def rekPathing(gruppe, cLis, cPath): for e in cLis: cType = type(cLis[e]) if cType is list: host = cLis[e][0][1] if host != "LOCAL": filepath = cPath + e debugLog("GETTING '" + filepath + "' FROM " + host) sock_udp.sendto("GETF" + filepath, (host, port_udp)) sync_receiver(gruppe, filepath + "_N", "", port_tcp) elif cType is dict: rekPathing(gruppe, cLis[e], cPath + e + "/")
def sync_file(groupname, filename, HOST, PORT): blocksize = settings.BLOCKSIZE s = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) tryCount = 0 debugLog("TRYING TO CONNECT") while tryCount < settings.TRY_COUNT: try: s.connect((HOST, PORT)) debugLog("OK") break except: debugLog("FAILED") tryCount += 1 time.sleep(0.1) if tryCount > 9: return debugLog("CONNECTED") fr = open(filename, "rb") #sending bllocksize s.send (str(blocksize)) s.recv(1) while 1: # read file filecontent = # sending data s.send(filecontent) s.recv(1) if len(filecontent) < blocksize: break fr.close() s.close() logActivity(groupname, "addFile", filename, "remote")
def sync_receiver(groupname, fileName, HOST, PORT): s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) s.bind((HOST, PORT)) s.listen(1) try: conn, addr = s.accept() debugLog("CONNECTION OPENED") # file writer -> creates file with name <fileName> and sets it writable fw = file(fileName, "wb") # receiving blocksize blocksize = int (conn.recv(32)) conn.send("1") # file content puffer filecontent = '' # receiving data debugLog("receiving file content..") while 1: data = conn.recv(blocksize) conn.send("1") debugLog(data) filecontent += data if len(data) < blocksize: break debugLog("done") # writing data to file fw.write(filecontent) conn.close() fw.close() finally: s.close() logActivity(groupname, "addFile", fileName, "local")
def start(gruppe, GRUPPE_LOC): # States: # send_bc # get_clients # require_clients_list # get_clients_list # update # distribute # wait # send_list # passive state = "send_bc" start_time_GC = 0 # get clients timer start_time_GL = 0 # get lists timer start_time_SEND = 0 # send timer lis_clients = [] lis_clients_lists = {} while running: if state == "send_bc": debugLog("START GETTING CLIENTS") nachricht = "HELO" + gruppe sock_bc.sendto(nachricht, ("<broadcast>", port_bc)) state = "get_clients" start_time_GC = time.time() if (time.time() - start_time_GC) > client_search_duration and state == "get_clients": debugLog("END GETTING CLIENTS") #gibt es einen einen teilnehmer? wenn nicht -> warte if lis_clients == []: state = "wait" debugLog("NOONE TO UPDATE WITH") else: state = "require_clients_list" debugLog("WILL START GETTING CLIENTS DATA") print lis_clients if state == "require_clients_list": debugLog("GETTING CLIENT LIST DATA") for e in lis_clients: sock_udp.sendto("LISTS", (e[0], port_udp)) start_time_GL = time.time() state = "get_clients_list" if (time.time() - start_time_GL) > client_search_duration and state == "get_clients_list": debugLog("LISTS COMPLETE! UPDATING NOW") lis_clients_lists['LOCAL'] = reader.readPath(GRUPPE_LOC) cLists = [] cHosts = [] for e in lis_clients_lists.keys(): cLists.append(lis_clients_lists[e]) cHosts.append(e) mergedList = reader.mergeDicts(cLists, cHosts) print mergedList state = "update" if (time.time() - start_time_SEND) > client_send_duration and state == "send_list": debugLog("SENT TOO LONG, WAITING NOW") state = "wait" if state == "update": debugLog("UPDATING") rekPathing(gruppe, mergedList, GRUPPE_LOC) state = "distribute" if state == "distribute": debugLog("DISTRIBUTING") inputready, outputready, exceptready =[sock_bc, sock_udp], [], [], 5) for s in inputready: # empfange antworten per udp und fuege clienten an liste an if s == sock_udp and state == "get_clients": debugLog("GETTING CLIENT") (data, addr) = sock_udp.recvfrom(1024) lis_clients.append(addr) # empfange Dateirequest und sende die Datei elif s == sock_udp and state == "wait": (data, addr) = sock_udp.recvfrom(1024) if data[:4] == "GETF": fp = data[4:] debugLog("SENDING FILE: " + fp) sync_file(gruppe, GRUPPE_LOC + fp, addr[0], port_tcp) # empfange ordnernamen als Broadcast elif s == sock_bc and state == "wait": (data, host) = sock_bc.recvfrom(1024) if data[4:] == gruppe: debugLog("GETTING BC AND RESPONDING") # sende antwort an broadcast-sender sock_udp.sendto("dabei", (host[0], port_udp)) state = "send_list" start_time_SEND = time.time() else: debugLog("GOT WRONG GROUP REQUEST") # empfange listerequest und sende liste elif s == sock_udp and state == "send_list": debugLog("GETTING LIST REQUEST AND RESPONDING") (data, host) = sock_udp.recvfrom(1024) # sende antwort an broadcast-sender d = pickle.dumps(reader.readPath(GRUPPE_LOC)) sock_udp.sendto(d, (host[0], port_udp)) state = "wait" # empfange listen elif s == sock_udp and state == "get_clients_list": debugLog("GETTING LIST DATA") (data, host) = sock_udp.recvfrom(1024) lis_clients_lists[host[0]] = pickle.loads(data) print lis_clients_lists[host[0]] else: data = s.recv(1024)