コード例 #1
  def setLists(self, summary = None, specific = None):

    for typeLst in [True, False] if summary is None else [summary]:
      luids = list(set(self.getLuids(disp = not typeLst)).intersection(set(af.iwList(specific)))) if specific else self.getLuids(disp = not typeLst)
      solsts = [lists.SOList(self, luid) for luid in luids]
      self.response[f"{'s' if specific else ''}{'s' if typeLst else 'd'}lists"] = [solst.vueList(typeLst) for solst in solsts]
コード例 #2
  def setPts(self, specific = None):

    sqlPuids = self.sql.fetch(f"SELECT puid FROM pts WHERE luid in (SELECT luid FROM rights WHERE uuid = '{self.userDict['uuid']}' AND disp = 1 AND luid in (SELECT luid FROM lists WHERE active = 1)) AND active = 1")
    if not specific and not sqlPuids:
      return False

    puids = af.iwList(specific) if specific else [x[0] for x in sqlPuids]

    self.response[f"{'s' if specific else ''}pts"] = [patients.Pt(self, puid, skipRights=True).vuePt() for puid in puids]
コード例 #3
ファイル: lists.py プロジェクト: alexhalme/signover
    def shareList(self, priv, emails=None, uuids=None, first=False):
        if False if first else not self.rights.get('priv'):
            return False

        if not priv in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
            return False

        if emails:
            wheres = ' OR '.join(
                [f"email = '{email}'" for email in af.iwList(emails)])
            if not wheres:
                return False
            query = self.auth.sql.fetch(
                f"SELECT uuid FROM users WHERE {wheres}")
            if not query:
                return False
            uuids = [x[0] for x in query]
            if not uuids:
                return False
            uuids = af.iwList(uuids)

        if self.auth.userDict['uuid'] in uuids and (
                True if first else priv <= self.rights.get('priv')):
            self.auth.sql.wesc(f"DELETE FROM rights WHERE uuid* AND luid*",
                               v=(self.auth.userDict['uuid'], self.luid))

            rightsDict = {
                'luid': self.luid,
                'uuid': self.auth.userDict['uuid'],
                'priv': priv,
                'aes': self.auth.keyring.encrypt(self.aes, forceSealedBox=True)

            # TODO: this?
            self.auth.sql.wesc(f"INSERT INTO rights **", d=rightsDict)

        if first:
            return uuids

        # possible uuids ie where emails match and not self user's uuid
        uuidsPossible = list(set(uuids) - {self.auth.userDict['uuid']})

        allowedPrivs = PRIVS.get(self.rights.get('priv'))

        # where statement for privileges when priv would be allowed
        uuidsAllowedWheres = ' OR '.join(
            [f"priv = {k}" for k, v in allowedPrivs.items() if priv in v])
        # uuids in rights table for this list where priv prevents Δ
        uuidsProhibited = self.auth.sql.getOneCol(
            where=f"luid = '{self.luid}' AND NOT ({uuidsAllowedWheres})")
        # to-do list ie possible minus prohibited
        uuidsToDo = list(set(uuidsPossible) - set(uuidsProhibited))
        if not uuidsToDo:
            return []

        self.deleteRights([(uuid, self.luid) for uuid in uuidsToDo])
                                      'uuid': uuid,
                                      'luid': self.luid,
                                      'priv': priv,
                                      'aes': self.asymEncrypt(uuid, self.aes)
                                  } for uuid in uuidsToDo])

        return uuidsToDo
コード例 #4
ファイル: lists.py プロジェクト: alexhalme/signover
 def deleteRights(self, uluids):
                              condition=' OR '.join([
                                  f"(uuid = '{uuid}' AND luid = '{luid}')"
                                  for uuid, luid in af.iwList(uluids)
コード例 #5
 def killSession(self, uuids):
   userDicts = self.SQL.getDataDicts('users', where = ' OR '.join([f"uuid = '{uuid}'" for uuid in af.iwList(uuids)]))
   self.SQL.replaceRows('users', [{**userDict, 'saes': b''} for userDict in userDicts])