobj = keep(obj) if args.verbose: if args.execute: msg = astyle.style_default( " ", cs1, " -> ", cs2, ": fetching/granting #{:,}".format(i + 1)) else: msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs1, " fetching #{:,}".format(i + 1)) msg = astyle.style_default(msg, " ", s4object(str(obj))) if not keepobj: msg = astyle.style_default(msg, " ", s4warning("(skipped)")) stderr.writeln(msg) if keepobj: sql = obj.grantsql(connection, term, mapgrantee=mapgrantee) if sql: if args.execute: try: cursor2.execute(sql) except orasql.DatabaseError as exc: if not args.ignore or "ORA-01013" in str(exc): raise stderr.writeln(" ", s4error(misc.format_exception(exc))) else: stdout.writeln(sql.strip()) if args.format == "pysql": stdout.writeln() stdout.writeln("-- @@@") stdout.writeln()
def main(args=None): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Print (or execute) SQL for deleting all records from all tables in an Oracle database schema", epilog="For more info see") p.add_argument("connectstring", help="Oracle connect string") p.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", help="Give a progress report? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument("-c", "--color", dest="color", help="Color output (default %(default)s)", default="auto", choices=("yes", "no", "auto")) p.add_argument("-s", "--sequences", dest="sequences", help="Reset sequences? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument("-x", "--execute", dest="execute", action=misc.FlagAction, help="immediately execute the commands instead of printing them? (default %(default)s)") p.add_argument("-k", "--keepjunk", dest="keepjunk", help="Output objects with '$' or 'SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_' in their name? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action="store_true") p.add_argument("-i", "--ignore", dest="ignore", help="Ignore errors? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument("-t", "--truncate", dest="truncate", help="Truncate tables (instead of deleting)? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument( "--format", dest="format", help="The output format (default %(default)s)", choices=("sql", "pysql"), default="sql") p.add_argument( "--include", dest="include", metavar="REGEXP", help="Include only objects whose name contains PATTERN (default: %(default)s)", type=re.compile) p.add_argument( "--exclude", dest="exclude", metavar="REGEXP", help="Exclude objects whose name contains PATTERN (default: %(default)s)", type=re.compile) args = p.parse_args(args) if args.color == "yes": color = True elif args.color == "no": color = False else: color = None stdout = astyle.Stream(sys.stdout, color) stderr = astyle.Stream(sys.stderr, color) connection = orasql.connect(args.connectstring) cursor = connection.cursor() cs = s4connectstring(connection.connectstring()) def keep(obj): if ("$" in or "/" in or"SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_")) and not args.keepjunk: return False if args.include is not None and is None: return False if args.exclude is not None and is not None: return False return True for (i, obj) in enumerate(connection.tables(owner=None, mode="drop")): keepobj = keep(obj) # Progress report if args.verbose: msg = "truncating" if args.truncate else "deleting from" msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs, f": {msg} #{i+1:,} ", s4object(str(obj))) if not keepobj: msg = astyle.style_default(msg, " ", s4warning("(skipped)")) stderr.writeln(msg) if keepobj: # Print or execute SQL if args.execute: try: if args.truncate: query = f"truncate table {}" else: query = f"delete from {}" cursor.execute(query) except orasql.DatabaseError as exc: if not args.ignore or "ORA-01013" in str(exc): raise stderr.writeln(" ", s4error(f"{exc.__class__}: {str(exc).strip()}")) else: if args.truncate: sql = f"truncate table {};" else: sql = f"delete from {};" stdout.writeln(sql) stdout.writeln() if args.format == "pysql": stdout.writeln("-- @@@") stdout.writeln() if not args.truncate: connection.commit() if args.sequences: for (i, obj) in enumerate(connection.sequences(owner=None)): keepobj = keep(obj) # Progress report if args.verbose: msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs, f": recreating #{i+1:,} ", s4object(str(obj))) if not keepobj: msg = astyle.style_default(msg, " ", s4warning("(skipped)")) stderr.writeln(msg) if keepobj: # Print or execute SQL if args.execute: try: sql = obj.createsql(term=False) cursor.execute(obj.dropsql(term=False)) cursor.execute(sql) except orasql.DatabaseError as exc: if not args.ignore or "ORA-01013" in str(exc): raise stderr.writeln(" ", s4error(f"{exc.__class__}: {str(exc).strip()}")) else: stdout.writeln(obj.dropsql(term=True).strip()) stdout.writeln() if args.format == "pysql": stdout.writeln("-- @@@") stdout.writeln() stdout.writeln(obj.createsql(term=True).strip()) stdout.writeln() if args.format == "pysql": stdout.writeln("-- @@@") stdout.writeln()
def main(args=None): p = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= "Print (or execute) drop statements for all objects in an Oracle database schema", epilog= "For more info see" ) p.add_argument("connectstring", help="Oracle connect string") p.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", help="Give a progress report? (default %(default)s)", action=misc.FlagAction, default=False) p.add_argument("-c", "--color", dest="color", help="Color output (default %(default)s)", default="auto", choices=("yes", "no", "auto")) p.add_argument( "-f", "--fks", dest="fks", help= "How should foreign keys from other schemas be treated? (default %(default)s)", default="disable", choices=("keep", "disable", "drop")) p.add_argument( "-x", "--execute", dest="execute", help= "immediately execute the commands instead of printing them? (default %(default)s)", action=misc.FlagAction, default=False) p.add_argument( "-k", "--keepjunk", dest="keepjunk", help="Output objects with '$' in their name? (default %(default)s)", action=misc.FlagAction, default=False) p.add_argument("-i", "--ignore", dest="ignore", help="Ignore errors? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument("--format", dest="format", help="The output format (default %(default)s)", choices=("sql", "pysql"), default="sql") p.add_argument( "--include", dest="include", metavar="REGEXP", help= "Include only objects whose name contains PATTERN (default: %(default)s)", type=re.compile) p.add_argument( "--exclude", dest="exclude", metavar="REGEXP", help= "Exclude objects whose name contains PATTERN (default: %(default)s)", type=re.compile) args = p.parse_args(args) if args.color == "yes": color = True elif args.color == "no": color = False else: color = None stdout = astyle.Stream(sys.stdout, color) stderr = astyle.Stream(sys.stderr, color) connection = orasql.connect(args.connectstring) term = not args.execute cs = s4connectstring(connection.connectstring()) def keep(obj): if obj.owner is not None and not isinstance(obj, orasql.ForeignKey): return False if ("$" in or"SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_") ) and not args.keepjunk: return False if args.include is not None and is None: return False if args.exclude is not None and is not None: return False return True sqls = [] for (i, obj) in enumerate(connection.objects(owner=None, mode="drop")): keepdef = keep(obj) # Get SQL sql = "" action = "skipped" if obj.owner is not None: if isinstance(obj, orasql.ForeignKey): if args.fks == "disable": sql = obj.disablesql(connection, term) action = "disabled" elif args.fks == "drop": sql = obj.dropsql(connection, term) action = None elif keepdef: sql = obj.dropsql(connection, term) action = None # Progress report if args.verbose: msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs, f": fetching #{i+1:,} ", s4object(str(obj))) if action is not None: msg = astyle.style_default(msg, " ", s4warning(f"({action})")) stderr.writeln(msg) if sql: # Print or execute sql if args.execute: sqls.append((obj, sql)) else: stdout.writeln(sql.strip()) if args.format == "pysql": stdout.writeln() stdout.writeln("-- @@@") stdout.writeln() # Execute SQL if args.execute: cursor = connection.cursor() for (i, (obj, sql)) in enumerate(sqls): if args.verbose: stderr.writeln(" ", cs, f": dropping #{i+1:,}/{len(sqls):,} ", s4object(str(obj))) try: cursor.execute(sql) except orasql.DatabaseError as exc: if not args.ignore or "ORA-01013" in str(exc): raise stderr.writeln(" ", s4error(f"{exc.__class__}: {str(exc).strip()}"))
def main(args=None): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Print (and execute) grants statements from an Oracle database schema", epilog="For more info see") p.add_argument("connectstring", help="Oracle connect string") p.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", help="Give a progress report? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument("-c", "--color", dest="color", help="Color output (default %(default)s)", default="auto", choices=("yes", "no", "auto")) p.add_argument("-x", "--execute", metavar="CONNECTSTRING2", dest="execute", help="Execute in target database") p.add_argument("-k", "--keepjunk", dest="keepjunk", help="Output objects with '$' or 'SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_' in their name? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action="store_true") p.add_argument("-i", "--ignore", dest="ignore", help="Ignore errors? (default %(default)s)", default=False, action=misc.FlagAction) p.add_argument("-m", "--mapgrantee", dest="mapgrantee", help="Map grantees (Python expression: list or dict)", default="True") p.add_argument( "--format", dest="format", help="The output format (default %(default)s)", choices=("sql", "pysql"), default="sql") p.add_argument( "--include", dest="include", metavar="REGEXP", help="Include only objects whose name contains PATTERN (default: %(default)s)", type=re.compile) p.add_argument( "--exclude", dest="exclude", metavar="REGEXP", help="Exclude objects whose name contains PATTERN (default: %(default)s)", type=re.compile) args = p.parse_args(args) if args.color == "yes": color = True elif args.color == "no": color = False else: color = None stdout = astyle.Stream(sys.stdout, color) stderr = astyle.Stream(sys.stderr, color) connection = orasql.connect(args.connectstring) if args.execute: connection2 = orasql.connect(args.execute) cursor2 = connection2.cursor() term = False else: term = True cs1 = s4connectstring(connection.connectstring()) if args.execute: cs2 = s4connectstring(connection2.connectstring()) mapgrantee = eval(args.mapgrantee) def keep(obj): if ("$" in or "/" in or"SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_")) and not args.keepjunk: return False if args.include is not None and is None: return False if args.exclude is not None and is not None: return False return True for (i, obj) in enumerate(connection.privileges(None)): keepobj = keep(obj) if args.verbose: if args.execute: msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs1, " -> ", cs2, f": fetching/granting #{i+1:,}") else: msg = astyle.style_default(" ", cs1, f" fetching #{i+1:,}") msg = astyle.style_default(msg, " ", s4object(str(obj))) if not keepobj: msg = astyle.style_default(msg, " ", s4warning("(skipped)")) stderr.writeln(msg) if keepobj: sql = obj.grantsql(connection, term, mapgrantee=mapgrantee) if sql: if args.execute: try: cursor2.execute(sql) except orasql.DatabaseError as exc: if not args.ignore or "ORA-01013" in str(exc): raise stderr.writeln(" ", s4error(misc.format_exception(exc))) else: stdout.writeln(sql.strip()) if args.format == "pysql": stdout.writeln() stdout.writeln("-- @@@") stdout.writeln()