def getStockOptionPrice(ib, aStockSymbol, exchange = 'SMART'): """ getStockOptionPrices :Keyword arguments ib -- ib_insync instance aStockSymbol -- the Stock Symbol exchange -- the exchange default is 'SMART' optionChain -- type is ib_insync.objects.OptionChain marketPrice -- Market Price of the Underlying/Stock strikePriceRange -- Strike prices within +- strikePriceRange dollar value of the current marketPrice (default 20 ) strikePriceMultiple -- Strike prices that are a multitude (eg $5 goes to 20, 25) of strikePriceMultiple dollar value (default 5 ) :returns Call price, Put Price """ qualityContracts = Stock(aStockSymbol, 'SMART') ib.qualifyContracts(qualityContracts) qualityContracts chains = ib.reqSecDefOptParams(qualityContracts.symbol, '', qualityContracts.secType, qualityContracts.conId) chain = next(c for c in chains if c.tradingClass == aStockSymbol and == exchange) [ticker] = ib.reqTickers(qualityContracts) # Get to the next 5 dont want to deal with missing data at the 1 and 2 level strike5 = (5 * round(ticker.marketPrice() / 5)) # get strikes at strike5 strikes = [strike for strike in chain.strikes if strike5 == strike] expiration = dateUtils.getNextExpiryDate() # = sorted(exp for exp in chain.expirations) rights = ['P', 'C'] contracts = [Option(aStockSymbol, expiration, strike5, right, 'SMART') for right in rights] ib.qualifyContracts(*contracts) contractsForExpiry = [aContract for aContract in contracts if aContract.lastTradeDateOrContractMonth == dateUtils.getNextExpiryDate()] tickers = ib.reqTickers(*contractsForExpiry) if tickers[0].contract.right == 'C': tickerPriceCall = tickers[0].last tickerPricePut = tickers[1].last else: tickerPriceCall = tickers[1].last tickerPricePut = tickers[0].last return tickerPriceCall, tickerPricePut
def getExpectedPriceRangeTillNextExpiryDays(underlyingPrice, impVol): """ Get the expected price range of an underlying at the next monthly expiry. Parameters ---------- underlyingPrice : price of the underlying stock impVol : implied volatility of the underlying Returns ------- """ print('underlyingPrice: ', type(underlyingPrice)) print('impVol: ', type(impVol)) try: priceTimesImpvol = underlyingPrice * impVol sqrtOfDaysDiv = math.sqrt( dateUtils.daysToExpiry(dateUtils.getNextExpiryDate()) / 365) except ValueError: print("**** in getExpectedPriceRangeTillNextExpiryDays") print(" ValueError: ", ValueError) print(' underlyingPrice: ', underlyingPrice) print(' impVol: ', impVol) return 0 return round((priceTimesImpvol * sqrtOfDaysDiv), 2)
def getOptionStraddlePrice(ib, qualityContracts, chain): """ Get ATM (at the money) Option Straddle Price. :Keyword arguments ib -- ib_insync instance qualityContracts -- a qualified Stock Symbol chain -- chain of Options / list of expires and strike prices. :returns Straddle Price: which is to buy a call option and a put option on the same underlying stock with the same expiration date and strike price. """ [ticker] = ib.reqTickers(qualityContracts) # Get to the next round at 5 don't want to deal with missing data at the increments of 1 and 2 # eg: we want 125 or 130 # don't get 126,127,128, 129 / these price option are not always available strike5 = (5 * round(ticker.marketPrice() / 5)) # ToDo should be a better way to get strike5 then loop # get strikes at strike5 strikes = [strike for strike in chain.strikes if strike5 == strike] expiration = dateUtils.getNextExpiryDate( ) # = sorted(exp for exp in chain.expirations) rights = ['P', 'C'] contracts = [ Option(qualityContracts.symbol, expiration, strike5, right, 'SMART') for right in rights ] print('Straddle ', contracts) ib.qualifyContracts(*contracts) contractsForExpiry = [ aContract for aContract in contracts if aContract.lastTradeDateOrContractMonth == dateUtils.getNextExpiryDate() ] tickers = ib.reqTickers(*contractsForExpiry) # Todo - need to update to return close price when market closed else return last return tickers[0].close + tickers[1].close
def getExpectedPriceRangeTillNextExpiryDays(underlyingPrice, impVol): """ Get the expected price range of an underlying at the next monthly expiry. using: (Stock Price * IV)/SQRT(Days to Expiry/#Days in a Year) suggest using: # todo -- update to this Expected Price Range - do not think this is correct # todo -- continue to include Days to Expiry. 6/10/2020 (Stock Price * IV)/SQRT(#Days in a Year) Parameters ---------- underlyingPrice : price of the underlying stock impVol : implied volatility of the underlying Returns ------- """ # print('underlyingPrice: ', type(underlyingPrice)) # print('impVol: ', type(impVol)) try: priceTimesImpvol = underlyingPrice * impVol sqrtOfDaysDiv = math.sqrt( dateUtils.daysToExpiry(dateUtils.getNextExpiryDate()) / 365) except ValueError: print("**** in getExpectedPriceRangeTillNextExpiryDays") print(" ValueError: ", ValueError) print(' underlyingPrice: ', underlyingPrice) print(' impVol: ', impVol) return 0 return round((priceTimesImpvol * sqrtOfDaysDiv), 2)
def buildExcelFile(aStock, startday, theExpiryDateText): # Get the company info from stockInfo = companyInfo.getCompanyStockInfo(aStock) stockOverview = companyInfo.getCompanyOverview(aStock) stockFundamentals = companyInfo.getCompanyFundamentals(aStock) aText, stockRatings = companyInfo.getCompanyRatings(aStock) callOptions, putOptions, expiryText, aWebDriver = companyOptions.scrapeCompanyOptionData( aStock, theExpiryDateText) # Setup Excel output file outExcelFile = theBaseCompaniesDirectory + startday + '/' + aStock + '_SummaryWeekOf-' + startday + excelSuffix # Setup Fundamentals worksheet name sheetIsFundamentals = aStock + '-Fundamentals' # Starting point for data sheetRowStart = 4 sheetColStart = 1 # create writer and workbook writer = pd.ExcelWriter(outExcelFile, engine='xlsxwriter') fundamentalsWorkbook = # percentFormat = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_format({'num_format': '0.0%'}) # currencyFormat = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_format({'num_format': '$#,##0.00'}) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # set up fundamentals Worksheet # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Transpose stockFundamentalsTranposed = stockFundamentals.T # Add the Ratings next stockRatings.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheetIsFundamentals, startrow=sheetRowStart + 3, startcol=sheetColStart) # Add the fundamentals stockInfo.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheetIsFundamentals, startrow=sheetRowStart + 7, startcol=sheetColStart, header=False) stockFundamentalsTranposed.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheetIsFundamentals, startrow=sheetRowStart + 7, startcol=sheetColStart + 2, header=False) stockOverview.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheetIsFundamentals, startrow=sheetRowStart + 7, startcol=sheetColStart + 4, header=False) # Add the text info on Expiry and Recommendations fundamentalsWorkbookSheet = writer.sheets[sheetIsFundamentals] fundamentalsWorkbookSheet.write(sheetRowStart + 1, 1, aText) fundamentalsWorkbookSheet.write(sheetRowStart, 1, expiryText) fundamentalsWorkbookSheet.set_column('B:F', 25) fundamentalsWorkbookSheet.set_column('G:S', 18) # fundamentalsWorkbookSheet.conditional_format('B2:B8', {'type': '3_color_scale'}) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # setup the Call/Put Option Worksheets # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # include the DF header as Excel Header callOptions.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=aStock + '-Call Options', startrow=0, header=True) putOptions.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=aStock + '-Put Options', startrow=0, header=True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # setup the Call/Put Option Worksheets # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get aStock Excel file and add as a sheet inExcelFile = theBaseCompaniesDirectory + startday +\ '/SummaryWeekOf-' + startday + excelSuffix # Need to use pd.ExcelFile to read in the file to manipulate yahooEarningsDf_aSymbol_Sheet = pd.ExcelFile(inExcelFile).parse(aStock) # Add the aStock sheet to our Company Info yahooEarningsDf_aSymbol_Sheet.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=aStock + '-EarningsHistory', startrow=2, startcol=sheetColStart) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # setup summary Worksheet # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # get 2 rows of summary data summaryRow = yahooEarningsDf_aSymbol_Sheet.iloc[0:1, 0:21] summaryRow = summaryRow[[ "Symbol", "Company", "Earnings_Date", "Time", "Close", "ABSFwd1MinusClose", "ABSFwd1PlusClose", "Exp$Range", "Volume", "Option_Volume", "histVol", "impVol", "IV_Delta", "stdFwd1%", "stdFwd1$TimesClose", "std25Fwd1%", "std25Fwd1$TimesClose", "max1DayABS$Delta" ]].copy() summaryRow.rename(columns={'ABSFwd1MinusClose': 'ABS $ Minus'}, inplace=True) summaryRow.rename(columns={'ABSFwd1PlusClose': 'ABS $ Plus'}, inplace=True) summaryRow.rename(columns={'stdFwd1%': '1-SD % Move'}, inplace=True) summaryRow.rename(columns={"stdFwd1$TimesClose": '1-SD $ Move'}, inplace=True) summaryRow.rename(columns={'std25Fwd1%': '2.5-SD % Move'}, inplace=True) summaryRow.rename(columns={'max1DayABS$Delta': '1Day Max ABS Delta'}, inplace=True) summaryRow.rename(columns={'std25Fwd1$TimesClose': '2.5-SD $ Move'}, inplace=True) summaryRow.rename(columns={'Earnings_Date': 'Earnings'}, inplace=True) summaryRow.rename(columns={'histVol': 'Historic Vol'}, inplace=True) summaryRow.rename(columns={'impVol': 'Implied Vol'}, inplace=True) summaryRow.rename(columns={'IV_Delta': 'Vol Delta'}, inplace=True) # Change to Earning Date Format: "Mon, Jul 06" summaryRow['Earnings'] = summaryRow['Earnings'].apply( str.replace, args=('-', '')).apply(dateUtils.monthDayFormat) summaryRow.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheetIsFundamentals, startrow=0, startcol=1, index=False) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create Plot and save as png file # Setup plot Worksheet # ------------------------------------------------------------------ plotEarningPngFile(aStock, startday) # Get Plot file path aStockEarningsPlot = theBaseCompaniesDirectory + startday + '/rawData/' + aStock + '.png' # create image worksheet then add image imageWorksheet = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_worksheet( aStock + '-Earnings History Plot') imageWorksheet.insert_image('B3', aStockEarningsPlot) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Setup Trade Plan Worksheet # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # set up Trade Worksheet as the First Tab this is crudely done by instanciting the sheet first # this is done above --> tradePlanWorkbookSheet = writer.sheets[aStock+'-Trade Plan'] # Todo - figure out how to order workbook sheets # the worksheets are kept in "writer" as dict # format line like: 21 Days to expiration on 2020-07-17 -- Implied Volatility: 68.32% expiry_text_format = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_format({ 'bold': True, 'font_color': '#C00000' }) expiry_format = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_format({ 'bold': True, 'font_color': 'navy', 'border': 2, 'valign': 'vcenter', 'align': 'center', 'fg_color': '#FAF1D3', }) today_format = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_format({ 'bold': True, 'font_color': '#C00000', 'border': 2, 'valign': 'vcenter', 'align': 'center', 'fg_color': '#FAF1D3', }) call_label_format = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_format({ 'bold': True, 'font_color': 'navy', 'fg_color': '#D7E4BC', 'border': 2, 'valign': 'vcenter', 'align': 'center' }) put_label_format = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_format({ 'bold': True, 'font_color': 'navy', 'fg_color': '#f9cfb5', 'border': 2, 'valign': 'vcenter', 'align': 'center' }) open_format = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_format({ 'bold': True, 'font_color': 'navy', 'fg_color': '#93D07B', 'border': 2, 'valign': 'vcenter', 'align': 'center' }) close_format = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_format({ 'bold': True, 'font_color': 'navy', 'fg_color': '#eb813d', 'border': 2, 'valign': 'vcenter', 'align': 'center' }) trade_header_format = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_format({ 'bold': True, 'font_color': 'navy', 'fg_color': '#D7E4BC', 'border': 2, 'valign': 'vcenter', 'align': 'center' }) trade_text_format = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_format({ 'border': 1, 'valign': 'vcenter', 'align': 'center' }) empty_expiryW_format = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_format({ 'bold': True, 'font_color': 'navy', 'border': 2, 'valign': 'vcenter', 'align': 'center', 'fg_color': '#F2E1A9' }) # f2e1a9 empty_expiryM_format = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_format({ 'border': 2, 'fg_color': '#FAF1D3' }) empty_cell_format = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_format({ 'border': 2, 'valign': 'center' }) # tradePlanWorkbookSheet = writer.sheets[aStock+'-Trade Plan'] tradePlanWorkbookSheet = fundamentalsWorkbook.add_worksheet(aStock + '-Trade Plan') # [tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(0, x, '', empty_cell_format) for x in range(0,7,1)] # for col_num, value in enumerate(summaryRow.columns.values): if col_num > 12: tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(4, col_num - 12, value, trade_header_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(5, col_num - 12, summaryRow.iloc[0, col_num], trade_text_format) elif col_num > 6: tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(2, col_num - 6, value, trade_header_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(3, col_num - 6, summaryRow.iloc[0, col_num], trade_text_format) else: tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(0, col_num, value, trade_header_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(1, col_num, summaryRow.iloc[0, col_num], trade_text_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.set_row(1, 20) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.set_row(3, 20) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.set_row(5, 20) # Format Earning data? # [tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(0, x, '', empty_cell_format) for x in range(0,7,1)] # Expiry Text / Implied Vol # next Expiry dates tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(7, 1, expiryText, expiry_text_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(8, 1, "Next Expiry's ->", expiry_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write( 8, 2, 'Friday: ' + dateUtils.getNextFridayExpiryFormat(), empty_expiryW_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write( 8, 3, "Monthly: " + dateUtils.month3Format(dateUtils.getNextExpiryDate()), expiry_format) # [tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(9, x, '', empty_expiryM_format) for x in range(2,4,2)] tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(9, 2, '', empty_expiryW_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(9, 3, '', empty_expiryM_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(13, 0, "Today: ", today_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(13, 1, dateUtils.getTodayStr(), today_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(13, 2, 'Strike', trade_header_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(13, 3, 'Price', trade_header_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(13, 4, 'IV', trade_header_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(13, 5, 'Volume', trade_header_format) # tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(16, 6, 'IV', trade_header_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(13, 6, 'Time Executed', trade_header_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(14, 0, 'Open', open_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(14, 1, 'Call', call_label_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(15, 1, 'Put', put_label_format) [ tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(14, x, '', empty_cell_format) for x in range(2, 7, 1) ] [ tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(15, x, '', empty_cell_format) for x in range(2, 7, 1) ] [ tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(15, x, '', empty_cell_format) for x in range(2, 7, 1) ] [ tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(16, x, '', empty_expiryM_format) for x in range(1, 7, 1) ] tradePlanWorkbookSheet.set_row(16, 10) # tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(17, 0, 'Close', close_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(17, 1, 'Call', trade_header_format) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(18, 1, 'Put', put_label_format) [ tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(17, x, '', empty_cell_format) for x in range(2, 7, 1) ] [ tradePlanWorkbookSheet.write(18, x, '', empty_cell_format) for x in range(2, 7, 1) ] tradePlanWorkbookSheet.set_row(14, 40) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.set_row(15, 40) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.set_row(17, 40) tradePlanWorkbookSheet.set_row(18, 40) # tradePlanWorkbookSheet.set_tab_color('green') tradePlanWorkbookSheet.set_column('B:G', 22) # # Save excel return aWebDriver