def func_out(*args, **kwargs): """Run and if necessary retry running function.""" exception = None for i in range(self.tries): try: return func_in(*args, **kwargs) except self.exceptions as func_error: tbobj = sys.exc_info()[2] # Get the traceback object # tbinfo contains the error's line number and the code tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tbobj)[1] line = tbinfo.split(", ")[1] filename = tbinfo.split(", ")[0] filename = filename.rsplit("File ")[1] lu.warn('------------------------------------------------' '--') msg = ("The following error is being reported " "on " + line + " of " + filename + ":") lu.warn(msg) lu.warn(str(func_error)) lu.print_drive_warning() delaytime = self.delay * 10 * (i + 1) lu.warn("Will try again. ") lu.warn('---------RETRY #' + str(i + 1) + ' OUT OF ' + str(self.tries) + ' IN ' + str(delaytime) + ' SECONDS---------\n') lu.snooze(delaytime) exception = func_error # If no success after tries, raise last exception raise exception
def fn(*args, **kwargs): exception = None for _ in range(self.tries): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except self.exceptions, e: import traceback tb = sys.exc_info()[2] # get the traceback object # tbinfo contains the error's line number and the code tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[1] line = tbinfo.split(", ")[1] filename = tbinfo.split(", ")[0] filename = filename.rsplit("File ")[1] lu.warn( '--------------------------------------------------') msg = ("The following error is being reported " "on " + line + " of " + filename + ":") lu.warn(msg) # lu.write_log(msg) lu.warn(str(e)) # lu.write_log(str(e)) lu.print_drive_warning() delaytime = self.delay * 10 * (_ + 1) lu.warn("Will try again. ") lu.warn('---------RETRY #' + str(_ + 1) + ' OUT OF ' + str(self.tries) + ' IN ' + str(delaytime) + ' SECONDS---------\n') lu.snooze(delaytime) exception = e
def fn(*args, **kwargs): exception = None for _ in range(self.tries): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except self.exceptions, e: import traceback tb = sys.exc_info()[2] # get the traceback object # tbinfo contains the error's line number and the code tbinfo = traceback.format_tb(tb)[1] line = tbinfo.split(", ")[1] filename = tbinfo.split(", ")[0] filename = filename.rsplit("File ")[1] gwarn('--------------------------------------------------') msg = ("The following error is being reported " "on " + line + " of " + filename + ":") gwarn(msg) lu.write_log(msg) gwarn(str(e)) lu.write_log(str(e)) lu.print_drive_warning() delaytime = self.delay*10*(_ + 1) gwarn("Will try again. ") gwarn('---------RETRY #' + str(_+1) + ' OUT OF ' + str(self.tries) + ' IN ' + str(delaytime) + ' SECONDS---------\n') lu.snooze(delaytime) exception = e
def delay_restart(failures): gprint('That was try #' + str(failures) + ' of 20 for this core area.') if failures < 7: gprint('Restarting iteration in ' + str(10*failures) + ' seconds. ') lu.dashline(2) lu.snooze(10*failures) else: gprint('Restarting iteration in 5 minutes. ') lu.dashline(2) lu.snooze(300)
def print_failure(numResistanceNodes, memFlag, sleepTime): gprint('\nCircuitscape failed. See error information above.') if memFlag == True: totMem, availMem = lu.get_mem() gprint('Note: Circuitscape can only solve 2-3 million nodes') gprint('per gigabyte of available RAM. Your resistance raster had ') gprint(str(int(numResistanceNodes)) + ' nodes.\n') gprint('Total physical RAM on your machine is ~' + str(totMem) + ' GB. \nAvailable memory is ~' + str(availMem) + ' GB. \n') gprint('Trying again in ' + str(sleepTime) + ' seconds.') lu.snooze(sleepTime)
def STEP3_calc_cwds(): """Calculates cost-weighted distances from each core area. Uses bounding circles around source and target cores to limit extent of cwd calculations and speed computation. """ try: lu.dashline(1) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) lu.dashline(0) # Super secret setting to re-start failed run. Enter 'RESTART' as the # Name of the pairwise distance table in step 2, and uncheck step 2. # We can eventually place this in a .ini file. rerun = False if cfg.S2EUCDISTFILE != None: if cfg.S2EUCDISTFILE.lower() == "restart": rerun = True # if cfg.TMAXCWDIST is None: # gprint('NOT using a maximum cost-weighted distance.') # else: # gprint('Max cost-weighted distance for CWD calcs set ' # 'to ' + str(cfg.TMAXCWDIST) + '\n') if (cfg.BUFFERDIST) is not None: gprint('Bounding circles plus a buffer of ' + str(float(cfg.BUFFERDIST)) + ' map units will ' 'be used \n to limit extent of cost distance ' 'calculations.') elif cfg.TOOL <> cfg.TOOL_CC: gprint('NOT using bounding circles in cost distance ' 'calculations.') # set the analysis extent and cell size # So we don't extract rasters that go beyond extent of original raster if arcpy: arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.extent="MINOF" else: gp.cellSize = gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).MeanCellHeight gp.Extent = "MINOF" gp.mask = cfg.RESRAST if arcpy: arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR else: gp.OverwriteOutput = True gp.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR gp.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR # Load linkTable (created in previous script) linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=3) linkTable = lu.load_link_table(linkTableFile) lu.report_links(linkTable) # Identify cores to map from LinkTable coresToMap = npy.unique(linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1]) numCoresToMap = len(coresToMap) if numCoresToMap < 3: # No need to check for intermediate cores, because there aren't any cfg.S3DROPLCCSic = False else: cfg.S3DROPLCCSic = cfg.S3DROPLCCS gprint('\nNumber of core areas to connect: ' + str(numCoresToMap)) if rerun: # If picking up a failed run, make sure needed files are there lu.dashline(1) gprint ('\n****** RESTART MODE ENABLED ******\n') gprint ('**** NOTE: This mode picks up step 3 where a\n' 'previous run left off due to a crash or user\n' 'abort. It assumes you are using the same input\n' 'data used in the terminated run.\n\n') lu.warn('IMPORTANT: Your LCP and stick feature classes\n' 'will LOSE LCPs that were already created, but\n' 'your final raster corridor map should be complete.\n') lu.dashline(0) lu.snooze(10) savedLinkTableFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "temp_linkTable_s3_partial.csv") coreListFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "temp_cores_to_map.csv") if not path.exists(savedLinkTableFile) or not path.exists( coreListFile): gprint('No partial results file found from previous ' 'stopped run. Starting run from beginning.\n') lu.dashline(0) rerun = False # If picking up a failed run, use old folders if not rerun: startIndex = 0 if cfg.TOOL <> cfg.TOOL_CC: lu.make_cwd_paths(max(coresToMap)) # Set up cwd directories # make a feature layer for input cores to select from gp.MakeFeatureLayer(cfg.COREFC, cfg.FCORES) # Drop links that are too long gprint('\nChecking for corridors that are too long to map.') DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL = False linkTable,numDroppedLinks = lu.drop_links(linkTable, cfg.MAXEUCDIST, 0, cfg.MAXCOSTDIST, 0, DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Bounding boxes if (cfg.BUFFERDIST) is not None: # create bounding boxes around cores start_time = time.clock() # lu.dashline(1) gprint('Calculating bounding boxes for core areas.') extentBoxList = npy.zeros((0,5), dtype='float32') for x in range(len(coresToMap)): core = coresToMap[x] boxCoords = lu.get_extent_box_coords(core) extentBoxList = npy.append(extentBoxList, boxCoords, axis=0) gprint('\nDone calculating bounding boxes.') start_time = lu.elapsed_time(start_time) # lu.dashline() # Bounding circle code if cfg.BUFFERDIST is not None: # Make a set of circles encompassing core areas we'll be connecting start_time = time.clock() gprint('Calculating bounding circles around potential' ' corridors.') # x y corex corey radius- stores data for bounding circle centroids boundingCirclePointArray = npy.zeros((0,5), dtype='float32') circleList = npy.zeros((0,3), dtype='int32') numLinks = linkTable.shape[0] for x in range(0, numLinks): if ((linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] == cfg.LT_CORR) or (linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] == cfg.LT_KEEP)): # if it's a valid corridor link linkId = int(linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKID]) # fixme- this code is clumsy- can trim down cores = npy.zeros((1,3), dtype='int32') cores[0,:] = npy.sort([0, linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_CORE1], linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_CORE2]]) corex = cores[0,1] corey = cores[0,2] cores[0,0] = linkId ################### foundFlag = False for y in range(0,len(circleList)): # clumsy if (circleList[y,1] == corex and circleList[y,2] == corey): foundFlag = True if not foundFlag: circlePointData = ( lu.get_bounding_circle_data(extentBoxList, corex, corey, cfg.BUFFERDIST)) boundingCirclePointArray = ( npy.append(boundingCirclePointArray, circlePointData, axis=0)) # keep track of which cores we draw bounding circles # around circleList = npy.append(circleList, cores, axis=0) gprint('\nCreating bounding circles using buffer ' 'analysis.') dir, BNDCIRCENS = path.split(cfg.BNDCIRCENS) lu.make_points(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, boundingCirclePointArray, BNDCIRCENS) lu.delete_data(cfg.BNDCIRS) gp.buffer_analysis(cfg.BNDCIRCENS, cfg.BNDCIRS, "radius") gp.deletefield (cfg.BNDCIRS, "BUFF_DIST") gprint('Successfully created bounding circles around ' 'potential corridors using \na buffer of ' + str(float(cfg.BUFFERDIST)) + ' map units.') start_time = lu.elapsed_time(start_time) gprint('Reducing global processing area using bounding ' 'circle plus buffer of ' + str(float(cfg.BUFFERDIST)) + ' map units.\n') extentBoxList = npy.zeros((0,5),dtype='float32') boxCoords = lu.get_extent_box_coords() extentBoxList = npy.append(extentBoxList,boxCoords,axis=0) extentBoxList[0,0] = 0 boundingCirclePointArray = npy.zeros((0,5),dtype='float32') circlePointData=lu.get_bounding_circle_data(extentBoxList, 0, 0, cfg.BUFFERDIST) dir, BNDCIRCEN = path.split(cfg.BNDCIRCEN) lu.make_points(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, circlePointData, BNDCIRCEN) lu.delete_data(cfg.BNDCIR) gp.buffer_analysis(cfg.BNDCIRCEN, cfg.BNDCIR, "radius") gprint('Extracting raster....') cfg.BOUNDRESIS = cfg.BOUNDRESIS + tif lu.delete_data(cfg.BOUNDRESIS) count = 0 statement = ( 'gp.ExtractByMask_sa(cfg.RESRAST, cfg.BNDCIR, cfg.BOUNDRESIS)') while True: try: exec statement randomerror() except: count,tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count,statement) if not tryAgain: exec statement else: break gprint('\nReduced resistance raster extracted using ' 'bounding circle.') else: #if not using bounding circles, just go with resistance raster. cfg.BOUNDRESIS = cfg.RESRAST # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rasterize core areas to speed cost distance calcs # lu.dashline(1) gprint("Creating core area raster.") gp.SelectLayerByAttribute(cfg.FCORES, "CLEAR_SELECTION") if arcpy: arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.BOUNDRESIS arcpy.env.extent = cfg.BOUNDRESIS else: gp.cellSize = gp.Describe(cfg.BOUNDRESIS).MeanCellHeight gp.extent = gp.Describe(cfg.BOUNDRESIS).extent if rerun: # saved linktable replaces the one now in memory linkTable = lu.load_link_table(savedLinkTableFile) coresToMapSaved = npy.loadtxt(coreListFile, dtype='Float64', comments='#', delimiter=',') startIndex = coresToMapSaved[0] # Index of core where we left off del coresToMapSaved gprint ('\n****** Re-starting run at core area number ' + str(int(coresToMap[startIndex]))+ ' ******\n') lu.dashline(0) if arcpy: arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" else: gp.extent = "MINOF" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Loop through cores, do cwd calcs for each if cfg.TOOL == cfg.TOOL_CC: gprint("\nMapping least-cost paths.\n") else: gprint("\nStarting cost distance calculations.\n") lcpLoop = 0 failures = 0 x = startIndex endIndex = len(coresToMap) linkTableMod = linkTable.copy() while x < endIndex: startTime1 = time.clock() # Modification of linkTable in function was causing problems. so # make a copy: linkTablePassed = linkTableMod.copy() (linkTableReturned, failures, lcpLoop) = do_cwd_calcs(x, linkTablePassed, coresToMap, lcpLoop, failures) if failures == 0: # If iteration was successful, continue with next core linkTableMod = linkTableReturned sourceCore = int(coresToMap[x]) gprint('Done with all calculations for core ID #' + str(sourceCore) + '. ' + str(int(x + 1)) + ' of ' + str(endIndex) + ' cores have been processed.') start_time = lu.elapsed_time(startTime1) outlinkTableFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "temp_linkTable_s3_partial.csv") lu.write_link_table(linkTableMod, outlinkTableFile) # Increment loop counter x = x + 1 else: # If iteration failed, try again after a wait period delay_restart(failures) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- linkTable = linkTableMod # reinstate temporarily disabled links rows = npy.where(linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 1000) linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = (linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] - 1000) # Drop links that are too long DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL = True linkTable,numDroppedLinks = lu.drop_links(linkTable, cfg.MAXEUCDIST, cfg.MINEUCDIST, cfg.MAXCOSTDIST, cfg.MINCOSTDIST, DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL) # Write link table file outlinkTableFile = lu.get_this_step_link_table(step=3) gprint('Updating ' + outlinkTableFile) lu.write_link_table(linkTable, outlinkTableFile) linkTableLogFile = path.join(cfg.LOGDIR, "linkTable_s3.csv") lu.write_link_table(linkTable, linkTableLogFile) start_time = time.clock() gprint('Creating shapefiles with linework for links...') try: lu.write_link_maps(outlinkTableFile, step=3) except: lu.write_link_maps(outlinkTableFile, step=3) start_time = lu.elapsed_time(start_time) gprint('\nIndividual cost-weighted distance layers written ' 'to "cwd" directory. \n') gprint(outlinkTableFile + '\n updated with cost-weighted distances between core areas.') #Clean up temporary files for restart code tempFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "temp_cores_to_map.csv") lu.delete_file(tempFile) tempFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "temp_linkTable_s3_partial.csv") lu.delete_file(tempFile) # Check if climate tool is calling linkage mapper if cfg.TOOL == cfg.TOOL_CC: coreList = npy.unique(linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1]) for core in coreList: cwdRaster = lu.get_cwd_path(int(core)) back_rast = cwdRaster.replace("cwd_", "back_") lu.delete_data(back_rast) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 3. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 3. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) return
def do_cwd_calcs(x, linkTable, coresToMap, lcpLoop, failures): try: # This is the focal core area we're running cwd out from sourceCore = int(coresToMap[x]) # Create temporary scratch directory just this focal core coreDir = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'core' + str(sourceCore)) lu.delete_dir(coreDir) lu.create_dir(coreDir) if arcpy: gp = arcpy.env.workspace = coreDir arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" else: gp = gp.workspace = coreDir gp.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR gp.OverwriteOutput = True gp.Extent = "MINOF" write_cores_to_map(x, coresToMap) # Get target cores based on linktable with reinstated links # (we temporarily disable them below by adding 1000) linkTableTemp = linkTable.copy() # reinstate temporarily disabled links rows = npy.where(linkTableTemp[:,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 1000) linkTableTemp[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = ( linkTableTemp[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] - 1000) del rows # get core areas to be connected to focal core targetCores = lu.get_core_targets(sourceCore, linkTableTemp) # gprint( str(sourceCore)) # gprint(str(linkTableTemp.astype('int32'))) # gprint('targets'+str(targetCores)) del linkTableTemp if len(targetCores)==0: # Nothing to do, so reset failure count and return. failures = 0 return linkTable, failures, lcpLoop lu.dashline(0) gprint('Target core areas for core area #' + str(sourceCore) + ' = ' + str(targetCores)) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Create BOUNDING FEATURE to limit extent of cost distance # calculations-This is a set of circles encompassing core areas # we'll be connecting each core area to. if cfg.BUFFERDIST is not None: # fixme: move outside of loop # new circle gp.MakeFeatureLayer(cfg.BNDCIRS,"fGlobalBoundingFeat") start_time = time.clock() # loop through targets and get bounding circles that # contain focal core and target cores # gprint("\nAdding up bounding circles for source" # " core " + str(sourceCore)) gp.SelectLayerByAttribute("fGlobalBoundingFeat", "CLEAR_SELECTION") for i in range(len(targetCores)): # run thru circleList, find link that core pair # corresponds to. if sourceCore < targetCores[i]: corex = sourceCore corey = targetCores[i] else: corey = sourceCore corex = targetCores[i] cores_x_y = str(int(corex))+'_'+str(int(corey)) field = "cores_x_y" # fixme: need to check for case where link is not found gp.SelectLayerByAttribute( "fGlobalBoundingFeat", "ADD_TO_SELECTION", field + " = '" + cores_x_y + "'") lu.delete_data(path.join(coreDir,cfg.BNDFC)) # fixme: may not be needed- can we just clip raster # using selected? gp.CopyFeatures_management("fGlobalBoundingFeat", cfg.BNDFC) # Clip out bounded area of resistance raster for cwd # calculations from focal core bResistance = path.join(coreDir,"bResistance") # Can't be tif- # need STA for CWD lu.delete_data(bResistance) statement = ( 'gp.ExtractByMask_sa(cfg.BOUNDRESIS, cfg.BNDFC, bResistance)') try: exec statement randomerror() except: failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None,failures,lcpLoop else: exec statement else: bResistance = cfg.BOUNDRESIS # --------------------------------------------------------- # CWD Calculations outDistanceRaster = lu.get_cwd_path(sourceCore) # Check if climate tool is calling linkage mapper if cfg.TOOL == cfg.TOOL_CC: back_rast = outDistanceRaster.replace("cwd_", "back_") else: back_rast = "BACK" lu.delete_data(path.join(coreDir, back_rast)) lu.delete_data(outDistanceRaster) start_time = time.clock() # Create raster that just has source core in it # Note: this seems faster than setnull with LI grid. SRCRASTER = 'source' + tif lu.delete_data(path.join(coreDir,SRCRASTER)) if arcpy: statement = ('conRaster = ' 'Con(Raster(cfg.CORERAS) == int(sourceCore), 1);' '') else: expression = ("con(" + cfg.CORERAS + " == " + str(int(sourceCore)) + ", 1)") statement = ('gp.SingleOutputMapAlgebra_sa' '(expression, SRCRASTER)') try: exec statement randomerror() except: failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None, failures, lcpLoop else: exec statement # Cost distance raster creation if arcpy: arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" else: gp.Extent = "MINOF" lu.delete_data(path.join(coreDir,"BACK")) if arcpy: statement = ('outCostDist = CostDistance(SRCRASTER, ' 'bResistance, cfg.TMAXCWDIST, back_rast);' '') else: statement = ('gp.CostDistance_sa(SRCRASTER, bResistance, ' 'outDistanceRaster, cfg.TMAXCWDIST, back_rast)') try: exec statement randomerror() except: failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None, failures, lcpLoop else: exec statement start_time = time.clock() # Extract cost distances from source core to target cores # Fixme: there will be redundant calls to b-a when already # done a-b ZNSTATS = path.join(coreDir, "zonestats.dbf") lu.delete_data(ZNSTATS) #Fixme: zonalstatistics is returning integer values for minimum. Why??? #Extra zonalstatistics code implemented later in script to correct #values. if arcpy: statement = ('outZSaT = ZonalStatisticsAsTable(cfg.CORERAS, ' '"VALUE", outDistanceRaster,ZNSTATS, "DATA", "MINIMUM")') else: statement = ('gp.zonalstatisticsastable_sa(' 'cfg.CORERAS, "VALUE", outDistanceRaster, ZNSTATS)') try: exec statement randomerror() except: failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None,failures,lcpLoop else: if cfg.TOOL == cfg.TOOL_CC: msg = ('ERROR in Zonal Stats. Please restart ArcMap ' 'and try again.') else: msg = ('ERROR in Zonal Stats. Restarting ArcMap ' 'then restarting Linkage Mapper at step 3 usually\n' 'solves this one so please restart and try again.') lu.raise_error(msg) tableRows = gp.searchcursor(ZNSTATS) tableRow = tableRows.Next() while tableRow: if tableRow.Value > sourceCore: link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, sourceCore, tableRow.Value) if linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 0: # valid link linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST] = tableRow.Min if cfg.MAXCOSTDIST is not None: if ((tableRow.Min > cfg.MAXCOSTDIST) and (linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] != cfg.LT_KEEP)): # Disable link, it's too long linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = cfg.LT_TLLC if cfg.MINCOSTDIST is not None: if (tableRow.Min < cfg.MINCOSTDIST and (linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] != cfg.LT_KEEP)): # Disable link, it's too short linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = cfg.LT_TSLC tableRow = del tableRow, tableRows #start_time = lu.elapsed_time(start_time) # --------------------------------------------------------- # Check for intermediate cores AND map LCP lines for y in range(0,len(targetCores)): targetCore = targetCores[y] rows = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, sourceCore, targetCore) # Map all links for which we successfully extracted # cwds in above code link = rows[0] if (linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 0 and linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] < 1000 and linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST] != -1): # Flag so that we only evaluate this pair once linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = (linkTable [rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] + 1000) # Create raster that just has target core in it TARGETRASTER = 'targ' + tif lu.delete_data(path.join(coreDir,TARGETRASTER)) try: if arcpy: # For climate corridors, errors occur when core raster # overlaps null values in cwd rasters statement = ('conRaster = Con(IsNull(outDistanceRaster' '), Int(outDistanceRaster), Con(Raster' '(cfg.CORERAS) == int(targetCore), 1));' '') # statement = ('conRaster = Con(Raster(' # 'cfg.CORERAS) == int(targetCore), 1);' # '') else: expression = ("con(" + cfg.CORERAS + " == " + str(int(targetCore)) + ",1)") statement = ('gp.SingleOutputMapAlgebra_sa(expression,' ' TARGETRASTER)') exec statement randomerror() except: failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None,failures,lcpLoop else: exec statement # Execute ZonalStatistics to get more precise cw distance if # arc rounded it earlier (not critical, hence the try/pass) if (linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST] == int(linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST])): try: zonalRas = path.join(coreDir,'zonal') gp.ZonalStatistics_sa(TARGETRASTER, "VALUE", outDistanceRaster, zonalRas, "MINIMUM", "DATA") minObject = gp.GetRasterProperties_management(zonalRas, "MINIMUM") rasterMin = float(str(minObject.getOutput(0))) linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST] = rasterMin lu.delete_data(zonalRas) except: pass # Cost path maps the least cost path # between source and target lcpRas = path.join(coreDir,"lcp" + tif) lu.delete_data(lcpRas) # Note: costpath (both gp and arcpy versions) uses GDAL. if arcpy: statement = ('outCostPath = CostPath(TARGETRASTER,' 'outDistanceRaster, back_rast, "BEST_SINGLE", ""); ' '') else: statement = ('gp.CostPath_sa(TARGETRASTER, ' 'outDistanceRaster, back_rast, ' 'lcpRas, "BEST_SINGLE", "")') try: exec statement randomerror() except: failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None,failures,lcpLoop else: lu.dashline(1) gprint('\nCost path is failing for Link #' + str(int(link)) + ' connecting core areas ' + str(int(sourceCore)) + ' and ' + str(int(targetCore)) + '\n.' 'Retrying one more time in 5 minutes.') lu.snooze(300) exec statement # fixme: may be fastest to not do selection, do # EXTRACTBYMASK, getvaluelist, use code snippet at end # of file to discard src and target values. Still this # is fast- 13 sec for LI data...But I'm not very # comfortable using failed coreMin as our test.... if (cfg.S3DROPLCCSic and (linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] != cfg.LT_KEEP) and (linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] != cfg.LT_KEEP + 1000)): # ------------------------------------------------- # Drop links where lcp passes through intermediate # core area. Method below is faster than valuelist # method because of soma in valuelist method. # make a feature layer for input cores to select from gp.MakeFeatureLayer(cfg.COREFC, cfg.FCORES) gp.SelectLayerByAttribute(cfg.FCORES, "NEW_SELECTION", cfg.COREFN + ' <> ' + str(int(targetCore)) + ' AND ' + cfg.COREFN + ' <> ' + str(int(sourceCore))) corePairRas = path.join(coreDir,"s3corepair"+ tif) if arcpy: arcpy.env.extent = cfg.BOUNDRESIS else: gp.extent = gp.Describe(cfg.BOUNDRESIS).extent statement = ('gp.FeatureToRaster_conversion(cfg.FCORES, ' 'cfg.COREFN, corePairRas, gp.cellSize)') try: exec statement randomerror() except: failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None,failures,lcpLoop else: exec statement #------------------------------------------ # Intermediate core test try: coreDetected = test_for_intermediate_core(coreDir, lcpRas, corePairRas) randomerror() except: statement = 'test_for_intermediate_core' failures = lu.print_arcgis_failures(statement, failures) if failures < 20: return None,failures,lcpLoop else: coreDetected = test_for_intermediate_core( coreDir, lcpRas, corePairRas) if coreDetected: # lu.dashline() gprint( "Found an intermediate core in the " "least-cost path between cores " + str(int(sourceCore)) + " and " + str(int(targetCore)) + ". The corridor " "will be removed.") # disable link rows = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, sourceCore, targetCore) linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = cfg.LT_INT #------------------------------------------ # Create lcp shapefile. lcploop just keeps track of # whether this is first time function is called. lcpLoop = lu.create_lcp_shapefile(coreDir, linkTable, sourceCore, targetCore, lcpLoop) # Made it through, so reset failure count and return. failures = 0 lu.delete_dir(coreDir) # if cfg.TOOL == cfg.TOOL_CC: # lu.delete_data(back_rast) return linkTable, failures, lcpLoop # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) # gprint('****Failed in step 3. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) # gprint('****Failed in step 3. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def STEP3_calc_cwds(): """Calculates cost-weighted distances from each core area. Uses bounding circles around source and target cores to limit extent of cwd calculations and speed computation. """ try: lu.dashline(1) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) lu.dashline(0) # Super secret setting to re-start failed run. Enter 'RESTART' as the # Name of the pairwise distance table in step 2, and uncheck step 2. # We can eventually place this in a .ini file. rerun = False if cfg.S2EUCDISTFILE != None: if cfg.S2EUCDISTFILE.lower() == "restart": rerun = True # if cfg.TMAXCWDIST is None: # gprint('NOT using a maximum cost-weighted distance.') # else: # gprint('Max cost-weighted distance for CWD calcs set ' # 'to ' + str(cfg.TMAXCWDIST) + '\n') if (cfg.BUFFERDIST) is not None: gprint('Bounding circles plus a buffer of ' + str(float(cfg.BUFFERDIST)) + ' map units will ' 'be used \n to limit extent of cost distance ' 'calculations.') elif cfg.TOOL <> cfg.TOOL_CC: gprint('NOT using bounding circles in cost distance ' 'calculations.') # set the analysis extent and cell size # So we don't extract rasters that go beyond extent of original raster if arcpy: arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.extent="MINOF" else: gp.cellSize = gp.Describe(cfg.RESRAST).MeanCellHeight gp.Extent = "MINOF" gp.mask = cfg.RESRAST if arcpy: arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR else: gp.OverwriteOutput = True gp.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR gp.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR # Load linkTable (created in previous script) linkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=3) linkTable = lu.load_link_table(linkTableFile) lu.report_links(linkTable) # Identify cores to map from LinkTable coresToMap = npy.unique(linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1]) numCoresToMap = len(coresToMap) if numCoresToMap < 3: # No need to check for intermediate cores, because there aren't any cfg.S3DROPLCCSic = False else: cfg.S3DROPLCCSic = cfg.S3DROPLCCS gprint('\nNumber of core areas to connect: ' + str(numCoresToMap)) if rerun: # If picking up a failed run, make sure needed files are there lu.dashline(1) gprint ('\n****** RESTART MODE ENABLED ******\n') gprint ('**** NOTE: This mode picks up step 3 where a\n' 'previous run left off due to a crash or user\n' 'abort. It assumes you are using the same input\n' 'data used in the terminated run.****\n') lu.dashline(0) lu.snooze(10) savedLinkTableFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "temp_linkTable_s3_partial.csv") coreListFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "temp_cores_to_map.csv") if not path.exists(savedLinkTableFile) or not path.exists( coreListFile): gprint('No partial results file found from previous ' 'stopped run. Starting run from beginning.\n') lu.dashline(0) rerun = False # If picking up a failed run, use old folders if not rerun: startIndex = 0 if cfg.TOOL <> cfg.TOOL_CC: lu.make_cwd_paths(max(coresToMap)) # Set up cwd directories # make a feature layer for input cores to select from gp.MakeFeatureLayer(cfg.COREFC, cfg.FCORES) # Drop links that are too long gprint('\nChecking for corridors that are too long to map.') DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL = False linkTable,numDroppedLinks = lu.drop_links(linkTable, cfg.MAXEUCDIST, 0, cfg.MAXCOSTDIST, 0, DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Bounding boxes if (cfg.BUFFERDIST) is not None: # create bounding boxes around cores start_time = time.clock() # lu.dashline(1) gprint('Calculating bounding boxes for core areas.') extentBoxList = npy.zeros((0,5), dtype='float32') for x in range(len(coresToMap)): core = coresToMap[x] boxCoords = lu.get_extent_box_coords(core) extentBoxList = npy.append(extentBoxList, boxCoords, axis=0) gprint('\nDone calculating bounding boxes.') start_time = lu.elapsed_time(start_time) # lu.dashline() # Bounding circle code if cfg.BUFFERDIST is not None: # Make a set of circles encompassing core areas we'll be connecting start_time = time.clock() gprint('Calculating bounding circles around potential' ' corridors.') # x y corex corey radius- stores data for bounding circle centroids boundingCirclePointArray = npy.zeros((0,5), dtype='float32') circleList = npy.zeros((0,3), dtype='int32') numLinks = linkTable.shape[0] for x in range(0, numLinks): if ((linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] == cfg.LT_CORR) or (linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] == cfg.LT_KEEP)): # if it's a valid corridor link linkId = int(linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKID]) # fixme- this code is clumsy- can trim down cores = npy.zeros((1,3), dtype='int32') cores[0,:] = npy.sort([0, linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_CORE1], linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_CORE2]]) corex = cores[0,1] corey = cores[0,2] cores[0,0] = linkId ################### foundFlag = False for y in range(0,len(circleList)): # clumsy if (circleList[y,1] == corex and circleList[y,2] == corey): foundFlag = True if not foundFlag: circlePointData = ( lu.get_bounding_circle_data(extentBoxList, corex, corey, cfg.BUFFERDIST)) boundingCirclePointArray = ( npy.append(boundingCirclePointArray, circlePointData, axis=0)) # keep track of which cores we draw bounding circles # around circleList = npy.append(circleList, cores, axis=0) gprint('\nCreating bounding circles using buffer ' 'analysis.') dir, BNDCIRCENS = path.split(cfg.BNDCIRCENS) lu.make_points(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, boundingCirclePointArray, BNDCIRCENS) lu.delete_data(cfg.BNDCIRS) gp.buffer_analysis(cfg.BNDCIRCENS, cfg.BNDCIRS, "radius") gp.deletefield (cfg.BNDCIRS, "BUFF_DIST") gprint('Successfully created bounding circles around ' 'potential corridors using \na buffer of ' + str(float(cfg.BUFFERDIST)) + ' map units.') start_time = lu.elapsed_time(start_time) gprint('Reducing global processing area using bounding ' 'circle plus buffer of ' + str(float(cfg.BUFFERDIST)) + ' map units.\n') extentBoxList = npy.zeros((0,5),dtype='float32') boxCoords = lu.get_extent_box_coords() extentBoxList = npy.append(extentBoxList,boxCoords,axis=0) extentBoxList[0,0] = 0 boundingCirclePointArray = npy.zeros((0,5),dtype='float32') circlePointData=lu.get_bounding_circle_data(extentBoxList, 0, 0, cfg.BUFFERDIST) dir, BNDCIRCEN = path.split(cfg.BNDCIRCEN) lu.make_points(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, circlePointData, BNDCIRCEN) lu.delete_data(cfg.BNDCIR) gp.buffer_analysis(cfg.BNDCIRCEN, cfg.BNDCIR, "radius") gprint('Extracting raster....') cfg.BOUNDRESIS = cfg.BOUNDRESIS + tif lu.delete_data(cfg.BOUNDRESIS) count = 0 statement = ( 'gp.ExtractByMask_sa(cfg.RESRAST, cfg.BNDCIR, cfg.BOUNDRESIS)') while True: try: exec statement randomerror() except: count,tryAgain = lu.retry_arc_error(count,statement) if not tryAgain: exec statement else: break gprint('\nReduced resistance raster extracted using ' 'bounding circle.') else: #if not using bounding circles, just go with resistance raster. cfg.BOUNDRESIS = cfg.RESRAST # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rasterize core areas to speed cost distance calcs # lu.dashline(1) gprint("Creating core area raster.") gp.SelectLayerByAttribute(cfg.FCORES, "CLEAR_SELECTION") if arcpy: arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.BOUNDRESIS arcpy.env.extent = cfg.BOUNDRESIS else: gp.cellSize = gp.Describe(cfg.BOUNDRESIS).MeanCellHeight gp.extent = gp.Describe(cfg.BOUNDRESIS).extent if rerun: # saved linktable replaces the one now in memory linkTable = lu.load_link_table(savedLinkTableFile) coresToMapSaved = npy.loadtxt(coreListFile, dtype='Float64', comments='#', delimiter=',') startIndex = coresToMapSaved[0] # Index of core where we left off del coresToMapSaved gprint ('\n****** Re-starting run at core area number ' + str(int(coresToMap[startIndex]))+ ' ******\n') lu.dashline(0) if arcpy: arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" else: gp.extent = "MINOF" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Loop through cores, do cwd calcs for each if cfg.TOOL == cfg.TOOL_CC: gprint("\nMapping least-cost paths.\n") else: gprint("\nStarting cost distance calculations.\n") lcpLoop = 0 failures = 0 x = startIndex endIndex = len(coresToMap) linkTableMod = linkTable.copy() while x < endIndex: startTime1 = time.clock() # Modification of linkTable in function was causing problems. so # make a copy: linkTablePassed = linkTableMod.copy() (linkTableReturned, failures, lcpLoop) = do_cwd_calcs(x, linkTablePassed, coresToMap, lcpLoop, failures) if failures == 0: # If iteration was successful, continue with next core linkTableMod = linkTableReturned sourceCore = int(coresToMap[x]) gprint('Done with all calculations for core ID #' + str(sourceCore) + '. ' + str(int(x + 1)) + ' of ' + str(endIndex) + ' cores have been processed.') start_time = lu.elapsed_time(startTime1) outlinkTableFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "temp_linkTable_s3_partial.csv") lu.write_link_table(linkTableMod, outlinkTableFile) # Increment loop counter x = x + 1 else: # If iteration failed, try again after a wait period delay_restart(failures) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- linkTable = linkTableMod # reinstate temporarily disabled links rows = npy.where(linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 1000) linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] = (linkTable[rows,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] - 1000) # Drop links that are too long DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL = True linkTable,numDroppedLinks = lu.drop_links(linkTable, cfg.MAXEUCDIST, cfg.MINEUCDIST, cfg.MAXCOSTDIST, cfg.MINCOSTDIST, DISABLE_LEAST_COST_NO_VAL) # Write link table file outlinkTableFile = lu.get_this_step_link_table(step=3) gprint('Updating ' + outlinkTableFile) lu.write_link_table(linkTable, outlinkTableFile) linkTableLogFile = path.join(cfg.LOGDIR, "linkTable_s3.csv") lu.write_link_table(linkTable, linkTableLogFile) start_time = time.clock() gprint('Creating shapefiles with linework for links...') try: lu.write_link_maps(outlinkTableFile, step=3) except: lu.write_link_maps(outlinkTableFile, step=3) start_time = lu.elapsed_time(start_time) gprint('\nIndividual cost-weighted distance layers written ' 'to "cwd" directory. \n') gprint(outlinkTableFile + '\n updated with cost-weighted distances between core areas.') #Clean up temporary files for restart code tempFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "temp_cores_to_map.csv") lu.delete_file(tempFile) tempFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "temp_linkTable_s3_partial.csv") lu.delete_file(tempFile) # Check if climate tool is calling linkage mapper if cfg.TOOL == cfg.TOOL_CC: coreList = npy.unique(linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1]) for core in coreList: cwdRaster = lu.get_cwd_path(int(core)) back_rast = cwdRaster.replace("cwd_", "back_") lu.delete_data(back_rast) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 3. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 3. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) return