コード例 #1
def evalTrappedBishops (board, color, phase):
    """ Check for bishops trapped at A2/H2/A7/H7 """
    opcolor = 1-color
    opbishops = board.boards[opcolor][BISHOP]
    pawns = board.boards[color][PAWN]
    score = 0
    # Don't waste time
    if not opbishops:
        return 0
    if color == WHITE:
        if opbishops & bitPosArray[A2] and pawns & bitPosArray[B3]:
            see = staticExchangeEvaluate(board, newMove(A2,B3))
            if see < 0:
                score += see
        if opbishops & bitPosArray[H2] and pawns & bitPosArray[G3]:
            see = staticExchangeEvaluate(board, newMove(H2,G3))
            if see < 0:
                score += see
        if opbishops & bitPosArray[A7] and pawns & bitPosArray[B6]:
            see = staticExchangeEvaluate(board, newMove(A7,B6))
            if see < 0:
                score += see
        if opbishops & bitPosArray[H7] and pawns & bitPosArray[G6]:
            see = staticExchangeEvaluate(board, newMove(H7,G6))
            if see < 0:
                score += see

    return score
コード例 #2
 def generateOne (color, rooknum, king_after, rook_after):
     if rooknum == 0:
         castle = QUEEN_CASTLE
         castle = KING_CASTLE
     king = board.ini_kings[color]
     rook = board.ini_rooks[color][rooknum]
     blocker = clearBit(clearBit(board.blocker, king), rook)
     stepover = fromToRay[king][king_after] | fromToRay[rook][rook_after]
     if not stepover & blocker:
         for cord in xrange(min(king,king_after), max(king,king_after)+1):
             if isAttacked (board, cord, 1-color):
         return newMove (king, king_after, castle)
コード例 #3
 def generateOne(color, rooknum, king_after, rook_after):
     if rooknum == 0:
         castle = QUEEN_CASTLE
         castle = KING_CASTLE
     king = board.ini_kings[color]
     rook = board.ini_rooks[color][rooknum]
     blocker = clearBit(clearBit(board.blocker, king), rook)
     stepover = fromToRay[king][king_after] | fromToRay[rook][rook_after]
     if not stepover & blocker:
         for cord in xrange(min(king, king_after),
                            max(king, king_after) + 1):
             if isAttacked(board, cord, 1 - color):
         return newMove(king, king_after, castle)
コード例 #4
ファイル: attack.py プロジェクト: xaosfiftytwo/veinsbot
def defends (board, fcord, tcord):
    """ Could fcord attack tcord if the piece on tcord wasn't on the team of
        Doesn't test check. """
    if board.friends[WHITE] & bitPosArray[fcord]:
        color = WHITE
    else: color = BLACK
    opcolor = 1-color
    boards = board.boards[color]
    opboards = board.boards[opcolor]
        # To see if we now defend the piece, we have to "give" it to the other team
        piece = board.arBoard[tcord]
        backup = boards[piece]
        opbackup = opboards[piece]
        boards[piece] &= notBitPosArray[tcord]
        opboards[piece] |= bitPosArray[tcord]
        board.friends[color] &= notBitPosArray[tcord]
        board.friends[opcolor] |= bitPosArray[tcord]
        # Can we "attack" the piece now?
        backupColor = board.color
        from lmove import newMove
        from validator import validateMove
        islegal = validateMove (board, newMove(fcord, tcord))
        # Set board back
        boards[piece] = backup
        opboards[piece] = opbackup
        board.friends[color] |= bitPosArray[tcord]
        board.friends[opcolor] &= notBitPosArray[tcord]
    return islegal
コード例 #5
def defends(board, fcord, tcord):
    """ Could fcord attack tcord if the piece on tcord wasn't on the team of
        Doesn't test check. """

    # Work on a board copy, as we are going to change some stuff
    board = board.clone()

    if board.friends[WHITE] & bitPosArray[fcord]:
        color = WHITE
        color = BLACK
    opcolor = 1 - color

    boards = board.boards[color]
    opboards = board.boards[opcolor]

    # To see if we now defend the piece, we have to "give" it to the other team
    piece = board.arBoard[tcord]

    #backup = boards[piece]
    #opbackup = opboards[piece]

    boards[piece] &= notBitPosArray[tcord]
    opboards[piece] |= bitPosArray[tcord]
    board.friends[color] &= notBitPosArray[tcord]
    board.friends[opcolor] |= bitPosArray[tcord]

    # Can we "attack" the piece now?
    backupColor = board.color
    from lmove import newMove
    from validator import validateMove
    islegal = validateMove(board, newMove(fcord, tcord))

    # We don't need to set the board back, as we work on a copy
    #boards[piece] = backup
    #opboards[piece] = opbackup
    #board.friends[color] |= bitPosArray[tcord]
    #board.friends[opcolor] &= notBitPosArray[tcord]

    return islegal
コード例 #6
def defends (board, fcord, tcord):
    """ Could fcord attack tcord if the piece on tcord wasn't on the team of
        Doesn't test check. """
    # Work on a board copy, as we are going to change some stuff
    board = board.clone()
    if board.friends[WHITE] & bitPosArray[fcord]:
        color = WHITE
    else: color = BLACK
    opcolor = 1-color
    boards = board.boards[color]
    opboards = board.boards[opcolor]
    # To see if we now defend the piece, we have to "give" it to the other team
    piece = board.arBoard[tcord]
    #backup = boards[piece]
    #opbackup = opboards[piece]
    boards[piece] &= notBitPosArray[tcord]
    opboards[piece] |= bitPosArray[tcord]
    board.friends[color] &= notBitPosArray[tcord]
    board.friends[opcolor] |= bitPosArray[tcord]
    # Can we "attack" the piece now?
    backupColor = board.color
    from lmove import newMove
    from validator import validateMove
    islegal = validateMove (board, newMove(fcord, tcord))
    # We don't need to set the board back, as we work on a copy
    #boards[piece] = backup
    #opboards[piece] = opbackup
    #board.friends[color] |= bitPosArray[tcord]
    #board.friends[opcolor] &= notBitPosArray[tcord]
    return islegal
コード例 #7
def genAllMoves(board):

    blocker = board.blocker
    notblocker = ~blocker
    enpassant = board.enpassant

    friends = board.friends[board.color]
    notfriends = ~friends
    enemies = board.friends[1 - board.color]

    pawns = board.boards[board.color][PAWN]
    knights = board.boards[board.color][KNIGHT]
    bishops = board.boards[board.color][BISHOP]
    rooks = board.boards[board.color][ROOK]
    queens = board.boards[board.color][QUEEN]
    kings = board.boards[board.color][KING]

    # Knights
    knightMoves = moveArray[KNIGHT]
    for cord in iterBits(knights):
        for c in iterBits(knightMoves[cord] & notfriends):
            yield newMove(cord, c)

    # King
    kingMoves = moveArray[KING]
    cord = firstBit(kings)
    for c in iterBits(kingMoves[cord] & notfriends):
        yield newMove(cord, c)

    # Rooks and Queens
    for cord in iterBits(rooks | queens):
        attackBoard = attack00[cord][ray00[cord] & blocker] | \
                      attack90[cord][ray90[cord] & blocker]
        for c in iterBits(attackBoard & notfriends):
            yield newMove(cord, c)

    # Bishops and Queens
    for cord in iterBits(bishops | queens):
        attackBoard = attack45 [cord][ray45 [cord] & blocker] | \
                      attack135[cord][ray135[cord] & blocker]
        for c in iterBits(attackBoard & notfriends):
            yield newMove(cord, c)

    # White pawns
    pawnEnemies = enemies | (enpassant != None and bitPosArray[enpassant] or 0)
    if board.color == WHITE:

        # One step

        movedpawns = (
            pawns >> 8) & notblocker  # Move all pawns one step forward
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord - 8, cord, p)
                #if (cord-8, cord) == (33, 41):
                #    print repr(board)
                #print toString(pawns)
                yield newMove(cord - 8, cord)

        # Two steps

        seccondrow = pawns & rankBits[1]  # Get seccond row pawns
        movedpawns = (
            seccondrow >> 8) & notblocker  # Move two steps forward, while
        movedpawns = (
            movedpawns >> 8) & notblocker  # ensuring middle cord is clear
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove(cord - 16, cord)

        # Capture left

        capLeftPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[0]
        capLeftPawns = (capLeftPawns >> 7) & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capLeftPawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord - 7, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove(cord - 7, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove(cord - 7, cord)

        # Capture right

        capRightPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[7]
        capRightPawns = (capRightPawns >> 9) & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capRightPawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord - 9, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove(cord - 9, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove(cord - 9, cord)

    # Black pawns

        # One step

        movedpawns = (pawns << 8) & notblocker
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord + 8, cord, p)
                yield newMove(cord + 8, cord)

        # Two steps

        seccondrow = pawns & rankBits[6]  # Get seventh row pawns
        # Move two steps forward, while ensuring middle cord is clear
        movedpawns = seccondrow << 8 & notblocker
        movedpawns = movedpawns << 8 & notblocker
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove(cord + 16, cord)

        # Capture left

        capLeftPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[7]
        capLeftPawns = capLeftPawns << 7 & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capLeftPawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord + 7, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove(cord + 7, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove(cord + 7, cord)

        # Capture right

        capRightPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[0]
        capRightPawns = capRightPawns << 9 & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capRightPawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord + 9, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove(cord + 9, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove(cord + 9, cord)

    # Castling

    for m in genCastles(board):
        yield m
コード例 #8
def genCheckEvasions(board):

    color = board.color
    opcolor = 1 - color

    kcord = board.kings[color]
    kings = board.boards[color][KING]
    pawns = board.boards[color][PAWN]
    checkers = getAttacks(board, kcord, opcolor)

    arBoard = board.arBoard
    if bitLength(checkers) == 1:

        # Captures of checking pieces (except by king, which we will test later)
        chkcord = firstBit(checkers)
        b = getAttacks(board, chkcord, color) & ~kings
        for cord in iterBits(b):
            if not pinnedOnKing(board, cord, color):
                if arBoard[cord] == PAWN and \
                        (chkcord <= H1 or chkcord >= A8):
                    for p in PROMOTIONS:
                        yield newMove(cord, chkcord, p)
                    yield newMove(cord, chkcord)

        # Maybe enpassant can help
        if board.enpassant:
            ep = board.enpassant
            if ep + (color == WHITE and -8 or 8) == chkcord:
                bits = moveArray[color == WHITE and BPAWN or PAWN][ep] & pawns
                for cord in iterBits(bits):
                    if not pinnedOnKing(board, cord, color):
                        yield newMove(cord, ep, ENPASSANT)

        # Lets block/capture the checking piece
        if sliders[arBoard[chkcord]]:
            bits = clearBit(fromToRay[kcord][chkcord], chkcord)

            for cord in iterBits(bits):
                b = getAttacks(board, cord, color)
                b &= ~(kings | pawns)

                # Add in pawn advances
                if color == WHITE and cord > H2:
                    if bitPosArray[cord - 8] & pawns:
                        b |= bitPosArray[cord - 8]
                    if cord >> 3 == 3 and arBoard[cord-8] == EMPTY and \
                            bitPosArray[cord-16] & pawns:
                        b |= bitPosArray[cord - 16]

                elif color == BLACK and cord < H7:
                    if bitPosArray[cord + 8] & pawns:
                        b |= bitPosArray[cord + 8]
                    if cord >> 3 == 4 and arBoard[cord+8] == EMPTY and \
                            bitPosArray[cord+16] & pawns:
                        b |= bitPosArray[cord + 16]

                for fcord in iterBits(b):
                    # If the piece is blocking another attack, we cannot move it
                    if pinnedOnKing(board, fcord, color):
                    if arBoard[fcord] == PAWN and (cord > H7 or cord < A2):
                        for p in PROMOTIONS:
                            yield newMove(fcord, cord, p)
                        yield newMove(fcord, cord)

    # If more than one checkers, move king to get out of check
    if checkers:
        escapes = moveArray[KING][kcord] & ~board.friends[color]
        escapes = 0

    for chkcord in iterBits(checkers):
        dir = directions[chkcord][kcord]
        if sliders[arBoard[chkcord]]:
            escapes &= ~rays[chkcord][dir]

    for cord in iterBits(escapes):
        if not isAttacked(board, cord, opcolor):
            yield newMove(kcord, cord)
コード例 #9
def genNonCaptures(board):
    blocker = board.blocker
    notblocker = ~blocker
    enpassant = board.enpassant

    friends = board.friends[board.color]
    notfriends = ~friends
    enemies = board.friends[1 - board.color]

    pawns = board.boards[board.color][PAWN]
    knights = board.boards[board.color][KNIGHT]
    bishops = board.boards[board.color][BISHOP]
    rooks = board.boards[board.color][ROOK]
    queens = board.boards[board.color][QUEEN]
    kings = board.boards[board.color][KING]

    # Knights
    knightMoves = moveArray[KNIGHT]
    for cord in iterBits(knights):
        for c in iterBits(knightMoves[cord] & notblocker):
            yield newMove(cord, c)

    # King
    kingMoves = moveArray[KING]
    cord = firstBit(kings)
    for c in iterBits(kingMoves[cord] & notblocker):
        yield newMove(cord, c)

    # Rooks and Queens
    for cord in iterBits(rooks):
        attackBoard = attack00[cord][ray00[cord] & blocker] | \
                      attack90[cord][ray90[cord] & blocker]
        for c in iterBits(attackBoard & notblocker):
            yield newMove(cord, c)

    # Bishops and Queens
    for cord in iterBits(bishops):
        attackBoard = attack45 [cord][ray45 [cord] & blocker] | \
                      attack135[cord][ray135[cord] & blocker]
        for c in iterBits(attackBoard & notblocker):
            yield newMove(cord, c)

    # White pawns
    if board.color == WHITE:

        # One step

        movedpawns = (pawns >> 8) & ~rankBits[7]
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove(cord - 8, cord)

        # Two steps

        seccondrow = pawns & rankBits[1]  # Get seccond row pawns
        movedpawns = (
            seccondrow >> 8) & notblocker  # Move two steps forward, while
        movedpawns = (
            movedpawns >> 8) & notblocker  # ensuring middle cord is clear
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove(cord - 16, cord)

    # Black pawns

        # One step

        movedpawns = pawns << 8 & notblocker & ~rankBits[0]
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove(cord + 8, cord)

        # Two steps

        seccondrow = pawns & rankBits[6]  # Get seventh row pawns
        # Move two steps forward, while ensuring middle cord is clear
        movedpawns = seccondrow << 8 & notblocker
        movedpawns = movedpawns << 8 & notblocker
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove(cord + 16, cord)

    # Castling

    for move in genCastles(board):
        yield move
コード例 #10
def genCaptures(board):

    blocker = board.blocker
    notblocker = ~blocker
    enpassant = board.enpassant

    friends = board.friends[board.color]
    notfriends = ~friends
    enemies = board.friends[1 - board.color]

    pawns = board.boards[board.color][PAWN]
    knights = board.boards[board.color][KNIGHT]
    bishops = board.boards[board.color][BISHOP]
    rooks = board.boards[board.color][ROOK]
    queens = board.boards[board.color][QUEEN]
    kings = board.boards[board.color][KING]

    # Knights
    knightMoves = moveArray[KNIGHT]
    for cord in iterBits(knights):
        for c in iterBits(knightMoves[cord] & enemies):
            yield newMove(cord, c)

    # King
    kingMoves = moveArray[KING]
    cord = firstBit(kings)
    for c in iterBits(kingMoves[cord] & enemies):
        yield newMove(cord, c)

    # Rooks and Queens
    for cord in iterBits(rooks | queens):
        attackBoard = attack00[cord][ray00[cord] & blocker] | \
                      attack90[cord][ray90[cord] & blocker]
        for c in iterBits(attackBoard & enemies):
            yield newMove(cord, c)

    # Bishops and Queens
    for cord in iterBits(bishops | queens):
        attackBoard = attack45 [cord][ray45 [cord] & blocker] | \
                      attack135[cord][ray135[cord] & blocker]
        for c in iterBits(attackBoard & enemies):
            yield newMove(cord, c)

    # White pawns
    pawnEnemies = enemies | (enpassant != None and bitPosArray[enpassant] or 0)

    if board.color == WHITE:

        # Promotes

        movedpawns = (pawns >> 8) & notblocker & rankBits[7]
        #for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
        #    for p in PROMOTIONS:
        #            yield newMove(cord-8, cord, p)

        # Capture left

        capLeftPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[0]
        capLeftPawns = (capLeftPawns >> 7) & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capLeftPawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord - 7, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove(cord - 7, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove(cord - 7, cord)

        # Capture right

        capRightPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[7]
        capRightPawns = (capRightPawns >> 9) & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capRightPawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord - 9, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove(cord - 9, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove(cord - 9, cord)

    # Black pawns

        # One step

        movedpawns = pawns << 8 & notblocker & rankBits[0]
        #for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
        #    for p in PROMOTIONS:
        #            yield newMove(cord+8, cord, p)

        # Capture left

        capLeftPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[7]
        capLeftPawns = capLeftPawns << 7 & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capLeftPawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord + 7, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove(cord + 7, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove(cord + 7, cord)

        # Capture right

        capRightPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[0]
        capRightPawns = capRightPawns << 9 & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capRightPawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord + 9, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove(cord + 9, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove(cord + 9, cord)
コード例 #11
ファイル: lmovegen.py プロジェクト: xaosfiftytwo/veinsbot
def bitsToMoves (fromcord, tobits):
    for c in iterBits(tobits):
        yield newMove(fromcord, c)
コード例 #12
def genAllMoves (board):
    blocker = board.blocker
    notblocker = ~blocker
    enpassant = board.enpassant
    friends = board.friends[board.color]
    notfriends = ~friends
    enemies = board.friends[1- board.color]
    pawns = board.boards[board.color][PAWN]
    knights = board.boards[board.color][KNIGHT]
    bishops = board.boards[board.color][BISHOP]
    rooks = board.boards[board.color][ROOK]
    queens = board.boards[board.color][QUEEN]
    kings = board.boards[board.color][KING]
    # Knights
    knightMoves = moveArray[KNIGHT]
    for cord in iterBits(knights):
        for c in iterBits(knightMoves[cord] & notfriends):
            yield newMove(cord, c)
    # King
    kingMoves = moveArray[KING]
    cord = firstBit( kings )
    for c in iterBits(kingMoves[cord] & notfriends):
        yield newMove(cord, c)
    # Rooks and Queens
    for cord in iterBits(rooks | queens):
        attackBoard = attack00[cord][ray00[cord] & blocker] | \
                      attack90[cord][ray90[cord] & blocker]
        for c in iterBits(attackBoard & notfriends):
            yield newMove(cord, c)
    # Bishops and Queens
    for cord in iterBits(bishops | queens):
        attackBoard = attack45 [cord][ray45 [cord] & blocker] | \
                      attack135[cord][ray135[cord] & blocker]
        for c in iterBits(attackBoard & notfriends):
            yield newMove(cord, c)
    # White pawns
    pawnEnemies = enemies | (enpassant != None and bitPosArray[enpassant] or 0)
    if board.color == WHITE:
        # One step
        movedpawns = (pawns >> 8) & notblocker # Move all pawns one step forward
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord-8, cord, p)
                #if (cord-8, cord) == (33, 41):
                #    print repr(board)
                #print toString(pawns)
                yield newMove (cord-8, cord)
        # Two steps
        seccondrow = pawns & rankBits[1] # Get seccond row pawns
        movedpawns = (seccondrow >> 8) & notblocker # Move two steps forward, while
        movedpawns = (movedpawns >> 8) & notblocker # ensuring middle cord is clear
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove (cord-16, cord)
        # Capture left
        capLeftPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[0]
        capLeftPawns = (capLeftPawns >> 7) & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capLeftPawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord-7, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord-7, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove (cord-7, cord)
        # Capture right
        capRightPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[7]
        capRightPawns = (capRightPawns >> 9) & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capRightPawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord-9, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord-9, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove (cord-9, cord)
    # Black pawns
        # One step
        movedpawns = (pawns << 8) & notblocker
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord+8, cord, p)
                yield newMove (cord+8, cord)
        # Two steps
        seccondrow = pawns & rankBits[6] # Get seventh row pawns
        # Move two steps forward, while ensuring middle cord is clear
        movedpawns = seccondrow << 8 & notblocker
        movedpawns = movedpawns << 8 & notblocker
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove (cord+16, cord)
        # Capture left
        capLeftPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[7]
        capLeftPawns = capLeftPawns << 7 & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capLeftPawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord+7, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord+7, cord, ENPASSANT)
               yield newMove (cord+7, cord)
        # Capture right
        capRightPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[0]
        capRightPawns = capRightPawns << 9 & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capRightPawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord+9, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord+9, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove (cord+9, cord)
    # Castling
    for m in genCastles(board):
        yield m
コード例 #13
def genCheckEvasions (board):
    color = board.color
    opcolor = 1-color
    kcord = board.kings[color]
    kings = board.boards[color][KING]
    pawns = board.boards[color][PAWN]
    checkers = getAttacks (board, kcord, opcolor)
    arBoard = board.arBoard
    if bitLength(checkers) == 1:

        # Captures of checking pieces (except by king, which we will test later)
        chkcord = firstBit (checkers)
        b = getAttacks (board, chkcord, color) & ~kings
        for cord in iterBits(b):
            if not pinnedOnKing (board, cord, color):
                if arBoard[cord] == PAWN and \
                        (chkcord <= H1 or chkcord >= A8):
                    for p in PROMOTIONS:
                        yield newMove(cord, chkcord, p)
                    yield newMove (cord, chkcord)
        # Maybe enpassant can help
        if board.enpassant:
            ep = board.enpassant
            if ep + (color == WHITE and -8 or 8) == chkcord:
                bits = moveArray[color == WHITE and BPAWN or PAWN][ep] & pawns
                for cord in iterBits (bits):
                    if not pinnedOnKing (board, cord, color):
                        yield newMove (cord, ep, ENPASSANT)
        # Lets block/capture the checking piece
        if sliders[arBoard[chkcord]]:
            bits = clearBit(fromToRay[kcord][chkcord], chkcord)
            for cord in iterBits (bits):
                b = getAttacks (board, cord, color)
                b &= ~(kings | pawns)
                # Add in pawn advances
                if color == WHITE and cord > H2:
                    if bitPosArray[cord-8] & pawns:
                        b |= bitPosArray[cord-8]
                    if cord >> 3 == 3 and arBoard[cord-8] == EMPTY and \
                            bitPosArray[cord-16] & pawns:
                        b |= bitPosArray[cord-16]
                elif color == BLACK and cord < H7:
                    if bitPosArray[cord+8] & pawns:
                        b |= bitPosArray[cord+8]
                    if cord >> 3 == 4 and arBoard[cord+8] == EMPTY and \
                            bitPosArray[cord+16] & pawns:
                        b |= bitPosArray[cord+16]
                for fcord in iterBits (b):
                    # If the piece is blocking another attack, we cannot move it
                    if pinnedOnKing (board, fcord, color):
                    if arBoard[fcord] == PAWN and (cord > H7 or cord < A2):
                        for p in PROMOTIONS:
                            yield newMove(fcord, cord, p)
                        yield newMove (fcord, cord)
    # If more than one checkers, move king to get out of check
    if checkers:
        escapes = moveArray[KING][kcord] & ~board.friends[color]
    else: escapes = 0
    for chkcord in iterBits (checkers):
        dir = directions[chkcord][kcord]
        if sliders[arBoard[chkcord]]:
            escapes &= ~rays[chkcord][dir]
    for cord in iterBits (escapes):
        if not isAttacked (board, cord, opcolor):
            yield newMove (kcord, cord)
コード例 #14
def genNonCaptures (board):
    blocker = board.blocker
    notblocker = ~blocker
    enpassant = board.enpassant
    friends = board.friends[board.color]
    notfriends = ~friends
    enemies = board.friends[1- board.color]
    pawns = board.boards[board.color][PAWN]
    knights = board.boards[board.color][KNIGHT]
    bishops = board.boards[board.color][BISHOP]
    rooks = board.boards[board.color][ROOK]
    queens = board.boards[board.color][QUEEN]
    kings = board.boards[board.color][KING]
    # Knights
    knightMoves = moveArray[KNIGHT]
    for cord in iterBits(knights):
        for c in iterBits(knightMoves[cord] & notblocker):
            yield newMove(cord, c)
    # King
    kingMoves = moveArray[KING]
    cord = firstBit( kings )
    for c in iterBits(kingMoves[cord] & notblocker):
        yield newMove(cord, c)
    # Rooks and Queens
    for cord in iterBits(rooks):
        attackBoard = attack00[cord][ray00[cord] & blocker] | \
                      attack90[cord][ray90[cord] & blocker]
        for c in iterBits(attackBoard & notblocker):
            yield newMove(cord, c)
    # Bishops and Queens
    for cord in iterBits(bishops):
        attackBoard = attack45 [cord][ray45 [cord] & blocker] | \
                      attack135[cord][ray135[cord] & blocker]
        for c in iterBits(attackBoard & notblocker):
            yield newMove(cord, c)
    # White pawns
    if board.color == WHITE:
        # One step
        movedpawns = (pawns >> 8) & ~rankBits[7]
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove (cord-8, cord)
        # Two steps
        seccondrow = pawns & rankBits[1] # Get seccond row pawns
        movedpawns = (seccondrow >> 8) & notblocker # Move two steps forward, while
        movedpawns = (movedpawns >> 8) & notblocker # ensuring middle cord is clear
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove (cord-16, cord)
    # Black pawns
        # One step
        movedpawns = pawns << 8 & notblocker & ~rankBits[0]
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove (cord+8, cord)
        # Two steps
        seccondrow = pawns & rankBits[6] # Get seventh row pawns
        # Move two steps forward, while ensuring middle cord is clear
        movedpawns = seccondrow << 8 & notblocker
        movedpawns = movedpawns << 8 & notblocker
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove (cord+16, cord)
    # Castling
    for move in genCastles(board):
        yield move
コード例 #15
def genCaptures (board):
    blocker = board.blocker
    notblocker = ~blocker
    enpassant = board.enpassant
    friends = board.friends[board.color]
    notfriends = ~friends
    enemies = board.friends[1- board.color]
    pawns = board.boards[board.color][PAWN]
    knights = board.boards[board.color][KNIGHT]
    bishops = board.boards[board.color][BISHOP]
    rooks = board.boards[board.color][ROOK]
    queens = board.boards[board.color][QUEEN]
    kings = board.boards[board.color][KING]
    # Knights
    knightMoves = moveArray[KNIGHT]
    for cord in iterBits(knights):
        for c in iterBits(knightMoves[cord] & enemies):
            yield newMove(cord, c)
    # King
    kingMoves = moveArray[KING]
    cord = firstBit( kings )
    for c in iterBits(kingMoves[cord] & enemies):
        yield newMove(cord, c)
    # Rooks and Queens
    for cord in iterBits(rooks|queens):
        attackBoard = attack00[cord][ray00[cord] & blocker] | \
                      attack90[cord][ray90[cord] & blocker]
        for c in iterBits(attackBoard & enemies):
            yield newMove(cord, c)
    # Bishops and Queens
    for cord in iterBits(bishops|queens):
        attackBoard = attack45 [cord][ray45 [cord] & blocker] | \
                      attack135[cord][ray135[cord] & blocker]
        for c in iterBits(attackBoard & enemies):
            yield newMove(cord, c)
    # White pawns
    pawnEnemies = enemies | (enpassant != None and bitPosArray[enpassant] or 0)
    if board.color == WHITE:
        # Promotes
        movedpawns = (pawns >> 8) & notblocker & rankBits[7]
        #for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
        #    for p in PROMOTIONS:
        #            yield newMove(cord-8, cord, p)
        # Capture left
        capLeftPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[0]
        capLeftPawns = (capLeftPawns >> 7) & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capLeftPawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord-7, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord-7, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove (cord-7, cord)
        # Capture right
        capRightPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[7]
        capRightPawns = (capRightPawns >> 9) & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capRightPawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord-9, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord-9, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove (cord-9, cord)
    # Black pawns
        # One step
        movedpawns = pawns << 8 & notblocker & rankBits[0]
        #for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
        #    for p in PROMOTIONS:
        #            yield newMove(cord+8, cord, p)
        # Capture left
        capLeftPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[7]
        capLeftPawns = capLeftPawns << 7 & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capLeftPawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord+7, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord+7, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove (cord+7, cord)
        # Capture right
        capRightPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[0]
        capRightPawns = capRightPawns << 9 & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capRightPawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for p in PROMOTIONS:
                    yield newMove(cord+9, cord, p)
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord+9, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove (cord+9, cord)
コード例 #16
ファイル: lmovegen.py プロジェクト: xaosfiftytwo/veinsbot
def newPromotes (fromcord, tocord):
    for p in PROMOTIONS:
        yield newMove(fromcord, tocord, p)
コード例 #17
ファイル: lmovegen.py プロジェクト: xaosfiftytwo/veinsbot
def genAllMoves (board):
    blocker = board.blocker
    notblocker = ~blocker
    enpassant = board.enpassant
    friends = board.friends[board.color]
    notfriends = ~friends
    enemies = board.friends[1- board.color]
    pawns = board.boards[board.color][PAWN]
    knights = board.boards[board.color][KNIGHT]
    bishops = board.boards[board.color][BISHOP]
    rooks = board.boards[board.color][ROOK]
    queens = board.boards[board.color][QUEEN]
    kings = board.boards[board.color][KING]
    # Knights
    knightMoves = moveArray[KNIGHT]
    for cord in iterBits(knights):
        for move in bitsToMoves (cord, knightMoves[cord] & notfriends):
            yield move
    # King
    kingMoves = moveArray[KING]
    cord = firstBit( kings )
    for move in bitsToMoves (cord, kingMoves[cord] & notfriends):
        yield move
    # Rooks
    for cord in iterBits(rooks):
        attackBoard = rookAttack(board, cord)
        for move in bitsToMoves (cord, attackBoard & notfriends):
            yield move
    # Bishops
    for cord in iterBits(bishops):
        attackBoard = bishopAttack(board, cord)
        for move in bitsToMoves (cord, attackBoard & notfriends):
            yield move
    # Queens
    for cord in iterBits(queens):
        attackBoard = queenAttack(board, cord)
        for move in bitsToMoves (cord, attackBoard & notfriends):
            yield move
    # White pawns
    pawnEnemies = enemies | (enpassant != None and bitPosArray[enpassant] or 0)
    if board.color == WHITE:
        # One step
        movedpawns = (pawns >> 8) & notblocker # Move all pawns one step forward
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for move in newPromotes (cord-8, cord):
                    yield move
                yield newMove (cord-8, cord)
        # Two steps
        seccondrow = pawns & rankBits[1] # Get seccond row pawns
        movedpawns = (seccondrow >> 8) & notblocker # Move two steps forward, while
        movedpawns = (movedpawns >> 8) & notblocker # ensuring middle cord is clear
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove (cord-16, cord)
        # Capture left
        capLeftPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[0]
        capLeftPawns = (capLeftPawns >> 7) & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capLeftPawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for move in newPromotes (cord-7, cord):
                    yield move
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord-7, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove (cord-7, cord)
        # Capture right
        capRightPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[7]
        capRightPawns = (capRightPawns >> 9) & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capRightPawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for move in newPromotes (cord-9, cord):
                    yield move
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord-9, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove (cord-9, cord)
    # Black pawns
        # One step
        movedpawns = (pawns << 8) & notblocker
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for move in newPromotes (cord+8, cord):
                    yield move
                yield newMove (cord+8, cord)
        # Two steps
        seccondrow = pawns & rankBits[6] # Get seventh row pawns
        # Move two steps forward, while ensuring middle cord is clear
        movedpawns = seccondrow << 8 & notblocker
        movedpawns = movedpawns << 8 & notblocker
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove (cord+16, cord)
        # Capture left
        capLeftPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[7]
        capLeftPawns = capLeftPawns << 7 & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capLeftPawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for move in newPromotes (cord+7, cord):
                    yield move
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord+7, cord, ENPASSANT)
               yield newMove (cord+7, cord)
        # Capture right
        capRightPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[0]
        capRightPawns = capRightPawns << 9 & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capRightPawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for move in newPromotes (cord+9, cord):
                    yield move
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord+9, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove (cord+9, cord)
    # Castling
    if board.color == WHITE:
        if board.castling & W_OO and not fromToRay[E1][G1] & blocker and \
            not isAttacked (board, E1, BLACK) and \
            not isAttacked (board, F1, BLACK) and \
            not isAttacked (board, G1, BLACK):
                yield newMove (E1, G1, KING_CASTLE)
        if board.castling & W_OOO and not fromToRay[E1][B1] & blocker and \
            not isAttacked (board, E1, BLACK) and \
            not isAttacked (board, D1, BLACK) and \
            not isAttacked (board, C1, BLACK):
                yield newMove (E1, C1, QUEEN_CASTLE)
        if board.castling & B_OO and not fromToRay[E8][G8] & blocker and \
            not isAttacked (board, E8, WHITE) and \
            not isAttacked (board, F8, WHITE) and \
            not isAttacked (board, G8, WHITE):
                yield newMove (E8, G8, KING_CASTLE)
        if board.castling & B_OOO and not fromToRay[E8][B8] & blocker and \
            not isAttacked (board, E8, WHITE) and \
            not isAttacked (board, D8, WHITE) and \
            not isAttacked (board, C8, WHITE):
                yield newMove (E8, C8, QUEEN_CASTLE)
コード例 #18
ファイル: lmovegen.py プロジェクト: xaosfiftytwo/veinsbot
def genNonCaptures (board):
    blocker = board.blocker
    notblocker = ~blocker
    enpassant = board.enpassant
    friends = board.friends[board.color]
    notfriends = ~friends
    enemies = board.friends[1- board.color]
    pawns = board.boards[board.color][PAWN]
    knights = board.boards[board.color][KNIGHT]
    bishops = board.boards[board.color][BISHOP]
    rooks = board.boards[board.color][ROOK]
    queens = board.boards[board.color][QUEEN]
    kings = board.boards[board.color][KING]
    # Knights
    knightMoves = moveArray[KNIGHT]
    for cord in iterBits(knights):
        for move in bitsToMoves (cord, knightMoves[cord] & notblocker):
            yield move
    # King
    kingMoves = moveArray[KING]
    cord = firstBit( kings )
    for move in bitsToMoves (cord, kingMoves[cord] & notblocker):
        yield move
    # Rooks
    for cord in iterBits(rooks):
        attackBoard = rookAttack(board, cord)
        for move in bitsToMoves (cord, attackBoard & notblocker):
            yield move
    # Bishops
    for cord in iterBits(bishops):
        attackBoard = bishopAttack(board, cord)
        for move in bitsToMoves (cord, attackBoard & notblocker):
            yield move
    # Queens
    for cord in iterBits(queens):
        attackBoard = queenAttack(board, cord)
        for move in bitsToMoves (cord, attackBoard & notblocker):
            yield move
    # White pawns
    if board.color == WHITE:
        # One step
        movedpawns = (pawns >> 8) & ~rankBits[7]
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove (cord-8, cord)
        # Two steps
        seccondrow = pawns & rankBits[1] # Get seccond row pawns
        movedpawns = (seccondrow >> 8) & notblocker # Move two steps forward, while
        movedpawns = (movedpawns >> 8) & notblocker # ensuring middle cord is clear
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove (cord-16, cord)
    # Black pawns
        # One step
        movedpawns = pawns << 8 & notblocker & ~rankBits[0]
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove (cord+8, cord)
        # Two steps
        seccondrow = pawns & rankBits[6] # Get seventh row pawns
        # Move two steps forward, while ensuring middle cord is clear
        movedpawns = seccondrow << 8 & notblocker
        movedpawns = movedpawns << 8 & notblocker
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            yield newMove (cord+16, cord)
    # Castling
    if board.color == WHITE:
        if board.castling & W_OO and not fromToRay[E1][G1] & blocker and \
            not isAttacked (board, E1, BLACK) and \
            not isAttacked (board, F1, BLACK) and \
            not isAttacked (board, G1, BLACK):
                yield newMove (E1, G1, KING_CASTLE)
        if board.castling & W_OOO and not fromToRay[E1][B1] & blocker and \
            not isAttacked (board, E1, BLACK) and \
            not isAttacked (board, D1, BLACK) and \
            not isAttacked (board, C1, BLACK):
                yield newMove (E1, C1, QUEEN_CASTLE)
        if board.castling & B_OO and not fromToRay[E8][G8] & blocker and \
            not isAttacked (board, E8, WHITE) and \
            not isAttacked (board, F8, WHITE) and \
            not isAttacked (board, G8, WHITE):
                yield newMove (E8, G8, KING_CASTLE)
        if board.castling & B_OOO and not fromToRay[E8][B8] & blocker and \
            not isAttacked (board, E8, WHITE) and \
            not isAttacked (board, D8, WHITE) and \
            not isAttacked (board, C8, WHITE):
                yield newMove (E8, C8, QUEEN_CASTLE)
コード例 #19
ファイル: lmovegen.py プロジェクト: xaosfiftytwo/veinsbot
def genCaptures (board):
    blocker = board.blocker
    notblocker = ~blocker
    enpassant = board.enpassant
    friends = board.friends[board.color]
    notfriends = ~friends
    enemies = board.friends[1- board.color]
    pawns = board.boards[board.color][PAWN]
    knights = board.boards[board.color][KNIGHT]
    bishops = board.boards[board.color][BISHOP]
    rooks = board.boards[board.color][ROOK]
    queens = board.boards[board.color][QUEEN]
    kings = board.boards[board.color][KING]
    # Knights
    knightMoves = moveArray[KNIGHT]
    for cord in iterBits(knights):
        for move in bitsToMoves (cord, knightMoves[cord] & enemies):
            yield move
    # King
    kingMoves = moveArray[KING]
    cord = firstBit( kings )
    for move in bitsToMoves (cord, kingMoves[cord] & enemies):
        yield move
    # Rooks
    for cord in iterBits(rooks):
        attackBoard = rookAttack(board, cord)
        for move in bitsToMoves (cord, attackBoard & enemies):
            yield move
    # Bishops
    for cord in iterBits(bishops):
        attackBoard = bishopAttack(board, cord)
        for move in bitsToMoves (cord, attackBoard & enemies):
            yield move
    # Queens
    for cord in iterBits(queens):
        attackBoard = queenAttack(board, cord)
        for move in bitsToMoves (cord, attackBoard & enemies):
            yield move
    # White pawns
    pawnEnemies = enemies | (enpassant != None and bitPosArray[enpassant] or 0)
    if board.color == WHITE:
        # Promotes
        movedpawns = (pawns >> 8) & notblocker & rankBits[7]
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            for move in newPromotes (cord-8, cord):
                yield move
        # Capture left
        capLeftPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[0]
        capLeftPawns = (capLeftPawns >> 7) & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capLeftPawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for move in newPromotes (cord-7, cord):
                    yield move
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord-7, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove (cord-7, cord)
        # Capture right
        capRightPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[7]
        capRightPawns = (capRightPawns >> 9) & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capRightPawns):
            if cord >= 56:
                for move in newPromotes (cord-9, cord):
                    yield move
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord-9, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove (cord-9, cord)
    # Black pawns
        # One step
        movedpawns = pawns << 8 & notblocker & rankBits[0]
        for cord in iterBits(movedpawns):
            for move in newPromotes (cord+8, cord):
                yield move
        # Capture left
        capLeftPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[7]
        capLeftPawns = capLeftPawns << 7 & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capLeftPawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for move in newPromotes (cord+7, cord):
                    yield move
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord+7, cord, ENPASSANT)
               yield newMove (cord+7, cord)
        # Capture right
        capRightPawns = pawns & ~fileBits[0]
        capRightPawns = capRightPawns << 9 & pawnEnemies
        for cord in iterBits(capRightPawns):
            if cord <= 7:
                for move in newPromotes (cord+9, cord):
                    yield move
            elif cord == enpassant:
                yield newMove (cord+9, cord, ENPASSANT)
                yield newMove (cord+9, cord)