def make_gauss(folder): df = pd.read_csv(folder + "data.csv") print(df) # print(df['20.0']) df.drop(["Unnamed: 0", "t"], axis=1, inplace=True) # print(df) xs = np.array([float(x) for x in df.columns]) ys = np.array([sum(df[x]) for x in df.columns]) def f(x, sigma, amp, mu, base): return base + amp * np.exp(-((x - mu) / sigma)**2 / 2) gmodel = models.Model(f) # params = gmodel.guess(ys, x=xs) params = Parameters() params.add_many(('sigma', 5, True, 1), ('amp', 1000, True, 1), ('mu', 35, True, 1), ('base', 200, True, 1)) fit_result =, params=params, x=xs) print(folder) print(fit_result.fit_report()) print() ax.plot(xs, ys, label=folder[:-1]) ax.plot(xs, fit_result.eval(), label=folder[:-1] + 'fit')
def _setup_params_from(self, initial_guess, data): # 5 ms params = Parameters() x, y, z = self._make_center_priors(data, initial_guess) # 4.47 ms min_index = data.medium_index * 1.001 n = Parameter(name='n', value=initial_guess['n'], min=min_index, max=2.33) r = Parameter(name='r', value=initial_guess['r'], min=0.05, max=5) params.add_many(x, y, z, n, r) if self.theory == 'mieonly': alpha_val = self._alpha_guess(initial_guess) params.add(name='alpha', value=alpha_val, min=0.05, max=1.0) elif self.theory == 'mielens': angle_val = self._lens_guess(initial_guess) params.add(name='lens_angle', value=angle_val, min=0.05, max=1.1) if self.theory == 'mielensalpha': alpha_val = self._alpha_guess(initial_guess) angle_val = self._lens_guess(initial_guess) params.add(name='alpha', value=alpha_val, min=0.05, max=1.0) params.add(name='lens_angle', value=angle_val, min=0.05, max=1.1) if 'illum_wavelen' in initial_guess: wavelength = initial_guess['illum_wavelen'] params.add(name='illum_wavelen', value=wavelength, min=.1, max=2.000) return params
def calc_A_unbinned(data, bg_params, sig_params): '''Given input data and the true distribution parameters, calculate the 95% UL for the unbinned data. The bg and signal parameters are held fixed. The best-fit A value is determined first, then the 95% UL is determined by scanning for the correct value of A that leads to a p-value of 0.05. This procedure must be run many times and averaged to get the mean UL value and error bands.''' mu = sig_params[0] sigma = sig_params[1] alpha = bg_params[0] beta = bg_params[1] gamma = bg_params[2] params = Parameters() params.add_many( ('C' , 0.01 , True , 0 , 1 , None , None) , ('mu' , mu , False , None , None , None , None) , ('sigma' , sigma , False , None , None , None , None) , ('alpha' , alpha , False , None , None , None , None) , ('beta' , beta , False , None , None , None , None) , ('gamma' , gamma , False , None , None , None , None) ) bg_sig_model = Model(bg_sig_pdf, params) # Obtain the best fit value for A mle_fitter = NLLFitter(bg_sig_model) mle_res =, calculate_corr=False, verbose=False) return mle_res.x[0]
def fitz_star(spec, zguess, fluxpoly=True): flux_median = np.median(spec['flux']) parameters = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) parameters.add_many(('z', zguess, True, None, None, None), ('eigen1', flux_median*0.1, True, None, None, None), ('eigen2', flux_median*0.1, True, None, None, None), ('eigen3', flux_median*0.1, True, None, None, None), ('eigen4', flux_median*0.1, True, None, None, None), ('eigen5', flux_median*0.1, True, None, None, None), ('eigen6', flux_median*0.1, True, None, None, None), ('eigen7', flux_median*0.1, True, None, None, None), ('eigen8', flux_median*0.1, True, None, None, None), ('eigen9', flux_median*0.1, True, None, None, None), ('eigen10', flux_median*0.1, True, None, None, None), ('eigen11', flux_median*0.1, True, None, None, None), ('fluxcal0', 0.0, fluxpoly, None, None, None), ('fluxcal1', 0.0, fluxpoly, None, None, None), ('fluxcal2', 0.0, fluxpoly, None, None, None)) star_model = Model(eigensum_star, missing='drop') result =['flux'], wave=spec['wave'], weights=1/spec['error'], params=parameters, missing='drop') return result
def params_creating(filename, w): """ Returns Parameters object with initial guesses Parameters: ---------- filename: str Name of file. May be various text formats, data structure example is in file init_guess.init w: 1darray(dtype=float) array with experminetal frequencies Return: -------- parameter: Parameters() """ parameter = Parameters() e0, gamma, A = read_from_file(filename, w) n = len(e0) for i in range(n): str1 = 'E0_' + str(i + 1) str2 = 'gamma_' + str(i + 1) str3 = 'A_' + str(i + 1) parameter.add_many((str1, e0[i, 0], True, e0[i, 1], e0[i, 2]), (str2, gamma[i, 0], True, gamma[i, 1], gamma[i, 2]), (str3, A[i, 0], True, A[i, 1], A[i, 2])) return parameter
def approximate_angles(goal, side_lengths, angle_guesses=(90, 90, 90), report=True, iter_cb=None): """Given the desired end effector location (goal), the lengths of the arm segments, and the initial guesses of the angles, approximate the angles the servos must be set to.""" # The base servo angle can be calculated and fixed. base = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(goal[0] / goal[2])) # define the starting values of the parameters of the minimized function base = Parameter('base', base, vary=False) # base is exact shoulder = Parameter('shoulder', angle_guesses[0], min=0, max=180) elbow = Parameter('elbow', angle_guesses[1], min=0, max=180) wrist = Parameter('wrist', angle_guesses[2], min=0, max=180) params = Parameters() params.add_many(base, shoulder, elbow, wrist) result = minimize(end_effector, params, args=(goal, side_lengths), method="leastsq", iter_cb=iter_cb) if report: print(fit_report(result.params)) return result
def parameters(ini_values): from lmfit import Parameters k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, k10, k11, UA, mu_0, E, q, prim_stab_0, LDH_0 = ini_values p = Parameters() # ( Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max) p.add_many(( 'k1', k1, True, 1.6, 2.1), ( 'k2', k2, True, 8.0, 46.0), ( 'k3', k3, True, 0.0, 6.0), ( 'k4', k4, True, 0.0, 2.1), ( 'k5', k5, True, 0.0, 0.03), ( 'k6', k6, True, 0.0, 39.0), ( 'k7', k7, True, 0.0, 2.7), ( 'k8', k8, True, 0.0, 7.9), ( 'k9', k9, True, 0.0, 13.1), ( 'k10', k10, True, 0.7, 10.9), ( 'k11', k11, True, 2.0, 3.6), ( 'UA', UA, True, 275.0, 402.0), ( 'mu_0', mu_0, False, 0.0, 0.1), ( 'E', E, False, 5000.0, None), ( 'q', q, False, 0.0, 17.0), ('prim_stab_0', prim_stab_0, False, 0.5, 1.3), ( 'LDH_0', LDH_0, False, None, None)) return p
def mle_ou(t, s): """Maximum-likelihood estimator for standard OU""" def log_likelihood(q): """Calculates log likelihood of a standard OU path""" K = q["kappa"] theta = q["theta"] sigma = q["sigma"] dt = np.diff(t) mu = VasicekModel.mean(s[:-1], dt, K, theta) sigma = VasicekModel.std(dt, K, sigma) return -np.sum(scipy.stats.norm.logpdf(s[1:], loc=mu, scale=sigma)) params = Parameters() params.add_many( ("kappa", 0.5, True, 1e-6, None), ("theta", np.mean(s), True, 0.0, None), ("sigma", est_sigma_quadratic_variation(t, s), True, 1e-8, None), ) result = minimize( log_likelihood, params, method="L-BFGS-B", options={ "maxiter": 500, "disp": False }, ) return result
def heartrate_model(heartrate, power, **kwargs): """ Source: De Smet et al., Heart rate modelling as a potential physical finess assessment for runners and cyclists. """ # Initial model parameters model_params = Parameters() model_params.add_many( ('hr_rest', kwargs.get('hr_rest', 75)), ('hr_max', kwargs.get('hr_max', 200)), ('dhr', kwargs.get('dhr', 0.30)), ('tau_rise', kwargs.get('tau_rise', 24)), ('tau_fall', kwargs.get('tau_fall', 30)), ('hr_drift', kwargs.get('hr_drift', 3 * 10**-5)), ) model = minimize( fcn=_heartrate_model_residuals, params=model_params, method='nelder', # Nelder-Mead args=(power, heartrate)) predictions = _heartrate_model_predict(model.params, power) return model, predictions
def confidence_interval(): """Return the result of the confidence interval (ci) calculation.""" def residual(pars, x, data=None): argu = (x * pars['decay'])**2 shift = pars['shift'] if abs(shift) > np.pi / 2: shift = shift - np.sign(shift) * np.pi model = pars['amp'] * np.sin(shift + x / pars['period']) * np.exp(-argu) if data is None: return model return model - data p_true = Parameters() p_true.add_many(('amp', 14.0), ('period', 5.33), ('shift', 0.123), ('decay', 0.010)) x = np.linspace(0.0, 250.0, 2500) data = residual(p_true, x) + np.random.normal(scale=0.7215, size=x.size) fit_params = Parameters() fit_params.add_many(('amp', 13.0), ('period', 2), ('shift', 0.0), ('decay', 0.02)) mini = Minimizer(residual, fit_params, fcn_args=(x, ), fcn_kws={'data': data}) out = mini.leastsq() ci = conf_interval(mini, out) return ci
def generate_q0_via_nll_unbinned_constrained(bg, data, bg_params): '''Perform two nll fits to data, one for bg+signal, one for bg-only. Use these values to create the q0 statistic.''' data = np.asarray(data) bg = np.asarray(bg) _bg_params = bg_params.copy() for p in _bg_params: _bg_params[p].vary = False bg_model = Model(bg_pdf, _bg_params) mc_bg_only_fitter = NLLFitter(bg_model, verbose=False), calculate_corr=False) bg_nll = bg_model.calc_nll(None, data) _sig_params = Parameters() _sig_params.add_many( ('C', 0.1, True, 0, 1, None, None), ('mu', 125.77, False, 120, 130, None, None), ('sigma', 2.775, False, 1, 4, None, None), ('a1', _bg_params['a1'].value, False, -1, 1, None, None), ('a2', _bg_params['a2'].value, False, -1, 1, None, None), ('a3', _bg_params['a3'].value, False, -1, 1, None, None)) bg_sig_model = Model(bg_sig_pdf, _sig_params) mc_bg_sig_fitter = NLLFitter(bg_sig_model, verbose=False) mc_bg_sig_result =, calculate_corr=False) bg_sig_nll = q0 = 2 * max(bg_nll - bg_sig_nll, 0) return q0
def assess(self): # TODO: mutually exclusive args # TODO: check for when best and worst are not extrema if self.optimal_fit: points_params = Parameters() worst = Parameter("worst", value=self.worst, vary=False) lower_middle = Parameter("lower_middle") middle = Parameter("middle") upper_middle = Parameter("upper_middle") best = Parameter("best",, vary=False) for param in [lower_middle, middle, upper_middle]: param.set(, points_params.add_many(worst, lower_middle, middle, upper_middle, best) def objective(params): v = params.valuesdict() u = Utility(name="u", points=list(v.values())) chisqr = u.result.chisqr return chisqr self.optimal_points = minimize(objective, points_params, method=self.method) v = self.optimal_points.params.valuesdict() self.points = np.array(list(v.values())) return self.points
def build_params_linear(): params = Parameters() params.add_many( ('a0', 1.), ('a1', 1.), ) return params
def test_fittheory(self): """ Test the fitting of the available analytical functions """ testspec = generate_cdespectrum() testspec = testspec.subspectrum(2500., 3700., clone=True) testfitter = Fitter.fromspectrum(testspec) testpars = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many( ('H', 0.1, True, 0.0, None, None, None), ('xR', 3000., True, 3000. - 50., 3000. + 50., None, None), ('w', 50.0, True, 0.0, None, None, None), ('tau', 50.0, True, 0.0, None, None, None)) testfitter.add_analytical('flipped_egh', testpars, funcname='test fEGH') testpars = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many( ('peak', 1.0, True, 0.0, None, None, None), ('pos', 3300., True, 3300. - 300., 3300. + 300., None, None), ('fwhm', 500.0, True, 0.0, None, None, None), ) testfitter.add_analytical('gaussian', testpars, funcname='test gaussian') testfitter.perform_fit()
def Fit_frvsT(temp, freq, fitpara): # create a set of Parameters params = Parameters() print fitpara params.add_many( ('CPWC', fitpara[0], False, None, None, None), ('CPWG', fitpara[1], False, None, None, None), ('thick', fitpara[2], False, None, None, None), ('BCS', fitpara[3], False, None, None, None), ('Tc', fitpara[4], True, None, None, None), ('f0', fitpara[5], False, None, None, None), ('sigman', fitpara[6], False, None, None, None), ('A', fitpara[7], True, fitpara[7] * 0.9, fitpara[7] * 1.1, None)) # do fit, here with leastsq model result = minimize(Fit_frvsT_Func, params, args=(temp, freq)) # calculate final result residual = result.residual Tc = result.params['Tc'].value Tc_err = np.abs(result.params['Tc'].stderr / Tc) A = result.params['A'].value A_err = np.abs(result.params['A'].stderr / A) print fit_report(result) return Tc, Tc_err, A, A_err, fit_report(result)
def generate_initial_params(data_bg_mul2, data_bg_mul8, seed=5): # fit to the data distributions bg_params = Parameters() bg_params.add_many( ('alpha', -1.80808e+01, True, 1e-20, 20, None, None), ('beta', -8.21174e-02, True, -10, -1e-20, None, None), ('gamma', 8.06289e-01, True, 1e-20, 10, None, None) ) bg_model = Model(bg_pdf, bg_params) bg_fitter = NLLFitter(bg_model) bg_result =, calculate_corr=False) n_bg = len(data_bg_mul8) gRandom.SetSeed(seed) # Set up bg sampling bg_pdf_ROOT = functools.partial(bg_pdf, doROOT=True) tf1_bg_pdf = TF1("tf1_bg_pdf", bg_pdf_ROOT, 2800, 13000, 3) tf1_bg_pdf.SetParameters(*bg_result.x) mc_bg = [tf1_bg_pdf.GetRandom() for i in range(n_bg)] be_bg = bayesian_blocks(mc_bg, p0=0.02) be_bg[-1] += 0.1 be_bg = np.append(be_bg, [13000]) be_bg[0] = 2800 # print be_bg # hist(data_bg_mul8, bins=be_bg, scale='binwidth') # return bg_result, n_bg, be_bg
def fitting_bb_data(all_data): """ Fits the black body portion of the spectrum for each datafile. This definition goes through all of the Run classes for a given dataset and filters out the peaks to fit a black body curve to the filtered data. The LMFIT fitting routine is used as a wrapper for the SCIPY optmize tools to fit the Planck's Black Body curve. This function feeds in initial guesses for the parameters and returns a best fitted parameters for the curve. Keyword Arguments: all_data -- List of Run classes """ filtered_data = [] for dat in all_data: counts = np.asarray(dat.calibrated_counts) lam = np.asarray(dat.calibrated_lam) bb = sig.medfilt(counts, kernel_size=81) p = Parameters() # (Name , Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) p.add_many(('T', 5000., True, None, None, None), ('scale', 1E-15, True, None, None, None), ('shift', 0.0, False, None, None, None)) func = Model(pbb) result =, lam=lam, params=p) = bb dat.bb_err = 0.0 dat.temp = result.params['T'].value dat.temp_err = result.params['T'].stderr dat.aic = result.aic filtered_data.append(dat) return filtered_data
def main(): #Input the name of the file to be read from the command line filename = str(sys.argv[1]) #Read out the temperatures and times associated with them time, temps = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=1, usecols=(0, 1), unpack=True) plt.plot(time, temps, 'x', label="Heating Data") plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Time (min)") plt.ylabel("Temperature (C)") exponentialModel = Model(exponentialFunction) p = Parameters() #The parameters in the equation are coupled, and so we can't solve for any of their actual values without knowing one #We choose an estimate of 30000 J/min for the heating rate p.add_many( ('h', 30000, False, None, None, None), ('k', 6000, True, 0, 10000, None), ('c', 600000, True, 0, 1000000, None), ('Tout', 16, False, None, None, None), ) #Perform a least-squares regression to the data using the model function and parameters exponentialFit =, x=time, params=p) print(exponentialFit.fit_report()) #Plot data and save the resulting figure. plt.plot(time, temps, 'x', label="Heating Data") plt.plot(time, exponentialFit.best_fit, label='Fit to Data') plt.legend() plt.xlabel("Time (min)") plt.ylabel("Temperature (C)") plt.grid() plt.suptitle("Fitting of Room Heating") plt.savefig("Room_Temp_Fitting.png")
def Fit_frvsT(temp, freq, fitpara): # create a set of Parameters params = Parameters() print fitpara params.add_many(('CPWC', fitpara[0], False, None, None, None), ('CPWG', fitpara[1], False, None, None, None), ('thick', fitpara[2], False, None, None, None), ('BCS', fitpara[3], False, None, None, None), ('Tc', fitpara[4], True, None, None, None), ('f0', fitpara[5], False, None, None, None), ('sigman',fitpara[6], False, None, None, None), ('A', fitpara[7], True, fitpara[7]*0.9, fitpara[7]*1.1, None)) # do fit, here with leastsq model result = minimize(Fit_frvsT_Func, params, args=(temp, freq)) # calculate final result residual = result.residual Tc = result.params['Tc'].value Tc_err = np.abs(result.params['Tc'].stderr/Tc) A = result.params['A'].value A_err = np.abs(result.params['A'].stderr/A) print fit_report(result) return Tc, Tc_err, A, A_err, fit_report(result)
def smooth_and_remove_step(x_lst, y_lst, x_min_flt,x_max_flt,rmv_step_bool): ''' Takes entire data set, x and y cuts down the spectra s.t x_min < x < x_max THEN Removes a step function from y_lst ''' # Restrict the fit x_fit = [] y_fit = [] top_lst = [] bottom_lst = [] for x,y in zip(x_lst, y_lst): # Restrict the fitting region if x_min_flt < x < x_max_flt: x_fit.append(float(x)) y_fit.append(float(y)) # Find top and bottom of step if x < x_min_flt + 7: bottom_lst.append(float(y)) elif x > x_max_flt - 7: top_lst.append(float(y)) x_fit = np.asarray(x_fit) y_fit = np.asarray(y_fit) top = np.mean(np.asarray(top_lst)) bottom = np.mean(np.asarray(bottom_lst)) delta = top-bottom if (rmv_step_bool): # Step Parameters step_at = 100 step_width = 1 pp = Parameters() pp.add_many( ('amplitude',delta), ('sigma',step_width), ('center',step_at) ) step = StepModel(form = 'erf', prefix='', independent_vars=['x']) y_fit = np.asarray([yy-bottom-step.eval(x=xx, params=pp) for xx,yy in zip(x_fit,y_fit)]) # rest is the same as smooth_the_data # now we find the parameters using the - d^2/dx^2 ysmooth = interp.interp1d(x_fit, y_fit, kind='cubic') # differentiate x 2 yp = np.gradient(ysmooth(x_fit)) ypp = np.gradient(yp) # we want the peaks of -d2/dx2 ypp = np.asarray([-x for x in ypp]) return x_fit, y_fit, ysmooth, yp, ypp
def parameters(ini_values): from lmfit import Parameters from Adjust_Kinetics import params p = Parameters() pi = params(ini_values) for i,tup in enumerate(pi): p.add_many(tup) return p
def build_params(): params = Parameters() params.add_many( ('a0', 1.), ('a1', 1.), ('a2', 0.1), ) return params
def test_add_many_params(self): # test that we can add many parameters, but only parameters are added. a = Parameter('a', 1) b = Parameter('b', 2) p = Parameters() p.add_many(a, b) assert_(list(p.keys()) == ['a', 'b'])
def sipm_phdfit(x, y, npk, nz_pe=0): """ Function to fit a SiPM phd array with a Generalized Poisson Parameters ---------- x : float array Typically the pulse heigth in mV y : int array The number of events per bin npk : int scalar The number of distinguishable peaks in the PHD - for initial parameter guess nz_pe : If 0 - include pedestal in PHD If 1 - exclude pedestal Returns ------- result : lmfit result object Including initial guess, best fit, and all fit parameters """ ymax = y.max() #find peaks in the PHD to npk for i in range(50): peaks, p_prop = find_peaks(y, prominence=ymax * (1 - i / 50), height=ymax / 10) if len(peaks) >= npk: break #now estimate the initial fit parameters mu = np.sum(p_prop['peak_heights'] * np.arange(nz_pe, npk + nz_pe)) / np.sum(p_prop['peak_heights']) nev = np.sum(y) xtalk = 0.5 #based on CHEC-S devices v_pe = np.mean(np.diff(x[peaks])) xoff = x[peaks[0]] - v_pe * nz_pe v_n = v_pe * 0.2 v_gain = v_pe * 0.1 thresh = 0 smod = Model(sipm_fitfunc) pars = Parameters() # parameter constraints # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr, Brute Step) pars.add_many(('xoff', xoff, True, -50.0, 50.0, None, None), ('mu', mu, True, 0.01, 50.0, None, None), ('nev', nev, True, 1, 1e8, None, None), ('xtalk', xtalk, True, 0.0, 0.75, None, None), ('v_pe', v_pe, True, 0.0, 50.0, None, None), ('v_n', v_n, True, 0.0, 50.0, None, None), ('v_gain', v_gain, True, 0.0, 50.0, None, None), ('thresh', thresh, False, 0, 500, None, None), ('nz_pe', nz_pe, False, 0, 1, None, None)) #solve result =, params=pars, x=x, method='leastsq') return result
def test_resample(): p = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) p.add_many(('amplitude', 100, True, None, None, None), ('decay' , 6e-7, True, None, None, None), ('nu' , 1.0, True, None, None, None)) x = linspace(0,500,50) y = strExp(x,p) y_err = abs(y - (y * normal(0.0,0.1,len(y)))) return resample(x,y,yerr=None,max_replacement=100)
def test_fitlab(self): """ Test the fitting of lab data """ testspec = generate_cdespectrum() testfitter = Fitter(testspec.x.value,2.*testspec.y.value) testpars = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many(('mul', 1.0, True, 0.0, None, None)) testfitter.add_empirical(testspec,testpars) testfitter.perform_fit()
def test_peakfit(): from lmfit.utilfuncs import gauss def residual(pars, x, data=None): g1 = gauss(x, pars['a1'].value, pars['c1'].value, pars['w1'].value) g2 = gauss(x, pars['a2'].value, pars['c2'].value, pars['w2'].value) model = g1 + g2 if data is None: return model return (model - data) n = 601 xmin = 0. xmax = 15.0 noise = np.random.normal(scale=.65, size=n) x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, n) org_params = Parameters() org_params.add_many(('a1', 12.0, True, None, None, None), ('c1', 5.3, True, None, None, None), ('w1', 1.0, True, None, None, None), ('a2', 9.1, True, None, None, None), ('c2', 8.1, True, None, None, None), ('w2', 2.5, True, None, None, None)) data = residual(org_params, x) + noise fit_params = Parameters() fit_params.add_many(('a1', 8.0, True, None, 14., None), ('c1', 5.0, True, None, None, None), ('w1', 0.7, True, None, None, None), ('a2', 3.1, True, None, None, None), ('c2', 8.8, True, None, None, None)) fit_params.add('w2', expr='2.5*w1') myfit = Minimizer(residual, fit_params, fcn_args=(x, ), fcn_kws={'data': data}) myfit.prepare_fit() init = residual(fit_params, x) myfit.leastsq() print(' N fev = ', myfit.nfev) print(myfit.chisqr, myfit.redchi, myfit.nfree) report_fit(fit_params) fit = residual(fit_params, x) check_paras(fit_params, org_params)
def FD2p(x, data, T): #generate parameters for FD2 params = FD2Guess(x,data,T) p = Parameters() p.add_many(('EF', params[0], True, x[0], x[-1], None), ('T', params[1], False, None, None, None), ('sig', params[2], True, 0.0, None, None), ('A', params[3], True, 0.0, None, None), ('dy1', params[4], True, None, None, None), ('dy2', params[5], False, None, None, None), ('c', params[6], True, None, None, None)) return p
def on_fit_data_triggered(self): try: print("start fitting") import operator # list_of_models = [Model(v.getModelFunction(),prefix=k, nan_policy="propagate") for k,v in self.noise_components.items()] list_of_models = list() list_of_params = list() for name, component in self.noise_components.items(): if not component.enabled: continue model, param = component.getFittingModelAndParams( logMode=False) list_of_models.append(model) parameters = list(param.values()) list_of_params.extend(parameters) # print() # list_of_models = [v.getFittingModelAndParams for k,v in self.noise_components.items()] # print("list of parameters") print(list_of_params) fit_model = reduce(operator.add, list_of_models) fit_parameters = Parameters() fit_parameters.add_many(*list_of_params) print() print(fit_parameters) data = self._displayData result =, fit_parameters, f=self._displayFreq) print(result.fit_report()) # print("best values") # print(result.params) # print(result.init_fit) # print("init fit") # print(result.init_fit) # print("best fit") # print(result.best_fit) # freq, data_converted = self.coordinate_transform.convert(self._displayFreq, result.init_fit) # self._initFitDataCurve.setData(freq, data_converted) # freq, data_converted = self.coordinate_transform.convert(self._displayFreq, result.best_fit) # self._bestFitDataCurve.setData(freq, data_converted) for name, param in result.best_values.items(): #items(): try: component_name, param_name = name.split( BaseNoiseComponent.PREFIX_SPLITTER) component = self.noise_components[component_name] setattr(component, param_name, param) except Exception as e: print("exception while setting fitted values") print(e) except Exception as e: print("Exception occured while fitting data") print(str(e))
def test_fitlab(self): """ Test the fitting of lab data """ testspec = generate_cdespectrum() testfitter = Fitter(testspec.x.value, 2. * testspec.y.value) testpars = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many(('mul', 1.0, True, 0.0, None, None)) testfitter.add_empirical(testspec, testpars) testfitter.perform_fit()
def fitting_bb_data(all_data): """ Fits the black body portion of the spectrum for each datafile. This definition goes through all of the Run classes for a given dataset and filters out the peaks to fit a black body curve to the filtered data. The LMFIT fitting routine is used as a wrapper for the SCIPY optmize tools to fit the Planck's Black Body curve. This function feeds in initial guesses for the parameters and returns a best fitted parameters for the curve. Keyword Arguments: all_data -- List of Run classes """ #cal_data = np.loadtxt(os.getcwd()+'/suspect_calibration_data/CalibrationFile.txt') filtered_data = [] #count = 0 for dat in all_data: counts = np.asarray(dat.calibrated_counts) lam = np.asarray(dat.calibrated_lam) bb = sig.medfilt(counts, kernel_size=81) p = Parameters() # (Name , Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) p.add_many(('T', 5000., True, None, None, None), ('scale', 1E-11, True, None, None, None), ('shift', 0.0, False, None, None, None)) func = Model(pbb) result =, lam=lam, params=p) #print(dat.filename) #print(result.fit_report()) = bb dat.temp = result.params['T'].value dat.temp_err = result.params['T'].stderr dat.aic = result.aic filtered_data.append(dat) # pp = PdfPages('Filter_Test.pdf') # plt.figure() # plt.plot(lam,counts, 'k-', label='Raw Data') # plt.plot(lam[1::], corrected_counts, 'm-', label='Corrected Data') # ##plt.plot(cal_lam[1::], deconc_counts[1], 'm-', label='Deconc Data') # ##plt.plot(cal_lam[1::], rebinned_counts, 'c--', label='Deconc Data') # ##plt.plot(lam[1::], bb, 'r-', label='Filtered Data') # plt.plot(lam[1::], result.best_fit, 'b-', label='Fit Filtered Data') # plt.legend() # plt.savefig(pp, format='pdf') # plt.figure() ## plt.plot(lamp_det_lam[1::], cal_calculated, 'ko', label='Calculated') # plt.plot(cal_lam, cal_counts, 'b*', label='From File') # plt.legend() # plt.savefig(pp, format='pdf') #pp.close() return filtered_data
def sineFITwLINEARbackground(param1, param2, **kwargs): """ Bounded LS minimisation for the fitting of a sinefunction to a given dataset *with a linear background instead of a constant background*. It is assumed that you can represent param2 as a function of param1. The lmfit package is used to perform the bounded LS minimisation. DANGER this routine assumes you have a fixed frequency of 1 [unit**-1]. For example: - if param1 is time and param2 is flux, you will have a sine with a frequency of 1 c/d. - if param1 is position and param2 is flux, you will have a sine with a frequency of 1 c/pix. Returns: The optimal lmfit parameter class. TODO provide options through kwargs to set the boundaries Returns: The optimal lmfit parameter class. @param param1: param1 measurements [???] @type param1: numpy array of length N @param param2: param2 measurements [???] @type param2: numpy array of length N @return: paramSINE @rtype: lmfit parameter class @kwargs: show_ME: Boolean to indicate if you want to see the report_fit - Default is False [Boolean] """ show_ME = kwargs.get('show_ME', False) # Determination of the guesses to start your bounded LS fit with. constantGUESS = np.median(param2) # param2 amplitudeGUESS = np.max(np.abs(constantGUESS - param2)) / 2. # param2 frequencyGUESS = 1. # DANGER Here is the frequency assumption assumption. phaseGUESS = 0.1 # Using the param1[np.where(param2==np.max(param2))]-param1[0]%1-0.5 is best, when there is no scatter on param2 slopeGUESS, constantGUESS = np.polyfit(param1, param2, 1) paramSINE = Parameters() #Make a params class for lmfit. # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) paramSINE.add_many( ('amplitude', amplitudeGUESS, True, amplitudeGUESS * 0.1, amplitudeGUESS * 1.2, None), ( 'frequency', frequencyGUESS, False, frequencyGUESS - 0.05, frequencyGUESS + 0.05, None ), # DANGER Here is the frequency assumption assumption. (It is set to non-vary.) ('constant', constantGUESS, True, -abs(constantGUESS) * 1.5, abs(constantGUESS) * 1.5, None), ('phase', phaseGUESS, True, 0., 1., None), ('slope', slopeGUESS, True, -2 * slopeGUESS, +2 * slopeGUESS, None)) resultSIN = minimize(BRITE.fitfunctions.ff_lmfitlmfit_sinslope_vs_data, paramSINE, args=(param1, param2)) if show_ME: report_fit(paramsSIN, show_correl=False) return paramSINE
def test_fitres(self): """ Test the returning of fit results """ testspec = generate_cdespectrum() testfitter = Fitter(testspec.x.value,2.*testspec.y.value) testpars = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many(('mul', 1.0, True, 0.0, None, None)) testfitter.add_empirical(testspec,testpars) testfitter.perform_fit() res = testfitter.fit_results()
def test_fitres(self): """ Test the returning of fit results """ testspec = generate_cdespectrum() testfitter = Fitter(testspec.x.value, 2. * testspec.y.value) testpars = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many(('mul', 1.0, True, 0.0, None, None)) testfitter.add_empirical(testspec, testpars) testfitter.perform_fit() res = testfitter.fit_results()
def gaussian_peak_fitting(all_data, peak_wavelength): all_data = fitting_bb_data(all_data) for dat in all_data: counts = np.asarray(dat.corrected_counts) lam = np.asarray(dat.wavelengths) peak_indexes = [ i for i in range(np.size(lam)) if lam[i] > (peak_wavelength - 10.) and lam[i] < (peak_wavelength + 10.) ] ### Before BB substraction peak_lam = lam[peak_indexes[0]:peak_indexes[-1]] peak_counts = counts[peak_indexes[0]:peak_indexes[-1]] p = Parameters() # (Name , Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) p.add_many(('amp', 15000, True, None, None, None), ('cen', peak_wavelength, True, None, None, None), ('wid', 3.0, True, None, None, None), ('scale', 0.0, True, None, None, None)) func = Model(gaussian) result =, x=peak_lam, params=p) print(result.fit_report()) ### After BB subtraction peak_bb_sub_counts = peak_counts - np.asarray([peak_indexes[0]:peak_indexes[-1]]) p = Parameters() # (Name , Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) p.add_many(('amp', 14000., True, None, None, None), ('cen', peak_wavelength, True, None, None, None), ('wid', 3.0, True, None, None, None), ('scale', 0.0, True, None, None, None)) func = Model(gaussian) result_bb =, x=peak_lam, params=p) print("With Black Body Subtraction") print(result_bb.fit_report()) pp = PdfPages('Gaussian_Fit.pdf') plt.figure() #plt.plot(lam,counts, 'k-', label='Raw Data') plt.plot(peak_lam, peak_counts, 'ro', label='Peak Data') plt.plot(peak_lam, result.best_fit, 'b-', label='Best Fit Peak Data') plt.plot(peak_lam, peak_bb_sub_counts, 'ko', label='Peak BB Sub Data') plt.plot(peak_lam, result_bb.best_fit, 'm-', label='Best Fit Peak BB Sub Data') plt.legend() plt.savefig(pp, format='pdf') pp.close()
def test_peakfit(): from lmfit.utilfuncs import gaussian def residual(pars, x, data=None): g1 = gaussian(x, pars['a1'].value, pars['c1'].value, pars['w1'].value) g2 = gaussian(x, pars['a2'].value, pars['c2'].value, pars['w2'].value) model = g1 + g2 if data is None: return model return (model - data) n = 601 xmin = 0. xmax = 15.0 noise = np.random.normal(scale=.65, size=n) x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, n) org_params = Parameters() org_params.add_many(('a1', 12.0, True, None, None, None), ('c1', 5.3, True, None, None, None), ('w1', 1.0, True, None, None, None), ('a2', 9.1, True, None, None, None), ('c2', 8.1, True, None, None, None), ('w2', 2.5, True, None, None, None)) data = residual(org_params, x) + noise fit_params = Parameters() fit_params.add_many(('a1', 8.0, True, None, 14., None), ('c1', 5.0, True, None, None, None), ('w1', 0.7, True, None, None, None), ('a2', 3.1, True, None, None, None), ('c2', 8.8, True, None, None, None)) fit_params.add('w2', expr='2.5*w1') myfit = Minimizer(residual, fit_params, fcn_args=(x,), fcn_kws={'data':data}) myfit.prepare_fit() init = residual(fit_params, x) myfit.leastsq() print(' N fev = ', myfit.nfev) print(myfit.chisqr, myfit.redchi, myfit.nfree) report_fit(fit_params) fit = residual(fit_params, x) check_paras(fit_params, org_params)
def fit_experimental(time, YI, initial, x0, constants): def obj_func(params, time, YI): # unpack parameters to be fitted v = params.valuesdict() # create vector for lstsq solution constant_vector = array( (v['a'], v['b'], v['c'], v['d'], v['e'], v['f'], v['g']), dtype=float) # join each fit into a single residual array all_YI = array([]) all_fits = array([]) for i in range(len(time)): print 'Busy with fit %d' % (i) # simulate the Metrastat concentrations = odeint(metrastat, initial[i], time[i], args=(v['k12'], constants[i])) # use the simulation to estimate the YI fit = dot(array(concentrations), constant_vector) # update residual function all_YI = one_row(YI[i], all_YI) all_fits = one_row(fit, all_fits) print '\n\n\nNext iteration:\n\n' return all_YI - all_fits # set initial parameter values params = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) params.add_many(('a', x0[0], True, None, None, None), ('b', x0[1], True, None, None, None), ('c', x0[2], True, None, None, None), ('d', x0[3], True, None, None, None), ('e', x0[4], True, None, None, None), ('f', x0[5], True, None, None, None), ('g', x0[6], True, None, None, None), ('k12', x0[7], True, None, None, None)) # do fit with leastsq model minimize(obj_func, params, args=(time, YI)) return params.valuesdict()
def test_plotfit(self): """ Test the plotting of fit results """ testspec = generate_cdespectrum() testfitter = Fitter(testspec.x.value,2.*testspec.y.value) testpars = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many(('mul', 1.0, True, 0.0, None, None)) testfitter.add_empirical(testspec,testpars) testfitter.perform_fit() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) testfitter.plot_fitresults(ax) plt.close()
def time_confinterval(self): np.random.seed(0) x = np.linspace(0.3,10,100) y = 1/(0.1*x)+2+0.1*np.random.randn(x.size) p = Parameters() p.add_many(('a', 0.1), ('b', 1)) def residual(p): a = p['a'].value b = p['b'].value return 1/(a*x)+b-y minimizer = Minimizer(residual, p) out = minimizer.leastsq() return conf_interval(minimizer, out)
def sineFITwLINEARbackground(param1, param2, **kwargs): """ Bounded LS minimisation for the fitting of a sinefunction to a given dataset *with a linear background instead of a constant background*. It is assumed that you can represent param2 as a function of param1. The lmfit package is used to perform the bounded LS minimisation. DANGER this routine assumes you have a fixed frequency of 1 [unit**-1]. For example: - if param1 is time and param2 is flux, you will have a sine with a frequency of 1 c/d. - if param1 is position and param2 is flux, you will have a sine with a frequency of 1 c/pix. Returns: The optimal lmfit parameter class. TODO provide options through kwargs to set the boundaries Returns: The optimal lmfit parameter class. @param param1: param1 measurements [???] @type param1: numpy array of length N @param param2: param2 measurements [???] @type param2: numpy array of length N @return: paramSINE @rtype: lmfit parameter class @kwargs: show_ME: Boolean to indicate if you want to see the report_fit - Default is False [Boolean] """ show_ME = kwargs.get('show_ME', False) # Determination of the guesses to start your bounded LS fit with. constantGUESS = np.median(param2) # param2 amplitudeGUESS = np.max(np.abs(constantGUESS-param2))/2. # param2 frequencyGUESS = 1. # DANGER Here is the frequency assumption assumption. phaseGUESS = 0.1 # Using the param1[np.where(param2==np.max(param2))]-param1[0]%1-0.5 is best, when there is no scatter on param2 slopeGUESS, constantGUESS = np.polyfit(param1, param2, 1) paramSINE = Parameters() #Make a params class for lmfit. # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) paramSINE.add_many(('amplitude', amplitudeGUESS, True, amplitudeGUESS*0.1, amplitudeGUESS*1.2, None), ('frequency', frequencyGUESS, False, frequencyGUESS-0.05, frequencyGUESS+0.05, None), # DANGER Here is the frequency assumption assumption. (It is set to non-vary.) ('constant', constantGUESS, True, -abs(constantGUESS)*1.5, abs(constantGUESS)*1.5, None), ('phase', phaseGUESS, True, 0., 1., None), ('slope', slopeGUESS, True, -2*slopeGUESS, +2*slopeGUESS, None)) resultSIN = minimize(BRITE.fitfunctions.ff_lmfitlmfit_sinslope_vs_data, paramSINE, args=(param1, param2)) if show_ME: report_fit(paramsSIN, show_correl=False) return paramSINE
def test_fitres_tofile(self): """ Test the dumping of fit results to a file """ testspec = generate_cdespectrum() testfitter = Fitter(testspec.x.value,2.*testspec.y.value) testpars = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many(('mul', 1.0, True, 0.0, None, None)) testfitter.add_empirical(testspec,testpars) testpars=Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many( ('peak', 1.0, True, 0.0, None, None), ('pos', 3000., True, 3000.-200., 3000.+200., None), ('fwhm', 50.0, True, 0.0, None, None), ) testfitter.add_analytical('gaussian',testpars,funcname='test gaussian') testfitter.perform_fit() res = testfitter.fitresults_tofile('testfile')
def test_fittheory(self): """ Test the fitting of the available analytical functions """ testspec = generate_cdespectrum() testfitter = Fitter.fromspectrum(testspec) testpars = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many(('lor1', 1.67, False, None, None, None), ('lor2', 195., False, None, None, None), ('lor3', 1.5, False, None, None, None), ('peak', 0.05, True, 0.0, 0.1, None), ('pos', 2139.9, True, 2129.9, 2149.9, None)) testfitter.add_analytical('cde_lorentzian',testpars,funcname='test lorentzian') testpars=Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many( ('H', 1.0, True, 0.0, None, None), ('xR', 3000., True, 3000.-50., 3000.+50., None), ('w', 50.0, True, 0.0, None, None), ('tau', 50.0, True, 0.0, None, None) ) testfitter.add_analytical('flipped_egh',testpars,funcname='test fEGH') testpars=Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many( ('peak', 1.0, True, 0.0, None, None), ('pos', 3000., True, 3000.-200., 3000.+200., None), ('fwhm', 50.0, True, 0.0, None, None), ) testfitter.add_analytical('gaussian',testpars,funcname='test gaussian') testfitter.perform_fit()
def test_peakfit(): def residual(pars, x, data=None): g1 = gaussian(x, pars['a1'], pars['c1'], pars['w1']) g2 = gaussian(x, pars['a2'], pars['c2'], pars['w2']) model = g1 + g2 if data is None: return model return (model - data) n = 601 xmin = 0. xmax = 15.0 noise = np.random.normal(scale=.65, size=n) x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, n) org_params = Parameters() org_params.add_many(('a1', 12.0, True, None, None, None), ('c1', 5.3, True, None, None, None), ('w1', 1.0, True, None, None, None), ('a2', 9.1, True, None, None, None), ('c2', 8.1, True, None, None, None), ('w2', 2.5, True, None, None, None)) data = residual(org_params, x) + noise fit_params = Parameters() fit_params.add_many(('a1', 8.0, True, None, 14., None), ('c1', 5.0, True, None, None, None), ('w1', 0.7, True, None, None, None), ('a2', 3.1, True, None, None, None), ('c2', 8.8, True, None, None, None)) fit_params.add('w2', expr='2.5*w1') myfit = Minimizer(residual, fit_params, fcn_args=(x,), fcn_kws={'data': data}) myfit.prepare_fit() out = myfit.leastsq() check_paras(out.params, org_params)
class MinimizerClassSuite: """ Benchmarks for the Minimizer class """ def setup(self): self.x = np.linspace(1, 10, 250) np.random.seed(0) self.y = (3.0 * np.exp(-self.x / 2) - 5.0 * np.exp(-(self.x - 0.1) / 10.) + 0.1 * np.random.randn(len(self.x))) self.p = Parameters() self.p.add_many(('a1', 4., True, 0., 10.), ('a2', 4., True, -10., 10.), ('t1', 3., True, 0.01, 10.), ('t2', 3., True, 0.01, 20.)) self.p_emcee = deepcopy(self.p) self.p_emcee.add('noise', 0.2, True, 0.001, 1.) self.mini_de = Minimizer(Minimizer_Residual, self.p, fcn_args=(self.x, self.y), kws={'seed': 1, 'polish': False, 'maxiter': 100}) self.mini_emcee = Minimizer(Minimizer_lnprob, self.p_emcee, fcn_args=(self.x, self.y)) def time_differential_evolution(self): return self.mini_de.minimize(method='differential_evolution') def time_emcee(self): return self.mini_emcee.emcee(self.p_emcee, steps=100, seed=1)
def test_fittheory_convolved(self): """ Test the fitting of the available analytical functions with convolution enabled """ testspec = generate_cdespectrum() testspec1 = testspec.subspectrum(2000.,2300.,clone=True) testpsf1 = convolution.Gaussian1DKernel(5) print testspec1 testfitter1 = Fitter.fromspectrum(testspec1,psf=testpsf1) testpars = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many(('lor1', 1.67, False, None, None, None), ('lor2', 195., False, None, None, None), ('lor3', 1.5, False, None, None, None), ('peak', 0.05, True, 0.0, 0.1, None), ('pos', 2139.9, True, 2129.9, 2149.9, None)) testfitter1.add_analytical('cde_lorentzian',testpars,funcname='test lorentzian') testfitter1.perform_fit() testspec2 = testspec.subspectrum(2500.,3700.,clone=True) testpsf2 = convolution.Gaussian1DKernel(5) testfitter2 = Fitter.fromspectrum(testspec2,psf=testpsf2) testpars=Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many( ('H', 1.0, True, 0.0, None, None), ('xR', 3000., True, 3000.-50., 3000.+50., None), ('w', 50.0, True, 0.0, None, None), ('tau', 50.0, True, 0.0, None, None) ) testfitter2.add_analytical('flipped_egh',testpars,funcname='test fEGH') testfitter2.perform_fit() testfitter3 = Fitter.fromspectrum(testspec2,psf=testpsf2) testpars=Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) testpars.add_many( ('peak', 1.0, True, 0.0, None, None), ('pos', 3000., True, 3000.-200., 3000.+200., None), ('fwhm', 50.0, True, 0.0, None, None), ) testfitter3.add_analytical('gaussian',testpars,funcname='test gaussian') testfitter3.perform_fit()
from lmfit import minimize, Minimizer, Parameters # EXAMPLE 1 # # taken from: # create a set of Parameters params = Parameters() params.add_many( ('a', 2, False, None, None, None), ('b', 3, False, None, None, None), ('c', 7, False, None, None, None), ('d', 8, False, None, None, None), ('e', 9, False, None, None, None), ('f', 10, False, None, None, None), ('g', 44, False, None, None, None), ('h', -1, False, None, None, None), ('i', 2, False, None, None, None), ('j', 26, False, None, None, None), ('k', 1, False, None, None, None), ('l', -2, False, None, None, None), ('scale', 0.5, False, None, None, None), ('x', 0.0, True, -4.0, 4.0, None, 0.25), ('y', 0.0, True, -4.0, 4.0, None, 0.25), ) # define functions def f1(p): par = p.valuesdict() return (par['a'] * par['x']**2 + par['b'] * par['x'] * par['y'] + par['c'] * par['y']**2 + par['d']*par['x'] + par['e']*par['y'] + par['f'])
class DecompositionFitter(object): combinations = [(dist_1_key, dist_2_key) for dist_1_key in _keys for dist_2_key in _keys] def __init__(self, relations): = relations.to_vector() self.params = Parameters() self.params.add_many( ("before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning", 0.5, True, 0.0, 1.0, None), ("similarity_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning", 0.5, True, 0.0, 1.0, None), ( "after_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning", None, False, None, None, "1 - before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning", ), ("before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending", 0.5, True, 0.0, 1.0, None), ("similarity_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending", 0.5, True, 0.0, 1.0, None), ( "after_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending", None, False, None, None, "1 - before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending", ), ("before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning", 0.5, True, 0.0, 1.0, None), ("similarity_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning", 0.5, True, 0.0, 1.0, None), ( "after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning", None, False, None, None, "1 - before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning", ), ("before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending", 0.5, True, 0.0, 1.0, None), ("similarity_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending", 0.5, True, 0.0, 1.0, None), ("after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending", None, False, None, None, "1 - before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending"), ) minimize(, self.params) for param_key in self.params: self.params[param_key].value = round(self.params[param_key].value, 6) def fitness(self, params): model = numpy.zeros(13) before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning = params["before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning"].value similarity_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning = params["similarity_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning"].value after_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning = params["after_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning"].value before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending = params["before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending"].value similarity_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending = params["similarity_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending"].value after_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending = params["after_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending"].value before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning = params["before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning"].value similarity_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning = params["similarity_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning"].value after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning = params["after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning"].value before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending = params["before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending"].value similarity_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending = params["similarity_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending"].value after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending = params["after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending"].value same_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning = similarity_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning * ( 1 - fabs(before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning - after_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning) ) same_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending = similarity_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending * ( 1 - fabs(before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending - after_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending) ) same_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning = similarity_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning * ( 1 - fabs(before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning - after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning) ) same_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending = similarity_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending * ( 1 - fabs(before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending - after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending) ) model[0] = ( before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending * before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending ) model[1] = ( before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending * same_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending ) model[2] = ( before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending ) model[3] = ( before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning * same_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending ) model[4] = ( before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending ) model[5] = ( same_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending ) model[6] = ( same_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning * same_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending ) model[7] = ( same_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending ) model[8] = ( after_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending ) model[9] = ( after_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning * same_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending ) model[10] = ( after_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning * before_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending ) model[11] = ( after_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning * same_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending ) model[12] = ( after_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_beginning * after_dist_1_beginning_dist_2_ending * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_beginning * after_dist_1_ending_dist_2_ending ) return model - def compare(self, dist_1_key="beginning", dist_2_key="beginning"): before = self.params["before_dist_1_" + dist_1_key + "_dist_2_" + dist_2_key].value after = self.params["after_dist_1_" + dist_1_key + "_dist_2_" + dist_2_key].value similarity = self.params["similarity_dist_1_" + dist_1_key + "_dist_2_" + dist_2_key].value # before, similarity, after = round(before, 6), round(similarity, 6), round(after, 6) same = similarity * (1 - fabs(before - after)) return before, same, after def get_composition_data(self): data = [] for key in self.combinations: before, same, after =*key) data.append(before) data.append(same) return data def check(self): from spatiotemporal.temporal_events import FormulaCreator print print FormulaCreator(self).calculate_relations().to_vector() print
class TestParameters(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.params = Parameters() self.params.add_many(('a', 1., True, None, None, None), ('b', 2., True, None, None, None), ('c', 3., True, None, None, '2. * a')) def test_expr_was_evaluated(self): self.params.update_constraints() assert_almost_equal(self.params['c'].value, 2 * self.params['a'].value) def test_deepcopy(self): # check that a simple copy works b = deepcopy(self.params) assert_(self.params == b) # check that we can add a symbol to the interpreter self.params['b'].expr = 'sin(1)' self.params['b'].value = 10 assert_almost_equal(self.params['b'].value, np.sin(1)) assert_almost_equal(self.params._asteval.symtable['b'], np.sin(1)) # check that the symbols in the interpreter are still the same after # deepcopying b = deepcopy(self.params) unique_symbols_params = self.params._asteval.user_defined_symbols() unique_symbols_b = self.params._asteval.user_defined_symbols() assert_(unique_symbols_b == unique_symbols_params) for unique_symbol in unique_symbols_b: if self.params._asteval.symtable[unique_symbol] is np.nan: continue assert_(self.params._asteval.symtable[unique_symbol] == b._asteval.symtable[unique_symbol]) def test_add_many_params(self): # test that we can add many parameters, but only parameters are added. a = Parameter('a', 1) b = Parameter('b', 2) p = Parameters() p.add_many(a, b) assert_(list(p.keys()) == ['a', 'b']) def test_expr_and_constraints_GH265(self): # test that parameters are reevaluated if they have bounds and expr # see GH265 p = Parameters() p['a'] = Parameter('a', 10, True) p['b'] = Parameter('b', 10, True, 0, 20) assert_equal(p['b'].min, 0) assert_equal(p['b'].max, 20) p['a'].expr = '2 * b' assert_almost_equal(p['a'].value, 20) p['b'].value = 15 assert_almost_equal(p['b'].value, 15) assert_almost_equal(p['a'].value, 30) p['b'].value = 30 assert_almost_equal(p['b'].value, 20) assert_almost_equal(p['a'].value, 40) def test_pickle_parameter(self): # test that we can pickle a Parameter p = Parameter('a', 10, True, 0, 1) pkl = pickle.dumps(p) q = pickle.loads(pkl) assert_(p == q) def test_pickle_parameters(self): # test that we can pickle a Parameters object p = Parameters() p.add('a', 10, True, 0, 100) p.add('b', 10, True, 0, 100, 'a * sin(1)') p.update_constraints() p._asteval.symtable['abc'] = '2 * 3.142' pkl = pickle.dumps(p, -1) q = pickle.loads(pkl) q.update_constraints() assert_(p == q) assert_(not p is q) # now test if the asteval machinery survived assert_(q._asteval.symtable['abc'] == '2 * 3.142') def test_isclose(self): assert_(isclose(1., 1+1e-5, atol=1e-4, rtol=0)) assert_(not isclose(1., 1+1e-5, atol=1e-6, rtol=0)) assert_(isclose(1e10, 1.00001e10, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)) assert_(not isclose(0, np.inf)) assert_(not isclose(-np.inf, np.inf)) assert_(isclose(np.inf, np.inf)) assert_(not isclose(np.nan, np.nan))
class TestParameters(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.params = Parameters() self.params.add_many(('a', 1., True, None, None, None), ('b', 2., True, None, None, None), ('c', 3., True, None, None, '2. * a')) def test_expr_was_evaluated(self): self.params.update_constraints() assert_almost_equal(self.params['c'].value, 2 * self.params['a'].value) def test_copy(self): # check simple Parameters.copy() does not fail # on non-trivial Parameters p1 = Parameters() p1.add('t', 2.0, min=0.0, max=5.0) p1.add('x', 10.0) p1.add('y', expr='x*t + sqrt(t)/3.0') p2 = p1.copy() assert(isinstance(p2, Parameters)) assert('t' in p2) assert('y' in p2) assert(p2['t'].max < 6.0) assert(np.isinf(p2['x'].max) and p2['x'].max > 0) assert(np.isinf(p2['x'].min) and p2['x'].min < 0) assert('sqrt(t)' in p2['y'].expr ) assert(p2._asteval is not None) assert(p2._asteval.symtable is not None) assert((p2['y'].value > 20) and (p2['y'].value < 21)) def test_deepcopy(self): # check that a simple copy works b = deepcopy(self.params) assert_(self.params == b) # check that we can add a symbol to the interpreter self.params['b'].expr = 'sin(1)' self.params['b'].value = 10 assert_almost_equal(self.params['b'].value, np.sin(1)) assert_almost_equal(self.params._asteval.symtable['b'], np.sin(1)) # check that the symbols in the interpreter are still the same after # deepcopying b = deepcopy(self.params) unique_symbols_params = self.params._asteval.user_defined_symbols() unique_symbols_b = self.params._asteval.user_defined_symbols() assert_(unique_symbols_b == unique_symbols_params) for unique_symbol in unique_symbols_b: if self.params._asteval.symtable[unique_symbol] is np.nan: continue assert_(self.params._asteval.symtable[unique_symbol] == b._asteval.symtable[unique_symbol]) def test_add_many_params(self): # test that we can add many parameters, but only parameters are added. a = Parameter('a', 1) b = Parameter('b', 2) p = Parameters() p.add_many(a, b) assert_(list(p.keys()) == ['a', 'b']) def test_expr_and_constraints_GH265(self): # test that parameters are reevaluated if they have bounds and expr # see GH265 p = Parameters() p['a'] = Parameter('a', 10, True) p['b'] = Parameter('b', 10, True, 0, 20) assert_equal(p['b'].min, 0) assert_equal(p['b'].max, 20) p['a'].expr = '2 * b' assert_almost_equal(p['a'].value, 20) p['b'].value = 15 assert_almost_equal(p['b'].value, 15) assert_almost_equal(p['a'].value, 30) p['b'].value = 30 assert_almost_equal(p['b'].value, 20) assert_almost_equal(p['a'].value, 40) def test_pickle_parameter(self): # test that we can pickle a Parameter p = Parameter('a', 10, True, 0, 1) pkl = pickle.dumps(p) q = pickle.loads(pkl) assert_(p == q) def test_pickle_parameters(self): # test that we can pickle a Parameters object p = Parameters() p.add('a', 10, True, 0, 100) p.add('b', 10, True, 0, 100, 'a * sin(1)') p.update_constraints() p._asteval.symtable['abc'] = '2 * 3.142' pkl = pickle.dumps(p, -1) q = pickle.loads(pkl) q.update_constraints() assert_(p == q) assert_(not p is q) # now test if the asteval machinery survived assert_(q._asteval.symtable['abc'] == '2 * 3.142') # check that unpickling of Parameters is not affected by expr that # refer to Parameter that are added later on. In the following # example var_0.expr refers to var_1, which is a Parameter later # on in the Parameters OrderedDict. p = Parameters() p.add('var_0', value=1) p.add('var_1', value=2) p['var_0'].expr = 'var_1' pkl = pickle.dumps(p) q = pickle.loads(pkl) def test_isclose(self): assert_(isclose(1., 1+1e-5, atol=1e-4, rtol=0)) assert_(not isclose(1., 1+1e-5, atol=1e-6, rtol=0)) assert_(isclose(1e10, 1.00001e10, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)) assert_(not isclose(0, np.inf)) assert_(not isclose(-np.inf, np.inf)) assert_(isclose(np.inf, np.inf)) assert_(not isclose(np.nan, np.nan))
spcorr[:,0] = spforcorr[:,0] spcorr[:,1] = interpolate.splev(spforcorr[:,0],tck,der=0) if sptarget is None: #in such case we return the corrected spectrum return spcorr return (spcorr[:,1] - sptarget[:,1]) ########################################################################### # Now we choose the portion of spectra to fit DiamondtoFit = corrdiamond[np.where((corrdiamond[:,0]> 655) & (corrdiamond[:,0] < 670))] SampletoFit = corrsample[np.where((corrsample[:,0]> 655) & (corrsample[:,0] < 670))] # Now we enter the model parameters params = Parameters() params.add_many(('xshift', 1, True, -15, 15, None), ('yshift', 0, True, None, None, None), ('yshiftcarr', 1e-2, True, None, None, None)) # Now we chose the algorithm and run the optimization algorithm = "leastsq" result = minimize(residual, params,method = algorithm, args=(DiamondtoFit, SampletoFit)) cds = residual(result.params,corrdiamond) # To apply the correction for x shift, we need to interpolate to create new datasets tck = interpolate.splrep(corrsample[:,0],corrsample[:,1],s=0) tck2 = interpolate.splrep(cds[:,0],cds[:,1],s=0) # The following rows contain the spectra corrected from x and y shifts diamondfinal = np.zeros((len(x),2)) samplefinal = np.zeros((len(x),2))
spcorr[:,0] = spforcorr[:,0] spcorr[:,1] = interpolate.splev(spcorr[:,0],tck,der=0) if sptarget is None: #in such case we return the corrected spectrum return spcorr return (spcorr[:,1] - sptarget[:,1]) ####################################################################### # Now we choose the portion of spectra to fit DiamondtoFit = corrdiamond[np.where((corrdiamond[:,0]> dconvfit[0,0]) & (corrdiamond[:,0] < dconvfit[0,1]))] SampletoFit = corrsample[np.where((corrsample[:,0]> dconvfit[0,0]) & (corrsample[:,0] < dconvfit[0,1]))] # Now we enter the model parameters params = Parameters() params.add_many(('xshift', 1, True, -15, 15, None), ('yshift', 1e-1, True, None, None, None), ('yshiftcarr', 1e-5, True, None, None, None)) # Now we chose the algorithm and run the optimization algorithm = "leastsq" result = minimize(residual, params,method = algorithm, args=(DiamondtoFit, SampletoFit)) cds = residual(params,corrdiamond) # To apply the correction for x shift, we need to interpolate to create new datasets tck = interpolate.splrep(corrsample[:,0],corrsample[:,1],s=0) tck2 = interpolate.splrep(cds[:,0],cds[:,1],s=0) # The following rows contain the spectra corrected from x and y shifts diamondfinal = np.zeros((len(x),2)) samplefinal = np.zeros((len(x),2))
class TestParameters(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.params = Parameters() self.params.add_many(('a', 1., True, None, None, None), ('b', 2., True, None, None, None), ('c', 3., True, None, None, '2. * a')) def test_expr_was_evaluated(self): self.params.update_constraints() assert_almost_equal(self.params['c'].value, 2 * self.params['a'].value) def test_copy(self): # check simple Parameters.copy() does not fail # on non-trivial Parameters p1 = Parameters() p1.add('t', 2.0, min=0.0, max=5.0) p1.add('x', 10.0) p1.add('y', expr='x*t + sqrt(t)/3.0') p2 = p1.copy() assert(isinstance(p2, Parameters)) assert('t' in p2) assert('y' in p2) assert(p2['t'].max < 6.0) assert(np.isinf(p2['x'].max) and p2['x'].max > 0) assert(np.isinf(p2['x'].min) and p2['x'].min < 0) assert('sqrt(t)' in p2['y'].expr) assert(p2._asteval is not None) assert(p2._asteval.symtable is not None) assert((p2['y'].value > 20) and (p2['y'].value < 21)) def test_copy_function(self): # check copy(Parameters) does not fail p1 = Parameters() p1.add('t', 2.0, min=0.0, max=5.0) p1.add('x', 10.0) p1.add('y', expr='x*t + sqrt(t)/3.0') p2 = copy(p1) assert(isinstance(p2, Parameters)) # change the 'x' value in the original p1['x'].value = 4.0 assert(p2['x'].value > 9.8) assert(p2['x'].value < 10.2) assert(np.isinf(p2['x'].max) and p2['x'].max > 0) assert('t' in p2) assert('y' in p2) assert(p2['t'].max < 6.0) assert(np.isinf(p2['x'].min) and p2['x'].min < 0) assert('sqrt(t)' in p2['y'].expr) assert(p2._asteval is not None) assert(p2._asteval.symtable is not None) assert((p2['y'].value > 20) and (p2['y'].value < 21)) assert(p1['y'].value < 10) def test_deepcopy(self): # check that a simple copy works b = deepcopy(self.params) assert_(self.params == b) # check that we can add a symbol to the interpreter self.params['b'].expr = 'sin(1)' self.params['b'].value = 10 assert_almost_equal(self.params['b'].value, np.sin(1)) assert_almost_equal(self.params._asteval.symtable['b'], np.sin(1)) # check that the symbols in the interpreter are still the same after # deepcopying b = deepcopy(self.params) unique_symbols_params = self.params._asteval.user_defined_symbols() unique_symbols_b = self.params._asteval.user_defined_symbols() assert_(unique_symbols_b == unique_symbols_params) for unique_symbol in unique_symbols_b: if self.params._asteval.symtable[unique_symbol] is np.nan: continue assert_(self.params._asteval.symtable[unique_symbol] == b._asteval.symtable[unique_symbol]) def test_add_many_params(self): # test that we can add many parameters, but only parameters are added. a = Parameter('a', 1) b = Parameter('b', 2) p = Parameters() p.add_many(a, b) assert_(list(p.keys()) == ['a', 'b']) def test_expr_and_constraints_GH265(self): # test that parameters are reevaluated if they have bounds and expr # see GH265 p = Parameters() p['a'] = Parameter('a', 10, True) p['b'] = Parameter('b', 10, True, 0, 20) assert_equal(p['b'].min, 0) assert_equal(p['b'].max, 20) p['a'].expr = '2 * b' assert_almost_equal(p['a'].value, 20) p['b'].value = 15 assert_almost_equal(p['b'].value, 15) assert_almost_equal(p['a'].value, 30) p['b'].value = 30 assert_almost_equal(p['b'].value, 20) assert_almost_equal(p['a'].value, 40) def test_pickle_parameter(self): # test that we can pickle a Parameter p = Parameter('a', 10, True, 0, 1) pkl = pickle.dumps(p) q = pickle.loads(pkl) assert_(p == q) def test_pickle_parameters(self): # test that we can pickle a Parameters object p = Parameters() p.add('a', 10, True, 0, 100) p.add('b', 10, True, 0, 100, 'a * sin(1)') p.update_constraints() p._asteval.symtable['abc'] = '2 * 3.142' pkl = pickle.dumps(p, -1) q = pickle.loads(pkl) q.update_constraints() assert_(p == q) assert_(p is not q) # now test if the asteval machinery survived assert_(q._asteval.symtable['abc'] == '2 * 3.142') # check that unpickling of Parameters is not affected by expr that # refer to Parameter that are added later on. In the following # example var_0.expr refers to var_1, which is a Parameter later # on in the Parameters OrderedDict. p = Parameters() p.add('var_0', value=1) p.add('var_1', value=2) p['var_0'].expr = 'var_1' pkl = pickle.dumps(p) q = pickle.loads(pkl) def test_params_usersyms(self): # test passing usersymes to Parameters() def myfun(x): return x**3 params = Parameters(usersyms={"myfun": myfun}) params.add("a", value=2.3) params.add("b", expr="myfun(a)") xx = np.linspace(0, 1, 10) yy = 3 * xx + np.random.normal(scale=0.002, size=len(xx)) model = Model(lambda x, a: a * x) result =, params=params, x=xx) assert_(np.isclose(result.params['a'].value, 3.0, rtol=0.025)) assert_(result.nfev > 3) assert_(result.nfev < 300) def test_set_symtable(self): # test that we use Parameter.set(value=XXX) and have # that new value be used in constraint expressions pars = Parameters() pars.add('x', value=1.0) pars.add('y', expr='x + 1') assert_(np.isclose(pars['y'].value, 2.0)) pars['x'].set(value=3.0) assert_(np.isclose(pars['y'].value, 4.0)) def test_dumps_loads_parameters(self): # test that we can dumps() and then loads() a Parameters pars = Parameters() pars.add('x', value=1.0) pars.add('y', value=2.0) pars['x'].expr = 'y / 2.0' dumps = pars.dumps() newpars = Parameters().loads(dumps) newpars['y'].value = 100.0 assert_(np.isclose(newpars['x'].value, 50.0)) def test_isclose(self): assert_(np.isclose(1., 1+1e-5, atol=1e-4, rtol=0)) assert_(not np.isclose(1., 1+1e-5, atol=1e-6, rtol=0)) assert_(np.isclose(1e10, 1.00001e10, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8)) assert_(not np.isclose(0, np.inf)) assert_(not np.isclose(-np.inf, np.inf)) assert_(np.isclose(np.inf, np.inf)) assert_(not np.isclose(np.nan, np.nan)) def test_expr_with_bounds(self): "test an expression with bounds, without value" pars = Parameters() pars.add('c1', value=0.2) pars.add('c2', value=0.2) pars.add('c3', value=0.2) pars.add('csum', value=0.8) # this should not raise TypeError: pars.add('c4', expr='csum-c1-c2-c3', min=0, max=1) assert_(np.isclose(pars['c4'].value, 0.2)) def test_invalid_expr_exceptions(self): "test if an exception is raised for invalid expressions (GH486)""" p1 = Parameters() p1.add('t', 2.0, min=0.0, max=5.0) p1.add('x', 10.0) with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): p1.add('y', expr='x*t + sqrt(t)/') assert(len(p1['y']._expr_eval.error) > 0) p1.add('y', expr='x*t + sqrt(t)/3.0') p1['y'].set(expr='x*3.0 + t**2') assert('x*3' in p1['y'].expr) assert(len(p1['y']._expr_eval.error) == 0) with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError): p1['y'].set(expr='t+') assert(len(p1['y']._expr_eval.error) > 0) assert_almost_equal(p1['y'].value, 34.0) def test_eval(self): # check that eval() works with usersyms and parameter values def myfun(x): return 2.0 * x p = Parameters(usersyms={"myfun": myfun}) p.add("a", value=4.0) p.add("b", value=3.0) assert_almost_equal(p.eval("myfun(2.0) * a"), 16) assert_almost_equal(p.eval("b / myfun(3.0)"), 0.5)
delta_time = numpy.zeros(samples) delta_time [0] = 1.0 x_freq = numpy.linspace(0.0, sample_rate/2, (samples/2)+1) pre1_filters = '-eadb:-{adb} -el:RThighshelf,{RThighshelf_A},{RThighshelf_f0},{RThighshelf_Q} -el:RTlowshelf,{RTlowshelf_A},{RTlowshelf_f0},{RTlowshelf_Q}' fmin = 20 fmax = 22000 pre1 = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) pre1.add_many( ('adb', 9.28136887, True, 0, None, None), ('RThighshelf_A', 4.38211718, True, 0, None, None), ('RThighshelf_f0', 134.645409, True, 100, 200, None), ('RThighshelf_Q', 0.48178881, True, 0.1, 3, None), ('RTlowshelf_A', 3.42318251, True, 0, None, None), ('RTlowshelf_f0', 1747.22195, True, 1600, 1800, None), ('RTlowshelf_Q', 0.48331721, True, 0.1, 3, None), ('sample_rate', sample_rate, False, None, None, None)) #out = minimize(residual, pre1, args=(pre1_filters, x_freq, fmin, fmax, delta_time), kws={'data':pre1_reference}, method='nelder') #pre1 = out.params #print(fit_report(out)) pre1_matched = residual(pre1, pre1_filters, x_freq, fmin, fmax, delta_time) plotFilter("pre1.png", "Pre 1", fmin, fmax, x_freq, pre1_reference, pre1_matched)
from stress_to_spike import stress_to_group_current, stress_to_fr_inst from gen_function import stress_to_current, get_interp_stress import cy_lif_model as lif_model from model_constants import MC_GROUPS, REF_DISPL, REF_STIM from fit_model import get_data_dicts, get_single_residual TEST_DATA_PATH = './data/test/' # Commonly used constants params = { 'tau_arr': np.array([8, 500, 1000, np.inf]), 'k_arr': np.array([1.35, 2, .15, 1.5])} lmpars = Parameters() lmpars.add_many(('tau1', 8), ('tau2', 200), ('tau3', 1832), ('tau4', np.inf), ('k1', 0.782), ('k2', 0.304), ('k3', 0.051), ('k4', 0.047)) interp_static_displ = .35 extrap_static_displ = .65 def load_test_csv(vname_list): data = {} for vname in vname_list: data[vname] = np.genfromtxt('%s%s.csv' % (TEST_DATA_PATH, vname), delimiter=',') return data def save_test_csv(data): for key, item in data.items(): np.savetxt('%s%s.csv' % (TEST_DATA_PATH, key), item, delimiter=',')
interestspectra = sample[np.where((sample[:,0] > lb)&(sample[:,0] < hb))] ese0 = interestspectra[:,2]/abs(interestspectra[:,1]) #take ese as a percentage, we assume that the treatment was made correctly for error determination... if not, please put sigma = None interestspectra[:,1] = interestspectra[:,1]/np.amax(interestspectra[:,1])*100 # normalise spectra to maximum, easier to handle after sigma = abs(ese0*interestspectra[:,1]) #calculate good ese #sigma = None # you can activate that if you are not sure about the errors xfit = interestspectra[:,0] # region to be fitted data = interestspectra[:,1] # region to be fitted params = Parameters() ####################### FOR MELT: ####################### COMMENT IF NOT WANTED # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) params.add_many(('a1', 1, True, 0, None, None), ('f1', 5200, True, 750, None, None), ('l1', 1, True, 0, None, None), ('a2', 1, True, 0, None, None), ('f2', 5400, True, None, None, None), ('l2', 1, True, None, None, None)) result = minimize(residual_melt, params, args=(xfit, data)) # fit data with leastsq model from scipy model = fit_report(params) # the report yout, peak1,peak2,= residual_melt(params,xfit) # the different peaks #### We just calculate the different areas up to 4700 cmm-1 and those of the gaussians # Select interest areas for calculating the areas of OH and H2Omol peaks intarea45 = sample[np.where((sample[:,0]> 4100) & (sample[:,0]<4700))] area4500 = np.trapz(intarea45[:,1],intarea45[:,0]) esearea4500 = 1/sqrt(area4500) # We assume that RELATIVE errors on areas are globally equal to 1/sqrt(Area) # now for the gaussians # unpack parameters:
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) ax1.set_title('RT') ax2.set_title(temperature[lg]) ax1.plot(inputRT[:,0], inputRT[:,1],'k-') ax2.plot(inputHT[:,0],inputHT[:,1],'r-') params = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) params.add_many(('a1', 10, True, 0, None, None), ('f1', 1278, True, 1259, 1300, None), ('l1', 5, True, 0, 50, None), ('e1', 0.5, True, 0, 1, None), ('a2', 100, True, 0, None, None), ('f2', 1332, True, 1300, 1400, None), ('l2', 5, True, 0, 50, None), ('e2', 0.5, True, 0, 1, None), ('a3', 2, True, 0, None, None), ('f3', 1882, True, 1800, 1920, None), ('l3', 4, True, 0, 50, None), ('e3', 0.5, True, 0, 1, None)) paramsHT = Parameters() # (Name, Value, Vary, Min, Max, Expr) paramsHT.add_many(('a1', 10, True, 0, None, None), ('f1', 1261, True, 1249, 1280, None), ('l1', 5, True, 0, 50, None), ('e1', 0.5, True, 0, 1, None), ('a2', 100, True, 0, None, None), ('f2', 1304, True, 1300, 1330, None), ('l2', 5, True, 0, 50, None),
g2 = gauss(x, pars['a2'].value, pars['c2'].value, pars['w2'].value) model = g1 + g2 if data is None: return model return (model - data) n = 601 xmin = 0. xmax = 15.0 noise = random.normal(scale=.65, size=n) x = linspace(xmin, xmax, n) fit_params = Parameters() fit_params.add_many(('a1', 12.0, True, None, None, None), ('c1', 5.3, True, None, None, None), ('w1', 1.0, True, None, None, None), ('a2', 9.1, True, None, None, None), ('c2', 8.1, True, None, None, None), ('w2', 2.5, True, None, None, None)) data = residual(fit_params, x) + noise pylab.plot(x, data, 'r+') fit_params = Parameters() fit_params.add_many(('a1', 8.0, True, None, 14., None), ('c1', 5.0, True, None, None, None), ('w1', 0.7, True, None, None, None), ('a2', 3.1, True, None, None, None), ('c2', 8.8, True, None, None, None)) fit_params.add('w2', expr='2.5*w1')
def lame_lmfit_gaussian_centering(imageCube, yguess=15, xguess=15, subArraySize=10, init_params=None, nSig=False, useMoments=False, method='leastsq'): """Class methods are similar to regular functions. Note: Do not include the `self` parameter in the ``Args`` section. Args: param1: The first parameter. param2: The second parameter. Returns: True if successful, False otherwise. """ imageSize = imageCube.shape[1] nparams = 6 if init_params is None: useMoments = True init_params = moments(imageCube[0]) ihg, iyc, ixc, iyw, ixw, ibg = arange(nparams) lmfit_init_params = Parameters() lmfit_init_params.add_many( ('height' , init_params[ihg], True , 0.0 , inf ), ('center_y', init_params[iyc], True , 0.0 , imageSize), ('center_x', init_params[ixc], True , 0.0 , imageSize), ('width_y' , init_params[iyw], True , 0.0 , imageSize), ('width_x' , init_params[ixw], True , 0.0 , imageSize), ('offset' , init_params[ibg], True)) gfit_model = Model(gaussian, independent_vars=['yy', 'xx']) yy0, xx0 = indices(imageCube[0].shape) npix = subArraySize//2 ylower = yguess - npix yupper = yguess + npix xlower = xguess - npix xupper = xguess + npix ylower, xlower, yupper, xupper = int32([ylower, xlower, yupper, xupper]) yy = yy0[ylower:yupper, xlower:xupper] xx = xx0[ylower:yupper, xlower:xupper] heights, ycenters, xcenters, ywidths, xwidths, offsets = zeros((nparams, nFrames)) for k, image in enumerate(imageCube): subFrameNow = image[ylower:yupper, xlower:xupper] subFrameNow[isnan(subFrameNow)] = median(subFrameNow) subFrameNow = gaussianFilter(subFrameNow, nSig) if not isinstance(nSig, bool) else subFrameNow init_params = moments(subFrameNow) if useMoments else init_params gfit_res =, params=lmfit_init_params, xx=xx, yy=yy, method=method) heights[k] = gfit_res.best_values['height'] ycenters[k] = gfit_res.best_values['center_y'] xcenters[k] = gfit_res.best_values['center_x'] ywidths[k] = gfit_res.best_values['width_y'] xwidths[k] = gfit_res.best_values['width_x'] offsets[k] = gfit_res.best_values['offset'] return heights, ycenters, xcenters, ywidths, xwidths, offsets
if data is None: return model return model - data n = 601 xmin = 0.0 xmax = 15.0 noise = random.normal(scale=0.65, size=n) x = linspace(xmin, xmax, n) fit_params = Parameters() fit_params.add_many( ("a1", 12.0, True, None, None, None), ("c1", 5.3, True, None, None, None), ("w1", 1.0, True, None, None, None), ("a2", 9.1, True, None, None, None), ("c2", 8.1, True, None, None, None), ("w2", 2.5, True, None, None, None), ) data = residual(fit_params, x) + noise if HASPYLAB: pylab.plot(x, data, "r+") fit_params = Parameters() fit_params.add_many( ("a1", 8.0, True, None, 14.0, None), ("c1", 5.0, True, None, None, None), ("w1", 0.7, True, None, None, None), ("a2", 3.1, True, None, None, None),