コード例 #1
def delete_relationship(user_id1, user_id2, relation_type):
	handled_execute(db_conn, """
		WHERE firstUserId = %s AND secondUserId = %s;
		""", (AsIs(relation_type), user_id1, user_id2))

	return True
コード例 #2
def create_relationship(user_id1, user_id2, relation_type):
	handled_execute(db_conn, """
		INSERT INTO %s (firstUserId, secondUserId)
		VALUES (%s, %s)
		""", (AsIs(relation_type), user_id1, user_id2))

	return True
コード例 #3
ファイル: search_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def search_user_by_name(current_user_id, query, limit):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		SELECT userId,firstName,lastName,nickName,portrait,
		(userId IN (SELECT secondUserId FROM userFriends WHERE firstUserId=%(current_user)s)) AS isRequestSent,
		(userId IN (SELECT firstUserId FROM userFriends WHERE secondUserId=%(current_user)s)) AS isRequestPending,
		(userId IN (SELECT secondUserId FROM userFollows WHERE firstUserId=%(current_user)s)) AS isFollowing
		FROM users
		WHERE concat(firstName, ' ', lastName) LIKE %(query)s
		LIMIT %(limit)s;
		""", {"query" : "%" + query + "%", "limit" : limit, "current_user" : current_user_id})

	user_rows = cursor.fetchall()

	returned_users = []
	for user_row in user_rows:
		(user_id, first_name, last_name, nick_name,portrait,
			is_request_sent, is_request_pending, is_following) = user_row

		user_friend_status = "none"
		if is_request_sent and is_request_pending:
			user_friend_status = "friends"
		elif is_request_sent:
			user_friend_status = "sent"
		elif is_request_pending:
			user_friend_status = "pending"

		returned_users.append(UserSearchEntry(user_id, first_name + ' ' + last_name, portrait, is_following, user_friend_status))

	return returned_users
コード例 #4
ファイル: reply_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def get_replies_with_post_ids(post_ids, current_user_id):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
			replyId, postId, authorId, replyBody, replyDate, cityName, longitude, latitude, privacy, edited,
			firstName, lastName, nickName, portrait, showLastName,
			(authorId IN (SELECT firstUserId FROM userFriends WHERE secondUserId = %(current_user_id)s)
				AND %(current_user_id)s IN (SELECT firstUserId FROM userFriends WHERE secondUserId = authorId)) AS areFriends
		FROM replies LEFT JOIN users ON replies.authorId = users.userId
		WHERE postId = ANY(%(post_ids)s)
		ORDER BY replyId ASC;
		""", {"current_user_id" : current_user_id, "post_ids" : post_ids})

	rows = cursor.fetchall()

	replies = []

	for row in rows:
		(reply_id, post_id, author_id, reply_body, reply_date, city_name, longitude, latitude, privacy, edited,
			first_name, last_name, nick_name, portrait, show_last_name, are_friends) = row

		author_name = build_name(first_name, nick_name, last_name, are_friends, show_last_name)
		new_location = build_location(longitude, latitude, city_name, are_friends, privacy != POST_PRIVACY.HIDE_LOCATION)

		new_reply = Reply(post_id, author_id, author_name, portrait, reply_body, reply_date, new_location, privacy, edited)
		new_reply.reply_id = reply_id


	return replies
コード例 #5
def create_external_link(userId, platform, externalId):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		INSERT INTO platformLink (userId, loginPlatform, externalId)
		VALUES (%s, %s, %s);
		""", (userId, platform, externalId))

	return userId
コード例 #6
ファイル: user_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def update_user(user_obj):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """UPDATE users SET 
		email=%s, phone=%s, firstName=%s, lastName=%s, nickName=%s, portrait=%s,
		showLastName=%s, searchableByName=%s, useBrowserGeolocation=%s
		WHERE userId=%s;""",
		(user_obj.email, user_obj.phone, user_obj.first_name, user_obj.last_name, user_obj.nick_name,
			user_obj.portrait, user_obj.preferences.show_last_name,	user_obj.preferences.name_search,
			user_obj.preferences.browser_geo, user_obj.user_id))

	return user_obj
コード例 #7
ファイル: post_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def get_post_by_id(current_user_id, post_id):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
			postId, authorId, postBody, postDate, privacy, cityName, longitude, latitude,
			eventId, eventName, eventLocation, eventStart, eventEnd,
			firstName, lastName, nickName, portrait, showLastName,
			(SELECT COUNT(likes.likerId) FROM likes WHERE likes.postId = posts.postId GROUP BY likes.postId) AS likeCount,
			(authorId IN (SELECT userId FROM likes WHERE likes.postId = posts.postId)) AS liked,
			(authorId IN (SELECT firstUserId FROM userFriends WHERE secondUserId = %(current_user_id)s)) AS requestPending,
			(%(current_user_id)s IN (SELECT firstUserId FROM userFriends WHERE secondUserId = authorId)) AS requestSent,
			(authorId IN (SELECT firstUserId FROM userFollows WHERE secondUserId = %(current_user_id)s)) AS follower,
			(%(current_user_id)s IN (SELECT firstUserId FROM userFollows WHERE secondUserId = authorId)) AS following
		FROM posts LEFT JOIN users ON posts.authorId = users.userId
		WHERE postId = %(searched_post_id)s
			AND (privacy != 'friends' OR authorId=%(current_user_id)s
				OR (authorId IN (SELECT firstUserId FROM userFriends WHERE secondUserId = %(current_user_id)s)
					AND %(current_user_id)s IN (SELECT firstUserId FROM userFriends WHERE secondUserId = authorId)))
		LIMIT 1;""", {
			"searched_post_id" : post_id, "current_user_id" : current_user_id

	row = cursor.fetchone()

	(post_id, author_id, post_body, post_date, privacy, city_name,
		longitude, latitude, event_id, event_name, event_location, event_start,
		event_end, image_id, first_name, last_name, nick_name, portrait, show_last_name,
		likes, liked, request_pending, request_sent, follower, following) = row

	if likes == None:
		likes = 0
	are_friends = request_sent and request_pending

	author_name = build_name(first_name, nick_name, last_name, are_friends, show_last_name)
	post_location = build_location(longitude, latitude, city_name, are_friends, privacy != POST_PRIVACY.HIDE_LOCATION)

	if(event_id != None):
		new_post = EventPost(author_id, author_name, portrait, post_body, post_date, 
			privacy, post_location, event_id,
			event_name, event_location, event_start, event_end)

	elif(image_id != None):
		new_post = ImagePost(author_id, author_name, portrait, post_body, post_date, 
			privacy, post_location, image_id)
		new_post = Post(author_id, author_name, portrait, post_body, post_date, 
			privacy, post_location, likes, liked)

	new_post.post_id = post_id

	replies = reply_dao.get_replies_by_post_id(post_id, current_user_id)
	new_post.replies = replies

	return new_post
コード例 #8
ファイル: user_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def get_credentials_by_field(field_name, field_value):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """SELECT userId, hash, salt from users WHERE %s=%s;
		""",(AsIs(field_name), field_value))

	row = cursor.fetchone()
	if row != None:
		userId, password_hash, salt = row

		return UserCredentials(userId, password_hash, salt)
		raise DAOException("No user found in database with field " + str(field_name) + " with value " + str(field_value) + " when searching credentials")
コード例 #9
ファイル: reply_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def create_reply(reply):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		INSERT INTO replies (postId, authorId, replyBody, replyDate, cityName, longitude, latitude, privacy, edited)
		VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
		RETURNING replyId;
		""", (reply.post_id, reply.author_id, reply.reply_body, reply.reply_date, reply.city,
			reply.longitude, reply.latitude, reply.privacy, reply.edited))

	new_reply_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

	reply.reply_id = new_reply_id

	return reply
コード例 #10
def create_notification(notification):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		INSERT INTO notifications (notifiedId, notifiedDate, seen, notifyType, targetId)
			VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
		RETURNING notificationId;
		""", (notification.notified_id, notification.notified_date, notification.seen,
			notification.notify_type, notification.target_id))

	notification_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

	notification.notification_id = notification_id

	return notification
コード例 #11
ファイル: post_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def create_post(post):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		INSERT INTO posts 
		(authorId, postBody, postDate, privacy, cityName, longitude, latitude)
		VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING postId;
		""", (post.author_id, post.body, post.post_date, post.privacy, post.city, 
			post.longitude, post.latitude))

	last_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

	post.post_id = last_id

	return post
コード例 #12
def create_profile_picture(profile_pic_obj):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		INSERT INTO profilePictures 
			(uploadedPictureId, setDate)
			VALUES (%s, %s)
			RETURNING profilePictureId;
		""", (profile_pic_obj.uploaded_picture_id, profile_pic_obj.set_date))

	profile_pic_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

	profile_pic_obj.profile_picture_id = profile_pic_id

	return profile_pic_obj
コード例 #13
ファイル: post_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def get_posts_by_user(current_user_id, searched_user, friends, limit, offset, max_id):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
			postId, authorId, postBody, postDate, privacy, cityName, longitude, latitude,
			eventId, eventName, eventLocation, eventStart, eventEnd,
			(SELECT COUNT(likes.likerId) FROM likes WHERE likes.postId = posts.postId GROUP BY likes.postId) AS likeCount,
			(authorId IN (SELECT likerId FROM likes WHERE likes.postId = posts.postId)) AS liked
		FROM posts
		WHERE authorId=%(searched_user_id)s
			AND (privacy != 'friends' OR %(friends)s = True)
			AND (%(max_id)s IS NULL OR postId <= %(max_id)s)
		LIMIT %(limit)s OFFSET %(offset)s;
		""", { "searched_user_id" : searched_user.user_id, "friends" : friends, "max_id" : max_id, "limit" : limit, "offset" : offset})

	post_rows = cursor.fetchall()

	post_objects = []
	post_ids = []
	for row in post_rows:
		(post_id, author_id, post_body, post_date, privacy, city_name,
			longitude, latitude, event_id, event_name, event_location, event_start,
			event_end, image_id, likes, liked) = row

		if likes == None:
			likes = 0

		author_name = build_name(searched_user.first_name, searched_user.nick_name, searched_user.last_name, friends, searched_user.preferences.show_last_name)
		post_location = build_location(longitude, latitude, city_name, friends, privacy != POST_PRIVACY.HIDE_LOCATION)

		if(event_id != None):
			new_post = EventPost(author_id, author_name, searched_user.portrait, post_body, post_date, 
				privacy, post_location, event_id,
				event_name, event_location, event_start, event_end)

		elif(image_id != None):
			new_post = ImagePost(author_id, author_name, searched_user.portrait, post_body, post_date, 
				privacy, post_location, image_id)
			new_post = Post(author_id, author_name, searched_user.portrait, post_body, post_date, 
				privacy, post_location, likes, liked)

		new_post.post_id = post_id


	build_replies(post_ids, post_objects, current_user_id)

	return post_objects
コード例 #14
ファイル: reply_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def update_reply(reply):
	if reply.reply_id == -1:
		raise DAOException("Need to create reply before updating")

	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		UPDATE replies SET
		postId = %s, authorId = %s, replyBody = %s, replyDate = %s, cityName = %s,
		longitude = %s, latitude = %s, privacy = %s, edited = %s
		WHERE replyId = %s;
		""", (reply.post_id, reply.author_id, reply.author_name, reply.reply_body, 
			reply.reply_date, reply.city, reply.longitude, reply.latitude, reply.privacy,
			reply.edited, reply.reply_id))

	return reply
コード例 #15
ファイル: user_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def create_user_by_field(user_obj, field_name, field_value, password_hash, salt):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """INSERT INTO users 
		(%s, hash, salt, firstName, lastName, nickName, portrait,
			showLastName, searchableByName, useBrowserGeolocation) 
		VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
		RETURNING userId;""",
		(AsIs(field_name), field_value, password_hash, salt, user_obj.first_name, user_obj.last_name, user_obj.nick_name, user_obj.portrait,
			user_obj.preferences.show_last_name, user_obj.preferences.name_search, user_obj.preferences.browser_geo))

	last_id = cursor.fetchone()[0]

	user_obj.user_id = last_id

	return user_obj
コード例 #16
def get_profile_picture_by_id(picture_id):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		SELECT profilePictureId, uploadedPictureId, setDate FROM profilePictures
		WHERE profilePictureId=%s;
		""", (picture_id,))

	profile_picture = None
	if cursor.rowcount > 0:
		(profile_pic_id, uploaded_pic_id, set_date) = cursor.fetchone()

		profile_picture = ProfilePicture(uploaded_pic_id, set_date)
		profile_picture.profile_picture_id = profile_pic_id

	return profile_picture
コード例 #17
def get_notification_existing_id(notified_id, notify_type, target_id, date, notifier_id):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
			SELECT notificationId,
						SELECT notificationId FROM notificationLink 
							WHERE notificationLink.notificationId = notifications.notificationId
								AND notificationLink.userId=%s
					) AS isLinked
				FROM notifications
				WHERE notifiedId=%s AND targetId=%s AND seen=FALSE AND notifyType=%s AND notifiedDate > %s
		""", (notifier_id, notified_id, target_id, notify_type, date))

	if cursor.rowcount > 0:
		return cursor.fetchone()
		return None, False
コード例 #18
def get_friendship_status(user_id1, user_id2):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		SELECT EXISTS(SELECT firstUserId FROM userFriends WHERE firstUserId = %(first_user_id)s AND secondUserId = %(second_user_id)s),
			EXISTS(SELECT firstUserId FROM userFriends WHERE firstUserId = %(second_user_id)s AND secondUserId = %(first_user_id)s);
		""", { "first_user_id" : user_id1, "second_user_id" : user_id2 })

	sent, pending = cursor.fetchone()

	if sent and pending == 2:
		return Friendship.FRIENDS
	elif sent:
		return Friendship.SENT
	elif pending:
		return Friendship.PENDING
		return Friendship.NOTHING
コード例 #19
def get_external_link(platform, externalId):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		SELECT userId FROM platformLink
		WHERE loginPlatform=%s AND externalId=%s;
		""", (platform, externalId))


	row = db_conn.fetchone()

	if row != None:
		return row[0]
		# Do we want to raise an exception here or do we want to return None?
		# In isolation, returning None makes more sense, but for the sake of
		# consistency, it may make more sense to raise an exception

		return None
コード例 #20
ファイル: user_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def get_users_by_ids(user_ids):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		SELECT userId,email,phone,firstName,lastName,nickName,portrait,biography,
		FROM users WHERE userId = ANY (%s)""", (user_ids,))

	user_rows = cursor.fetchall()
	user_objs = []
	for row in user_rows:
		(user_id, email, phone, first_name, last_name, nick_name, portrait, biography,
			show_last_name, name_search, browser_geo) = row

		user_prefs = UserPreferences(show_last_name, name_search, browser_geo)
		user_obj = User(email, phone, first_name, last_name, nick_name, portrait, biography, user_prefs)
		user_obj.user_id = user_id


	return user_objs
コード例 #21
ファイル: user_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def get_user_by_field(field, value):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
			SELECT userId,email,phone,firstName,lastName,nickName,portrait,biography,
			FROM users WHERE %s=%s;""", (AsIs(field), value))

	user_row = cursor.fetchone()

	returned_user = None
	if(user_row != None):
		(user_id, email, phone, first_name, last_name, nick_name, portrait, biography,
			show_last_name, name_search, browser_geo) = user_row

		returned_prefs = UserPreferences(show_last_name, name_search, browser_geo)
		returned_user = User(email, phone, first_name, last_name, nick_name, portrait, biography, returned_prefs)

		returned_user.user_id = user_id
		raise DAOException("No user found in database with field " + str(field) + " with value " + str(value))

	return returned_user
コード例 #22
def build_notification_links(notification_ids, notification_objs):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		SELECT notificationId, notificationLink.userId, firstName, lastName, nickName, portrait, showLastName
			FROM notificationLink LEFT JOIN users ON notificationLink.userId = users.userId
		WHERE notificationId = ANY(%s);
	""", (notification_ids,))

	rows = cursor.fetchall()

	notification_links = {}
	for row in rows:
		(notification_id, user_id, first_name, last_name, nick_name, portrait, show_last_name) = row

		name = build_name(first_name, nick_name, last_name, False, show_last_name)

		links = notification_links.get(notification_id, [])
		links.append(UserSummary(user_id, name, portrait))
		notification_links[notification_id] = links

	for notification in notification_objs:
		notification.notification_links = notification_links.get(notification.notification_id, [])
コード例 #23
def get_notifications_by_user_id(user_id):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		SELECT notificationId, notifiedId, notifiedDate, seen, notifyType, targetId FROM notifications
		WHERE notifiedId = %s
		ORDER BY notificationId DESC;
	""", (user_id,))

	rows = cursor.fetchall()

	notification_objs = []
	notification_ids = []
	for row in rows:
		(notification_id, notified_id, notified_date, seen, notify_type, target_id) = row

		notification = Notification(notified_id, notified_date, notify_type, target_id)
		notification.notification_id = notification_id
		notification.seen = seen


	build_notification_links(notification_ids, notification_objs)

	return notification_objs
コード例 #24
ファイル: reply_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def delete_reply_by_id(reply_id, author_id):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		DELETE FROM replies WHERE replyId=%s AND authorId=%s
		""", (reply_id, author_id))

	return cursor.rowcount
コード例 #25
ファイル: reply_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def delete_replies_by_post_id(post_id):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		DELETE FROM replies WHERE postId=%s
		""", (post_id,))

	return cursor.rowcount
コード例 #26
def trim_notifications(user_id, last_date):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		DELETE FROM notifications WHERE notifiedId = %s AND seen = TRUE AND notifiedDate < %s
	""", (user_id, last_date))

	return True
コード例 #27
ファイル: like_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def delete_like(post_id, author_id):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		DELETE FROM likes WHERE postId=%s AND likerId=%s
		""", (post_id, author_id))

	return cursor.rowcount
コード例 #28
ファイル: like_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def create_like(post_id, author_id):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """
		INSERT INTO likes (postId, likerId) VALUES (%s, %s);
		""", (post_id, author_id))

	return cursor.rowcount
コード例 #29
ファイル: user_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def update_user_biography(user_obj, new_biography):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """UPDATE users SET biography=%s WHERE userId=%s""",
		(new_biography, user_obj.user_id))

	return True
コード例 #30
ファイル: user_dao.py プロジェクト: billliu1992/localsocial
def update_user_credentials(user_obj, new_hash, new_salt):
	cursor = handled_execute(db_conn, """UPDATE users SET hash=%s, salt=%s WHERE userId=%s;""",
		(new_hash, new_salt, user_obj.user_id))

	return True