コード例 #1
def get_geofeatures(request):
    cache_key = _generate_cache_key(request)
    cache_val = cache.get(cache_key, cache_control.GEOFEATURES_CACHE_GROUP)
    if cache_val:
        return APIResponseOK(content=cache_val)

    bounds_param = get_param(request.GET, 'within')
    query = request.GET.copy()

    if bounds_param:
        pnts = bounds_param.split(',')

        bbox = (float(pnts[0]), float(pnts[1]),
                float(pnts[2]), float(pnts[3]))

        poly = Polygon.from_bbox(bbox)

        del query['within']

    base_query = Q()
    if bounds_param:
        base_query = base_query & Q(location__within=poly)

    # cast within bounds
    cast_base_query = models.Cast.get_privacy_q(request) & base_query

    q = qstranslate.QueryTranslator(models.Cast, CastAPI.ruleset, cast_base_query)

        casts = q.filter(query).select_related('author').prefetch_related('media_set').prefetch_related('tags')
    except qstranslate.InvalidParameterException, e:
        raise exceptions.APIBadRequest(e.message)
コード例 #2
    def get(request, event_id=None):

        if event_id:
            event = get_object(Event, id=event_id)

            if not event.allowed_access(request.user):
                raise exceptions.APIForbidden
            event_dict = api_serialize(event, request)
            return APIResponseOK(content=event_dict, total=1)

            q = qstranslate.QueryTranslator(Event, EventAPI.ruleset)
            query = request.GET.copy()

            objs = total = pg = None
                objs = q.filter(query)
                objs, total, pg = paginate(objs, query)
            except qstranslate.InvalidParameterException, e:
                raise exceptions.APIBadRequest(e)

            event_arr = []
            for m in objs:
                event_arr.append(api_serialize(m, request))

            return APIResponseOK(content=event_arr, total=total, pg=pg)
コード例 #3
    def get(request, user_id=None):

        # Single user
        if user_id:
            u = get_object(TravelsUser, id=user_id)
            content = api_serialize(u)
            return APIResponseOK(content=content, total=1)

        # Multiple users
            q = qstranslate.QueryTranslator(TravelsUser, UserAPI.ruleset)
            query = request.GET.copy()

            objs = total = pg = None
                objs = q.filter(query)
                objs, total, pg = paginate(objs, request.GET)
            except qstranslate.InvalidParameterException, e:
                raise exceptions.APIBadRequest(e.message)

            user_arr = []
            for m in objs:
                user_arr.append(api_serialize(m, request))

            return APIResponseOK(content=user_arr, total=total, pg=pg)
コード例 #4
def get_geofeatures(request):
    bounds_param = get_param(request.GET, 'within')
    query = request.GET.copy()
    if bounds_param:
        pnts = bounds_param.split(',')

        bbox = (float(pnts[0]), float(pnts[1]), 
                float(pnts[2]), float(pnts[3]))

        poly = Polygon.from_bbox(bbox)

        del query['within']

    base_query = Q()
    if bounds_param:
        base_query = base_query & Q(location__within=poly)

    # cast within bounds
    cast_base_query = models.Cast.get_privacy_q(request) & base_query

    q = qstranslate.QueryTranslator(models.Cast, CastAPI.ruleset, cast_base_query)
    casts = q.filter(query)

    cast_arr = []
    for c in casts:
        if c.location:
            cast_arr.append(geojson_serialize(c, c.location, request))

    #event within bounds
    events = models.Event.objects.filter(base_query)

    event_arr = []
    for e in events:
        if e.location:
            event_arr.append(geojson_serialize(e, e.location, request))

    # itinerary intersects bounds
    if bounds_param:
        base_query = Q(path__intersects = poly)

    itins = models.Itinerary.objects.filter(base_query)

    itin_arr = []
    for i in itins:
        if i.path:
            itin_arr.append(geojson_serialize(i, i.path, request))

    features_dict = {}
    features_dict['casts'] = dict(type='FeatureCollection', features=cast_arr)
    features_dict['events'] = dict(type='FeatureCollection', features=event_arr)
    features_dict['itineraries'] = dict(type='FeatureCollection', features=itin_arr)
    dict(casts = cast_arr, events = event_arr,
            itineraries = itin_arr)

    return APIResponseOK(content=features_dict)
コード例 #5
    def get_urgency_rank(request, itin_id=None):
        query = request.GET.copy()
        base_query = Q()

        cast_base_query = models.Cast.get_privacy_q(request) & base_query

        q = qstranslate.QueryTranslator(models.Cast, CastAPI.ruleset, cast_base_query)

            pre_query = q.filter(query).select_related('author').prefetch_related('media_set').prefetch_related('tags').prefetch_related('itinerary_set').annotate(urgency_score=Sum('tags__urgency_score')).filter(urgency_score__gt=0)

            if itin_id:
                pre_query = pre_query.filter(itinerary__id=itin_id)

            casts = pre_query.order_by('-urgency_score')[:10]
        except qstranslate.InvalidParameterException, e:
            raise exceptions.APIBadRequest(e.message)
コード例 #6
    def get(request, itin_id=None):

        if itin_id:
            itinerary = get_object(Itinerary, id=itin_id)
            itinerary_dict = api_serialize(itinerary, request)

            return APIResponseOK(content=itinerary_dict, total=1)

            query = request.GET.copy()
            q = qstranslate.QueryTranslator(Itinerary, ItineraryAPI.ruleset)
                objs = q.filter(query)
            except qstranslate.InvalidParameterException, e:
                raise exceptions.APIBadRequest(e)

            objs, total, pg = paginate(objs, query)

            itinerary_arr = []
            for i in objs:
                itinerary_arr.append(api_serialize(i, request))

            return APIResponseOK(content=itinerary_arr, total=total, pg=pg)
コード例 #7
    def get(request, cast_id=None, coll_id=None, format='.json'):

        # single cast
        if cast_id:
            if coll_id: check_collection(cast_id, coll_id)
            cast = get_object(models.Cast, id=cast_id)

            if not cast.allowed_access(request.user):
                raise exceptions.APIForbidden
            if format == '.json':
                cast_dict = api_serialize(cast, request)
                return APIResponseOK(content=cast_dict, total=1)
            if format == '.html':
                is_flagged = cast.is_flagged_by(request.user)
                is_favorited = cast.is_favorited_by(request.user)
                allowed_edit = cast.allowed_edit(request.user)
                content = render_to_string('ajax/cast_frontpage.django.html', locals(), context_instance = RequestContext(request))
                resp = HttpResponse(content=content)
                return resp
                raise exceptions.APIBadRequest('Invalid response format')

        # multiple casts
            base_query = models.Cast.get_privacy_q(request)

            if coll_id:
                get_object(models.Collection, id=coll_id)
                base_query = base_query & Q(collection=coll_id)

            q = qstranslate.QueryTranslator(models.Cast, ruleset, base_query)
            query = request.GET.copy()

            # Need to do some magic to order by popularity, so remove from
            # the query that will be sent to qstranslate
            popularity_order = False
            if 'orderby' in query and query['orderby'] == 'popularity':
                popularity_order = True
                del query['orderby']

            objs = total = pg = None
                objs = q.filter(query)

                # popularity magic!
                if popularity_order:
                    objs = objs.annotate(popularity=Count('favorited_by')).order_by('-popularity')

                objs, total, pg = paginate(objs, request.GET)
            except qstranslate.InvalidParameterException, e:
                raise exceptions.APIBadRequest(e.message)

            cast_arr = []
            for c in objs:
                cast_arr.append(api_serialize(c, request))

            return APIResponseOK(content=cast_arr, total=total, pg=pg)
コード例 #8
def get_geofeatures(request):
    bounds_param = get_param(request.GET, 'within')
    base_query = Q()

    if bounds_param:
        pnts = bounds_param.split(',')

        bbox = (float(pnts[0]), float(pnts[1]), float(pnts[2]), float(pnts[3]))

        poly = Polygon.from_bbox(bbox)

        del query['within']

        base_query = base_query & Q(location__within=poly)

    # PUBLIC cast within bounds
    cast_base_query = Q(privacy__lt=3) & base_query
    q = qstranslate.QueryTranslator(Cast, cast_ruleset, cast_base_query)
    public_casts = q.filter(request.GET).order_by('-created')

    cache_key = request_cache_key(request, ignore_params=['_'])
    cast_arr = get_cache(cache_key, cache_group=CAST_GEO_GROUP)

    if not cast_arr:
        cast_arr = []
        for c in public_casts:
            if c.location:
                cast_arr.append(geojson_serialize(c, c.location, request))

        set_cache(cache_key, cast_arr, cache_group=CAST_GEO_GROUP)

    # casts that ONLY THIS user can see. Superusers can see all casts, logged in users can see any casts they authored.
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        if request.user.is_superuser:
            cast_base_query = Q(privacy=3) & base_query
            cast_base_query = Q(privacy=3) & Q(
                author=request.user) & base_query

        q = qstranslate.QueryTranslator(Cast, cast_ruleset, cast_base_query)
        user_casts = q.filter(request.GET).order_by('-created')
        for c in user_casts:
            if c.location:
                cast_arr.append(geojson_serialize(c, c.location, request))

    # collection intersects bounds
    if bounds_param:
        base_query = Q(path__intersects=poly)

    colls = Collection.objects.filter(base_query).order_by('-created')

    coll_arr = []
    for i in colls:
        # only add collections if they have a path
        if i.path:
            coll_arr.append(geojson_serialize(i, i.path, request))

    features_dict = {}
    features_dict['casts'] = dict(type='FeatureCollection', features=cast_arr)
    features_dict['collections'] = dict(type='FeatureCollection',

    return APIResponseOK(content=features_dict)