def _get_thread_and_context(request, thread_id, retrieve_kwargs=None): """ Retrieve the given thread and build a serializer context for it, returning both. This function also enforces access control for the thread (checking both the user's access to the course and to the thread's cohort if applicable). Raises ThreadNotFoundError if the thread does not exist or the user cannot access it. """ retrieve_kwargs = retrieve_kwargs or {} try: if "with_responses" not in retrieve_kwargs: retrieve_kwargs["with_responses"] = False if "mark_as_read" not in retrieve_kwargs: retrieve_kwargs["mark_as_read"] = False cc_thread = Thread(id=thread_id).retrieve(**retrieve_kwargs) course_key = CourseKey.from_string(cc_thread["course_id"]) course = _get_course(course_key, request.user) context = get_context(course, request, cc_thread) course_discussion_settings = get_course_discussion_settings(course_key) if ( not context["is_requester_privileged"] and cc_thread["group_id"] and is_commentable_divided(, cc_thread["commentable_id"], course_discussion_settings) ): requester_group_id = get_group_id_for_user(request.user, course_discussion_settings) if requester_group_id is not None and cc_thread["group_id"] != requester_group_id: raise ThreadNotFoundError("Thread not found.") return cc_thread, context except CommentClientRequestError: # params are validated at a higher level, so the only possible request # error is if the thread doesn't exist raise ThreadNotFoundError("Thread not found.")
def test_create_parent_id_too_deep(self, max_depth): with mock.patch("lms.djangoapps.discussion.django_comment_client.utils.MAX_COMMENT_DEPTH", max_depth): data = self.minimal_data.copy() context = get_context(self.course, self.request, make_minimal_cs_thread()) if max_depth is None or max_depth >= 0: if max_depth != 0: self.register_get_comment_response({ "id": "not_too_deep", "thread_id": "test_thread", "depth": max_depth - 1 if max_depth else 100 }) data["parent_id"] = "not_too_deep" else: data["parent_id"] = None serializer = CommentSerializer(data=data, context=context) assert serializer.is_valid(), serializer.errors if max_depth is not None: if max_depth >= 0: self.register_get_comment_response({ "id": "too_deep", "thread_id": "test_thread", "depth": max_depth }) data["parent_id"] = "too_deep" else: data["parent_id"] = None serializer = CommentSerializer(data=data, context=context) assert not serializer.is_valid() assert serializer.errors == {'non_field_errors': ['Comment level is too deep.']}
def serialize(self, comment, thread_data=None): """ Create a serializer with an appropriate context and use it to serialize the given comment, returning the result. """ context = get_context(self.course, self.request, make_minimal_cs_thread(thread_data)) return CommentSerializer(comment, context=context).data
def _get_thread_and_context(request, thread_id, retrieve_kwargs=None): """ Retrieve the given thread and build a serializer context for it, returning both. This function also enforces access control for the thread (checking both the user's access to the course and to the thread's cohort if applicable). Raises ThreadNotFoundError if the thread does not exist or the user cannot access it. """ retrieve_kwargs = retrieve_kwargs or {} try: if "with_responses" not in retrieve_kwargs: retrieve_kwargs["with_responses"] = False if "mark_as_read" not in retrieve_kwargs: retrieve_kwargs["mark_as_read"] = False cc_thread = Thread(id=thread_id).retrieve(**retrieve_kwargs) course_key = CourseKey.from_string(cc_thread["course_id"]) course = _get_course(course_key, request.user) context = get_context(course, request, cc_thread) course_discussion_settings = get_course_discussion_settings(course_key) if (not context["is_requester_privileged"] and cc_thread["group_id"] and is_commentable_divided(, cc_thread["commentable_id"], course_discussion_settings)): requester_group_id = get_group_id_for_user( request.user, course_discussion_settings) if requester_group_id is not None and cc_thread[ "group_id"] != requester_group_id: raise ThreadNotFoundError("Thread not found.") return cc_thread, context except CommentClientRequestError: # params are validated at a higher level, so the only possible request # error is if the thread doesn't exist raise ThreadNotFoundError("Thread not found.")
def test_create_parent_id_too_deep(self, max_depth): with mock.patch("lms.djangoapps.discussion.django_comment_client.utils.MAX_COMMENT_DEPTH", max_depth): data = self.minimal_data.copy() context = get_context(self.course, self.request, make_minimal_cs_thread()) if max_depth is None or max_depth >= 0: if max_depth != 0: self.register_get_comment_response({ "id": "not_too_deep", "thread_id": "test_thread", "depth": max_depth - 1 if max_depth else 100 }) data["parent_id"] = "not_too_deep" else: data["parent_id"] = None serializer = CommentSerializer(data=data, context=context) self.assertTrue(serializer.is_valid(), serializer.errors) if max_depth is not None: if max_depth >= 0: self.register_get_comment_response({ "id": "too_deep", "thread_id": "test_thread", "depth": max_depth }) data["parent_id"] = "too_deep" else: data["parent_id"] = None serializer = CommentSerializer(data=data, context=context) self.assertFalse(serializer.is_valid()) self.assertEqual(serializer.errors, {"non_field_errors": ["Comment level is too deep."]})
def serialize(self, thread): """ Create a serializer with an appropriate context and use it to serialize the given thread, returning the result. """ return ThreadSerializer(thread, context=get_context(self.course, self.request)).data
def test_create_empty_string(self, value): data = self.minimal_data.copy() data.update({field: value for field in ["topic_id", "title", "raw_body"]}) serializer = ThreadSerializer(data=data, context=get_context(self.course, self.request)) assert not serializer.is_valid() assert serializer.errors == { field: ['This field may not be blank.'] for field in ['topic_id', 'title', 'raw_body'] }
def test_update_empty_raw_body(self, value): serializer = CommentSerializer( self.existing_comment, data={"raw_body": value}, partial=True, context=get_context(self.course, self.request) ) assert not serializer.is_valid() assert serializer.errors == {'raw_body': ['This field may not be blank.']}
def test_update_course_id(self): serializer = ThreadSerializer( self.existing_thread, data={"course_id": "some/other/course"}, partial=True, context=get_context(self.course, self.request) ) assert not serializer.is_valid() assert serializer.errors == {'course_id': ['This field is not allowed in an update.']}
def test_create_empty_string(self, value): data = self.minimal_data.copy() data.update({field: value for field in ["topic_id", "title", "raw_body"]}) serializer = ThreadSerializer(data=data, context=get_context(self.course, self.request)) self.assertFalse(serializer.is_valid()) self.assertEqual( serializer.errors, {field: ["This field may not be blank."] for field in ["topic_id", "title", "raw_body"]} )
def test_update_non_updatable(self, field): serializer = CommentSerializer(self.existing_comment, data={field: "different_value"}, partial=True, context=get_context( self.course, self.request)) self.assertFalse(serializer.is_valid()) self.assertEqual(serializer.errors, {field: ["This field is not allowed in an update."]})
def test_update_empty_raw_body(self, value): serializer = CommentSerializer(self.existing_comment, data={"raw_body": value}, partial=True, context=get_context( self.course, self.request)) self.assertFalse(serializer.is_valid()) self.assertEqual(serializer.errors, {"raw_body": ["This field may not be blank."]})
def test_update_course_id(self): serializer = ThreadSerializer(self.existing_thread, data={"course_id": "some/other/course"}, partial=True, context=get_context( self.course, self.request)) self.assertFalse(serializer.is_valid()) self.assertEqual( serializer.errors, {"course_id": ["This field is not allowed in an update."]})
def test_create_missing_field(self): for field in self.minimal_data: data = self.minimal_data.copy() data.pop(field) serializer = CommentSerializer(data=data, context=get_context( self.course, self.request, make_minimal_cs_thread())) assert not serializer.is_valid() assert serializer.errors == {field: ['This field is required.']}
def test_create_parent_id_wrong_thread(self): self.register_get_comment_response({"thread_id": "different_thread", "id": "test_parent"}) data = self.minimal_data.copy() data["parent_id"] = "test_parent" context = get_context(self.course, self.request, make_minimal_cs_thread()) serializer = CommentSerializer(data=data, context=context) assert not serializer.is_valid() assert serializer.errors == { 'non_field_errors': ['parent_id does not identify a comment in the thread identified by thread_id.'] }
def create_thread(request, thread_data): """ Create a thread. Arguments: request: The django request object used for build_absolute_uri and determining the requesting user. thread_data: The data for the created thread. Returns: The created thread; see discussion.rest_api.views.ThreadViewSet for more detail. """ course_id = thread_data.get("course_id") user = request.user if not course_id: raise ValidationError({"course_id": ["This field is required."]}) try: course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) course = _get_course(course_key, user) except InvalidKeyError: raise ValidationError({"course_id": ["Invalid value."]}) # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=raise-missing-from if not discussion_open_for_user(course, user): raise DiscussionBlackOutException context = get_context(course, request) _check_initializable_thread_fields(thread_data, context) discussion_settings = get_course_discussion_settings(course_key) if ("group_id" not in thread_data and is_commentable_divided( course_key, thread_data.get("topic_id"), discussion_settings)): thread_data = thread_data.copy() thread_data["group_id"] = get_group_id_for_user( user, discussion_settings) serializer = ThreadSerializer(data=thread_data, context=context) actions_form = ThreadActionsForm(thread_data) if not (serializer.is_valid() and actions_form.is_valid()): raise ValidationError( dict( list(serializer.errors.items()) + list(actions_form.errors.items()))) cc_thread = serializer.instance thread_created.send(sender=None, user=user, post=cc_thread) api_thread = _do_extra_actions(api_thread, cc_thread, list(thread_data.keys()), actions_form, context, request) track_thread_created_event(request, course, cc_thread, actions_form.cleaned_data["following"]) return api_thread
def test_update_empty_string(self, value): serializer = ThreadSerializer( self.existing_thread, data={field: value for field in ["topic_id", "title", "raw_body"]}, partial=True, context=get_context(self.course, self.request) ) assert not serializer.is_valid() assert serializer.errors == { field: ['This field may not be blank.'] for field in ['topic_id', 'title', 'raw_body'] }
def test_update_empty_raw_body(self, value): serializer = CommentSerializer( self.existing_comment, data={"raw_body": value}, partial=True, context=get_context(self.course, self.request) ) self.assertFalse(serializer.is_valid()) self.assertEqual( serializer.errors, {"raw_body": ["This field may not be blank."]} )
def test_update_empty_string(self, value): serializer = ThreadSerializer( self.existing_thread, data={field: value for field in ["topic_id", "title", "raw_body"]}, partial=True, context=get_context(self.course, self.request) ) self.assertFalse(serializer.is_valid()) self.assertEqual( serializer.errors, {field: ["This field may not be blank."] for field in ["topic_id", "title", "raw_body"]} )
def test_update_course_id(self): serializer = ThreadSerializer( self.existing_thread, data={"course_id": "some/other/course"}, partial=True, context=get_context(self.course, self.request) ) self.assertFalse(serializer.is_valid()) self.assertEqual( serializer.errors, {"course_id": ["This field is not allowed in an update."]} )
def test_update_non_updatable(self, field): serializer = CommentSerializer( self.existing_comment, data={field: "different_value"}, partial=True, context=get_context(self.course, self.request) ) self.assertFalse(serializer.is_valid()) self.assertEqual( serializer.errors, {field: ["This field is not allowed in an update."]} )
def test_create_missing_field(self): for field in self.minimal_data: data = self.minimal_data.copy() data.pop(field) serializer = CommentSerializer( data=data, context=get_context(self.course, self.request, make_minimal_cs_thread()) ) self.assertFalse(serializer.is_valid()) self.assertEqual( serializer.errors, {field: ["This field is required."]} )
def save_and_reserialize(self, data, instance=None): """ Create a serializer with the given data and (if updating) instance, ensure that it is valid, save the result, and return the full thread data from the serializer. """ serializer = ThreadSerializer(instance, data=data, partial=(instance is not None), context=get_context( self.course, self.request)) assert serializer.is_valid() return
def test_create_parent_id_nonexistent(self): self.register_get_comment_error_response("bad_parent", 404) data = self.minimal_data.copy() data["parent_id"] = "bad_parent" context = get_context(self.course, self.request, make_minimal_cs_thread()) serializer = CommentSerializer(data=data, context=context) self.assertFalse(serializer.is_valid()) self.assertEqual( serializer.errors, { "non_field_errors": [ "parent_id does not identify a comment in the thread identified by thread_id." ] })
def test_create_parent_id_wrong_thread(self): self.register_get_comment_response({"thread_id": "different_thread", "id": "test_parent"}) data = self.minimal_data.copy() data["parent_id"] = "test_parent" context = get_context(self.course, self.request, make_minimal_cs_thread()) serializer = CommentSerializer(data=data, context=context) self.assertFalse(serializer.is_valid()) self.assertEqual( serializer.errors, { "non_field_errors": [ "parent_id does not identify a comment in the thread identified by thread_id." ] } )
def save_and_reserialize(self, data, instance=None): """ Create a serializer with the given data and (if updating) instance, ensure that it is valid, save the result, and return the full thread data from the serializer. """ serializer = ThreadSerializer( instance, data=data, partial=(instance is not None), context=get_context(self.course, self.request) ) self.assertTrue(serializer.is_valid()) return
def save_and_reserialize(self, data, instance=None): """ Create a serializer with the given data, ensure that it is valid, save the result, and return the full comment data from the serializer. """ context = get_context( self.course, self.request, make_minimal_cs_thread({"course_id": str(})) serializer = CommentSerializer(instance, data=data, partial=(instance is not None), context=context) assert serializer.is_valid() return
def create_thread(request, thread_data): """ Create a thread. Arguments: request: The django request object used for build_absolute_uri and determining the requesting user. thread_data: The data for the created thread. Returns: The created thread; see discussion.rest_api.views.ThreadViewSet for more detail. """ course_id = thread_data.get("course_id") user = request.user if not course_id: raise ValidationError({"course_id": ["This field is required."]}) try: course_key = CourseKey.from_string(course_id) course = _get_course(course_key, user) except InvalidKeyError: raise ValidationError({"course_id": ["Invalid value."]}) context = get_context(course, request) _check_initializable_thread_fields(thread_data, context) discussion_settings = get_course_discussion_settings(course_key) if ( "group_id" not in thread_data and is_commentable_divided(course_key, thread_data.get("topic_id"), discussion_settings) ): thread_data = thread_data.copy() thread_data["group_id"] = get_group_id_for_user(user, discussion_settings) serializer = ThreadSerializer(data=thread_data, context=context) actions_form = ThreadActionsForm(thread_data) if not (serializer.is_valid() and actions_form.is_valid()): raise ValidationError(dict(serializer.errors.items() + actions_form.errors.items())) cc_thread = serializer.instance thread_created.send(sender=None, user=user, post=cc_thread) api_thread = _do_extra_actions(api_thread, cc_thread, thread_data.keys(), actions_form, context, request) track_thread_created_event(request, course, cc_thread, actions_form.cleaned_data["following"]) return api_thread
def save_and_reserialize(self, data, instance=None): """ Create a serializer with the given data, ensure that it is valid, save the result, and return the full comment data from the serializer. """ context = get_context( self.course, self.request, make_minimal_cs_thread({"course_id": six.text_type(}) ) serializer = CommentSerializer( instance, data=data, partial=(instance is not None), context=context ) self.assertTrue(serializer.is_valid()) return
def get_thread_list( request, course_key, page, page_size, topic_id_list=None, text_search=None, following=False, view=None, order_by="last_activity_at", order_direction="desc", requested_fields=None, ): """ Return the list of all discussion threads pertaining to the given course Parameters: request: The django request objects used for build_absolute_uri course_key: The key of the course to get discussion threads for page: The page number (1-indexed) to retrieve page_size: The number of threads to retrieve per page topic_id_list: The list of topic_ids to get the discussion threads for text_search A text search query string to match following: If true, retrieve only threads the requester is following view: filters for either "unread" or "unanswered" threads order_by: The key in which to sort the threads by. The only values are "last_activity_at", "comment_count", and "vote_count". The default is "last_activity_at". order_direction: The direction in which to sort the threads by. The default and only value is "desc". This will be removed in a future major version. requested_fields: Indicates which additional fields to return for each thread. (i.e. ['profile_image']) Note that topic_id_list, text_search, and following are mutually exclusive. Returns: A paginated result containing a list of threads; see discussion.rest_api.views.ThreadViewSet for more detail. Raises: ValidationError: if an invalid value is passed for a field. ValueError: if more than one of the mutually exclusive parameters is provided CourseNotFoundError: if the requesting user does not have access to the requested course PageNotFoundError: if page requested is beyond the last """ exclusive_param_count = sum(1 for param in [topic_id_list, text_search, following] if param) if exclusive_param_count > 1: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("More than one mutually exclusive param passed to get_thread_list") cc_map = {"last_activity_at": "activity", "comment_count": "comments", "vote_count": "votes"} if order_by not in cc_map: raise ValidationError({ "order_by": [u"Invalid value. '{}' must be 'last_activity_at', 'comment_count', or 'vote_count'".format(order_by)] }) if order_direction != "desc": raise ValidationError({ "order_direction": [u"Invalid value. '{}' must be 'desc'".format(order_direction)] }) course = _get_course(course_key, request.user) context = get_context(course, request) query_params = { "user_id": unicode(, "group_id": ( None if context["is_requester_privileged"] else get_group_id_for_user(request.user, get_course_discussion_settings( ), "page": page, "per_page": page_size, "text": text_search, "sort_key": cc_map.get(order_by), } if view: if view in ["unread", "unanswered"]: query_params[view] = "true" else: ValidationError({ "view": [u"Invalid value. '{}' must be 'unread' or 'unanswered'".format(view)] }) if following: paginated_results = context["cc_requester"].subscribed_threads(query_params) else: query_params["course_id"] = unicode( query_params["commentable_ids"] = ",".join(topic_id_list) if topic_id_list else None query_params["text"] = text_search paginated_results = # The comments service returns the last page of results if the requested # page is beyond the last page, but we want be consistent with DRF's general # behavior and return a PageNotFoundError in that case if != page: raise PageNotFoundError("Page not found (No results on this page).") results = _serialize_discussion_entities( request, context, paginated_results.collection, requested_fields, DiscussionEntity.thread ) paginator = DiscussionAPIPagination( request,, paginated_results.num_pages, paginated_results.thread_count ) return paginator.get_paginated_response({ "results": results, "text_search_rewrite": paginated_results.corrected_text, })
def get_thread_list( request, course_key, page, page_size, topic_id_list=None, text_search=None, following=False, view=None, order_by="last_activity_at", order_direction="desc", requested_fields=None, ): """ Return the list of all discussion threads pertaining to the given course Parameters: request: The django request objects used for build_absolute_uri course_key: The key of the course to get discussion threads for page: The page number (1-indexed) to retrieve page_size: The number of threads to retrieve per page topic_id_list: The list of topic_ids to get the discussion threads for text_search A text search query string to match following: If true, retrieve only threads the requester is following view: filters for either "unread" or "unanswered" threads order_by: The key in which to sort the threads by. The only values are "last_activity_at", "comment_count", and "vote_count". The default is "last_activity_at". order_direction: The direction in which to sort the threads by. The default and only value is "desc". This will be removed in a future major version. requested_fields: Indicates which additional fields to return for each thread. (i.e. ['profile_image']) Note that topic_id_list, text_search, and following are mutually exclusive. Returns: A paginated result containing a list of threads; see discussion.rest_api.views.ThreadViewSet for more detail. Raises: ValidationError: if an invalid value is passed for a field. ValueError: if more than one of the mutually exclusive parameters is provided CourseNotFoundError: if the requesting user does not have access to the requested course PageNotFoundError: if page requested is beyond the last """ exclusive_param_count = sum( 1 for param in [topic_id_list, text_search, following] if param) if exclusive_param_count > 1: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( "More than one mutually exclusive param passed to get_thread_list") cc_map = { "last_activity_at": "activity", "comment_count": "comments", "vote_count": "votes" } if order_by not in cc_map: raise ValidationError({ "order_by": [ u"Invalid value. '{}' must be 'last_activity_at', 'comment_count', or 'vote_count'" .format(order_by) ] }) if order_direction != "desc": raise ValidationError({ "order_direction": [u"Invalid value. '{}' must be 'desc'".format(order_direction)] }) course = _get_course(course_key, request.user) context = get_context(course, request) query_params = { "user_id": six.text_type(, "group_id": (None if context["is_requester_privileged"] else get_group_id_for_user( request.user, get_course_discussion_settings(, "page": page, "per_page": page_size, "text": text_search, "sort_key": cc_map.get(order_by), } if view: if view in ["unread", "unanswered"]: query_params[view] = "true" else: ValidationError({ "view": [ u"Invalid value. '{}' must be 'unread' or 'unanswered'". format(view) ] }) if following: paginated_results = context["cc_requester"].subscribed_threads( query_params) else: query_params["course_id"] = six.text_type( query_params["commentable_ids"] = ",".join( topic_id_list) if topic_id_list else None query_params["text"] = text_search paginated_results = # The comments service returns the last page of results if the requested # page is beyond the last page, but we want be consistent with DRF's general # behavior and return a PageNotFoundError in that case if != page: raise PageNotFoundError("Page not found (No results on this page).") results = _serialize_discussion_entities(request, context, paginated_results.collection, requested_fields, DiscussionEntity.thread) paginator = DiscussionAPIPagination(request,, paginated_results.num_pages, paginated_results.thread_count) return paginator.get_paginated_response({ "results": results, "text_search_rewrite": paginated_results.corrected_text, })