def load_images_and_evaluate1(model, args, dataFolder, numImages=None): #load images if numImages == None: #Load all images image_files, im = lm.load_im(dataFolder) label = lm.load_label(image_files) else: image_files, im_all = lm.load_im(dataFolder) im = im_all[0:numImages, :, :] label_all = lm.load_label(image_files) label = label_all[0:numImages, :, :] print 'Image Shape:' + str(im.shape) print 'Label Shape:' + str(label.shape) predicted = model.predict(im, batch_size=10) print 'Predicted Results Shape:' + str(predicted.shape) mse = find_mse(label, predicted) sortedIndices = np.argsort(mse) topImage = im[sortedIndices[0]] topLabel = label[sortedIndices[0]] topPredicted = predicted[0] topResults = np.concatenate((topImage, topLabel, topPredicted), axis=2) bottomImage = im[sortedIndices[sortedIndices.size - 1]] bottomLabel = label[sortedIndices[sortedIndices.size - 1]] bottomPredicted = predicted[sortedIndices[sortedIndices.size - 1]] bottomResults = np.concatenate((bottomImage, bottomLabel, bottomPredicted), axis=2) return topResults, bottomResults, im, label
def load_model_images_and_evaluate(model, dataFolderPath, dataFolder='im', labelFolder='label', numImages=None): #load images print dataFolder print labelFolder if numImages == None: #Load all images image_files, im = lm.load_im(dataFolderPath, dataFolder) label = lm.load_label(image_files, dataFolder, labelFolder) else: image_files, im_all = lm.load_im(dataFolderPath, dataFolder, numImages) im = im_all[0:numImages, :, :] label_all = lm.load_label(image_files, dataFolder, labelFolder) label = label_all[0:numImages, :, :] print 'Image Shape:' + str(im.shape) print 'Label Shape:' + str(label.shape) predicted = model.predict(im, batch_size=10) imageCountNan = 0 imageCountInf = 0 for i in range(predicted.shape[0]): nancount = anynan(np.squeeze(predicted[i, :, :, :])) infcount = anyinf(np.squeeze(predicted[i, :, :, :])) if (nancount > 0): #print('predicted contains nan:'+str(nancount)); imageCountNan = imageCountNan + 1 if (infcount > 0): #print('predicted contains inf:'+str(infcount)); imageCountInf = imageCountInf + 1 print("Number of image with predicted containing Nan:" + str(imageCountNan)) print("Number of image with predicted containing Inf:" + str(imageCountInf)) print 'Predicted datatype' print predicted.dtype return predicted, im, label, image_files
def main(): "Initialize the model" if hasattr(args, 'load_path') and args.load_path is not None: print("Loading Model from" + args.load_path); fileName = args.load_path + '/' +'Keras_model_weights.h5'; model = load_model(fileName); print("Model Loaded"); else: print("Creating new model"); model = create_model_seg(); #set training parameters sgd = opt.SGD(lr=0.0001, decay=0.0005, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True); model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='sgd'); #load images dataFolder = os.getcwd() +'/data_prev'; image_files,im = lm.load_im(dataFolder); print im.shape; label = lm.load_label(image_files); print label.shape; losses = model.evaluate(im,label,batch_size=10); predicted = model.predict(im,batch_size=10); #lm.save_results( predicted,image_files); print(predicted.shape); mse = find_mse(label,predicted); sortedIndices = np.argsort(mse); resultsFolder = dataFolder + '/results'; errorFile = resultsFolder + '/mse.csv'; if not os.path.exists(resultsFolder): print 'Creating folder:' + resultsFolder; create_results_folder(resultsFolder); ef = open(errorFile,'w'); for i in range(sortedIndices.size): print >> ef, image_files[sortedIndices[i]]+','+ str(mse[sortedIndices[i]]); ef.close(); #save predicted images for topk and bottomk topkFolderName = dataFolder + '/topk_predicted'; if not os.path.exists(topkFolderName) : create_results_folder(topkFolderName); topkIndices = sortedIndices[sortedIndices.size-10:sortedIndices.size ]; print topkIndices; lm.save_results(predicted,image_files,topkIndices,'topk_predicted' ); bottomkFolderName = dataFolder + '/bottomk_predicted'; if not os.path.exists(bottomkFolderName) : create_results_folder(bottomkFolderName) lm.save_results(predicted,image_files,sortedIndices[0:9 ],'bottomk_predicted' ); #save predicted images for topk and bottomk topkFolderName = dataFolder + '/topk_im'; if not os.path.exists(topkFolderName) : create_results_folder(topkFolderName); topkIndices = sortedIndices[sortedIndices.size-10:sortedIndices.size ]; print topkIndices; lm.save_results(im,image_files,topkIndices,'topk_im' ); bottomkFolderName = dataFolder + '/bottomk_im'; if not os.path.exists(bottomkFolderName) : create_results_folder(bottomkFolderName) lm.save_results(im,image_files,sortedIndices[0:9 ],'bottomk_im' );
def main(): #load/create model if hasattr(args, 'load_path') and args.load_path is not None: print("Loading Model from" + args.load_path); fileName = args.load_path + '/' +'Keras_model_weights.h5'; model = load_model(fileName); print("Model Loaded"); else: print("Creating new model"); model = create_model_seg(); #set training parameters sgd = opt.SGD(lr=0.0001, decay=0.0005, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True); model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='sgd'); #load images dataFolder = os.getcwd() + '/data_prev'; image_files,im_all = lm.load_im(dataFolder); numImages = 20; im= im_all[0:numImages,:,:]; print 'Image Shape:' + str(im.shape); label_all = lm.load_label(image_files); label = label_all[0:numImages,:,:] print 'Label Shape:' + str(label.shape); losses = model.evaluate(im,label,batch_size=10); predicted = model.predict(im,batch_size=10); #lm.save_results( predicted,image_files); print 'Predicted Results Shape:' + str(predicted.shape); mse = find_mse(label,predicted); sortedIndices = np.argsort(mse); #Display image, label and predicted output for the image with highest and lowest error topImage = im[sortedIndices[0]]; topLabel = label[sortedIndices[0]]; topPredicted = predicted[0]; bottomImage = im[sortedIndices[sortedIndices.size - 1]]; bottomLabel = label[sortedIndices[sortedIndices.size - 1]]; bottomPredicted = predicted[sortedIndices[sortedIndices.size - 1]]; pl.figure(1,figsize=(15,15)); pl.title('Results'); top = np.zeros([400,200,3]); top[:,:,0] = np.squeeze( topImage ); top[:,:,1] = np.squeeze(topLabel ); top[:,:,2] = np.squeeze(topPredicted ); bottom = np.zeros([400,200,3]); bottom[:,:,0] = np.squeeze( bottomImage ); bottom[:,:,1] = np.squeeze( bottomLabel ); bottom[:,:,2] = np.squeeze( bottomPredicted ); pl.subplot(2,3,1); pl.imshow(top[:,:,0],cmap=cm.binary); pl.subplot(2,3,2); pl.imshow(top[:,:,1],cmap=cm.binary); pl.subplot(2,3,3); pl.imshow(top[:,:,2],cmap=cm.binary); pl.subplot(2,3,4); pl.imshow(bottom[:,:,0],cmap=cm.binary); pl.subplot(2,3,5); pl.imshow(bottom[:,:,1],cmap=cm.binary); pl.subplot(2,3,6); pl.imshow(bottom[:,:,2],cmap=cm.binary); layer = 1; layer_out = model.layers[layer]; inputs = [backend.learning_phase()] + model.inputs; _convout1_f = backend.function(inputs, layer_out.output); def convout1_f(X): # The [0] is to disable the training phase flag return _convout1_f( [0] + [X] ) imagesToVisualize = np.zeros([2,400,200,1]); imagesToVisualize[0,:,:,0] = np.squeeze( topImage ); imagesToVisualize[1,:,:,0] = np.squeeze( bottomImage ); convout1 = np.squeeze(convout1_f(imagesToVisualize)); print 'Output shape of layer ' +str(layer)+ ':' +str(convout1.shape); numFilters = convout1.shape[3]; numImages = imagesToVisualize.shape[0]; pl.figure(1, figsize = (15,15)); pl.title('Output of layer ' +str(layer)); filterNum = 0; imageNum = 0; position = 1; print 'Number of filters:' + str(numFilters) while imageNum < numImages: pl.subplot(numImages,numFilters+1,position); pl.imshow(np.squeeze(imagesToVisualize[imageNum,:,:,0]),cmap = cm.binary); position = position + 1; while filterNum < numFilters : pl.subplot(numImages,numFilters+1,position); pl.imshow( np.squeeze(convout1[imageNum,:,:,filterNum] ),cmap = cm.binary); position = position + 1; filterNum = filterNum + 1; imageNum = imageNum + 1; filterNum = 0; ## nice_imshow(pl.gca(),make_mosaic(convout6,10,10),cmap=cm.binary); ## # plot the model weights layer = 3; W = model.layers[layer].W.get_value(borrow=True) W = np.squeeze(W) print("W shape : ", W.shape); print("Dimension : ", len(W.shape)); pl.figure(2,figsize=(15, 15)); pl.title('Convoution layer:'+ str(layer)+' weights'); nice_imshow(pl.gca(), make_mosaic(W, 10,10), cmap=cm.binary); figFileName = args.load_path + '/' + 'layer_'+str(layer)+'.png'; pl.savefig(figFileName); freq,values = np.histogram(W,bins=1000); pl.figure(3,figsize=(15,15)); pl.plot(values[1:len(values)],freq); #open files weightsFile = args.load_path + '/' + 'layer_'+str(layer)+'.txt'; weightsStatisticsFile = args.load_path + '/' + 'layer_stats_'+str(layer)+'.txt'; wf = open(weightsFile, 'w+'); #weights file wfs = open(weightsStatisticsFile, 'w+'); #weights statistics file print >> wfs,'Overall Minimum= '+str(np.amin(W)); print >> wfs,'Overall Maximum= '+str(np.amax(W)); print >> wfs,'Overall Mean= '+ str(np.mean(W)); print >> wfs,'Overall variance= '+ str(np.var(W)); ## print >> wfs,'Histogram'; ## print >> wfs, 'Frequency'; ## print >> wfs, freq; ## print >> wfs, 'Values'; ## print >> wfs, values[len(values) -10: len(values) - 1]; pruningThreshold = 15; """ Print all filter numbers whose weights lies in the interval [pruningThreshold,0] """ if len(W.shape) == 3 : numFilter = W.shape[2]; numChannel = 1; else: numFilter = W.shape[3]; numChannel = W.shape[2]; numberOfFilters = numFilter * numChannel; percent = (100.0 * getNumberOfFiltersToBePruned(W, pruningThreshold,0) ) / numberOfFilters; ## while percent < 90: ## pruningThreshold = pruningThreshold + 1; ## percent = ( 100.0 * getNumberOfFiltersToBePruned(W, pruningThreshold,0) ) /numberOfFilters; ## print percent; #print >> wfs, 'Total Number of channels = ' + str(getNumberOfFiltersToBePruned(W)); #print >> wfs, 'Channels and filters in which weights lies in the interval ['+str(pruningThreshold)+',0]'; print >> wfs,'(channel,filter)'; numberOfFiltersToPrune =0 ; if len(W.shape) == 4: for i in range(W.shape[2]) : for j in range(W.shape[3]) : weightMatrix = W[:,:,i,j]; maxW = np.amax( W[:,:,i,j] ); minW = np.amin( W[:,:,i,j] ); if abs(minW) < pruningThreshold and abs(maxW) < pruningThreshold: print >> wfs, '('+str(i) +','+str(j) +')'; numberOfFiltersToPrune = numberOfFiltersToPrune + 1; print >> wfs, 'Total Number of channels= ' + str(numberOfFiltersToPrune); if len(W.shape) == 4: for i in range(W.shape[2]) : for j in range(W.shape[3]) : weightMatrix = W[:,:,i,j]; print >> wfs, 'i=' + str(i) + ' j=' + str(j); print >> wf,weightMatrix; maxVector = np.amax(W[:,:,i,j],axis=1); minVector = np.amin(W[:,:,i,j],axis=1); print >> wfs,'Minimum='+str(np.amin(minVector)); print >> wfs,'Maximum='+str(np.amax(maxVector)); print >> wfs,'Mean='+str(np.mean(weightMatrix)); print >> wfs,'Variance='+str(np.var(weightMatrix)); print >> wfs,maxVector; print >> wfs,minVector; else: for i in range(W.shape[2]): print >> wfs,W[:,:,i]; print >> wfs,np.amax(W[:,:,i],axis=1); wf.close(); wfs.close();;
from lib_metrics import find_mse import load_and_save_images as lm from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from math import sqrt import numpy as np import os ##y_actual = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,0]]); ##y_predicted = np.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]); ##rms = mean_squared_error(y_actual, y_predicted); ##print(rms); dataFolder = os.getcwd() + '/data_prev' image_files, im = lm.load_im(dataFolder) print 'Image Shape:' + str(im.shape) label = lm.load_label(image_files) print 'Label Shape:' + str(label.shape) mse = find_mse(label, label) print mse