def Quit(msg): try: import log log.Quit(msg) except ImportError: sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n') sys.exit(4)
def _ImportDll(): args = blue.pyos.GetArg() hasboot = hasattr(__builtins__, 'boot') or 'boot' in __builtins__ if hasboot and boot.role in ( 'server', 'proxy') and '/jessica' not in args and '/minime' not in args: raise RuntimeError("Don't import trinity on the proxy or server") triPlatform = _GetPreferredPlatform() triType = DEFAULT_TRI_TYPE rightHanded = False for arg in args: arg = arg.lower() if arg.startswith('/triplatform'): s = arg.split('=') triPlatform = s[1] elif arg.startswith('/tritype'): s = arg.split('=') triType = s[1] elif arg == '/righthanded': rightHanded = True if triType not in VALID_TRI_TYPES: log.Quit('Invalid Trinity dll type') if triPlatform not in VALID_TRI_PLATFORMS: log.Quit('Invalid Trinity platform') dllName = '_trinity_%s_%s' % (triPlatform, triType) print 'Starting up Trinity through %s ...' % dllName RobustImport(dllName) if rightHanded: SetRightHanded(True) settings.SetValue('geometryResNormalizeOnLoad', True) print 'Trinity is using a right-handed coordinate system' if hasattr(blue.memoryTracker, 'd3dHeap1'): if GetD3DCreatedHeapCount() > 0: blue.memoryTracker.d3dHeap1 = GetD3DCreatedHeap(0) if GetD3DCreatedHeapCount() > 1: blue.memoryTracker.d3dHeap2 = GetD3DCreatedHeap(1) return triPlatform
def __init__(self, startInline=[]): log.LogMixin.__init__(self, 'svc.ServiceManager') self.state = service.SERVICE_START_PENDING = {} self.dependants = {} self.notify = {} self.notifyObs = {} self.startInline = startInline self.blockedServices = [] self.startupTimes = {} import __builtin__ if hasattr(__builtin__, 'sm'): log.Quit( 'Multiple instances of ServiceManager are not allowed in a process' ) = self
def _ImportDll(): """ Imports the Trinity dll, selecting version to use based on command line arguments. Returns the platform selected. """ triPlatform = _os.getenv('TRINITYPLATFORM', DEFAULT_TRI_PLATFORM) triType = _os.getenv('TRINITYTYPE', DEFAULT_TRI_TYPE) disablePlatformCheck = False for arg in _blue.pyos.GetArg(): arg = arg.lower() if arg.startswith('/triplatform'): s = arg.split('=') triPlatform = s[1] elif arg.startswith('/tritype'): s = arg.split('=') triType = s[1] elif arg == '/no-platform-check': disablePlatformCheck = True if triType not in VALID_TRI_TYPES: import log log.Quit('Invalid Trinity dll type') if not disablePlatformCheck: if triPlatform.startswith('dx'): availablePlatforms.InstallDirectXIfNeeded() validPlatforms = availablePlatforms.GetAvailablePlatforms() if triPlatform not in validPlatforms: _logger.warn('Invalid Trinity platform %s' % triPlatform) triPlatform = validPlatforms[0]'Using Trinity platform %s instead' % triPlatform) dllName = '_trinity_%s_%s' % (triPlatform, triType) print 'Starting up Trinity through %s ...' % dllName _RobustImport(dllName) if hasattr(_blue, 'memoryTracker') and hasattr(_blue.memoryTracker, 'd3dHeap1'): if GetD3DCreatedHeapCount() > 0: _blue.memoryTracker.d3dHeap1 = GetD3DCreatedHeap(0) if GetD3DCreatedHeapCount() > 1: _blue.memoryTracker.d3dHeap2 = GetD3DCreatedHeap(1) return triPlatform
def RobustImport(moduleName, moduleNameForFallback=None): try: mod = __import__(moduleName, fromlist=['*']) except ImportError: import imp if imp.get_suffixes()[0][0] == '_d.pyd': InstallSystemBinaries('DirectXRedistForDebug.exe') else: InstallSystemBinaries('DirectXRedist.exe') try: mod = __import__(moduleName, fromlist=['*']) except ImportError: if moduleNameForFallback: print 'Import failed on %s, falling back to %s ...' % ( moduleName, moduleNameForFallback) mod = __import__(moduleNameForFallback, fromlist=['*']) else: log.Quit('Failed to import trinity DLL') for memberName in dir(mod): globals()[memberName] = getattr(mod, memberName) del mod
def _StoreGPUInfoInBreakpadHeaders(): """ Detect and save GPU information in Breakpad headers. This is extremely useful for graphics crashes and required by NVidia for them to look at driver crashes """ try: adapterInfo = adapters.GetAdapterInfo(adapters.DEFAULT_ADAPTER) blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'GPU_Description', adapterInfo.description) blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'GPU_Driver', unicode(adapterInfo.driver)) blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'GPU_VendorId', unicode(adapterInfo.vendorID)) blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'GPU_DeviceId', unicode(adapterInfo.deviceID)) blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'trinityPlatform', unicode(platform)) try: driverInfo = adapterInfo.GetDriverInfo() blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'GPU_Driver_Version', unicode(driverInfo.driverVersionString)) blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'GPU_Driver_Date', unicode(driverInfo.driverDate)) blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'GPU_Driver_Vendor', unicode(driverInfo.driverVendor)) blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'GPU_Driver_Is_Optimus', u'Yes' if driverInfo.isOptimus else u'No') blue.SetCrashKeyValues( u'GPU_Driver_Is_Amd_Switchable', u'Yes' if driverInfo.isAmdDynamicSwitchable else u'No') except RuntimeError: blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'GPU_Driver_Version', unicode(adapterInfo.driverVersion)) except RuntimeError: pass except SystemError: if platform == 'dx11': import log log.Quit( 'Video card may not support DX11 - setting preferred platform to DX9' )
def SetDevice(self, device, tryAgain=1, fallback=0, keepSettings=1, hideTitle=None, userModified=False, muteExceptions=False, updateWindowPosition=True): if hideTitle is None: hideTitle = not device.Windowed self.LogInfo('SetDevice: tryAgain', tryAgain, 'fallback', fallback, 'keepSettings', keepSettings, 'hideTitle', hideTitle, 'deviceDict', device.__dict__) if not fallback: device = self.EnforceDeviceSettings(device) self.SanitizeDeviceTypes(device) change = self.CheckDeviceDifference(device, getChange=1) dev = trinity.device if not change and tryAgain and dev.DoesD3DDeviceExist(): return True sm.ChainEvent('ProcessDeviceChange') pr = [] for k, v in device.__dict__.items(): pr.append((k, v)) pr.sort() msg = 'SetDevice: Found a difference\n' for k, v in pr: extra = '' if k in change: extra = ' >> this one changed, it was ' + str(change[k][0]) msg += ' ' + str(k) + ': ' + str(v) + extra + '\n' self.LogInfo(msg) triapp = if tryAgain: self.BackupSettings() try: triapp.hideTitle = hideTitle triapp.AdjustWindowForChange( device.Windowed, settings.public.device.Get('FixedWindow', False)) msg = 'SetDevice - trying again\n' msg += 'Before:\n' msg += repr(device.__dict__) + '\n' if device.Adapter not in self.adapters: device.Adapter = self.adapters[0] device.__dict__.update( self.FixupPresentation(device.Adapter, device.__dict__)) msg += 'After:\n' msg += repr(device.__dict__) + '\n' self.LogInfo(msg) dev = trinity.device dev.viewport.width = device.BackBufferWidth dev.viewport.height = device.BackBufferHeight while True: try: triapp.ChangeDevice(device.Adapter, 0, 0, device.__dict__) break except trinity.D3DERR_DEVICELOST: blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(1000) except Exception as e: import traceback self.LogInfo(traceback.format_exc()) self.LogInfo(repr(device.__dict__)) if trinity.device.GetRenderingPlatformID() == 2: if prefs.HasKey('trinityPreferredPlatform') and prefs.GetValue( 'trinityPreferredPlatform') == 'dx11': prefs.SetValue('trinityPreferredPlatform', 'dx9') log.Quit( 'Failed to create device under DX11 - setting preferred platform to DX9' ) else: log.Quit('Failed to create device under DX11') if tryAgain and self.settingsBackup: sys.exc_clear() self.LogInfo( 'SetDevice failed, trying again with backup settings') return self.SetDevice(self.settingsBackup, 0, keepSettings=keepSettings) if not fallback: sys.exc_clear() self.LogInfo( 'SetDevice with backup settings failed, falling back to savemode' ) set = self.GetSaveMode() return self.SetDevice(set, fallback=1, tryAgain=0, hideTitle=not set.Windowed, keepSettings=False) if muteExceptions: log.LogException() sys.exc_clear() self.LogInfo('SetDevice failed completely') return False if updateWindowPosition: self.UpdateWindowPosition(device) else: wr = triapp.GetWindowRect() triapp.SetWindowPos(wr.left, sm.ScatterEvent('OnSetDevice') if uicore.desktop: uicore.desktop.UpdateSize() if keepSettings: set = self.GetSettings() keep = set.__dict__ del keep['hDeviceWindow'] gfxsettings.Set(gfxsettings.GFX_DEVICE_SETTINGS, keep, pending=False) self.settings.SaveSettings() self.LogInfo('Keeping device settings:', repr(keep)) if self.IsWindowed(set): val = (set.BackBufferWidth, set.BackBufferHeight) gfxsettings.Set(gfxsettings.GFX_RESOLUTION_WINDOWED, val, pending=False) else: val = (set.BackBufferWidth, set.BackBufferHeight) gfxsettings.Set(gfxsettings.GFX_RESOLUTION_FULLSCREEN, val, pending=False) if userModified and self.resolutionBackup and self.resolutionBackup != val: self.AskForConfirmation() sm.ScatterEvent('OnEndChangeDevice', change) unsupportedModels = ['SM_1_1', 'SM_2_0_LO', 'SM_2_0_HI'] maxCardModel = trinity.GetMaxShaderModelSupported() if maxCardModel in unsupportedModels: message = localization.GetByLabel( '/Carbon/UI/Service/Device/ShaderModelNotSupportedMessage') title = localization.GetByLabel( '/Carbon/UI/Service/Device/ShaderModelNotSupportedTitle') blue.os.ShowErrorMessageBox(title, message) bluepy.Terminate('Shader Model version check failed') return True
def Startup(servicesToRun, startInline=[], serviceManagerClass='ServiceManager'): import blue args = blue.pyos.GetArg()[1:] autoexec_common.LogStarting('Server') import nasty additionalScriptDirs = [ 'script:/../../../carbon/backend/script/', 'script:/../../backend/script/' ] telemetryStarted = False for argument in args: if argument.startswith('/telemetryServer='): tmServer = str(argument[17:]) print 'Telemetry starting up on %s (from cmdline)' % tmServer blue.statistics.StartTelemetry(tmServer) blue.pyos.taskletTimer.telemetryOn = 1 telemetryStarted = True if not telemetryStarted: telemetryServer = prefs.GetValue('startupTelemetryServer', None) if telemetryServer is not None: print 'Telemetry starting up on %s (from prefs)' % telemetryServer blue.statistics.StartTelemetry(telemetryServer) blue.pyos.taskletTimer.telemetryOn = 1 telemetryStarted = True if '/jessica' in args: additionalScriptDirs.extend( ['script:/../../../carbon/tools/jessica/script/']) useExtensions = '/noJessicaExtensions' not in args if useExtensions: additionalScriptDirs.extend([ 'script:/../../../carbon/tools/jessicaExtensions/script/', 'script:/../../tools/jessicaExtensions/script/' ]) nasty.Startup(additionalScriptDirs) import util import types print 'Nasty was started @ -', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - nastyStarted)) import localization localization.LoadLanguageData() t0 = blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() t00 = t0 import gc gc.disable() autoexec_common.LogStarted('Server') for i in args: if len(i) > 0 and i[0] != '-' and i[0] != '/': print 'Executing', strx(i) blue.pyos.ExecFile(i, globals()) import service smClass = getattr(service, serviceManagerClass) srvMng = smClass(startInline=['DB2', 'machoNet'] + startInline) log.general.Log('Startup: Starting Core Services...', log.LGNOTICE) print 'Core Services Starting @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) startServices = ('machoNet', 'alert', 'objectCaching', 'debug') srvMng.Run(startServices) macho =['machoNet'] DB2 =['DB2'] dbzcluster = DB2.GetSchema('zcluster') dbzsystem = DB2.GetSchema('zsystem') while True: r = macho.AreTheseServicesRunning(startServices) if r is None: break log.general.Log('Startup: Waiting for %s' % r, log.LGNOTICE) print 'Startup: Waiting for', strx(r) blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(3000) print 'Database: ' + DB2.GetConnectionString() blue.os.SetAppTitle( '[%s %s.%s] %s %s %s.%s pid=%s' % (macho.GetNodeID(), macho.GetBasePortNumber(), boot.region.upper(), boot.codename, boot.role, boot.version,, startupInfo = dbzcluster.Cluster_StartupInfo()[0] dbClusterMode = startupInfo.clusterMode if dbClusterMode != prefs.clusterMode: s = 'DB / Server disagree on cluster mode. Server says %s, but DB says %s' % ( prefs.clusterMode, dbClusterMode) log.general.Log('###', log.LGERR) log.general.Log('### ' + s, log.LGERR) log.general.Log('###', log.LGERR) log.Quit(s) print '...' log.general.Log('Server Configuration:', log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' NodeID: %s' % macho.GetNodeID(), log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' NodeName: %s' % macho.GetNodeName(), log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' Base Port: %s' % macho.GetBasePortNumber(), log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' Region: %s' % boot.region.upper(), log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' CodeName: %s' % boot.codename, log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' Role: %s' % boot.role, log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' Version: %s.%s' % (boot.version,, log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' ProcessID: %s' %, log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' clusterMode: %s' % startupInfo.clusterMode, log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log(' Host: %s' % blue.pyos.GetEnv().get('COMPUTERNAME', '?'), log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log('Startup: Synchronizing Clock with DB...', log.LGNOTICE) originalNow = blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() timediff = 0 for i in xrange(20): now1 = blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() dbnow = dbzsystem.DateTime()[0].dateTime now2 = blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() now = (now1 + now2) / 2 if abs(dbnow - now) < (i + 1) * const.SEC: break reason = 'DB / Server time horribly out of synch, DB says now=%s but server thinks now=%s' % ( util.FmtDateEng(dbnow), util.FmtDateEng(now)) log.general.Log(reason, 2) if prefs.clusterMode != 'LIVE': newnow = dbnow + (now2 - now1) / 2 log.general.Log( 'Resetting clock, setting time: ' + util.FmtDateEng(newnow), log.LGNOTICE) print 'Correcting clock to match DB ... advancing ', float( newnow - now2) / float(const.SEC), ' secs' t0 += newnow - now2 blue.pyos.synchro.ResetClock(newnow) elif i < 10: log.general.Log('Retrying clock check to prevent node death', log.LGERR) continue else: log.Quit( 'DB / Server time horriby out of synch on live cluster. Please perform a manual time synch.' ) finalNow = blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() sm.ScatterEvent('OnTimeReset', originalNow, finalNow) nasty.nasty.OnTimeReset(originalNow, finalNow) log.general.Log( 'Startup: Marking myself as ready for connectivity establishment in zcluster.nodes', log.LGNOTICE) print 'Server Ready @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) dbzcluster.Nodes_SetStatus(macho.GetNodeID(), -4) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatus', -400) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatusText', 'Ready for connectivity establishment') log.general.Log('Startup: Establishing Connectivity...', log.LGNOTICE) print 'Establishing Connectivity @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) if prefs.GetValue('skipConnectivity', 0): log.general.Log( 'Startup: skipConnectivity has been set, skipping connectivity tests...' ) if not macho.IsResurrectedNode() and not prefs.GetValue( 'skipConnectivity', 0): offsetClock = None if macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0): offsetClock = t0 - t00 macho.readyToConnect = True startConnectivityCheck = blue.os.GetWallclockTime() while 1: try: log.general.Log('Startup: Refreshing Connectivity...', log.LGINFO) macho.RefreshConnectivity() except StandardError: log.general.Log('Startup: Error refreshing connectivity...', log.LGWARN) log.LogException(toConsole=1, toLogServer=1, severity=log.LGWARN) sys.exc_clear() blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(500) try: log.general.Log( 'Startup: Performing cluster readiness test...', log.LGINFO) now = blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() if now > startConnectivityCheck + LOG_CONNECTIVITY_ERROR_TIME: log.general.Log( 'I have been checking the network connectivity for a long time.... Should we go and check out why?', log.LGERR) startConnectivityCheck = now ready = dbzcluster.Cluster_Ready(-4) if type(ready) == types.IntType: if not ready: print 'More Nodes Starting, pausing and retrying' log.general.Log('Startup: More nodes starting', log.LGNOTICE) blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(5000) continue elif ready[0].readyWhen is None: log.Quit( 'The DB says that even I am not ready, but I have already passed my ready marker! Shutting down.' ) else: ready = ready[0] until = ready.readyWhen + const.SEC * 70 * 5 if until > now: s = min(70000 / 4, (until - now) / const.SEC * 1000 + 1000) log.general.Log( 'Startup: Last startup was at %s. Waiting %s before retrying, now=%s' % (util.FmtDateEng(ready.readyWhen), util.FmtDateEng(until), util.FmtDateEng(now)), log.LGWARN) else: print 'Only %d nodes have registered themselves in zcluster.nodes and the safetytime has been passed by far...' % ready.nodeCount log.general.Log( 'Startup: Only %d nodes have registered in zcluster.nodes, but the safetytime has been passed by far...' % ready.nodeCount, log.LGERR) s = 70000 print 'Waiting ', s, ' millisecs prior to rechecking' blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(s) continue startupInfo = dbzcluster.Cluster_StartupInfo()[0] log.general.Log( 'Startup: Connectivity test - calling all proxies...', log.LGINFO) p = macho.session.ConnectToAllProxyServerServices( 'machoNet').ConnectivityTest( offsetClock, startupInfo.proxyNodeCount - 1, startupInfo.serverNodeCount - startupInfo.unexpectServerNodeCount, uberMachoRaise=True) if len(p) != startupInfo.proxyNodeCount: log.general.Log( 'Startup: %d proxy nodes available, %d proxy nodes expected...' % (len(p), startupInfo.proxyNodeCount), log.LGINFO) print '%d proxy nodes available, %d proxy nodes expected...' % ( len(p), startupInfo.proxyNodeCount) blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(500) continue for isexception, nodeID, ret in p: if not ret: log.general.Log( 'Startup: Proxy %d failed its connectivity test' % nodeID, log.LGINFO) raise UberMachoException( 'Proxy failed connectivity test') minimumProxyCount = prefs.GetValue( 'machoNet.minimumProxyCount', 0) or max( 1, int(startupInfo.proxyNodeCount * 0.8)) if len(p) < minimumProxyCount: print 'Too few proxy nodes succeeded in starting to make this run worthwhile' log.general.Log( 'Too few proxy nodes succeeded in starting to make this run worthwhile', log.LGERR) log.general.Log( 'Minimum=%d, Actual=%d' % (minimumProxyCount, len(p)), log.LGERR) blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(10000) continue log.general.Log( 'Startup: Connectivity test - calling all sols...', log.LGINFO) s = macho.session.ConnectToAllSolServerServices( 'machoNet').ConnectivityTest( offsetClock, startupInfo.proxyNodeCount, startupInfo.serverNodeCount - 1 - startupInfo.unexpectServerNodeCount, uberMachoRaise=True) if len( s ) != startupInfo.serverNodeCount - startupInfo.unexpectServerNodeCount: log.general.Log( 'Startup: %d server nodes available, %d server nodes expected...' % (len(s), startupInfo.serverNodeCount), log.LGINFO) print '%d server nodes available, %d server nodes expected...' % ( len(s), startupInfo.serverNodeCount) blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(500) continue for isexception, nodeID, ret in s: if not ret: log.general.Log( 'Startup: Server %d failed its connectivity test' % nodeID, log.LGINFO) raise UberMachoException( 'Server failed connectivity test') minimumSolCount = prefs.GetValue( 'machoNet.minimumSolCount', 0) or max( 1, int(startupInfo.serverNodeCount * 0.8)) if len(s) < minimumSolCount: print 'Too few sol nodes succeeded in starting to make this run worthwhile' log.general.Log( 'Too few sol nodes succeeded in starting to make this run worthwhile', log.LGERR) log.general.Log( 'Minimum=%d, Actual=%d' % (minimumSolCount, len(s)), log.LGERR) blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(10000) continue break except UberMachoException as e: log.general.Log('Startup: network connectivity not achieved', log.LGINFO) sys.exc_clear() except UnMachoDestination as e: log.general.Log( 'Startup: network connectivity not yet achieved (%s)' % e.payload, 2) sys.exc_clear() except: log.LogException( 'Exception while pinging all proxies and sols') sys.exc_clear() print 'Connectivity achieved @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) if 'waitForPremapping' in startupInfo.__columns__ and int( startupInfo.waitForPremapping) == 1: polarisID = macho.GetNodeFromAddress(const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0) while macho.GetNodeID() != polarisID and dbzcluster.Nodes_Status( polarisID) < -3: print 'Waiting for Polaris to reach premapping stage.. sleeping 5 seconds..' blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(5000) if prefs.clusterMode in ('TEST', 'LIVE'): if macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0): if not macho.IsResurrectedNode(): dbzcluster.Cluster_PreMap() log.general.Log( 'Startup: Marking myself as ready for distributed startup phase in zcluster.nodes', log.LGNOTICE) dbzcluster.Nodes_SetStatus(macho.GetNodeID(), -3) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatus', -300) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatusText', 'Ready for distributed setup') log.general.Log('Startup: Priming address cache...', log.LGNOTICE) while 1: try: if macho.IsResurrectedNode(): print 'Priming address cache directly @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) log.general.Log('Startup: Priming address cache directly...', log.LGINFO) macho.PrimeAddressCache(dbzcluster.Addresses_PrimeCache()) elif macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0): print 'Orchestrating priming of address cache @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) log.general.Log( 'Startup: Orchestrating priming of address cache...', log.LGINFO) macho.session.ConnectToAllSolServerServices( 'machoNet').PrimeAddressCache( dbzcluster.Addresses_PrimeCache(), uberMachoRaise=True) else: print 'Waiting for completion of priming of address cache @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) if macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0): print "Polaris has died, and I have resumed it's responsibilities" log.general.Log( "Polaris has died, and I have resumed it's responsibilities", log.LGERR) continue break except: print 'Priming address cache failure, retrying...' log.LogException( 'Exception while priming address cachep. I am%s Polaris' % [' NOT', ''][macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0)]) sys.exc_clear() log.general.Log( 'Startup: Marking myself as ready for starting user service phase in zcluster.nodes', log.LGNOTICE) dbzcluster.Nodes_SetStatus(macho.GetNodeID(), -2) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatus', -200) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatusText', 'Starting user services') log.general.Log('Startup: Starting User Services...', log.LGNOTICE) print 'User Services Starting @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) blue.pyos.taskletTimer.Reset() sys.clearmemcontexts() = 1 srvMng.Run(servicesToRun) import ttimerutil timers = ttimerutil.TaskletSnapshot() = 0 sys.setmemcontextsactive(False) sys.clearmemcontexts() totalCPUTime = 0 totalWallClockTime = 0 for timer in timers: if timer.startswith('StartService::ServiceStartRun::') and timer.find( '^') == -1: serviceName = timer[31:] if serviceName in srvMng.startupTimes: serviceWallClockTime = srvMng.startupTimes[serviceName] totalWallClockTime += serviceWallClockTime else: serviceWallClockTime = -1 serviceCPUTime = timers[timer].GetTime() totalCPUTime += serviceCPUTime log.general.Log( 'Startup: Service %s took %.4fs wallclock and %.4fs cpu time to startup' % (serviceName, serviceWallClockTime, serviceCPUTime), log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log( 'Startup: Estimated serial execution time: %.4fs Total CPU time spent %.4fs ' % (totalWallClockTime, totalCPUTime), log.LGNOTICE) log.general.Log( 'Startup: Marking myself as ready for cluster startup tests in zcluster.nodes', log.LGNOTICE) dbzcluster.Nodes_SetStatus(macho.GetNodeID(), -1) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatus', -100) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatusText', 'Startup test phase') if macho.IsResurrectedNode(): loop = True while loop: loop = False try: ret = macho.AreTheseServicesRunning(startServices) if ret: log.general.Log('Startup: Waiting for %s' % ret, log.LGERR) print 'Startup: Waiting for %s' % strx(ret) loop = True except: log.LogException( 'Exception while performing distributed startup. I am%s Polaris' % [' NOT', ''][macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0)]) sys.exc_clear() log.Quit('Failed to determine service running state') if loop: blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(3000) macho.readyToConnect = True try: log.general.Log('Startup: Refreshing Connectivity...', log.LGNOTICE) macho.RefreshConnectivity() except StandardError: log.general.Log('Startup: Error refreshing connectivity...', log.LGWARN) log.LogException(toConsole=1, toLogServer=1, severity=log.LGWARN) sys.exc_clear() sm.ScatterEvent( 'OnClusterStarting', macho.GetNodeFromAddress(const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0)) else: sent = False while not macho.clusterStartupPhase: if not sent and macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0): print 'Cluster User Service Startup tests beginning @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) loop = True while loop: loop = False r = macho.session.ConnectToAllSolServerServices( 'machoNet').AreTheseServicesRunning( startServices, uberMachoRaise=True) for isexception, nodeID, ret in r: if ret: log.general.Log( 'Startup: Node %d waiting for %s' % (nodeID, ret), log.LGERR) print 'Startup: Node %d waiting for %s' % ( nodeID, strx(ret)) loop = True break if loop: blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(3000) if len(r) < minimumSolCount: print 'Too few sol nodes succeeded in starting to make this run worthwhile' raise UberMachoException( 'Too few sol nodes succeeded in starting to make this run worthwhile' ) print 'Broadcasting OnClusterStarting' log.general.Log('Startup: Broadcasting OnClusterStarting', log.LGNOTICE) macho.ClusterBroadcast('OnClusterStarting', macho.GetNodeID()) sent = True blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(1000) else: print 'Waiting for OnClusterStarting...' log.general.Log('Startup: Waiting for OnClusterStarting...', log.LGNOTICE) blue.pyos.synchro.SleepWallclock(3000) log.general.Log( "Startup: Marking myself as ready to rock'n'roll in zcluster.nodes", log.LGNOTICE) dbzcluster.Nodes_SetStatus(macho.GetNodeID(), 0) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatus', -50) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatusText', 'Ready in DB') print '--------------------------------------------------------------' if macho.GetNodeID() == macho.GetNodeFromAddress( const.cluster.SERVICE_POLARIS, 0): print 'Polaris - Cluster ready @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) else: print 'Not Polaris - Server ready @', strx( util.FmtTimeIntervalEng(blue.os.GetWallclockTimeNow() - t0)) ram = blue.win32.GetProcessMemoryInfo()['PagefileUsage'] / 1024 / 1024 msg = 'Memory Usage (virtual mem) : %sMb upon startup' % ram macho.LogNotice(msg) print msg sm.ScatterEvent('OnServerStartupCompleted') macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatus', 0) macho.SetStatusKeyValuePair('clusterStatusText', 'Ready') if bluepy.IsRunningStartupTest(): bluepy.TerminateStartupTest()
adapters = blue.classes.CreateInstance('trinity.Tr2VideoAdapters') try: adapterInfo = adapters.GetAdapterInfo(adapters.DEFAULT_ADAPTER) blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'GPU_Description', adapterInfo.description) blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'GPU_Driver', unicode(adapterInfo.driver)) blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'GPU_Driver_Version', unicode(adapterInfo.driverVersion)) blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'GPU_VendorId', unicode(adapterInfo.vendorID)) blue.SetCrashKeyValues(u'GPU_DeviceId', unicode(adapterInfo.deviceID)) except RuntimeError: pass except SystemError: if platform == 'dx11': _SetPreferredPlatform('dx9') log.Quit( 'Video card may not support DX11 - setting preferred platform to DX9' ) device = blue.classes.CreateInstance('trinity.TriDevice') renderContext = device.GetRenderContext() app = blue.classes.CreateInstance('triui.App') if hasattr(blue, 'CcpStatistics'): statistics = blue.CcpStatistics() from trinity.renderJob import CreateRenderJob from trinity.renderJobUtils import * renderJobs = trinity.renderJob.RenderJobs() device.SetRenderJobs(renderJobs) def IsFpsEnabled():