コード例 #1
ファイル: TestRecursiveInferior.py プロジェクト: sas/lldb
    def recursive_inferior_crashing_python(self):
        """Inferior crashes upon launching; lldb should catch the event and stop."""
        exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out")

        target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe)
        self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET)

        # Now launch the process, and do not stop at entry point.
        # Both argv and envp are null.
        process = target.LaunchSimple(
            None, None, self.get_process_working_directory())

        if process.GetState() != lldb.eStateStopped:
            self.fail("Process should be in the 'stopped' state, "
                      "instead the actual state is: '%s'" %

        threads = lldbutil.get_crashed_threads(self, process)
            "Failed to stop the thread upon bad access exception")

        if self.TraceOn():
コード例 #2
    def inferior_not_crashing(self):
        """Test lldb reloads the inferior after it was changed during the session."""
        self.runCmd("process kill")
        self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED)
        self.runCmd("process status")

                len(lldbutil.get_crashed_threads(self, self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess())),
                "Inferior changed, but lldb did not perform a reload")

        # Break inside the main.
        lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line (self, "main2.c", self.line2, num_expected_locations=1, loc_exact=True)

        self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED)

        # The stop reason of the thread should be breakpoint.
        self.expect("thread list", STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT,
            substrs = ['stopped',
                       'stop reason = breakpoint'])

        self.runCmd("frame variable int_ptr")
        self.expect("frame variable *int_ptr",
            substrs = ['= 7'])
        self.expect("expression *int_ptr",
            substrs = ['= 7'])
コード例 #3
    def inferior_crashing_python(self):
        """Inferior crashes upon launching; lldb should catch the event and stop."""
        exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out")

        target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe)
        self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET)

        # Now launch the process, and do not stop at entry point.
        # Both argv and envp are null.
        process = target.LaunchSimple(
            None, None, self.get_process_working_directory())

        if process.GetState() != lldb.eStateStopped:
            self.fail("Process should be in the 'stopped' state, "
                      "instead the actual state is: '%s'" %

        threads = lldbutil.get_crashed_threads(self, process)
            "Failed to stop the thread upon bad access exception")

        if self.TraceOn():
コード例 #4
 def check_stop_reason(self):
     # We should have one crashing thread
         len(lldbutil.get_crashed_threads(self, self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess())),
コード例 #5
    def inferior_not_crashing(self):
        """Test lldb reloads the inferior after it was changed during the session."""
        self.runCmd("process kill")
        # Prod the lldb-platform that we have a newly built inferior ready.
        if lldb.lldbtest_remote_sandbox:
            self.runCmd("file " + self.exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)
        self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED)
        self.runCmd("process status")

            len(lldbutil.get_crashed_threads(self, self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess())),
            "Inferior changed, but lldb did not perform a reload",

        # Break inside the main.
        lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line(self, "main2.c", self.line2, num_expected_locations=1, loc_exact=True)

        self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED)

        # The stop reason of the thread should be breakpoint.
        self.expect("thread list", STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT, substrs=["stopped", "stop reason = breakpoint"])

        self.runCmd("frame variable int_ptr")
        self.expect("frame variable *int_ptr", substrs=["= 7"])
        self.expect("expression *int_ptr", substrs=["= 7"])
コード例 #6
 def check_stop_reason(self):
     # We should have one crashing thread
                 self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess())), 1,
コード例 #7
    def inferior_crashing(self):
        """Inferior crashes upon launching; lldb should catch the event and stop."""
        self.exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out")
        self.runCmd("file " + self.exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)

        self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED)

        # We should have one crashing thread
                len(lldbutil.get_crashed_threads(self, self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess())),

        # And it should report the correct line number.
        self.expect("thread backtrace all", substrs = ['main.c:%d' % self.line1])
コード例 #8
    def do_thread_actions(self,
                          num_breakpoint_threads = 0,
                          num_signal_threads = 0,
                          num_watchpoint_threads = 0,
                          num_crash_threads = 0,
                          num_delay_breakpoint_threads = 0,
                          num_delay_signal_threads = 0,
                          num_delay_watchpoint_threads = 0,
                          num_delay_crash_threads = 0):
        """ Sets a breakpoint in the main thread where test parameters (numbers of threads) can be adjusted, runs the inferior
            to that point, and modifies the locals that control the event thread counts. Also sets a breakpoint in
            breakpoint_func (the function executed by each 'breakpoint' thread) and a watchpoint on a global modified in
            watchpoint_func. The inferior is continued until exit or a crash takes place, and the number of events seen by LLDB
            is verified to match the expected number of events.
        exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out")
        self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)

        # Get the target
        self.inferior_target = self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget()

        expected_bps = []

        # Initialize all the breakpoints (main thread/aux thread)
        self.setup_breakpoint = self.add_breakpoint(self.setup_breakpoint_line, expected_bps)
        self.finish_breakpoint = self.add_breakpoint(self.finish_breakpoint_line, expected_bps)

        # Set the thread breakpoint
        if num_breakpoint_threads + num_delay_breakpoint_threads > 0:
            self.thread_breakpoint = self.add_breakpoint(self.thread_breakpoint_line, expected_bps)

        # Verify breakpoints
        self.expect("breakpoint list -f", "Breakpoint locations shown correctly", substrs = expected_bps)

        # Run the program.
        self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED)

        # Check we are at line self.setup_breakpoint
        self.expect("thread backtrace", STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT,
            substrs = ["stop reason = breakpoint 1."])

        # Initialize the (single) watchpoint on the global variable (g_watchme)
        if num_watchpoint_threads + num_delay_watchpoint_threads > 0:
            self.expect("watchpoint set variable g_watchme", "Watchpoint created:")
            for w in self.inferior_target.watchpoint_iter():
                self.thread_watchpoint = w
                self.assertTrue("g_watchme" in str(self.thread_watchpoint), "Watchpoint location not shown correctly")

        # Get the process
        self.inferior_process = self.inferior_target.GetProcess()

        # We should be stopped at the setup site where we can set the number of
        # threads doing each action (break/crash/signal/watch)
        self.assertEqual(self.inferior_process.GetNumThreads(), 1, 'Expected to stop before any additional threads are spawned.')

        self.runCmd("expr num_breakpoint_threads=%d" % num_breakpoint_threads)
        self.runCmd("expr num_crash_threads=%d" % num_crash_threads)
        self.runCmd("expr num_signal_threads=%d" % num_signal_threads)
        self.runCmd("expr num_watchpoint_threads=%d" % num_watchpoint_threads)

        self.runCmd("expr num_delay_breakpoint_threads=%d" % num_delay_breakpoint_threads)
        self.runCmd("expr num_delay_crash_threads=%d" % num_delay_crash_threads)
        self.runCmd("expr num_delay_signal_threads=%d" % num_delay_signal_threads)
        self.runCmd("expr num_delay_watchpoint_threads=%d" % num_delay_watchpoint_threads)

        # Continue the inferior so threads are spawned

        # Make sure we see all the threads. The inferior program's threads all synchronize with a pseudo-barrier; that is,
        # the inferior program ensures all threads are started and running before any thread triggers its 'event'.
        num_threads = self.inferior_process.GetNumThreads()
        expected_num_threads = num_breakpoint_threads + num_delay_breakpoint_threads \
                             + num_signal_threads + num_delay_signal_threads \
                             + num_watchpoint_threads + num_delay_watchpoint_threads \
                             + num_crash_threads + num_delay_crash_threads + 1
        self.assertEqual(num_threads, expected_num_threads,
            'Expected to see %d threads, but seeing %d. Details:\n%s' % (expected_num_threads,

        self.signal_count = self.count_signaled_threads()
        self.crash_count = len(lldbutil.get_crashed_threads(self, self.inferior_process))

        # Run to completion (or crash)
        while not self.inferior_done(): 
            if self.TraceOn():
                self.runCmd("thread backtrace all")
            self.signal_count += self.count_signaled_threads()
            self.crash_count += len(lldbutil.get_crashed_threads(self, self.inferior_process))

        if num_crash_threads > 0 or num_delay_crash_threads > 0:
            # Expecting a crash
            self.assertTrue(self.crash_count > 0,
                "Expecting at least one thread to crash. Details: %s" % "\t\n".join(self.describe_threads()))

            # Ensure the zombie process is reaped
            self.runCmd("process kill")

        elif num_crash_threads == 0 and num_delay_crash_threads == 0:
            # There should be a single active thread (the main one) which hit the breakpoint after joining
            self.assertEqual(1, self.finish_breakpoint.GetHitCount(), "Expected main thread (finish) breakpoint to be hit once")

            num_threads = self.inferior_process.GetNumThreads()
            self.assertEqual(1, num_threads, "Expecting 1 thread but seeing %d. Details:%s" % (num_threads,

            # The inferior process should have exited without crashing
            self.assertEqual(0, self.crash_count, "Unexpected thread(s) in crashed state")
            self.assertEqual(self.inferior_process.GetState(), lldb.eStateExited, PROCESS_EXITED)

            # Verify the number of actions took place matches expected numbers
            expected_breakpoint_threads = num_delay_breakpoint_threads + num_breakpoint_threads
            breakpoint_hit_count = self.thread_breakpoint.GetHitCount() if expected_breakpoint_threads > 0 else 0
            self.assertEqual(expected_breakpoint_threads, breakpoint_hit_count,
                "Expected %d breakpoint hits, but got %d" % (expected_breakpoint_threads, breakpoint_hit_count))

            expected_signal_threads = num_delay_signal_threads + num_signal_threads
            self.assertEqual(expected_signal_threads, self.signal_count,
                "Expected %d stops due to signal delivery, but got %d" % (expected_signal_threads, self.signal_count))

            expected_watchpoint_threads = num_delay_watchpoint_threads + num_watchpoint_threads
            watchpoint_hit_count = self.thread_watchpoint.GetHitCount() if expected_watchpoint_threads > 0 else 0
            self.assertEqual(expected_watchpoint_threads, watchpoint_hit_count,
                "Expected %d watchpoint hits, got %d" % (expected_watchpoint_threads, watchpoint_hit_count))
コード例 #9
    def do_thread_actions(self,
                          num_breakpoint_threads = 0,
                          num_signal_threads = 0,
                          num_watchpoint_threads = 0,
                          num_crash_threads = 0,
                          num_delay_breakpoint_threads = 0,
                          num_delay_signal_threads = 0,
                          num_delay_watchpoint_threads = 0,
                          num_delay_crash_threads = 0):
        """ Sets a breakpoint in the main thread where test parameters (numbers of threads) can be adjusted, runs the inferior
            to that point, and modifies the locals that control the event thread counts. Also sets a breakpoint in
            breakpoint_func (the function executed by each 'breakpoint' thread) and a watchpoint on a global modified in
            watchpoint_func. The inferior is continued until exit or a crash takes place, and the number of events seen by LLDB
            is verified to match the expected number of events.
        exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out")
        self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)

        # Get the target
        self.inferior_target = self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget()

        expected_bps = []

        # Initialize all the breakpoints (main thread/aux thread)
        self.setup_breakpoint = self.add_breakpoint(self.setup_breakpoint_line, expected_bps)
        self.finish_breakpoint = self.add_breakpoint(self.finish_breakpoint_line, expected_bps)

        # Set the thread breakpoint
        if num_breakpoint_threads + num_delay_breakpoint_threads > 0:
            self.thread_breakpoint = self.add_breakpoint(self.thread_breakpoint_line, expected_bps)

        # Verify breakpoints
        self.expect("breakpoint list -f", "Breakpoint locations shown correctly", substrs = expected_bps)

        # Run the program.
        self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED)

        # Check we are at line self.setup_breakpoint
        self.expect("thread backtrace", STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT,
            substrs = ["stop reason = breakpoint 1."])

        # Initialize the (single) watchpoint on the global variable (g_watchme)
        if num_watchpoint_threads + num_delay_watchpoint_threads > 0:
            self.runCmd("watchpoint set variable g_watchme")
            for w in self.inferior_target.watchpoint_iter():
                self.thread_watchpoint = w
                self.assertTrue("g_watchme" in str(self.thread_watchpoint), "Watchpoint location not shown correctly")

        # Get the process
        self.inferior_process = self.inferior_target.GetProcess()

        # We should be stopped at the setup site where we can set the number of
        # threads doing each action (break/crash/signal/watch)
        self.assertEqual(self.inferior_process.GetNumThreads(), 1, 'Expected to stop before any additional threads are spawned.')

        self.runCmd("expr num_breakpoint_threads=%d" % num_breakpoint_threads)
        self.runCmd("expr num_crash_threads=%d" % num_crash_threads)
        self.runCmd("expr num_signal_threads=%d" % num_signal_threads)
        self.runCmd("expr num_watchpoint_threads=%d" % num_watchpoint_threads)

        self.runCmd("expr num_delay_breakpoint_threads=%d" % num_delay_breakpoint_threads)
        self.runCmd("expr num_delay_crash_threads=%d" % num_delay_crash_threads)
        self.runCmd("expr num_delay_signal_threads=%d" % num_delay_signal_threads)
        self.runCmd("expr num_delay_watchpoint_threads=%d" % num_delay_watchpoint_threads)

        # Continue the inferior so threads are spawned

        # Make sure we see all the threads. The inferior program's threads all synchronize with a pseudo-barrier; that is,
        # the inferior program ensures all threads are started and running before any thread triggers its 'event'.
        num_threads = self.inferior_process.GetNumThreads()
        expected_num_threads = num_breakpoint_threads + num_delay_breakpoint_threads \
                             + num_signal_threads + num_delay_signal_threads \
                             + num_watchpoint_threads + num_delay_watchpoint_threads \
                             + num_crash_threads + num_delay_crash_threads + 1
        self.assertEqual(num_threads, expected_num_threads,
            'Expected to see %d threads, but seeing %d. Details:\n%s' % (expected_num_threads,

        self.signal_count = self.count_signaled_threads()
        self.crash_count = len(lldbutil.get_crashed_threads(self, self.inferior_process))

        # Run to completion (or crash)
        while not self.inferior_done(): 
            if self.TraceOn():
                self.runCmd("thread backtrace all")
            self.signal_count += self.count_signaled_threads()
            self.crash_count += len(lldbutil.get_crashed_threads(self, self.inferior_process))

        if num_crash_threads > 0 or num_delay_crash_threads > 0:
            # Expecting a crash
            self.assertTrue(self.crash_count > 0,
                "Expecting at least one thread to crash. Details: %s" % "\t\n".join(self.describe_threads()))

            # Ensure the zombie process is reaped
            self.runCmd("process kill")

        elif num_crash_threads == 0 and num_delay_crash_threads == 0:
            # There should be a single active thread (the main one) which hit the breakpoint after joining
            self.assertEqual(1, self.finish_breakpoint.GetHitCount(), "Expected main thread (finish) breakpoint to be hit once")

            num_threads = self.inferior_process.GetNumThreads()
            self.assertEqual(1, num_threads, "Expecting 1 thread but seeing %d. Details:%s" % (num_threads,

            # The inferior process should have exited without crashing
            self.assertEqual(0, self.crash_count, "Unexpected thread(s) in crashed state")
            self.assertEqual(self.inferior_process.GetState(), lldb.eStateExited, PROCESS_EXITED)

            # Verify the number of actions took place matches expected numbers
            expected_breakpoint_threads = num_delay_breakpoint_threads + num_breakpoint_threads
            breakpoint_hit_count = self.thread_breakpoint.GetHitCount() if expected_breakpoint_threads > 0 else 0
            self.assertEqual(expected_breakpoint_threads, breakpoint_hit_count,
                "Expected %d breakpoint hits, but got %d" % (expected_breakpoint_threads, breakpoint_hit_count))

            expected_signal_threads = num_delay_signal_threads + num_signal_threads
            self.assertEqual(expected_signal_threads, self.signal_count,
                "Expected %d stops due to signal delivery, but got %d" % (expected_signal_threads, self.signal_count))

            expected_watchpoint_threads = num_delay_watchpoint_threads + num_watchpoint_threads
            watchpoint_hit_count = self.thread_watchpoint.GetHitCount() if expected_watchpoint_threads > 0 else 0
            self.assertEqual(expected_watchpoint_threads, watchpoint_hit_count,
                "Expected %d watchpoint hits, got %d" % (expected_watchpoint_threads, watchpoint_hit_count))