def select_frames(): if start > 1.0 or stop > 1.0 or start < 0 or stop < 0 or start >= stop: raise ValueError('Please change start & stop, they should form a ' 'normalized interval with 0 <= start < stop <= 1.') else: base_folder = os.path.join(video_path, 'data-' + task + '/') auxiliary_functions.attempt_to_make_folder(base_folder) videos = auxiliary_functions.get_video_list(filename, video_path, video_type) for vindex, video in enumerate(videos): print("Loading ", video, '# ', str(vindex + 1), ' of ', str(len(videos))) clip = VideoFileClip(os.path.join(video_path, video)) # print("Duration of video [s], ", clip.duration, "fps, ", clip.fps, # "Cropped frame dimensions: ", clip.size) # Create folder with experiment name and extract random frames folder = 'selected' v_name = video.split('.')[0] auxiliary_functions.attempt_to_make_folder( os.path.join(base_folder, folder)) index_length = int(np.ceil(np.log10(clip.duration * clip.fps))) # extract first frame (uncropped) - useful for data augmentation # index = 0 # image = img_as_ubyte(clip.get_frame(index * 1. / clip.fps)) # io.imsave(os.path.join(base_folder, folder, 'img' + v_name + '-' # + str(index).zfill(index_length) + '.png'), image) if cropping is True: clip = clip.crop(y1=y1, y2=y2, x1=x1, x2=x2) # print("Extracting frames") if selection_algorithm == 'uniform': frames_to_pick = frame_selection_tools.uniform_frames( clip, num_frames_to_pick, start, stop) elif selection_algorithm == 'kmeans': frames_to_pick = frame_selection_tools.k_means_based_frame_selection( clip, num_frames_to_pick, start, stop) else: print('not implemented') frames_to_pick = [] index_length = int(np.ceil(np.log10(clip.duration * clip.fps))) for index in frames_to_pick: try: image = img_as_ubyte(clip.get_frame(index * 1. / clip.fps)) io.imsave( os.path.join( base_folder, folder, 'img' + v_name + '-' + str(index).zfill(index_length) + '.png'), image) except FileExistsError: print('Frame # ', index, ' does not exist.') clip.close()
def evaluate_model(): for shuffle_index, shuffle in enumerate(shuffles): for train_fraction_index, train_fraction in enumerate(training_fraction): experiment_name = task + date + '-trainset' + str( int(train_fraction * 100)) + 'shuffle' + str(shuffle) cfg = load_config(os.path.join(base_folder, experiment_name, 'test/pose_cfg.yaml')) # get available snapshots snapshots = np.array([ fn.split('.')[0] for fn in os.listdir( os.path.join( base_folder, 'trained-results' ) ) if 'index' in fn ]) # just pick most trained snapshot increasing_indices = np.argsort([int(m.split('-')[1]) for m in snapshots]) snapshots = snapshots[increasing_indices] cfg['init_weights'] = os.path.join(base_folder, 'trained-results', snapshots[0]) training_iterations = (cfg['init_weights'].split('/')[-1]).split('-')[-1] # load metadata for training / test files and labels dataset_folder = 'unaugmented-data-set-' + task + date doc_file = '/documentation_data-' + task + str(int(train_fraction * 100)) + \ 'shuffle' + str(int(shuffle)) + '.pickle' with open(os.path.join(base_folder, dataset_folder + doc_file), 'rb') as f: data_doc, train_indices, test_indices, __ignore__ = pickle.load(f) data = pd.read_hdf(os.path.join(base_folder, dataset_folder, 'data-' + task, 'collected-data-' + scorer + '.h5'), 'df_with_missing') # Load and setup CNN part detector and configuration sess, inputs, outputs = predict.setup_pose_prediction(cfg) num_images = len(data.index) predict_data = np.zeros((num_images, 3 * len(cfg['all_joints_names']))) test_set = np.zeros(num_images) # compute predictions over images for image_index, image_name in tqdm(enumerate(data.index)): # get each image image = io.imread(os.path.join(base_folder, dataset_folder, image_name)) image = skimage.color.gray2rgb(image) image_batch = data_to_input(image) # run into CNN outputs_np =, feed_dict={inputs: image_batch}) scmap, locref = predict.extract_cnn_output(outputs_np, cfg) # extract maximum scoring location from the heatmap pose = predict.argmax_pose_predict(scmap, locref, cfg.stride) predict_data[image_index, :] = pose.flatten() dlc_scorer = 'deep-cut-' + str(cfg['net_type']) + '-' + \ str(int(train_fraction * 100)) + 'shuffle' + str(shuffle) + \ '-' + str(training_iterations) + '-for-task-' + task index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [[dlc_scorer], cfg['all_joints_names'], ['x', 'y', 'likelihood']], names=['scorer', 'bodyparts', 'coords'] ) # save results auxiliary_functions.attempt_to_make_folder(os.path.join(base_folder, 'trained-results/evaluation/')) data_machine = pd.DataFrame( predict_data, columns=index, index=data.index.values ) data_machine.to_hdf(os.path.join(base_folder, 'trained-results/evaluation', dlc_scorer + '.h5'), 'df_with_missing', format='table', mode='w') # data_machine.to_csv(os.path.join(base_folder, # 'trained-results/evaluation', # dlc_scorer + '.csv')) print(data_machine)
def generate_training_file(): generate_base_config(base_folder) folder = os.path.join(base_folder, 'data-' + task) data = pd.read_hdf(folder + '/collected-data-' + scorer + '.h5', 'df_with_missing')[scorer] bf = os.path.join(base_folder, 'unaugmented-data-set-' + task + date + '/', 'data-' + task) shutil.copytree(folder, bf) for shuffle in shuffles: for train_fraction in training_fraction: train_indexes, test_indexes = split_trials( range(len(data.index)), train_fraction ) filename_matfile = task + '_' + scorer + str(int(train_fraction * 100)) \ + 'shuffle' + str(shuffle) fn = os.path.join(base_folder, 'unaugmented-data-set-' + task + date + '/documentation_' + 'data-' + task + str(int(train_fraction * 100)) + 'shuffle' + str(shuffle)) # make matlab train file dat = [] for jj in train_indexes: H = {} # load image to get dimensions filename = data.index[jj] im = io.imread(os.path.join(base_folder, filename)) H['image'] = os.path.join('../../unaugmented-data-set-' + task + date + '/', filename) if np.ndim(im) > 2: H['size'] = np.array( [np.shape(im)[2], np.shape(im)[0], np.shape(im)[1]] ) else: H['size'] = np.array([1, np.shape(im)[0], np.shape(im)[1]]) index_joints = 0 joints = np.zeros((len(body_parts), 3)) * np.nan for bp_index, body_part in enumerate(body_parts): if data[body_part]['x'][jj] < np.shape(im)[1] and data[body_part]['y'][jj] < np.shape(im)[0]: joints[index_joints, 0] = int(bp_index) joints[index_joints, 1] = data[body_part]['x'][jj] joints[index_joints, 2] = data[body_part]['y'][jj] index_joints += 1 joints = joints[np.where(, 1))[0], :] assert ([:, 2]) < np.shape(im)[0])) assert ([:, 1]) < np.shape(im)[1])) H['joints'] = np.array(joints, dtype=int) if np.size(joints) > 0: dat.append(H) with open(fn + '.pickle', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump([data, train_indexes, test_indexes, train_fraction], f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) DTYPE = [('image', 'O'), ('size', 'O'), ('joints', 'O')] matlab_data = np.array( [(np.array([dat[item]['image']], dtype='U'), np.array([dat[item]['size']]), box_it_into_a_cell(dat[item]['joints'])) for item in range(len(dat))], dtype=DTYPE) sio.savemat(base_folder + '/unaugmented-data-set-' + task + date + '/' + filename_matfile + '.mat', {'dataset': matlab_data}) # Creating file structure for training and test files + pose_yaml experiment_name = os.path.join(base_folder, task + date + '-trainset' + str( int(train_fraction * 100)) + 'shuffle' + str(shuffle)) auxiliary_functions.attempt_to_make_folder(experiment_name) auxiliary_functions.attempt_to_make_folder(experiment_name + '/train') auxiliary_functions.attempt_to_make_folder(experiment_name + '/test') items_to_change = { 'dataset': '../../' + 'unaugmented-data-set-' + task + date + '/' + filename_matfile + '.mat', 'num_joints': len(body_parts), 'all_joints': [[i] for i in range(len(body_parts))], 'all_joints_names': body_parts } training_data = make_train_pose_yaml( items_to_change, experiment_name + '/train/' + 'pose_cfg.yaml', filename=os.path.join(base_folder, 'pose_cfg.yaml') ) keys_to_save = [ 'dataset', 'num_joints', 'all_joints', 'all_joints_names', 'net_type', 'init_weights', 'global_scale', 'location_refinement', 'locref_stdev' ] make_test_pose_yaml(training_data, keys_to_save, experiment_name + '/test/' + 'pose_cfg.yaml')
def check_labels(): color_scheme = get_cmap(len(body_parts)) num_joints = len(body_parts) all_joints = map(lambda j: [j], range(num_joints)) all_joints_names = body_parts num_body_parts = len(body_parts) data_combined = None data_combined = pd.read_hdf( os.path.join(base_folder, 'data-' + task, 'collected-data-' + scorer + '.h5'), 'df_with_missing') folder = os.path.join(base_folder, 'data-' + task + '/', 'selected') print(folder) tmp_folder = folder + '-labeled' auxiliary_functions.attempt_to_make_folder(tmp_folder) files = [ fn for fn in os.listdir(folder) if (image_type in fn and '_labeled' not in fn) ] files.sort(key=lambda f: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, f)))) comparison_body_parts = body_parts for index, image_name in enumerate(files): image = io.imread(os.path.join(folder, image_name)) plt.axis('off') if np.ndim(image) == 2: h, w = np.shape(image) else: h, w, cn = np.shape(image) plt.figure(frameon=False, figsize=(w * 1. / 100 * scale, h * 1. / 100 * scale)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0, hspace=0) im_index = np.where( np.array(data_combined.index.values) == 'data-' + task + '/selected/' + image_name)[0] plt.imshow(image, 'bone') if index == 0: print('Creating images with labels by', scorer) for c, bp in enumerate(comparison_body_parts): plt.plot(data_combined[scorer][bp]['x'].values[im_index], data_combined[scorer][bp]['y'].values[im_index], Labels[0], color=color_scheme(c), alpha=alpha_value, ms=m_size) plt.xlim(0, w) plt.ylim(0, h) plt.axis('off') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0, hspace=0) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.savefig(tmp_folder + '/' + image_name) plt.close('all')
def analyse_results(): dataset_folder = 'unaugmented-data-set-' + task + date data = pd.read_hdf(os.path.join(base_folder, dataset_folder, 'data-' + task, 'collected-data-' + scorer + '.h5'), 'df_with_missing') comparison_body_parts = list(np.unique(data.columns.get_level_values(1))) colors = au.get_cmap(len(comparison_body_parts)) for train_fraction in training_fraction: for shuffle in shuffles: fns = [file for file in os.listdir(os.path.join(base_folder, 'trained-results/evaluation')) if 'for-task-' + task in file and 'shuffle' + str(shuffle) in file and str(int(train_fraction * 100)) in file] doc_file = 'documentation_data-' + task + str(int(train_fraction * 100)) + \ 'shuffle' + str(int(shuffle)) + '.pickle' doc_file = os.path.join(base_folder, dataset_folder, doc_file) with open(doc_file, 'rb') as f: [training_data_details, train_indices, test_indices, test_fraction_data] = pickle.load(f) training_iterations = [(int(fns[j].split('-for-task-')[0].split('-')[-1]), j) for j in range(len(fns))] training_iterations.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0]) training_iterations = training_iterations for training_iteration, index in training_iterations: data_machine = pd.read_hdf(os.path.join(base_folder, 'trained-results/evaluation', fns[index]), 'df_with_missing') data_combined = pd.concat([data.T, data_machine.T], axis=0).T scorer_machine = data_machine.columns.get_level_values(0)[0] mse, mse_pcutoff = au.pairwise_distances(data_combined, scorer, scorer_machine, pcutoff, comparison_body_parts) test_error = np.nanmean(mse.iloc[test_indices].values.flatten()) train_error = np.nanmean(mse.iloc[train_indices].values.flatten()) test_error_pcutoff = np.nanmean(mse_pcutoff.iloc[test_indices].values.flatten()) train_error_pcutoff = np.nanmean(mse_pcutoff.iloc[train_indices].values.flatten()) print('train error: ', np.round(train_error, 2), 'pixels --- test error: ', np.round(test_error, 2), 'pixels') print('train error with cutoff: ', np.round(train_error_pcutoff, 2), 'pixels --- test error with cutoff: ', np.round(test_error_pcutoff, 2), 'pixels') # plotting folder_name = os.path.join(base_folder, 'trained-results/evaluation/labeled') auxiliary_functions.attempt_to_make_folder(folder_name) num_frames = np.size(data_combined.index) for ind in np.arange(num_frames): fn = data_combined.index[ind] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) au.make_labeled_image(data_combined, ind, os.path.join(base_folder, dataset_folder), [scorer, scorer_machine], comparison_body_parts, colors, pcutoff=pcutoff) if ind in train_indices: plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder_name, 'train-image' + str(ind) + '-' + fn.split('/')[0] + '-' + fn.split('/')[1])) else: plt.savefig(os.path.join(folder_name, 'test-image' + str(ind) + '-' + fn.split('/')[0] + '-' + fn.split('/')[1])) plt.close('all')