コード例 #1
ファイル: web_character.py プロジェクト: SamSchiavone/lmfdb
class WebSmallDirichletCharacter(WebChar, WebDirichlet):
    Heritage: WebChar -> __init__()
              WebDirichlet -> _compute()

    def _compute(self):
        self.modulus = int(self.modlabel)
        self.number = int(self.numlabel)
        self.chi = ConreyCharacter(self.modulus, self.number)
        self.codelangs = ('pari', 'sage')

    def conductor(self):
        return self.chi.conductor()

    def indlabel(self):
        if self.chi.indlabel is not None:
            return self.chi.indlabel
            # Calling conductor computes the indlabel
            return self.chi.indlabel

    def codeinit(self):
        return {
          'sage': [
                 'H = DirichletGroup(%i)'%(self.modulus),
                 'chi = H[%i]'%(self.number) ],
          'pari': '[g,chi] = znchar(Mod(%i,%i))'%(self.number,self.modulus),

    def title(self):
        return r"Dirichlet character %s" % (self.texname)

    def texname(self):
        return self.char2tex(self.modulus, self.number)

    def codeisprimitive(self):
        return { 'sage': 'chi.is_primitive()',
                 'pari': '#znconreyconductor(g,chi)==1 \\\\ if not primitive returns [cond,factorization]' }

    def codecond(self):
        return { 'sage': 'chi.conductor()',
                 'pari': 'znconreyconductor(g,chi)' }

    def parity(self):
        return (parity_string(-1),parity_string(1))[self.chi.is_even()]

    def codeparity(self):
        return { 'sage': 'chi.is_odd()',
                 'pari': 'zncharisodd(g,chi)' }

    def symbol_numerator(self):
        """ chi is equal to a kronecker symbol if and only if it is real """
        if self.order != 2:
            return None
        return symbol_numerator(self.conductor, self.chi.is_odd())

    def symbol(self):
        return kronecker_symbol(self.symbol_numerator())

    def codesymbol(self):
        m = self.symbol_numerator()
        if m:
            return { 'sage': 'kronecker_character(%i)'%m,
                     'pari': 'znchartokronecker(g,chi)'
        return None

    def codegaloisorbit(self):
        return { 'sage': ['chi.galois_orbit()'],
                 'pari': [ 'order = charorder(g,chi)',
                           '[ charpow(g,chi, k % order) | k <-[1..order-1], gcd(k,order)==1 ]' ]
コード例 #2
class WebSmallDirichletCharacter(WebChar, WebDirichlet):
    Heritage: WebChar -> __init__()
              WebDirichlet -> _compute()

    def _compute(self):
        self.modulus = int(self.modlabel)
        self.number = int(self.numlabel)
        self.chi = ConreyCharacter(self.modulus, self.number)
        self.credit = ''
        self.codelangs = ('pari', 'sage')

    def conductor(self):
        return self.chi.conductor()

    def previous(self):   return None
    def next(self):       return None
    def genvalues(self):  return None
    def indlabel(self):  return None
    def value(self, *args): return None
    def charsums(self, *args): return False
    def gauss_sum(self, *args): return None
    def jacobi_sum(self, *args): return None
    def kloosterman_sum(self, *args): return None

    def codeinit(self):
        return {
          'sage': [ 'from dirichlet_conrey import DirichletGroup_conrey # requires nonstandard Sage package to be installed',
                 'H = DirichletGroup_conrey(%i)'%(self.modulus),
                 'chi = H[%i]'%(self.number) ],
          'pari': '[g,chi] = znchar(Mod(%i,%i))'%(self.number,self.modulus),

    def title(self):
        return r"Dirichlet Character %s" % (self.texname)

    def texname(self):
        return self.char2tex(self.modulus, self.number)

    def codeisprimitive(self):
        return { 'sage': 'chi.is_primitive()',
                 'pari': '#znconreyconductor(g,chi)==1 \\\\ if not primitive returns [cond,factorization]' }

    def codecond(self):
        return { 'sage': 'chi.conductor()',
                 'pari': 'znconreyconductor(g,chi)' }

    def parity(self):
        return ('Odd', 'Even')[self.chi.is_even()]

    def codeparity(self):
        return { 'sage': 'chi.is_odd()',
                 'pari': 'zncharisodd(g,chi)' }

    def galoisorbit(self):
        order = self.order
        mod, num = self.modulus, self.number
        prim = self.isprimitive
        #beware this **must** be a generator
        orbit = ( power_mod(num, k, mod) for k in xsrange(1, order) if gcd(k, order) == 1) # use xsrange not xrange
        return ( self._char_desc(num, prim=prim) for num in orbit )

    def symbol_numerator(self):
        """ chi is equal to a kronecker symbol if and only if it is real """
        if self.order != 2:
            return None
        return symbol_numerator(self.conductor, self.chi.is_odd())

    def symbol(self):
        return kronecker_symbol(self.symbol_numerator())

    def codesymbol(self):
        m = self.symbol_numerator()
        if m:
            return { 'sage': 'kronecker_character(%i)'%m }
        return None

    def codegaloisorbit(self):
        return { 'sage': 'chi.sage_character().galois_orbit()',
                 'pari': [ 'order = charorder(g,chi)',
                           '[ charpow(g,chi, k % order) | k <-[1..order-1], gcd(k,order)==1 ]' ]
コード例 #3
def set_info_for_gamma1(level, weight, weight2=None):
    dimension_table_name = WebModFormSpace._dimension_table_name
    if weight != None and weight2 > weight:
        w1 = weight
        w2 = weight2
        w1 = weight
        w2 = weight
    table = {'galois_orbit': {}, 'galois_orbits_reps': {}, 'cells': {}}
    table['weights'] = range(w1, w2 + 1)
    emf_logger.debug("dimension table name={0}".format(dimension_table_name))
    db_dim = getDBConnection()['modularforms2'][dimension_table_name]
    s = {
        'level': int(level),
        'weight': {
            "$lt": int(w2 + 1),
            "$gt": int(w1 - 1)
        'cchi': {
            "$exists": True
    q = db_dim.find(s).sort([('cchi', int(1)), ('weight', int(1))])
    if q.count() == 0:
        emf_logger.debug("No spaces in the database!")
            'The database does not currently contain any spaces matching these parameters. Please try again!'
        return None  #'error':'The database does not currently contain any spaces matching these parameters!'}
        table['maxGalCount'] = 1
        for r in q:
            xi = r['cchi']
            orbit = r['character_orbit']
            k = r['weight']
            ## This is probably still quicker if it is in the database
            parity = r.get('character_parity', 'n/a')
            if parity == 'n/a':
                chi = ConreyCharacter(level, xi)
                if chi.is_odd():
                    parity = -1
                elif chi.is_even():
                    parity = 1
                        "Could not determine the parity of ConreyCharacter({0},{1})"
                        .format(xi, level))
                    trivial_trivially = ""
            if parity != 'n/a':
                if k % 2 == (1 +
                             parity) / 2:  # is space empty because of parity?
                    trivial_trivially = "yes"
                    trivial_trivially = ""
            if parity == 1:
                parity = 'even'
            elif parity == -1:
                parity = 'odd'
            d = r.get('d_newf', "n/a")
            indb = r.get('in_wdb', 0)
            if d == 0:
                indb = 1
            if indb:
                url = url_for('emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms',
                url = ''
            if not table['galois_orbits_reps'].has_key(xi):
                table['galois_orbits_reps'][xi] = {
                    "\(\chi_{{{0}}}({1},\cdot) \)".format(
                        level, xi),  # yes, {{{ is required
                table['galois_orbit'][xi] = [
                        #'head' : "\(\chi_{{{0}}}({1},\cdot) \)".format(level,xci),  # yes, {{{ is required
                        ##     'head' : "\(S_{{{0}}}({1},\chi({2}, \cdot) ) \)".format(weight,level,xci),  # yes, {{{ is required
                        ##    'head' : "\(S_{{{0}}}(\chi({1}, \cdot) ) \)".format(weight,xci),  # yes, {{{ is required
                        r"\(S_{{{0}}}(\chi_{{{1}}}({2}, \cdot)) \)".format(
                            weight, level, xci),  # yes, {{{ is required
                        # 'head' : "\({0}\)".format(xci),
                        #    'url': url_for('characters.render_Dirichletwebpage', modulus=level, number=xci)
                                character=xci) if indb else ''
                    } for xci in orbit
            if len(orbit) > table['maxGalCount']:
                table['maxGalCount'] = len(orbit)
            table['cells'][xi] = {}
            table['cells'][xi][k] = {
                'N': level,
                'k': k,
                'chi': xi,
                'url': url,
                'dim': d,
                'trivial_trivially': trivial_trivially,
    table['galois_orbits_reps_numbers'] = table['galois_orbits_reps'].keys()
    return table
コード例 #4
def set_info_for_gamma1(level,weight,weight2=None):
    dimension_table_name = WebModFormSpace._dimension_table_name
    if weight != None and weight2>weight:
        w1 = weight; w2 = weight2
        w1 = weight; w2 = weight
    table = {'galois_orbit':{},'galois_orbits_reps':{},'cells':{}}
    emf_logger.debug("dimension table name={0}".format(dimension_table_name))
    db_dim = getDBConnection()['modularforms2'][dimension_table_name]
    s = {'level':int(level),'weight':{"$lt":int(w2+1),"$gt":int(w1-1)},'cchi':{"$exists":True}}
    q = db_dim.find(s).sort([('cchi',int(1)),('weight',int(1))])
    if q.count() == 0:
        emf_logger.debug("No spaces in the database!")
        flash('The database does not currently contain any spaces matching these parameters. Please try again!')
        return None #'error':'The database does not currently contain any spaces matching these parameters!'}
        for r in q:
            xi = r['cchi']
            orbit = r['character_orbit']
            k = r['weight']
            ## This is probably still quicker if it is in the database
            parity = r.get('character_parity','n/a')
            if parity == 'n/a':
                chi = ConreyCharacter(level,xi)
                if chi.is_odd():
                    parity = -1
                elif chi.is_even():
                    parity = 1
                    emf_logger.critical("Could not determine the parity of ConreyCharacter({0},{1})".format(xi,level))
                    trivial_trivially = ""
            if parity != 'n/a':
                if k % 2 == (1 + parity)/2:   # is space empty because of parity?
                    trivial_trivially = "yes"
                    trivial_trivially = ""
            if parity == 1:
                parity = 'even'
            elif parity == -1:
                parity = 'odd'
            d = r.get('d_newf',"n/a")
            indb = r.get('in_wdb',0)
            if d == 0:
                indb = 1
            if indb:
                url = url_for('emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms', level=level, weight=k, character=xi)
                url = ''
            if not table['galois_orbits_reps'].has_key(xi):
                    'head' : "\(\chi_{{{0}}}({1},\cdot) \)".format(level,xi),  # yes, {{{ is required
                    'chi': "{0}".format(xi),
                    'url': url_for('characters.render_Dirichletwebpage', modulus=level, number=xi),
                table['galois_orbit'][xi]= [
                    #'head' : "\(\chi_{{{0}}}({1},\cdot) \)".format(level,xci),  # yes, {{{ is required
               ##     'head' : "\(S_{{{0}}}({1},\chi({2}, \cdot) ) \)".format(weight,level,xci),  # yes, {{{ is required
                ##    'head' : "\(S_{{{0}}}(\chi({1}, \cdot) ) \)".format(weight,xci),  # yes, {{{ is required
                    'head' : r"\(S_{{{0}}}(\chi_{{{1}}}({2}, \cdot)) \)".format(weight,level,xci),  # yes, {{{ is required
                    # 'head' : "\({0}\)".format(xci),
                     'chi': "{0}".format(xci),
                 #    'url': url_for('characters.render_Dirichletwebpage', modulus=level, number=xci)
                     'url': url_for('emf.render_elliptic_modular_forms', level=level, weight=k, character=xci) if indb else ''
                    for xci in orbit]
            if len(orbit)>table['maxGalCount']:
            table['cells'][xi][k] ={'N': level, 'k': k, 'chi': xi, 'url': url, 'dim': d, 'trivial_trivially': trivial_trivially,}
    return table