def test_14(self): code = parse(""" function() => int { Dictionary<int : int> cachedResults = { 1: 1 }; Function<int => int> testNumber = function(int number) => int { return 0; }; testNumber = function(int number) => int { var cachedResult = cachedResults[number]?; if(cachedResult is int) { return cachedResult; }; int calcedResult = testNumber(number % 2 == 0 ? number / 2 : number * 3 + 1) + 1; cachedResults[number] = calcedResult; return calcedResult; }; Tuple<int...> results = for(var test in <list(range(1, 10))>) { continue testNumber(test); }; return max(|results|); } """, debug=True) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.value, 20)
def test_12(self): # The original test goes to 500, but I can only do 10 atm... code = parse(""" function() { var countDivisors = function(int number) { int test = number, count = 1; for(var test from range(1, number)) { if(number % test == 0) { count = count + 1; }; }; return count; }; int triangleNumber = 1, step = 2; while(countDivisors(triangleNumber) < 10) { triangleNumber = triangleNumber + step; step = step + 1; }; return triangleNumber; } """, debug=True) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.value, 120)
def test_7_fast(self): code = parse(""" function() => int { var isPrime = function(int number) => bool { for(var i from range(2, number / 2)) { if(number % i == 0) { return false; }; }; return true; }; int count = 1, test = 3; loop { if(isPrime(test)) { count = count + 1; if(count >= 100) { return test; }; }; test = test + 2; }; } """, debug=True) with environment(**fastest): _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.value, 541)
def test_9(self): code = parse(""" function() { int a = 1, topb = 998; while(a < 998) { int b = topb; while(b > a) { int c = 1000 - a - b; int test = a * a + b * b - c * c; if(test < 0) { topb = b + 1; break; }; if(test == 0) { return a * b * c; }; b = b - 1; }; a = a + 1; }; } """, debug=True) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.value, 31875000)
def test_nested_object(self): ast = parse(""" { "foo": { "bar": 42 } } """) self.assertEqual(, 42)
def test_precidence(self): code = parse(""" function() { return (1 + 1) * 23 - 2 * 1 + 2; } """) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 42)
def test_returns_string(self): code = parse(""" function() { return "hello"; } """) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, "hello")
def test_addition(self): code = parse(""" function() { return 12 + 30; } """) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 42)
def test_initialize_and_return_local(self): code = parse(""" function() { int foo = 40; return foo + 2; } """) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 42)
def test_return_argument(self): code = parse(""" function(|int|) { return argument; } """) _, result = bootstrap_function(code, argument=42) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 42)
def test_4(self): code = parse(""" function() { int bestResult = 0, i = 999; while(i >= 100) { int j = 999; while(j >= i) { int testResult = i * j; if(testResult <= bestResult) { break; }; if(testResult > 100000 && testResult > bestResult && testResult / 1 % 10 == testResult / 100000 % 10 && testResult / 10 % 10 == testResult / 10000 % 10 && testResult / 100 % 10 == testResult / 1000 % 10 ) { bestResult = testResult; }; j = j - 1; }; i = i - 1; }; return bestResult; } """, debug=True) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.value, 906609)
def test_dereference_argument_parameter(self): code = parse(""" function(|Object { foo: int }|) { return foo; } """) _, result = bootstrap_function(code, argument=PythonObject({"foo": 42})) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 42)
def test_1(self): code = parse(""" function(int foo) => int { return foo; } """, debug=True) _, result = bootstrap_function(code, argument=PythonList([5])) self.assertEqual(result.value, 5)
def test_multiplication(self): code = parse(""" function() { return 21 * 2; } """) with environment(transpile=True, return_value_optimization=True): _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.value, 42)
def test_invalid_list_assignment(self): code = parse(""" function() { List<int> foo = [ { bar: 2 }, { bar: 3 } ]; return foo[0].bar; } """) with self.assertRaises(PreparationException): bootstrap_function(code)
def test_initialize_and_return_local_object(self): code = parse(""" function() { Object { foo: int } bar = { foo: 40 }; return + 2; } """) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 42)
def test_list(self): code = parse(""" function() { List<int> foo = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; return foo[0] * foo[1] * foo[2]; } """) _, result = bootstrap_function(code, check_safe_exit=False) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 6)
def test_list_of_objects(self): code = parse(""" function() { List<Object { bar: int }> foo = [ { bar: 2 }, { bar: 3 } ]; return foo[0].bar * foo[1].bar; } """) _, result = bootstrap_function(code, check_safe_exit=False) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 6)
def test_object_with_lists(self): code = parse(""" function() { Object { foo: List<int> } bar = { foo: [ 1, 2, 3 ] }; return[0] *[1] *[2]; } """) _, result = bootstrap_function(code, check_safe_exit=False) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 6)
def test_double_initialization_destructure(self): code = parse(""" function() { [ int foo, int bar ] = [ 12, 30 ]; return foo + bar; } """, debug=True) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 42)
def test_3(self): code = parse(""" function(any foo) { return foo + 3; } """, debug=True) _, result = bootstrap_function(code, argument=PythonList([5]), check_safe_exit=False) self.assertEqual(result.value, 8)
def test_some_const_locals(self): code = parse(""" function() { int foo = 1; int bar = foo + 37; return bar + 4; } """) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 42)
def test_basic_dictionary3(self): code = parse(""" function() { Dictionary<int: int> foo = { 3 : 55 }; return foo[6]; } """) _, result = bootstrap_function(code, check_safe_exit=False) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "exception") self.assertEquals(result.value._to_dict()["message"], "DereferenceOp: invalid_dereference")
def test_inferred_types_in_destructure(self): code = parse(""" function() { int foo = 0; [ foo, var bar ] = [ 12, 30 ]; return foo + bar; } """) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 42)
def test_single_initialization_destructure(self): code = parse(""" function() { { int foo } = { foo: 42 }; return foo; } """, debug=True) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 42)
def test_basic_dictionary4(self): code = parse(""" function() => int { var foo = { 3 : 55 }; return foo[3]; } """) func, result = bootstrap_function(code) if hasattr(func, "break_types"): self.assertNotIn("exception", func.break_types) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 55)
def test_single_assignment_destructure(self): code = parse(""" function() { int foo = 0; { foo } = { foo: 12, bar: 30 }; return foo; } """, debug=True) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 12)
def test_local_function(self): code = parse(""" function() { var x = function() { return 42; }; return x(); } """) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 42)
def test_mixed_destructure(self): code = parse(""" function() { int foo = 0; { foo, int bar } = { foo: 12, bar: 30 }; return foo + bar; } """, debug=True) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 42)
def test_double_assignment_destructure(self): code = parse(""" function() { int foo = 0, bar = 0; [ foo, bar ] = [ 12, 30 ]; return foo + bar; } """, debug=True) _, result = bootstrap_function(code) self.assertEquals(result.caught_break_mode, "value") self.assertEquals(result.value, 42)