def main_simulate(in_stream, out_stream): limits = Limits(open("rts.lim")) loadflow = Loadflow(open("rts.lf"), limits) for count, scenario in stream_scenario_generator(in_stream): result, result_reason = loadflow.simulate(scenario) scenario.result = result scenario.result_reason = result_reason out_stream.write(str(count) + ", " + str(scenario) + "\n")
def main_test(out_stream): """print the results and the intermediate file for a number of interesting scenarios. So we can check by hand if the intermediate file generator and the simulator are doing the correct thing. """ batch_string = "" batch_string += "1, base, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + "\n" # base - as normal batch_string += "1, half, None, , 0.5" + windstr(1) + "\n" # half load power batch_string += "1, tenth, None, , 0.1" + windstr(1) + "\n" # tenth load power batch_string += "1, island, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", B11\n" # island batch_string += "1, slack, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", G12\n" # removed 1 slack bus batch_string += "1, slack-all, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", G12, G13, G14\n" # removed all slack busses batch_string += "1, line, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", A2\n" # remove 1 line batch_string += "1, gen, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", G24\n" # remove 1 generator batch_string += "1, bus, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", 104\n" # remove 1 bus without generators batch_string += "1, bus-gen, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", 101\n" # remove 1 bus with generators attached batch_string += "1, bus-slack, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", 113\n" # remove slack bus and all slack generators batch_string += "1, bus-island, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", 208\n" # remove bus that causes island batch_string += "1, high-load, None, , 1.10" + windstr(1) + "\n" # load power high batch_string += "1, over-max, None, , 1.15" + windstr(1) + "\n" # load power above max gen power if windlevel.num_wind > 0: batch_string += "1, wind-50, None, , 1.0" + windstr(0.5) + "\n" # base - wind @ 50% batch_string += "1, wind-10, None, , 1.0" + windstr(0.1) + "\n" # base - wind @ 10% batch_string += "1, wind-200, None, , 1.0" + windstr(2.0) + "\n" # base - wind @ 200% in_stream = StringIO(batch_string) limits = Limits(open("rts.lim")) loadflow = Loadflow(open("rts.lf"), limits) for count, scenario in stream_scenario_generator(in_stream): intermediate_file = open(scenario.scenario_type + ".csv", "w") try: loadflow.lfgenerator(intermediate_file, scenario) result, result_reason = loadflow.simulate(scenario) except Exception, e: # remove `,` from message result, result_reason = (False, "".join(c for c in str(e) if c not in ",")) intermediate_file.close() scenario.result = result scenario.result_reason = result_reason out_stream.write(str(count) + ", " + str(scenario) + "\n")
def main_test(out_stream): """print the results and the intermediate file for a number of interesting scenarios. So we can check by hand if the intermediate file generator and the simulator are doing the correct thing. """ batch_string = "" batch_string += "1, base, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + "\n" # base - as normal batch_string += "1, half, None, , 0.5" + windstr(1) + "\n" # half load power batch_string += "1, tenth, None, , 0.1" + windstr(1) + "\n" # tenth load power batch_string += "1, island, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", B11\n" # island batch_string += "1, slack, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", G12\n" # removed 1 slack bus batch_string += "1, slack-all, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", G12, G13, G14\n" # removed all slack busses batch_string += "1, line, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", A2\n" # remove 1 line batch_string += "1, gen, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", G24\n" # remove 1 generator batch_string += "1, bus, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", 104\n" # remove 1 bus without generators batch_string += "1, bus-gen, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", 101\n" # remove 1 bus with generators attached batch_string += "1, bus-slack, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", 113\n" # remove slack bus and all slack generators batch_string += "1, bus-island, None, , 1.0" + windstr(1) + ", 208\n" # remove bus that causes island batch_string += "1, high-load, None, , 1.10" + windstr(1) + "\n" # load power high batch_string += "1, over-max, None, , 1.15" + windstr(1) + "\n" # load power above max gen power if windlevel.num_wind > 0: batch_string += "1, wind-50, None, , 1.0" + windstr(0.5) + "\n" # base - wind @ 50% batch_string += "1, wind-10, None, , 1.0" + windstr(0.1) + "\n" # base - wind @ 10% batch_string += "1, wind-200, None, , 1.0" + windstr(2.0) + "\n" # base - wind @ 200% in_stream = StringIO(batch_string) limits = Limits(open("rts.lim")) loadflow = Loadflow(open("rts.lf"), limits) for count, scenario in stream_scenario_generator(in_stream): intermediate_file = open(scenario.scenario_type + ".csv", "w") try: loadflow.lfgenerator(intermediate_file, scenario) result, result_reason = loadflow.simulate(scenario) except Exception, e: # remove `,` from message result, result_reason = (False, ''.join(c for c in str(e) if c not in ',')) intermediate_file.close() scenario.result = result scenario.result_reason = result_reason out_stream.write(str(count) + ", " + str(scenario) + "\n")
""" Pick from the load flow (not installed capacity) of the starting base case (so it is the same for each MCS base-case). Pick so that You can double the number of itentical generating units on each bus that are to become 'wind powered'. This is to up the installed capacity to 20% without changing where the wind farms are. """ from loadflow import Loadflow import string import random lf = Loadflow(open("rts.lf"), None) raw_gens = [x for x in lf.busbars.values() if x[2].strip().startswith("G")] total_power = sum(float(x[3].strip()) for x in raw_gens) class Gen(object): """docstring for Gen""" def __init__(self, name): super(Gen, self).__init__() = name def __str__(self): # return string.join(["Gen",, self.bus, str(self.power)], ", ") return str(self.power) gens = []