コード例 #1
    def get_bucket(self, course_key=None, track=True):
        Return which bucket number the specified user is in.

        The user may be force-bucketed if matching subordinate flags of the form
        "main_flag.BUCKET_NUM" exist. Otherwise, they will be hashed into a default
        bucket based on their username, the experiment name, and the course-run key.

        If `self.use_course_aware_bucketing` is False, the course-run key will
        be omitted from the hashing formula, thus making it so a given user
        has the same default bucket across all course runs; however, subordinate
        flags that match the course-run key will still apply.

        If `course_key` argument is omitted altogether, then subordinate flags
        will be evaluated outside of the course-run context, and the default bucket
        will be calculated as if `self.use_course_aware_bucketing` is False.

        Finally, Bucket 0 is assumed to be the control bucket and will be returned if the
        experiment is not enabled for this user and course.

            course_key (Optional[CourseKey])
            track (bool):
                Whether an analytics event should be generated if the user is
                bucketed for the first time.

        Returns: int
        # Keep some imports in here, because this class is commonly used at a module level, and we want to avoid
        # circular imports for any models.
        from lms.djangoapps.experiments.models import ExperimentKeyValue
        from lms.djangoapps.courseware.masquerade import get_specific_masquerading_user

        request = get_current_request()
        if not request:
            return 0

        if not hasattr(request, 'user') or not request.user.id:
            # We need username for stable bucketing and id for tracking, so just skip anonymous (not-logged-in) users
            return 0

        user = get_specific_masquerading_user(request.user, course_key)
        if user is None:
            user = request.user
            masquerading_as_specific_student = False
            masquerading_as_specific_student = True

        # If a course key is passed in, include it in the experiment name
        # in order to separate caches and analytics calls per course-run.
        # If we are using course-aware bucketing, then also append that course key
        # to `bucketing_group_name`, such that users can be hashed into different
        # buckets for different course-runs.
        experiment_name = bucketing_group_name = self.namespaced_flag_name
        if course_key:
            experiment_name += ".{}".format(course_key)
        if course_key and self.use_course_aware_bucketing:
            bucketing_group_name += ".{}".format(course_key)

        # Check if we have a cache for this request already
        request_cache = RequestCache('experiments')
        cache_response = request_cache.get_cached_response(experiment_name)
        if cache_response.is_found:
            return cache_response.value

        # Check if the main flag is even enabled for this user and course.
        if not self.is_experiment_on(
                course_key):  # grabs user from the current request, if any
            return self._cache_bucket(experiment_name, 0)

        # Check if the enrollment should even be considered (if it started before the experiment wants, we ignore)
        if course_key and self.experiment_id is not None:
            values = ExperimentKeyValue.objects.filter(
                experiment_id=self.experiment_id).values('key', 'value')
            values = {pair['key']: pair['value'] for pair in values}

            if not self._is_enrollment_inside_date_bounds(
                    values, user, course_key):
                return self._cache_bucket(experiment_name, 0)

        # Determine the user's bucket.
        # First check if forced into a particular bucket, using our subordinate bucket flags.
        # If not, calculate their default bucket using a consistent hash function.
        for i, bucket_flag in enumerate(self.bucket_flags):
            if bucket_flag.is_enabled(course_key):
                bucket = i
            bucket = stable_bucketing_hash_group(bucketing_group_name,

        session_key = 'tracked.{}'.format(experiment_name)
        if (track and hasattr(request, 'session')
                and session_key not in request.session
                and not masquerading_as_specific_student):
                              'site': request.site.domain,
                              'app_label': self.waffle_namespace.name,
                              'experiment': self.flag_name,
                              str(course_key) if course_key else None,
                              'bucket': bucket,
                              'is_staff': user.is_staff,
                              'nonInteraction': 1,

            # Mark that we've recorded this bucketing, so that we don't do it again this session
            request.session[session_key] = True

        return self._cache_bucket(experiment_name, bucket)
コード例 #2
    def get_bucket(self, course_key=None, track=True):
        Return which bucket number the specified user is in.

        Bucket 0 is assumed to be the control bucket and will be returned if the experiment is not enabled for
        this user and course.
        # Keep some imports in here, because this class is commonly used at a module level, and we want to avoid
        # circular imports for any models.
        from experiments.models import ExperimentKeyValue
        from lms.djangoapps.courseware.access import has_access
        from lms.djangoapps.courseware.masquerade import (

        request = get_current_request()
        if not request:
            return 0

        if not hasattr(request, 'user') or not request.user.id:
            # We need username for stable bucketing and id for tracking, so just skip anonymous (not-logged-in) users
            return 0

        user = get_specific_masquerading_user(request.user, course_key)
        if user is None:
            user = request.user
            masquerading_as_specific_student = False
            masquerading_as_specific_student = True

        # Use course key in experiment name to separate caches and segment calls per-course-run
        experiment_name = self.namespaced_flag_name + ('.{}'.format(course_key)
                                                       if course_key else '')

        # Check if we have a cache for this request already
        request_cache = RequestCache('experiments')
        cache_response = request_cache.get_cached_response(experiment_name)
        if cache_response.is_found:
            return cache_response.value

        # Check if the main flag is even enabled for this user and course.
        if not self.is_experiment_on(
                course_key):  # grabs user from the current request, if any
            return self._cache_bucket(experiment_name, 0)

        # Check if the enrollment should even be considered (if it started before the experiment wants, we ignore)
        if course_key and self.experiment_id is not None:
            values = ExperimentKeyValue.objects.filter(
                experiment_id=self.experiment_id).values('key', 'value')
            values = {pair['key']: pair['value'] for pair in values}

            if not self._is_enrollment_inside_date_bounds(
                    values, user, course_key):
                return self._cache_bucket(experiment_name, 0)

        bucket = stable_bucketing_hash_group(experiment_name, self.num_buckets,

        # Now check if the user is forced into a particular bucket, using our subordinate bucket flags
        for i, bucket_flag in enumerate(self.bucket_flags):
            if bucket_flag.is_enabled(course_key):
                bucket = i

        session_key = 'tracked.{}'.format(experiment_name)
        if track and hasattr(
                request, 'session'
        ) and session_key not in request.session and not masquerading_as_specific_student:
                              'site': request.site.domain,
                              'app_label': self.waffle_namespace.name,
                              'experiment': self.flag_name,
                              str(course_key) if course_key else None,
                              'bucket': bucket,
                              'is_staff': user.is_staff,
                              'nonInteraction': 1,

            # Mark that we've recorded this bucketing, so that we don't do it again this session
            request.session[session_key] = True

        return self._cache_bucket(experiment_name, bucket)