def main(): """ the main method to run mini spider """ # 日志保存到./log/spider.log和./log/,按天切割,保留7天 log.init_log("./log/spider") spider = SpiderEngine.SpiderEngine() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vhc:") except getopt.GetoptError as err: logging.error("get option error : %s." % err) return for o, a in opts: if o == "-v": version() return elif o == "-h": # spider_engine = _SpiderEngine._SpiderEngine() # spider_engine.config_tostring() # spider_engine.set_config() print "帮助信息:没有帮助^_^" return elif o == "-c": spider.set_config_by_file(a) else: logging.error("unhandled option") print "unhandled option" return spider.start_work() return
def main(): """ SendDataClient类,作为flashshot的服务 """ log.init_log('./logs/send_data_client') # 如果配置文件中配置了这个地区需要设定IP代理,则在上传文件前,先将代理IP取消,然后等执行完毕后再设置上 # 并且将 uping 设置为 1,此时每五分钟执行的checkIpProxy将不会修改此IP,上传结束后就修改回 0 if config.NEED_PROXY: configFile = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() configFile.set("info", "uping", 1) configFile.write(open(CONFIGFILE, "w"))'setProxy("0") ') # 在传送图片前,先将本地代理IP关掉 ipProxy.setProxy("0") target_folder = sys.argv[1] target_filenames = get_file_list(target_folder) upload_files(target_folder, target_filenames) # 在传送图片后,将本地代理Ip继续设定 if config.NEED_PROXY: configFile = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() ip1 = configFile.get("info", "ip1") configFile.set("info", "uping", 0) configFile.write(open(CONFIGFILE, "w")) enableProxyScript = "python " + ip1 os.popen(enableProxyScript) # ipProxy.setProxy(ip1)'setProxy ' + ip1)
def check_stops(environnement, coverage): log.init_log("", "") logger = logging.getLogger("vipere")"Vérification des arrets pour le coverage [{}] et sur [{}]".format(coverage, environnement)) params = json.load(open('../params.json')) nav_url = params["environnements"][environnement]["url"] nav_key = params["environnements"][environnement]["key"] detail_test_result.append(["coverage", "env", "test_datetime", "object_id", "object_type", "test_category", "error", "infos", "error_level", "wkt"]) load_naming_ref_files("../../Data_scripts/data/audit/reference") #on fait les appels par réseau et par ligne pour faire des appels plus petits nav_response_network = requests.get(nav_url + "coverage/{}/networks?count=1000".format(coverage), headers={'Authorization': nav_key}) if nav_response_network.status_code != 200 : logger.error (">> l'appel navitia a renvoyé une erreur") return for a_network in nav_response_network.json()['networks'] : nav_response_line = requests.get(nav_url + "coverage/{}/networks/{}/lines/?count=1000".format(coverage, a_network["id"]), headers={'Authorization': nav_key}) if "lines" in nav_response_line.json(): for a_line in nav_response_line.json()["lines"]: check_stops_of_a_line(params, environnement, coverage, "stop_area", a_line["id"]) check_stops_of_a_line(params, environnement, coverage, "stop_point", a_line["id"]) else: detail_test_result.append([coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_network["id"], "network", "check_stop_point_and_stop_area_name", "network_has_no_line", "le réseau {} n'a pas de lignes".format(a_network["name"]) , "red", ""]) utils.write_errors_to_file (environnement, coverage, "check_stop_basics", detail_test_result) utils.generate_file_summary()
def test_parse_success(self): """ test parse function success """ log.init_log("./log/webpage_parse_test", logging.DEBUG) pattern = re.compile(r'.*.(htm|html)') html = r'<a href=page1.html>page 1</a><a href="page2.html">page 2</a>' urls = webpage_parse.parse(html, pattern, logging) self.assertTrue(len(urls) > 0)
def sample_repos(n): log.init_log() db.connect_db() db.sample_projects(n) log.close_log()
def create_app(): app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI # SQLALCHEMY_POOL_SIZE 配置 SQLAlchemy 的连接池大小 app.config["SQLALCHEMY_POOL_SIZE"] = 5 # SQLALCHEMY_POOL_TIMEOUT 配置 SQLAlchemy 的连接超时时间 app.config["SQLALCHEMY_POOL_TIMEOUT"] = 15 app.config["SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS"] = False app.config["LOG_PATH"] = 'flask_log' init_log(app=app) # 初始化SQLAlchemy , 本质就是将以上的配置读取出来 db.init_app(app) # region 注入蓝图 app.register_blueprint(user) app.register_blueprint(order) app.register_blueprint(express) app.register_blueprint(product) app.register_blueprint(territory) app.register_blueprint(promotion) app.register_blueprint(school) app.register_blueprint(data_show) app.register_blueprint(product_group) app.register_blueprint(school_log) # endregion return app
def test_parse_failure(self): """ test parse function failure """ log.init_log("./log/webpage_parse_test", logging.DEBUG) pattern = re.compile(r'.*.(htm|html)') html = r'<a href=page1>page 1</a><a href="page2">page 2</a>' urls = webpage_parse.parse(html, pattern, logging) self.assertTrue(len(urls) == 0)
def main(): log.init_log("./log/spider") spider = process.spider_process() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vhc:") except getopt.GetoptError as err: logging.error("get option error : %s." % err) return for o, a in opts: print("XXX") if o == "-v": version() return elif o == "-h": print("帮助!") return elif o == "-c": spider.set_config_by_file(a) else: print("没有" + o + "参数") return spider.start_work() return
def receiver(): log_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/log/' log_name = "mainlog" log.init_log(log_path + log_name, logging.DEBUG) tcpserver = LogRecordSocketReceiver() tcpserver.serve_until_stopped()
def setUp(self): """ setUp - Initialize test case """ log.init_log("./log/test") self.spider = Spider('conf/spider.conf')
def main(): log.init_log() db.connect_db() # Code here plots.create_all_histograms() log.close_log()
def main(): """Main function of the process Args: None Return: None """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="MiniSpider Options") parser.add_argument("-v", action="store_true", dest="version", help="show current version and exit") parser.add_argument("-c", dest="conf", help="path of the config file") args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: print "{name} v{version}".format(name=get_proc_name(), version=get_proc_version()) sys.exit(0) log.init_log("./log/mini_spider") formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s") if not (args.conf and os.path.isfile(args.conf)): logging.critical("invalid config file") sys.exit(1) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() try: url_seeds_file = config.get("spider", "url_list_file") output_dir = config.get("spider", "output_directory") craw_timeout = config.get("spider", "crawl_timeout") url_pattern = config.get("spider", "target_url") crawl_depth = config.getint("spider", "max_depth") thread_num = config.getint("spider", "thread_count") crawl_inter = config.getfloat("spider", "crawl_interval") except ConfigParser.Error as e: logging.critical("Read config error: {error}".format(error=str(e))) exit(1) work_thread_manager = thread_manager.ThreadManager() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, h_signal) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, h_signal) add_seed_tasks(url_seeds_file) worker_spider = spider.Spider(crawl_depth, url_pattern, output_dir, crawl_inter) for threanum in range(thread_num): worker_thread = work_thread.WorkThread(worker_spider) work_thread_manager.append_thread(worker_thread) work_thread_manager.start() # pause the main thread to receive signals signal.pause()
def scheduled_job_visit(): ''' 访问博客 采集频率:1分整倍数,就执行这个函数 ''' init_log(_log_path='', _log_name='scheduler.log', _filemode='a') save_log("_________visit start_________", now_datetime()) KuiDaiLi().start() save_log("_________visit end_________\n", now_datetime())
def setUp(self): """ setUp - Initialize test case """ log.init_log("./log/test") fh = urllib.urlopen('') =
def job_brush_flow(): ''' 访问博客 采集频率:1分整倍数,就执行这个函数 ''' init_log(_log_path='', _log_name='brush_flow.log', _filemode='a') save_log("_________brush start_________", now_datetime()) mogu = MoGuRequest() mogu.start(_type='mogu') save_log("_________brush end_________\n", now_datetime())
def main(): """ 主程序入口 """ # 初始化log log.init_log("./log/spider") #解析命令行参数,获取配置文件信息 conf_name = arg_parse() config_load.parse_conf(conf_name)
def main(config_file, task_file, command, status_file): """main function Args: config_file: config location task_file: task location, if it is "", get location from config_file command: str, if it is "", then use task_file, otherwise use this command status_file: status file location Return: 0: success 1: fail """ # read config config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if not config: logging.fatal("Read config_file failed [%s]" %(config_file)) return 1"Read config_file successful [%s]" % (config_file)) # init log log_file = config.get("table_join_checker", "log") log_level = eval(config.get("table_join_checker", "level")) log.init_log(log_file, log_level) # init task_file if command == "" and task_file == "": task_file = config.get("table_join_checker", "task_file") # init status_file if status_file == "": status_file = config.get("table_join_checker", "status_file") status_code = config.get("table_join_checker", "status_code") # init table_checker try: table_join_checker = TableJoinCheckerManager(task_file, command, status_file, status_code) except TaskManagerInitError as e: logging.fatal("Init table join checker failed because of [%s], task_file [%s]\ command [%s], status_file [%s]" % (e, task_file, command, status_file)) return 1"Init table join checker successful, task_file [%s]\ command [%s], status_file [%s]" % (task_file, command, status_file)) # excute every task in table_checker ret = table_join_checker.excute() if ret == 0:"Excute table join checker successful") else: logging.fatal("Excute table join checker failed") del table_join_checker return ret
def setUp(self): """ init test """ self.output_directory = '../data/output' self.max_depth = 1 self.crawl_interval = 1 self.crawl_timeout = 1 self.target_url = '.*\\.(gif|png|jpg|bmp)$' self.test_func_tips = '=' * 20 + '%s' + '=' * 20 # init log log.init_log("../log/mini_spider")
def check_line_colors(environnement, coverage): """Lance la vérification de la présence des couleurs des lignes et du texte associé. Dans le cas où les deux couleurs sont présentes, le script vérifie le contraste (accessibilité RGAA). """ log.init_log("", "") logger = logging.getLogger("vipere")"On teste le coverage [{}] sur l'environnement [{}] ".format(coverage, environnement)) params = json.load(open('../params.json')) assert (environnement in params['environnements']), "L'environnement demandé n'existe pas" navitia_url = params['environnements'][environnement]['url'] navitia_api_key = params['environnements'][environnement]['key'] detail_test_result = [] detail_test_result.append(["coverage", "env", "test_datetime", "object_id", "object_type", "test_category", "error", "infos", "error_level", "wkt"]) appel_nav_networks = requests.get(navitia_url + "coverage/{}/networks?count=1000".format(coverage), headers={'Authorization': navitia_api_key}) if appel_nav_networks.status_code != 200 : logger.error (">> l'appel navitia a renvoyé une erreur") return for a_network in appel_nav_networks.json()['networks'] : appel_nav = requests.get(navitia_url + "coverage/{}/networks/{}/lines?count=1000&depth=0".format(coverage, a_network['id']), headers={'Authorization': navitia_api_key}) if appel_nav.json()['pagination']['total_result'] > 1000 : logger.error (">> il y a trop de lignes sur le réseau {}, elles n'ont pas toutes été testées".format(a_network['name'])) if "lines" in appel_nav.json(): for a_line in appel_nav.json()['lines']: color = a_line['color'] text_color = a_line['text_color'] if not color or not text_color: message = "il n'y a pas de couleur ou de couleur de texte pour la ligne {} du réseau {}".format(a_line['name'], a_network['name']) result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_line['id'], "line", "couleurs des lignes", "config manquante", message, "red", utils.geojson_to_wkt(a_line['geojson'])] detail_test_result.append(result) elif not is_valid_color(color) or not is_valid_color(text_color): message = "la couleur ou la couleur de texte pour la ligne {} du réseau {} est invalide".format(a_line['name'], a_network['name']) result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_line['id'], "line", "couleurs des lignes", "config erronée", message, "red", utils.geojson_to_wkt(a_line['geojson'])] detail_test_result.append(result) else : contrast = abs(compute_luminosity(text_color) - compute_luminosity(color)) if contrast == 0 : message = "la couleur et la couleur du texte sont identiques pour la ligne {} du réseau {}".format(a_line['name'], a_network['name']) result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_line['id'], "line", "couleurs des lignes", "code de ligne illisible", message, "red", utils.geojson_to_wkt(a_line['geojson'])] detail_test_result.append(result) elif contrast <= 125 : a_better_color = "blanc" if compute_luminosity(color) >= 128 : a_better_color = "noir" message = "il n'y a pas assez de contraste entre la couleur et la couleur du texte pour la ligne {} du réseau {} : du {} serait moins pire".format(a_line['name'], a_network['name'], a_better_color) result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_line['id'], "line", "couleurs des lignes", "code de ligne peu lisible", message, "orange", utils.geojson_to_wkt(a_line['geojson'])] detail_test_result.append(result) utils.write_errors_to_file (environnement, coverage, "check_line_colors", detail_test_result) utils.generate_file_summary()
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): """ 对-c命令的实际响应 Args: self:当前对象 parser:分析器 namespace:命名空间 values:命令参数 option_string:操作参数 """ log.init_log("./log/spider") # 日志保存到./log/my_program.log和./log/,按天切割,保留7天"开始加载配置文件:" + values) try: config_load.ConfigObject.set_config(values) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError as ex: logging.error("没有会话异常," + values) sys.exit(1) except IOError as ex: logging.error("文件可能不存在," + values) sys.exit(1) except ValueError as ex: logging.error("出现非法值的转换") sys.exit(1) socket.setdefaulttimeout(float(config_load.ConfigObject.crawl_timeout)) webpage_parse.UrlLister.set_pattern(config_load.ConfigObject.target_url) config = config_load.ConfigObject() try: max_depth = config.max_depth with open(config.url_list_file, "r") as f: for line in f: url_dict = {} url_dict["url"] = line url_dict["depth"] = max_depth crawl_thread.CrawlSeedThread.seedqueue_put_url(url_dict) except IOError as ex: logging.error("找不到该路径地址:" + config.url_list_file) logging.error(ex) return None seed_thread_count = config.thread_count / 2 thread_count = config.thread_count crawl_thread.CrawlSeedThread.set_thread_flag(seed_thread_count) for num in range(seed_thread_count): t = crawl_thread.CrawlSeedThread(num) t.start() for num in range(seed_thread_count): t = crawl_thread.CrawlThread() t.start()
def setUp(self): """ setUp - Initialize test case """ log.init_log("./log/test") self.pattern = re.compile(r'.*.(gif|png|jpg|bmp)$') self.spider_config = SpiderConfig('../conf/spider.conf') self.crawler = CrawlUrl(1000, 0, self.spider_config, '', self.pattern)
def setup_routes(application): log.init_log(os.getcwd() + "//log//log") import_all() for handler in global_register_handler: # handler_instance = handler()"Path %s add Handler %s" % (handler.path, str(handler))) application.router.add_route("*", handler.path, handler) for thread in global_register_threads: thread_instance = thread() thread_instance.start()"Thread: %s start" % (str(thread), ))
def run(self): """go to war""" print "Spider start" log.init_log(self.conf['log_path']) contr = controller.Controller(self.conf) start_urls = [] with open(self.urls, 'r') as url_handler: start_urls = url_handler.readlines() print start_urls print "Spider done..."
def download_repos(min_stars, max_stars): log.init_log() db.connect_db() log.log("Getting repos from github api") repos = github.get_repos(min_stars, max_stars) log.log("Saving repos in database") # Save repos in db for repo in repos: db.insert_project(repo) log.log("Repos saved in database") log.close_log()
def main(): """ main func """ VERSION = "1.0" log.init_log("logs/mini_spider") logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='mini spider') parser.add_argument("-c", "--conf", help="config file path", required=True) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + VERSION) args = parser.parse_args() # init global variables try: ret_conf = config_load.conf_parser(args.conf) except UnboundLocalError as msg: logging.error("Read conf fail. Message: %s" % msg) sys.exit(-1) else: if ret_conf is False: sys.exit(0) lock = threading.Lock() url_queue = Queue.Queue() crawed_urls = set() with open(global_value.URL_LIST_FILE) as fp: for start_point in fp: if not start_point.startswith('http'): continue start_url = url_item.UrlItem(start_point.strip('/\n\r')) url_queue.put(start_url) threads = [] """start thread""" for i in xrange(global_value.THREAD_COUNT): spider_thread = SpiderThread(url_queue, lock, crawed_urls) threads.append(spider_thread) spider_thread.start()"staring spider thread...") """stop thread""" for thread in threads: thread.join()"spider work is done!")
def main(): """ main function to call trans_kw """ log.init_log("./log/my_program") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-f', '--readfile', action='store', dest='FILEPATH', default='.', help='set file path') args = parser.parse_args() file_path = args.FILEPATH trans_list = read_from_file(file_path) if trans_list is None: return for trans in trans_list: print 'word:', trans trans_kw(trans) print '========================='
def main(): init_log() # load config from load_config() # init ssh_key and tag object ssh_key = init_ssh_key() tag = init_tag() # destroy all droplet if necessary destroy_all_droplet() # make sure all robot's droplet are destroyed time.sleep(3) manager = digitalocean.Manager(token=config.token) assert len(manager.get_all_droplets(tag_name=config.default_tag_name)) == 0 # create a new droplet droplet = create_new_droplet(ssh_key) # add the default tag to the droplet tag.add_droplets(droplet) # get the necessary information to access machine ip = get_machine_ip() # execute commands on the remote host ssh_connect(ip, 'root', config.public_key_file_path)'update system..... it takes some time') ssh_command('yum install wget git -y') ssh_command('wget') ssh_command('chmod u+x') ssh_command('./ install') ssh_command('reboot') ssh_connect(ip, 'root', config.public_key_file_path)'install tcp TCP congestion algorithm..... it takes some time') ssh_command('./ start')'install SSR...') ssh_command('yum install -y epel-release') ssh_command('yum install -y libsodium') ssh_command('git clone') ssh_command("echo '%s' > shadowsocksr/config.json" % config.ssr_config) ssh_command('python shadowsocksr/shadowsocks/ -c shadowsocksr/config.json -d start')'successfully installed')
def __init__(self, *, maxlen, log_level): self.queue = deque(maxlen=maxlen) self.log = init_log(log_name="Statistic", log_level=log_level) self.__min = None self.__max = None self.__avg = None self.__sum = 0 self.__len = 0
def create_app() -> Flask: app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(Config) import error error.init_error(app) import log log.init_log(app) import routes routes.init_routes(app) if app.config['ENV'] == 'development': print(app.url_map) return app
def __init__(self,host,port,user,password,database): = host self.port = int(port) self.user = user self.password = password self.database = database self.charset = "utf8" log.init_log("log/muti") self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(, port=self.port, user=self.user, passwd=self.password, db=self.database, charset=self.charset ) self.conn.autocommit(1) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
def __init__(self): self.url_list_file = '' self.output_directory = '' self.max_depth = '' self.crawl_interval = '' self.target_url = '' self.thread_count = '' self.crawl_timeout = '' # 日志保存到./log/mini_spider_log.log和./log/,按天切割,保留7天 self.logger = log.init_log("./log/mini_spider_log")
def check_lines(environnement, coverage): """Lance la vérification de la présence des codes et noms des lignes et qu'ils ne sont pas identiques. """ log.init_log("", "") logger = logging.getLogger("vipere")"Vérification des lignes pour le coverage [{}] et sur l'environnement [{}]".format(coverage, environnement)) params = json.load(open('../params.json')) assert (environnement in params['environnements']), "L'environnement demandé n'existe pas" navitia_url = params['environnements'][environnement]['url'] navitia_api_key = params['environnements'][environnement]['key'] #pour éviter les gros appels, on fait un appel par réseau nav_response_network = requests.get(navitia_url + "coverage/{}/networks?count=1000".format(coverage), headers={'Authorization': navitia_api_key}) if nav_response_network.status_code != 200 : logger.error(">> l'appel navitia a renvoyé une erreur") return errors = [] errors.append(["coverage", "env", "test_datetime", "object_id", "object_type", "test_category", "error", "infos", "error_level", "wkt"]) for a_network in nav_response_network.json()['networks'] : nav_response_line = requests.get(navitia_url + "coverage/{}/networks/{}/lines/?count=1000".format(coverage, a_network["id"]), headers={'Authorization': navitia_api_key}) if "lines" in nav_response_line.json(): for a_line in nav_response_line.json()['lines']: if a_line["code"].strip() == "": errors.append([coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_line["id"], "line", "check_line_name_and_code", "no_line_code", '"' + a_line["name"].replace('"', '""')+'"', "orange", utils.geojson_to_wkt(a_line['geojson'])]) if a_line["name"].strip() == "": errors.append([coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_line["id"], "line", "check_line_name_and_code", "no_line_name", a_line["code"], "red", utils.geojson_to_wkt(a_line['geojson'])]) if a_line["name"].strip() and (a_line["name"].strip() == a_line["code"].strip()): errors.append([coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_line["id"], "line", "check_line_name_and_code", "line_code_and_name_identical", a_line["code"], "orange", utils.geojson_to_wkt(a_line['geojson'])]) else: errors.append([coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_network["id"], "network", "check_line_name_and_code", "network_has_no_line", "le réseau {} n'a pas de lignes".format(a_network["name"]) , "red", ""]) utils.write_errors_to_file (environnement, coverage, "check_line_name_and_code", errors) utils.generate_file_summary()
def launch_tests(environnement): log.init_log("", "") logger = logging.getLogger("vipere") params = json.load(open('../params.json')) assert (environnement in params['environnements']), "L'environnement demandé n'existe pas" for script in params["tests"]: for coverage in params["tests"][script]: script_params = ["python3", script+".py", environnement, coverage] if type(params["tests"][script]) is dict: additional_params = params["tests"][script][coverage] logger.debug(str(additional_params)) if type(additional_params) is str: script_params.append(additional_params) else: script_params.extend(additional_params) logger.debug("Lancement de : " + str(script_params))
def __init__(self, queue, conf_dict): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.queue = queue self.output_directory = conf_dict['output_directory'] self.max_depth = conf_dict['max_depth'] self.crawl_interval = conf_dict['crawl_interval'] self.crawl_timeout = conf_dict['crawl_timeout'] self.target_url = conf_dict['target_url'] self.thread_stop = False self.logger = log.init_log("./log/mini_spider_log")
def predict(): global args, best_prec1, logger args = parser.parse_args() data_set = CarDataSet([IMG_TEST_PATH], is_predict=True) logger = log.init_log(logfile="./test_log.txt", log_name="test data")"Loading dataset...") test_loader = DataLoader( data_set, shuffle=False, drop_last=True, # sampler=[6], num_workers=args.workers) num_channel = 3 width, high = (data_set.high, data_set.width) model = CarUNet(in_shape=(num_channel, width, high), num_classes=1) model.cuda() checkpoint = torch.load("model_best.pth.tar") args.start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] best_prec1 = checkpoint['best_prec1'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) print best_prec1 import csv # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt csv_file = open("submission_v2.csv", "wb") writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=',') writer.writerow(["img", "rle_mask"]) for it, (img_tensor, name) in enumerate(test_loader): if it % 1000 == 0: print it, it / 100000.0 * 100, "%" # if name[0] != "0d1a9caf4350_05.jpg": # continue # print name # img_out = torch.torch.from_numpy(np.zeros(shape=(1280, 1918))) image_ = Variable(img_tensor.cuda(), volatile=True) logits = model(image_) probs = F.sigmoid(logits) masks = (probs > 0.5).float() img_out = masks.cpu() img_out = img_out = img_out[0][0] img_out = Image.fromarray(img_out) img_out = img_out.resize((1918, 1280), 0) img_out_ = np.asarray(img_out) # run_length_encode(img_out_) # plt.figure() # plt.imshow(img_out_, interpolation='None') # # from scripts import gif_loader # mask = gif_loader("/home/wuliang/wuliang/CIMC/car_mask/dataset/train_masks/0cdf5b5d0ce1_01_mask.gif") rl = run_length_encode(img_out_) writer.writerow([name[0], rl])
def main(): """ Main method to run mini spider """ # get input params args = parm_parser.get_args() # init log config log.init_log('./log/mini_spider') if args: # read config file spider.conf conf_params = parm_parser.set_config_by_file(args.conf) # use config set up spider initial params spider = SpiderWorker(conf_params) # init result_path, make it complete spider.set_path() # init url queue spider.set_url_queue() # start to crawl url spider.start_crawl_work() return
def main(): """1.初始化日志 2.解析命令行参数获取配置文件路径 3.创建Spider对象并初始化 4.开始抓取 """ log.init_log('./log/spider') config_path = parse_commandline() if config_path is None: print_usage() else: #create a spider and start it _spider = spider.Spider() if _spider.initialize(config_path): _spider.start() _spider.print_info()"All thread finished") else: logging.error("Initialize spider failed") return False
def init_log(log_path): """初始化日志类,打印日志 Args: string log_path:日志路径 Returns: none """ global logging logging = log.init_log(log_path) return logging
def log_test(log_path, n_iter): """ log_test() tests the log function """ init_log(log_path) test_dict = {} for _ in range(n_iter): now = current_time = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%-S:%f") random_data = random.randint(0, 10) test_dict[current_time] = random_data log(log_path, test_dict, MAX_SIZE) test_dict = {} for _ in range(n_iter): now = current_time = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%-S:%f") random_data = random.randint(0, 10) test_dict[current_time] = random_data log(log_path, test_dict, MAX_SIZE) test_dict = {} for _ in range(n_iter): now = current_time = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%-S:%f") random_data = random.randint(0, 10) test_dict[current_time] = random_data log(log_path, test_dict, MAX_SIZE) test_dict = {} for _ in range(n_iter): now = current_time = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%-S:%f") random_data = random.randint(0, 10) test_dict[current_time] = random_data log(log_path, test_dict, MAX_SIZE) loaded_data = load_data(log_path) assert len(loaded_data) == 4 * n_iter
def create_app(config_file="server.ini"): #Check ini file for quick configuration if not os.path.exists(config_file): print "error: can't find ini file %s" % config_file usage(2) # Load settings from ini file log_file, db_path, random_id, trace_path, option_path = load_inifile(config_file) log.init_log(log_file) interface.init(db_path, random_id, trace_path, option_path) # Stop Werkzeug logging wz_log = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') wz_log.disabled = True application = Flask(__name__) application.register_blueprint(aa_bp) application.register_blueprint(interface.if_blueprint) return application
def main(): """ main - Mini Spider Main function Return: True - good False - error """ status = True start_time = # Log will go to ./log/mini_spider.log and ./log/ # Separated by day and keep for 7 days log.init_log("./log/mini_spider")'Mini Spider crawling is starting ...') config = parse_opts() mini_spider = MiniSpider(config) try: except ThreadException as e: logging.error(e) status = False # Set network connection timeout for urllib socket.setdefaulttimeout(mini_spider.spider_config.crawl_timeout)'Mini Spider crawling is done, please check the result under output/ directory.') mini_spider.summary() end_time ='Total time used: ' + str((end_time - start_time).seconds) + ' seconds')'Exit main thread.') return status
def main(): """ spider main function usage: python mini_spider [options] options: -c CONFIG_FILE_PATH, --config_file_path CONFIG_FILE_PATH the spider config file path -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show spider version and exit """ # init log log.init_log("../log/mini_spider") # parse args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="mini directional spider") parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="store_true", help="show spider version and exit") parser.add_argument("-c", "--config_file_path", help="config file path") args = parser.parse_args() config_file_path = args.config_file_path config_file_path = '../conf/spider.conf' if args.version: print "mini spider 0.1" return 0 if config_file_path is None: usage = "usage: python -c spider_conf_file_path""the config path cannot be empty, " + usage) return -1 # read conf ret, config_map = config_load.load_config(config_file_path) if ret != 0: return ret # init some spider to run with multiply threading urls_queue = Queue.Queue() crawled_urls_list = [] code, urls_list = seedfile_load.get_urls(config_map.get('url_list_file', '')) if code != 0: return code if not urls_list: logging.error('the seed urls is empty.') return -1 for url in urls_list: url_item = {'url': url, 'depth': 0} urls_queue.put(url_item) thread_count = config_map.get('thread_count', 1) thread_list = [] __init_output_dir(config_map.get('output_directory', '.')) for i in xrange(thread_count): spider_thread = spider.Spider(urls_queue, config_map.get('output_directory', '.'), config_map.get('max_depth', 1), config_map.get('crawl_interval', 1), config_map.get('crawl_timeout', 1), config_map.get('target_url', '.*\\.(gif|png|jpg|bmp)$'), crawled_urls_list, thread_count) thread_list.append(spider_thread) spider_thread.start() # for thread_item in thread_list: # thread_item.join() tips = 'Finished crawling all pages' print tips return 0
usage() logging.error('args config_file not fill') sys.exit(PARSE_CMDLINE_ARGUMENTS_ERROR) except getopt.GetoptError: print "args error!" usage() logging.error('args errors') sys.exit(PARSE_CMDLINE_ARGUMENTS_ERROR) return config_file if "__main__" == __name__: #config log info log.init_log("./log/spider", logging.DEBUG) #get command line args config_file = parseCmdLine(sys.argv) if config_file is None: sys.exit(PARSE_CMDLINE_ARGUMENTS_ERROR) #load config file logging.debug('load config file...') config_para_code, config_para_item = config_load.load_config(config_file) #check load config file ok? if config_para_code != 0: #error print 'load config file error', config_para_item logging.error('load config file ' + str(config_para_code) + ', ' + config_para_item)
TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( # Put strings here, like "/home/html/django_templates" or "C:/www/django/templates". # Always use forward slashes, even on Windows. # Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths. ) INSTALLED_APPS = ( # 'django.contrib.auth', # 'django.contrib.contenttypes', # 'django.contrib.sessions', # 'django.contrib.sites', # 'django.contrib.messages', # 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'upload', 'download', 'plugins', 'search', # Uncomment the next line to enable the admin: # 'django.contrib.admin', # Uncomment the next line to enable admin documentation: # 'django.contrib.admindocs', ) # logging configuration LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'logging.cfg') init_log(LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE) logging.getLogger('django.db.backends').setLevel(logging.ERROR) # close tmp file FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE = globalconf.FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE
] + [ ( self.items[name], self.items[name],, 'rb').read(), self.mimetypes[name] ) for name, filename in self.filenames.items() ] ### command line interface {{{1 if __name__ == '__main__': from log import lo, init_log, DEBUG, INFO init_log(lo) import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description= 'scriptable communication with ODK Aggregate server v' + VERSION) parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', help='show debug output', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--username', '-u', help='username for login', default=None) parser.add_argument('--password', '-p', help='password for login', default=None) parser.add_argument('--server', '-s', required=True, help='complete URL of server in the form ' + 'http[s]://[:port]/ODKAggregate (assumes port ' + '80 for http and 443 for https if not specified)')'All %s-level crawling jobs for %s are completed' % (self.max_depth, start_url)) return 0 def bfs_crawl_all(self): """ crawl all urls in BFS scrawl url from list one by one """ try: with open(self.url_list_file, "r") as fd: start_url_list = fd.readlines() for start_url in start_url_list:"start to crawl %s" % start_url) self.bfs_crawl(start_url.strip()) except IOError as e: logging.error('Fail to read urls from %s exception: %s' % (self.url_list_file, e)) if __name__ == "__main__": log.init_log("./log/mini_spider") cfg_file = config_load.opt_init() if cfg_file is None: logging.error('No configure file specified in options, exit..') sys.exit(0) cfg_dict = config_load.config_init(cfg_file) if cfg_file is None: logging.error('Configure file content not valid, exit..') sys.exit(1) mini_spider = MiniSpider(cfg_dict) mini_spider.bfs_crawl_all()
def main(): log.init_log('./log/block') block_monitor("jx") unblock_monitor("jx")
@File : 'wsgi' @Author : 'jonah' @Date : '2015-09-12 14:36' @About : 'wsgi server' """ import leancloud import wsgiref.handlers import wsgiref.simple_server from app import app from configs import config import log port = config.PORT appid = config.APP_ID master_key = config.MASTER_KEY leancloud.init(appid, master_key=master_key) # init application application = leancloud.Engine(app) # init log log.init_log() if __name__ == '__main__': server = wsgiref.simple_server.make_server('', port, application) sa = server.socket.getsockname() print "Serving HTTP on", sa[0], "port", sa[1], "..." server.serve_forever()
class FaviconHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.redirect("", True) class ClearMQHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): try: count = 0 server = redis.Redis("localhost") while server.llen("MQ_SEND_TO_KINDLE"): server.brpop("MQ_SEND_TO_KINDLE") count += 1 self.write("clear %s items" % count) except: pass application = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/send_to_kindle", SendToKindleHandler), (r"/clear_mq", ClearMQHandler), (r"/favicon\.ico", FaviconHandler) ]) if __name__ == "__main__": from log import init_log init_log("logs/access.log") application.listen(8965) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
""" File: Author: mijianhong([email protected]) Date: 2016/07/27 20:16:15 """ import logging import argparse import log import goo_translate if __name__ == '__main__': """ 主程序入口 """ log.init_log('./log/mini_spider')'%-35s' % ' * Google-translate is starting ... ') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'This is a google-translation programm!') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.0.0') parser.add_argument('-f', '--kw_file', action='store', dest='FILE_PATH', default='word.dict', help='please set file_path ... ') parser.add_argument('-n', '--thread_num',
* *****************************************************************************/ ''' #! /usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import tornado.httpserver import tornado.ioloop import tornado.options import tornado.web import os, sys sys.path.append("..") from conf.conf import http_config as http_config from tornado.options import define, options define("port", default=http_config["port"], help="run on the given port", type=int) from application import Application import logging from log import init_log if __name__ == '__main__': init_log() foxea_logger = logging.getLogger('foxea')'foxea torando web start') tornado.options.parse_command_line() application = Application() http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application) http_server.listen(options.port) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
import os import sys import time import log import ConfigParser import spider reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') if __name__ == "__main__": cf = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()"./conf/nice.conf")[1]) #初始logging log.init_log(cf.get("nice", "BASE") + cf.get("nice", "LOG_FILE"), log.logging.INFO)"read conf ok [%s]" % time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))) crawled_avatar_conf = sys.argv[2] crawled_pic_conf = sys.argv[3] Spider = spider.Spider(cf) #读取种子用户和已爬取的头像和图片 Spider.prepare(crawled_avatar_conf, crawled_pic_conf) #爬取 time_now = int(time.time())"spider nice job start [%s]", time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time_now))) #保存用户爬取情况 Spider.finish()
def test_all_bss_for_realtime_on_stands(environnement, coverage, *insee_filter): log.init_log("", "") logger = logging.getLogger("vipere")"Test du temps réel de la dispo VLS pour le coverage [{}] et sur l'environnement [{}]".format(coverage, environnement)) params = json.load(open('../params.json')) assert (environnement in params['environnements']), "L'environnement demandé n'existe pas" navitia_url = params['environnements'][environnement]['url'] navitia_api_key = params['environnements'][environnement]['key'] total_nb_tests = 0 test_result = {} test_result['POI hors périmètre'] = 0 test_result['POI non paramétré'] = 0 test_result['POI mal paramétré'] = 0 test_result['POI paramétré mais ko'] = 0 test_result['POI ok'] = 0 test_result['non testé'] = 0 detail_test_result = [] detail_test_result.append(["coverage", "env", "test_datetime", "object_id", "object_type", "test_category", "error", "infos", "error_level", "wkt"]) appel_nav_url = navitia_url + "coverage/{}/poi_types/poi_type:amenity:bicycle_rental/pois?count=900".format(coverage) appel_nav = requests.get(appel_nav_url, headers={'Authorization': navitia_api_key}) #TODO : gérer la pagination de manière plus fine, sur des gros coverage, on peut avoir plus de POIs if appel_nav.status_code != 200 : logger.error (">> l'appel navitia a renvoyé une erreur : " + appel_nav_url) return if appel_nav.json()['pagination']['total_result'] > 200 : test_result['non testé'] += appel_nav.json()['pagination']['total_result'] - 900 message = "Il y a trop de POIs, ils n'ont pas tous été testés" result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), coverage, "coverage", "temps réel VLS", "évo du script à prévoir", message, "red", "" ] detail_test_result.append(result) logger.error(message) pois = appel_nav.json()['pois'] for a_poi in pois : if (total_nb_tests % 100) == 0:"Verification du VLS {} sur {}".format(str(total_nb_tests), str(len(pois)))) total_nb_tests += 1 if insee_filter: if a_poi['administrative_regions'][0]['insee'] not in insee_filter : test_result['POI hors périmètre'] += 1 continue if len(a_poi['properties']) == 0 : result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_poi['id'], "poi", "temps réel VLS", "config manquante", "Pas de propriétés sur ce VLS", "orange", "POINT({} {})".format(a_poi['coord']['lon'],a_poi['coord']['lat'] ) ] detail_test_result.append(result) test_result['POI non paramétré'] += 1 else : if not "operator" in a_poi['properties'] or not "network" in a_poi['properties'] or not "ref" in a_poi['properties']: result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_poi['id'], "poi", "temps réel VLS", "config manquante", "Il manque operator, network ou ref sur ce VLS", "orange", "POINT({} {})".format(a_poi['coord']['lon'],a_poi['coord']['lat'] ) ] detail_test_result.append(result) test_result['POI mal paramétré'] += 1 continue else : if not "stands" in a_poi : result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_poi['id'], "poi", "temps réel VLS", "temps réel ko", "la config a l'air ok, mais ça ne fonctionne pas", "red", "POINT({} {})".format(a_poi['coord']['lon'],a_poi['coord']['lat'] ) ] detail_test_result.append(result) test_result['POI paramétré mais ko'] += 1 elif a_poi['stands'] is None : result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_poi['id'], "poi", "temps réel VLS", "temps réel ko", "la config a l'air ok, mais le webservice tiers renvoit n'importe quoi", "red", "POINT({} {})".format(a_poi['coord']['lon'],a_poi['coord']['lat'] ) ] detail_test_result.append(result) test_result['POI paramétré mais ko'] += 1 else : test_result['POI ok'] += 1"Résultat des tests : ")">> {} cas de tests".format(total_nb_tests))">> {} VLS pas paramétrés du tout".format(test_result['POI non paramétré']))">> {} VLS avec des paramètres manquants".format(test_result["POI mal paramétré"]))">> {} VLS en erreur quoique bien paramétrés".format(test_result['POI paramétré mais ko']))">> {} VLS ignorés car hors périmètre".format(test_result['POI hors périmètre']))">> {} VLS qui fonctionnent".format(test_result['POI ok'])) utils.write_errors_to_file (environnement, coverage, "check_realtime_on_bss", detail_test_result) utils.generate_file_summary()
def main(): server = redis.Redis("localhost") while True: try: key, _ = server.brpop("MQ_SEND_TO_KINDLE") item = json.loads(_) email, title, url, version = item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3] logging.debug("email = [%s], title = [%s], url = [%s], version = [%s]", email, title, url, version) attachment = fetch_as_attachment(title, url, version) if attachment: send_mail(email, title, attachment) os.remove(attachment) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) import time time.sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': from log import init_log init_log("logs/worker.log") main()
def main(config_file, task_file, command_file): """main function Args: config_file: config location task_file: task location, if it is "", get location from config_file command_file: command location if it is "", get from config_file Return: 0: success 1: fail """ # read config config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if not config: logging.fatal("Read config_file failed [%s]" %(config_file)) return 1"Read config_file successful [%s]" % (config_file)) # init log try: log_file = config.get("task_generator", "log") log_level = eval(config.get("task_generator", "level")) except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError) as e: logging.fatal("%s" % (e)) return 1 log.init_log(log_file, log_level) # init task_file if task_file == "": try: task_file = config.get("task_generator", "task_file") except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError) as e: logging.fatal("%s" % (e)) return 1"Set task file [%s] successful" % (task_file)) # init command_file if command_file == "": try: command_file = config.get("task_generator", "command_file") except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError) as e: logging.fatal("%s" % (e)) return 1"Set command file [%s] successful" % (command_file)) # init output task_file output_task_files = [] for section in ["data_sampler", "table_checker", "table_join_checker"]: try: filename = config.get(section, "task_file") except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError, ConfigParser.NoOptionError) as e: logging.fatal("%s" % (e)) return 1 output_task_files.append(filename)"Get output task file [%s] successful" % (str(output_task_files))) # read task_file and handler information commands_list = get_commands(task_file) #print commands_list if commands_list is None: logging.fatal("Get commands from [%s] failed" % (task_file)) return 1"Get commands from [%s] successful" % (task_file)) # write commands and generate task file tags = ["data_sampler", "table_checker", "table_join_checker"] for output_task_file, commands, tag in zip(output_task_files, commands_list, tags): ret = write_task(commands, output_task_file, tag) if ret != 0: logging.fatal("Write [%s] task [%s] failed" % (tag, output_task_file)) return 1"Write [%s] task [%s] successful" % (tag, output_task_file)) ret = write_commands(commands, command_file, tag, config_file) if ret != 0: logging.fatal("Write [%s] commands [%s] failed" % (tag, command_file)) return 1"Write [%s] commands [%s] successful" % (tag, command_file)) return 0
def test_network_for_realtime_on_stop_schedule(environnement, coverage, *networks): log.init_log("", "") logger = logging.getLogger("vipere")"Vérification des lignes pour le coverage [{}] et sur l'environnement [{}]".format(coverage, environnement)) if len(networks) == 0: logger.error("Au moins un identifiant de réseau doit être passé en paramètre") exit() params = json.load(open('../params.json')) assert (environnement in params['environnements']), "L'environnement demandé n'existe pas" navitia_url = params['environnements'][environnement]['url'] navitia_api_key = params['environnements'][environnement]['key'] total_nb_tests = 0 test_result = {} test_result['ligne non configurée'] = 0 test_result['pas horaires du tout'] = 0 test_result["pas horaires mais c'est normal"] = 0 test_result['horaires théoriques'] = 0 test_result['OK'] = 0 test_result['non testé'] = 0 detail_test_result = [] detail_test_result.append(["coverage", "env", "test_datetime", "object_id", "object_type", "test_category", "error", "infos", "error_level", "wkt"]) for network in networks: appel_nav = requests.get(navitia_url + "coverage/{}/networks/{}/lines?count=0".format(coverage, network), headers={'Authorization': navitia_api_key}) nb_result = appel_nav.json()['pagination']['total_result'] appel_nav = requests.get(navitia_url + "coverage/{}/networks/{}/lines?count={}".format(coverage, network, nb_result), headers={'Authorization': navitia_api_key}) lines = appel_nav.json()['lines'] for a_line in lines :"Execution du traitement sur le réseau {} et la ligne {}".format(network, a_line["id"])) if not "properties" in a_line : message = 'pas de configuration temps réel pour la ligne {} ({})'.format(a_line['name'], a_line['id']) result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_line['id'], "line", "temps réel mode proxy", "config manquante", message, "green", utils.geojson_to_wkt(a_line['geojson']) ] detail_test_result.append(result) test_result['ligne non configurée'] += 1 else : keys = [prop['name'] for prop in a_line['properties']] if not "realtime_system" in keys : test_result['ligne non configurée'] += 1 message = 'pas de configuration temps réel pour la ligne {} ({})'.format(a_line['name'], a_line['id']) result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_line['id'], "line", "temps réel mode proxy", "config manquante", message, "green", utils.geojson_to_wkt(a_line['geojson']) ] detail_test_result.append(result) continue #je récupère le nombre de stop_points sur ma ligne appel_nav = requests.get(navitia_url + "coverage/{}/networks/{}/lines/{}/stop_points?count=200".format(coverage, network, a_line['id']), headers={'Authorization': navitia_api_key}) if appel_nav.json()['pagination']['total_result'] > 200 : test_result['non testé'] += appel_nav.json()['pagination']['total_result'] - 200 message = "Toute la ligne {} ({}) n'a pas été testée car elle a trop d'arrêts".format(a_line['name'], a_line['id']) result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d'), a_line['id'], "line", "temps réel mode proxy", "évo du script à prévoir", message, "red", utils.geojson_to_wkt(a_line['geojson']) ] detail_test_result.append(result) logger.error(message) #je fais un appel grille horaire à l'arrêt pour chaque arrêt de la ligne et je vérifie que j'ai du temps réel for a_stop_point in appel_nav.json()['stop_points']: appel_nav = requests.get(navitia_url + "coverage/{}/networks/{}/lines/{}/stop_points/{}/stop_schedules?items_per_schedule=1".format(coverage, network, a_line['id'], a_stop_point['id']), headers={'Authorization': navitia_api_key}) for a_schedule in appel_nav.json()['stop_schedules'] : wkt = "POINT({} {})".format(a_schedule['stop_point']["coord"]["lon"], a_schedule['stop_point']["coord"]["lat"]) total_nb_tests +=1 if len(a_schedule['date_times']) == 0 : if a_schedule['additional_informations'] in ["no_departure_this_day", "partial_terminus", "terminus"] : test_result["pas horaires mais c'est normal"] += 1 message = "pas d'horaires aujourd'hui pour l'arrêt {}, la ligne {}, le parcours {} ({}, {}, {})".format(a_schedule['stop_point']['name'], a_schedule['route']['line']['code'], a_schedule['route']['name'], a_schedule['stop_point']['id'], a_schedule['route']['line']['id'], a_schedule['route']['id']) result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d') , a_schedule['stop_point']['id'], "stop_point", "temps réel mode proxy", "pas d'horaires aujourd'hui" , message , "green", wkt ] detail_test_result.append(result) else : message = "pas d'horaires pour l'arrêt {}, la ligne {}, le parcours {} ({}, {}, {})".format(a_schedule['stop_point']['name'], a_schedule['route']['line']['code'], a_schedule['route']['name'], a_schedule['stop_point']['id'], a_schedule['route']['line']['id'], a_schedule['route']['id']) result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d') , a_schedule['stop_point']['id'], "stop_point", "temps réel mode proxy", "pas d'horaires" , message , "red", wkt ] detail_test_result.append(result) test_result['pas horaires du tout'] += 1 else : if a_schedule['date_times'][0]['data_freshness'] != "realtime": test_result['horaires théoriques'] += 1 message = "pas de temps réel pour l'arrêt {}, la ligne {}, le parcours {} ({}, {}, {})".format(a_schedule['stop_point']['name'], a_schedule['route']['line']['code'], a_schedule['route']['name'], a_schedule['stop_point']['id'], a_schedule['route']['line']['id'], a_schedule['route']['id']) result = [coverage, environnement,'%Y%m%d') , a_schedule['stop_point']['id'], "stop_point", "temps réel mode proxy", "horaires théoriques" , message , "orange", wkt ] detail_test_result.append(result) else: test_result['OK'] += 1 ("Résultat des tests :") (">> {} cas de tests".format(total_nb_tests)) (">> {} ligne(s) sans temps réel configuré".format(test_result['ligne non configurée'])) (">> {} cas de services terminés".format(test_result["pas horaires mais c'est normal"])) (">> {} cas où du théorique est renvoyé".format(test_result['horaires théoriques'])) (">> {} cas où aucun horaire n'est renvoyé".format(test_result['pas horaires du tout'])) (">> {} cas où ça marche !".format(test_result['OK'])) (">> au moins {} cas non testés ".format(test_result['non testé'])) utils.write_errors_to_file (environnement, coverage, "check_realtime_proxy", detail_test_result) utils.generate_file_summary()