コード例 #1
def get_stats(network_name):
    # get weights
    netparams = load.get_netparams(
        + network_name + '/' + network_name + '.ckpt')
    weights = netparams['weights']
    # get layers
    layers_sorted = load.get_layers(
        + network_name + '/' + network_name + '.py')
    tot_num_layers = len(layers_sorted)
    cols = ['layer_idx_norm', 'n', 'c', 'k', 'std']
    tmp_lst = []
    std_lst = []
    for i, layer in enumerate(layers_sorted, start=1):
        layer_shape = weights[layer].shape
        if len(layer_shape) == 2:
            k = 0
            n, c = layer_shape
            k, _, n, c = layer_shape
        weights_layer = weights[layer].ravel()
        idx_norm = i / tot_num_layers
        std = np.var(weights_layer)
        tmp_lst.append([idx_norm, n, c, k, std])

    df = pd.DataFrame(tmp_lst, columns=cols)
    return df, std_lst  # to access --> df.loc[i, 'std']
コード例 #2
def plot_dist(path_params, path_errors, save_name):
	#path_params = '/home/behnam/rlbitwidth.tfmodels/caffe2tf/tfmodels/lenet/lenet.ckpt'
	#path_errors = '/home/behnam/results/lenet/'
	weights = load.get_netparams(path_params)
	errors = load.get_error(path_errors)

	n_row = len(weights[0])
	n_col = 3
	count = 1
	n_bins = 200
	f = plt.figure(figsize=(n_row*3, n_row*3))
	for layer in weights[0]:
		sub_weights = load.get_subparams(weights, [layer])
		sub_errors = load.get_suberror(errors, 'w', [layer])
		y, x = np.histogram(sub_weights, bins=n_bins, normed=True)
		ax = f.add_subplot(n_row, n_col, count)
		ax.set_xlim([-0.5, 0.5])
		x = x[:-1]
		scale = 1 / max(y)
		ax.hist(x, len(x), weights=scale*y, color='skyblue')
		best_dist, best_params, best_name = get_best_fit(sub_weights, x, y)
		label = layer + '['
		for n in best_params:
			label = label + '%.3f ' % n
		label = label + ']'
		ax.plot(x, scale * best_dist.pdf(x, *best_params), color='black', label=label)
		plt.legend(loc='upper left')
		y, x = np.histogram(sub_errors, bins=n_bins, normed=True)
		ax = f.add_subplot(n_row, n_col, count+1)
		ax.set_xlim([-0.5, 0.5])
		x = x[:-1]
		scale = 1 / max(y)
		ax.hist(x, len(x), weights=scale*y, color='salmon')
		best_dist, best_params, best_name = get_best_fit(sub_errors, x, y)
		label = '['
		for n in best_params:
			label = label + '%.3f ' % n
		label = label + ']'
		ax.plot(x, scale * best_dist.pdf(x, *best_params), color='black', label=label)
		plt.legend(loc='upper left')
		ax = f.add_subplot(n_row, n_col, count+2)
		ax.set_xlim([-0.1, 0.1])
		ax.hist(x, len(x), weights=scale*y, color='salmon')
		ax.plot(x, scale * best_dist.pdf(x, *best_params), color='black')
		count = count + 3
	for name in save_name:
コード例 #3
import os
import pickle
import math
from math import exp, expm1
from mu_law_quantize import mu_law_quantize
from mu_law_quantize import snr
import load

path_net = '/home/behnam/rlbitwidth.tfmodels/caffe2tf/tfmodels/alexnet/alexnet.py'
path_params = '/home/behnam/rlbitwidth.tfmodels/caffe2tf/tfmodels/alexnet/alexnet.ckpt'
path_save = '/home/behnam/results/weights_retrained/alexnet_W_muLAW_uniform.pickle'
#path_save = '/home/behnam/results/weights_retrained/alexnet_W_muLAW_norm.pickle'

# reading weights from files
if '.ckpt' in path_params:
    params = load.get_netparams(path_params)
    with open(path_params, 'r') as f:
        params = pickle.load(f)

# loading the weights into variables
if type(params) is dict:
    weights_, biases_ = params['weights'], params['biases']
    if len(params) > 2:
        mean_, variance_, scale_, offset_ = params['mean'], params[
            'variance'], params['scale'], params['offset']
        mean_, variance_, scale_, offset_ = {}, {}, {}, {}
    weights_, biases_ = params[0:2]
    if len(params) > 2: